2021-08-17 News ArticleAU9US1 25, 2021 Lake Okeechobee News - mer�er ot okeechobee News, Clewlston News, Glades County Democrat, end The Sun 27 • eec o ee �� le _. _ � City taxes unlikel� to go down with new budget By Cathy Womble Lake Olceechc�bec News OKEECHOBEE — Despite the hope that city laxes would go down a(ter closing [he fire departmenl, it does not Hwi< lilre that is going to happen. During its Aug, 17, 2021 meeting, ihe Olceechobee Ciry Council finished up the proposed budgel fur the new fiscal year. It will need lo gu througl-i public hearings betnre being officially appruved, but if approved, the millage rute will be sel at 7.f018, tl�ie same as lasi vear. In addition, the city is considering instituting a fire assessment or having !he county lal:e over and do their own fire assessment. This is not considered a tae explaiued Mayur powling Watford, but tu Ihe tax payers, it has the same effect, more money coming out of thcir p�xkets. 'The mayor said the council wanled to lower the millage rate bul in order io balance [he budget, hacl no choice but lo leave i[ a1 7.6018. It is feasible Ihai the rnilla�e rate could be lowered if a fire assessment is whal other conVibulions ihey can get. instituted, but Wat(ord said il is unlikely. '9 think we made it dear Ihis has to be a "We would need to do a study before collaborative efforP, a community efforL ICs we could do an assessment and possibly not just going to Ge all on ihe bacics of the lower the millage rate, and ihen we'd have city," said Ritter. lo loolc at it each year qoing (orward," he Commissioner Terry Burroughs said he said. thought Main Street should be allowcd to In other business; Councihnan Bob Jarri- just take over Cowboy Pad< and get things el was bacic in attendance after missing [wo done in the manner they see fiL "I thinlc meetings due to his heal[h. Main Street c2n do this whnle projecl. I The mayor issued a proclamalion des- dodt see any reason thai ihey can't do ignating Ihe month of September 2�G 1 as this. Tliey have beer� very successFul over a Hunger Action Month. number of years and many projects in this A certificate of appreciation was pre- comrnunity." sented to forrner city adi ninisvator Marcos Brandon Tucker, chairman o( lhe Eco- MoNes de �)c� fo. six years o[ service to nomic Council o( Okeechobee, spolce [o the city. the muncil about Ihe poliry relating tn the City Adminisirator Gary Ritter told the ciry's reserve fund. "Since 2015, the reserve council he uiet with the park plamiing fund has gone trom $11.9 million to $10.9 canmittee aud agreed to mee� with the million al the end of 2010 acmrding to consultant auA with Main Street arid come numbers we rereived From tlie ciry staff." up with a budget fnr the "Cowbrry Paric." He said it is cominon (or municipalities and He said it will bc presenfcd tu the com- non-profits �o I<eep a reserve equaling 90 mittee aud then !he c:ummiltee ovill talk to days wurth ot operating Funds on hund for tl�ie f3oard of Covnty Crnnmissioners to see emergenries. This would be about a$I 62 .... � .�x . ,.... F e: �¢s . � , � '��., �\ ; 4 +:'.,. , � . j t :.: . i �" �` 4� ,a�t�r � �. / I� . 7� I 2.`.�a �, i; �' � } . ;�l71S�•'; ; "' , �_ — _. . _- - �`�'�' "`- -_.-� . Spacial to !ne Lalic GNcecnobee News IVlontes de Oca honorec� OKEECM08EE — At the August '17, 2.02.1 city cow�cll meeting, for3»er Cify AdminSstr2tor Marcos Montos Ue OcA was presented wiih a certiFicata ofi �pprer.iation by Mayor Watford for his fniin4ul servica anU dedicatinn as cRy �dm7nistraior for the pasf six years. "Thank yo�� for ali you'va done for our commimity. Wo wfsh you much success in your new endeavors,° sald the council members. `?hank you to the Mayor and Ciiy ior tiie recoynition!1! Can't wait to start as the Glades County Manager," safd Monfes de Oca. million dollar reserve, he explained. "Thaf chasm between th�t, IePs call ii $2 million and the $10.9 that exisis today, we would aslc [hat there be a plan or a frame- worlc, and we would love to work with you all on lhat to see how you could inves[ thcse dollars over, say a five year, six year, wltatever ynu think is an appro�riate time (rame as to how yoi� invest thal money bacR intu thz cornrtwniry." Ne mentioued streets, sidewalks, etc The economic coun- cil believes the reserve fund is excessive as it is now. The couucil discussed accepting a settlement ofier in a code enforcernent case against Bella Rose Day Spa. The spz accumulated $14,G00 in code enforcement fines, but the special magisirate recum- mended reducing the fine by 50°h. During the Special Magistrate hearing, 6ili Rose, who, with his wiEe, owns the spa, testified he was unaware ol [he cude violations or fines. I-le said tiie notices were served to an employee wtio never told the ouvners. hle claimed retired i'ode Enfurcement Officer Fred Steding never spolce �e him aboul violations but surreptitiously took pictures. Rose requested ihe fine be reduced to $0. Code Enlorcement 0(ficer Mthony Smith said Rose was di(ficidt to work with, and he haA difficulty contacting him despile mul[iple tries. The city- council vuted on April 20, 3 to I in (avor o( approving the fine reduction ro 50°/o u( the original fine Flowever, in May, Rose filed an appeal in court and o((ered tu pay 84,500. Police Chief Dub Peterson said lhe � ode enforcement violatiuns have all been brought into compliance, and code eo- forcement has a good business relalionship with the Roses. He recommends accepting the o(fer. The couucil voted unanimously to ao- cept fhe settlerient offer. The next city council meeting will be held on Sept. 7 in the council chambers. �. „ ,. ,� � , y., ',�1 S �. 'Dr �� ��� y—�Jk't �: , � r ,, 3r �� k �: �� �� � ,. ,r: s��� 3 ^ �'� ,� i, ��'�, ��:'.. 6peGal tc Ihe 2iw_ O:<ee,chui»�e Pl.,ws �t�+��r�#� ��� s�i�nt�fa� ��t�t�� OK�ECH03EE — On .4ug. 19, Mrs. Feldman's fiffin gred= scie;�c�e elass at Cerrtral El��men�tary Sci�oof coiild he fiound r�u�i:ng 41�e'tr scies�3Eii� �raefh4tl skills io 3ti9 tesi. 7he s4c�clants made paper airpfanos fo Yos4 She1r hypothes3s and determine the indepe��dent, dependent, and cuntroiled variables in tf�e ox�erimont. AU�. 17, au�� M+�