2021-08-03 News ArticleAUgUSt 11, 2021 Leke Ok2eChObee NQwS - merger of Okeechobee News, Clewiston News, Glades County Democret, and The Sun 7
� ' �`'� ���� A � 1Vlayor, council not ��,pp� tivith ar� �.esi �
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Je�ry �arr�eit, 75
OKEECHOBEE, Fla. — Jerry Baz-
nett died August 5, 2021. He was born
April 25, 1946, in Tiro, Ohio to Cafl
and Mae (Iiimberlin) Barnett. He
retired in 2007 to Okeechobee, Flor-
ida after 35 years in conxtruction. He
e�joyed fishing, hunting, and loved
spending time with his family and
He is survived by his lo�ring wife
of over 55 years, Pamela Barnett:
daughters, Karia, Taminie, and An-
gel all of Okeechobee. Fla.: seven
o andchildren and sv� yreat grand-
No services will be held at this time
Those wishing r,p leave a message
of condolence may sign the register
book at wvrw.OkeechobeaFunerai-
F�ll arrangements aze entrusLed to
the direction and care of tihe Bwc-
ton 3s Bass Okeechobee Puneral
Home, 400 North Parrott Avenue,
Olieeehobee, I'lorida, 34�J72.
By Cathy Womble
Lalce Olceechobee News
OKF.ECHOBF;E — Mayor powling Wab
(ord and [he Olceechobee Ciry Council were
not pfeased with lhe desigi� presentation for
Cattlemads Syuaie Parlc.
A presentation ofthe scope and design
ot Ca[Ueman's 5yuare in Flagler Park was
ivade by Gianno Feoli nf Calvin, Grordana
and Asscxiates. The cost u( the project is es
timated to be approximately $ I, I G9,3fl 1 94.
Peoli said they were noi given a budget
I�ry tlie design committee and can always
downgrade some things i( needed.
"I am extremely disappuinted. I [hink
yuu missed the madc en�irely," said Wat-
lord. "One of Che reasons we picked your
firm was because you have a lor.al persan
and ynu undersGxid the local flavor oi lhe
community. This would loolc great in New
York City ur Miami or Key Bisc2yne Village. I
don't [htnk rt Inolts like what we want at all
and Ihe money is outrageous." hle went on
to express his displeasure that they wanted
the city to spend over $ I million on jus� one
� paric with five more still lo go. "Maybe Key
6iscayne or Miami or fbrt LaudeMale can
afford that, bu! vie certai�lv canuol" When
it comes to the design, the�mayor said, "I
[hinl<you missed it enlirely.,.
Cuuncilman [iobby Keefe said, '9 think
it's beautiful. I love the design... However,
sitting in ihe seat I am siiting in here. I
Icnow what our bndn,ef cunstraiids are." He
asl:ed d the company has been altending
the d�;ign rewew committee meetings and
d so, was the design something the com-
mittee agreed with. Hz was iold ihat yes, it
was a collaboration with U�ie cnmmiCtee. He
;aid he feli they needed to come up with
a plan so the committee lmows what the
council expec[s. "I'm not sure it that would
involve more updates from the committee
� or maybe I should go to the rneetings as
' well, just for a budget mminder."
"When we approved Ihis project wi!}i
Main Street, they had a concepival plan,"
said thr, mayor. "Did you lool< at ihat plan?"
!'eoli said they did but the direction trom
Ihc city administrator at that time was io
lool< a[ the design as carle blanche and
come up with a design not necessarily
usins that �.s a basis.
Councilwoman Monica Clarl< said she
agrees with the mayoc '9 think this is over
the top. I[hi�d< it is [he Taj Mahal ut how it
could look. 1'm not even gon�a say what 1
was jusl thinlcing about saying." She went
� m to say she did not like lhe idea uf corn-
pletely finishing one park while the nther
parlts remain unfinished. '9Cs beautifW
and reminds me of being over in Venice,
I thinlc. But, iYs nver the top. I can'I see us
paying $6 milliun when we have toads and
sidewall<s (allink apari."
Couucilman Noel Chandler asked how
it would be financed, gran[s? donations> "It
cadt come out of our budget," said Clark.
"The padcs serve the whule county. It was
presented to us as a con imunity effort. It
�vill have to be done by donations."
Feoli explained they plan lo wurk on all
tl�e parks not just one at a time and [haP
they can come bacic with a plan Utai will
better fi� tl�e budget now that they know
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Sf er.ial to �he Lake Ol:eecl-iob9e i�aws
Police C�ni!:-o ��Fa Ps�der�o�a (tle�'t¢) and SVir�yor �Dowfing Wnlvucc7 (rig6��i) �po•E>eao� an
auvarcl iq OCceechodDe� Ci9y �oiice Offlcer Chad 7routman ior 95 years oi service .
io ihe city.
whal the council wau[s.
Bridgeife Waldau of Olceechobee Main
Street said she Eelt lhe AesiGn was beautilul
but because of [he proposed price, Ihey
wanl to remind ev�ryone [hey never intend-
ed anything of �h�s ma�nitude: especially
the high c<�st. "All we asketl of ihe city was
to let us put ttre sculptures in padc five. We
Aid not asic �nything else. �Ne �Iso promiscd
it would be z comrnunity p!oject." She
wenl on ±o assert thai the sculptures have
ALL been completely privately fimded.
She said Mam Streei intended to pW the
sculpturr,s in as a co�nmunity endeavnr
and it would have been beauli(ul. Thcy I�iad
plans for the landscaping and the infrastru��-
Wre and were s�l<ing a grant to pay fnr it.
"Granted, it migi�t noi have br.en a5 nicc
as Ihis, bui it would have been beauti(ul.
It would have been planned r�uL It would
have been a communiN effort." In �he time
she has lived here, she has mrne to appre-
ciale that what makes Oheechobee uniyue
is tlie sirnplicity of the �_ommuniry. She said
they hope to install the sculptures by the
end of this year, but now �eel as if Uiey are
at a stand still and need guidance.'9 bope it
dnes not delay th�+ iristallation any (urthcr."
City Administrator Gary Riiter said
Main Street is on a critical path right now,
because they are expeciing delivery u( the
sculptures in December or early Janu-
ary. "We can't uut them in a warehuuse
somewhere. VJe need to get Ihem in fhe.
ground." He went on to say Ihey would
need concrete pads In place them on. He
sukgested having Main Slreet wodc eviih the
conm�ittee on this and worry about o�her
elements in fhe parl< later.
Kathy Seolt, a men iber o( the park
committee, said they need direction. "We
can't keep cuming up with ideas we can't
11 was deciAed to send this bacic tu lhe
cornmittee wiin guidance lo discuss it again
with budge� and time constrain(s in mind.
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lu other business, Okeechobee City Pu-
lice Officer Chad'iYouhnan was presented
wiih a IS-year-Longevity Award during the
city council meeting I�.st weelc.
During lhe meeting, an item was placed
on the agenda requesting shower facilities
for the homeless.'Phe agenda iten�i was
reyuesled by local business owner Bobbi
Pcwle but because she did not a[tend the
meeting, it was nut discussed.
Councilman Bnb Jarriel was unable to
attend the meeting due to issues with his
/�uc�� 3� o2oa-1 ��1 J
Speci2l ro Ihe Lal:o Okeccl-iobee �eays
The staiues wlll soon 6a d�livereU.
Will they hava a place to go when thoy