2021-08-16 Handwritten MinutesCITY OF OKEECHOBEE FLAGLER PARK DESIGN REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AUGUST 16, 2021, REGULAR MEETING LANE GAMIOTEA HANDWRITTEN MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairperson Culbreth called the Flagler Park Design Review Advisory Committee (FPDRAC) meeting to on Monday, August 16, 2021, at 9:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers, located at 55 Southeast 3rd Avenue, Room 200, Okeechobee, Florida. �Il ATTENDANCE Chairperson Robbie Chartier Vice-Chairperson Bert Culbreth Regular Member Susanne Clemons Regular Member Regina Hamrick Regular Member Kathy Scott Regular Member Jennifer Tewksbury Regular Member Denise Whitehead Alternate Member Gregg Maynard Alternate Member Bob Burdge Quorum established by attendance. PRESENT ABSENT _x_ (with consent) _x_ _x_ x_ (with consent) _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ City Administrator Gary Ritter, City Clerk Lane Gamiotea, Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins, Executive Assistant Robin Brock. � AGENDA AND PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Motion to adopt agenda. MOTION: SECOND: Chairperson Chartier-Absent, Vice-Chairperson Culbreth , Members Clemons , Hamrick , Scott , Tewksbury Whitehead . Motion Carried. B. Public participation for items not on the agenda requires a comment form. There were none. IV. MINUTES A. Approve the May 24, 2021 and June 21, 2021 minutes. MOTION: SECOND: Scott. Chairperson Chartier-Absent, Vice-Chairperson Culbreth_Y_, Members Clemons- Absent, Hamrick-Absent, Scott Y_, Tewksbury_Y_ Whitehead Y_. Motion Carried. L. Gamiotea FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 1 of 6 V. NEW BUSINESS A. Discuss Cattlemen's Square Design Concept (Exhibit 1). Tammy Cook-Weedon provided a review of the proposed design concept powerpoint. She then advised the city council discussed the design proposed budget. She then deferred to the Admin Ritter to provide communications from the City Council. Budget has to be trimmed down greatly, proposed budget is currently $50,000. Can we put a working group together that can operation without the issues of the sunshine. Members of this committee needs to be able to discuss items outside a convined meeting. How to move forward with the committee. Kathy Scott-disconnect between this committee, assumption the city was going to pay for everything, and what the city council expects and whats being expected of this committee. Then what the architect should be doing. Bert — the architect did their job that they were tasked. We want to get that park done first because it was already a plan in place approved. Scott — should have done an overall plan and brought that before the council, might not have been as bad.d Bert — never thought city was supposed to fund it all. But need to know how much the city is willing to invest in this park, and the maintenance budget; and the overall park plan. Need to know from the city. JT — wahts an sensible amount to put on a plan. Need to scale back. Disappointed not a scaled down proposal for us to conosider today. 3-d rendering is all we have, not how many trees is that. Needs to be scaled back significantly. Tammy looking for a budget and then will scale back and priorities. Large loop 1St then we will price it out. JT — recommendation? Tammy — yes and can put it. Bert - plan a few different ooptions. Like 3 levels, 1St all of it. Scale back on 2"d optoions & ask City to give direction on budget for this project for next year. GR — committed in $50,000 & inkind services. Angie -$50,000 plus or included? GR — think both, do inkind without spending $50,000 money, prepare the park area, park of the $50,000 is to actually get the bases for each sculpture. JT — donors didn't think public works was designing the bases, Angie — underground part KS — MDO is engineering. Which budget Oct 1, 2021. Want Bridgettt to speak, that's not going to be enough. Need sponsorship bricks in, etc. next budget is Oct 1, 2022. Not that they can't redesign after sculptures in, agreed with major sponsors. Let OKMS come back with proposed design of the park, paid for by donors, inkind services, existing sidewalks with changes, let OKMS make a presentation. Greg — talking to WM and other corporations to help out with this. Feasible, to WM $100,000 is a drop in the budget. Like to hear from OKMS. Bridgett Waldeau — when we started this, we had a plan, work arough the cross walks, etc. We worked with the ranchers to make sure that each cow, calf, dog, cowboy is in the right place. Not just sculptures placed anywhere. They like the open field, don't want to embarrass the ranchers want it to look as althenic as possible. COVID has slowed us down, cattle pieces funded. Then markers, mostly funded. Bronze plaques is what they wanted, this committee changed those markers, changes to the city council. OKMS put the ??? couple of L. Gamiotea FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 2 of 6 months. Shipping, January no later than Feb. Let us go and work with Tammy or the city, use our original plan. Kiosk is an education tool only. Putting a grant in for June, had to stop. Educational tool only, about the ranchers, about the history. We can get the crosswalks out per the city. Walkway go around. We like the south entry. We stopped, take advise from CGA on different material markers that looks like bronze. Solor lighting is what we were going to use. Get the project installed to the bare minitmum and then you/the city can move forward with benches, and other items. Wish you would have brought us in with OKMS with the design. JT — disconnected and disorganized. Bert - meetings are open to the public and want as much public input as possible to guide u. KS -wanted o n this committee to help protect this project, we have all except $200,000. We had a plan and wished that, we know how it got interrupted. Wish Bridgett was allowed to provide the ision to CGA from the beginning. At this point Id like to see Bridgett work with them closer. We should have stayed more focus ont eh full parks. Bidgett work with Tammy.... Bert — yes these 2 need to meet on the design of this specific park and we stay focused on the overall project. JT — need a recommendation, favor of including those in the plan, prioritize, and focus rest of parks. Need to move quickly on ... haven't had much decision on the design. Bert — JT — told CGA met with the donors & OKMS? Tammy — early on. We were trying to set the theme for the overall master plan, lighting, signage, roadways, we weren't working within a budget, wanted to give a high quality park, difficult as a designer when you don't know, Mayor said we designed something that would be in mimiam beach, I think that's a compliment, it needs to be a high quality park., allow us to priooirtize, work with Bridgett and bring back. Bert — possible to set quick meeting, OKMS & CGA, you all provide recommendations, and then we would review it and re-present to the city. Tammy — grants discussed at the early meetings, there are opporuntiies out there, design standpoint asking that to give best bange for the dollar that they have paid us, the city put in a lot of money for us to design, we need to bring a design that's a good cohesive design and then you all can phase it by budget. KS — design workshop should have happened at the beginning, disconnect between the city and this committee, should have had a design workshop, samples to look at, do we want quail creek or palm beach. The contemporary view without a dollar budget. Don't like to see projects put on the shelf, we design things, [LG stepped out to check a/c settings, room was too hot] GR - TDC should be a part of this... the city doesn't have a grant coordinator, county? No they don't. somehow the city & county needs to get one onboard to get that going. Keep hearing grants and that's an extremely important component to this project. KS — Sherry applied to be on this committee, budget is only $200,000 for the TDC. Terry burroughs, been following this process unfold, Gary made good points, you need a subcommittee of OKMS & the CGA & Gary, sit down, bring back to you and ultimately the cost is going to be a good plan that everyone accepted. Then Gary can go in front of the city council based on costs. Rather than beat this thing to death. Set a date for them to bring it L. Gamiotea FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 3 of 6 back. TDC can help to some degree, ultipmately that is tourist development, potentially you all can come before the county, put a presentation (not OKMS) and ask the BOCC, you have spent a lot of time here giratign over and over. Bert — agree get those together Terry — had cart before the horse, city putting the budget together, looking at it from the BOCC standpoint. JT — recommendation to move forward with a$1.2million project and thaYs not what this committee meant to be to the city. Denise — no finger pointing, weve asked for budget and nothing has been provided, what are we willing to support financially by the city, having a sunshine committee has been frustrating, haven't had enough information to do that yet. The 3 come up with this park. City can come up with a 3to5 year plan on funding. Bert — talking 2 things, long term & short term. The 3 meet & get that done this week & on the next meeting to the city. Denise — without having budget or real direction we're never going to get this going. Bridgette — when we met with the economic council to do their concept that's what we did, OKMS the arts can be handled. Denise — that's your porition, need to know how much the city is willing to put in to support this project, find clarity on the other half of it, if Im going to put in for a grant, I have to be able to show them where the other funds, 40% or 50% or whatever is needed for that grant. We can use the OKMS portion as matching. The county contracts with a grant writing on a grant by grant basis. Gary — I will Imeet with these 2 ladies. 1 poitn clear, the chicken and the egg, the city before they make a committement want to see what other commitments from other govts will be making committements as well. Grants want to see how much participation is there from all others. Grants are stronger when you have multiple participants. This has to be a total 100% collaboration, cant just be the city. Terry — from E30CC if you don't come infront of us with a plan. Get the 3 together, get the plan, estibma�e, IE $100,000. Put how much city is putting it, WM, etc. Then you have the people who are buying it and then go after grants. But you need ot get a plan. Bring the plan back for this park, go to the city, BOCC, WM, TDC, not going to get buy in until you get this buy in. Just gc�t #o get it done. JT move to have the 3 meet; 2�d KS. Direct staff GR TC & OKMS & donors to collaborate a scaled planned and different budget options. JT — lowest recommendation, not to exceed $400,000 for a budgeting. Tammy — 3 concepts? Options. We can break it out for all the options, give choices find out what the city is willing to commit to. Then take to the county, private companies and put money in tha tplan. KS — and inkind services within that plan that we stopped, OKMS connections can be reached for that. The plan, cattle drive park, first description by the resolution the whole thing to put this together, they wanted a 5, 10 year plan, not a park by park. Total master plan, not to do park at a time. To do all parks. Cattle drive was the kink because of the plan already in place for that. Our goal as FPDRAC is supposed ot be a full master design. Greg — OKMS meet with the inkind services and put that in the scheme of the budget things too. High figure for resources that are out there instead of paying someone $600/tree. Tammy, $233,000 landscape budget, council didn't want sable palms because they are messing. L. Gamiotea FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 4 of 6 VOTE: ALL YEA, motion carried. KS - Discuss about sable palms? Entire parks or cattlemens? GR — more detail design for cattlemens park and a overall master plan. The other thing like to suggest when the 3 of us come up with a plan, if approved, much more powerful, speaker from this group address the city council & BOCC than one of us. Bert — yes that's fair. JT -$15,000 �For tree, $22,000 repair & maintenance of the parks. Priorityize for flagler? GR — most is flagger. Bert — B. Review Conceptual Master Plan for Flagler Parks. C. Discuss upcoming meeting schedule. September 2, 9 AM next meeting. VI. COMIVV�ITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS 19. KS — clarification from city council want to mael< sure were on the right tracl< when the GIO was here, the $93,000 city paying for the master plan does it include conceptual planning? III. Tammy conceptual design for each parl<. Yes it does. IV. V. Gary rlear what that is? VI. VII. Tamrr�y — like what we have done for the cattle drive, not construction pians. VIII. IX. JT — when will we have that? Tammy not sure. Bert — discuss at next meeting, time frame discussion. JT— been at this for months and ... Bert — city rec�ived funds when FDOT widened, could have been using those funds.f JT — south pa�k street renovations/landscaping does that fit into this at all? Gary — reached out with IRSC horticortitual to assist. Tammy $500Q to landscape city hall, we can provide that too. L. Gamiotea FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 5 of 6 Gary — reference to what im trying to do, tasked with a 5 year plan, nothing to do with flagler, this building is my #1, $150,000 in the budget that was taken out, we need windows replaced and roofs, ag�eing infrascture that hasn't been done that needs to get done. JT — econom�c dev corp investiment is starting to pay off. Same with this park. Gary - II. The meeting was adjourned at 10:11 P.M. :: AMM L. Gamiotea FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 6 of 6 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE FLAGLER PARK DESIGN REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE AUGUST 16, 2021, REGULAR MEETING HANDWRITTEN MINUTES BY BOBBIE .IENKINS I. CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairperson Culbreth called the Flagler Park Design Review Advisory Committee (FPDRAC) rrieeting to on Monday, August 16, 2021, at 9:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, located at 55 Southeast 3rd Avenue, Room 200, Okeechobee, Florida. II. ATTEPIDANCE — Attendance was not taken but noted for the record PRESENT ABSENT Chairperson �obbie Chartier _x_ (with consent) Vice-Chairpe�son Bert Culbreth Regular Mem�ber Susanne Clemons Regular Member Regina Hamrick Regular Member Kathy Scott Regular Member Jennifer Tewksbury Regular Member Denise Whitehead Alternate Member Gregg Maynard Alternate Member Bob Burdge x_ _x_ (without consent _x (with consent) _x_ _x _x_ _x_ _x Quorum has been established by attendance. City Administe�ator Gary Ritter City Clerk Lane Gamiotea Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins Executive Assistant Robin Brock _x_ _x_ _x_ x Vice-Chairperson Culbreth moved Alternate Board Members Maynard and Burdge to voting position. ffll AGEN�A AND PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Motion to adopt agenda. MOTION: JT SECOND: K�� Chairperson Chartier-Absent, Vice-Chairperson Culbreth_y_, Members Clemons- Absent, Hamrick-Absent, Scott y_, Tewksbury_y_ Whitehead_y_ Maynard_y_ Burdge_y . Motion Carried. B. �ublic participation for items not on the agenda requires a comment form. NO comment card provided IV. MINUTES A. �4pprove the May 24, 2021 and June 21, 2021 minutes. B. Jenkins FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 1 of 7 Burdge questions MOTION: JT SECOND: K:S NO discussion Chairperson Chartier-Absent, Vice-Chairperson Culbreth_y_, Members Clemons- Absent, Hamrick-Absent, Scott y_, Tewksbury_y_ Whitehead_y_ Maynard_y_ Burdge_y__. Motion Carried. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Discuss Cattlemen's Square Design Concept (Exhibit 1). Tammy Cook-Weedon with CGA- Giano is on vacation. What we wanted to do today is come before you. Nlet with Gary last week and went over concerns from council and the budget. Discussing the budget today and the visioning. So for cattlemen's square. This is the current concept. You've seen all the designs we've come up with. Limitations on budget. Here to ask how much wF're spending and what you'd like us to develop. We still can do the whole park but we need to look at the budget and determine how to go forward. Bert-direction from City Council Gary-when I�irst came into this process one of my observations was that this was not a very coordinated e�ffort. We've had several entities that were moving forward with the design and parks. We had an entity back in 2015 that came before the council with a concept for the park with the thoughts of creating a community project out of this. I was involved because I'm sitting on the council at the time. Now that I've come In here, I've seen discussion with this group, there rias been some thoughts that the Council and the City were going to fund the majority of this. Originally the plan was for the city to help with the bases of the sculptures that were purchased from the gentleman in Utah. Council reiterated commitment at the last meeting. Also reiterated that City would do some in kind services to the park when the sculptures arrived. Council has committed $50,000 this fiscal year. I have talked with other various corporations in town, Walmart and waste management, I'm not sure because we have several �ntities working on this. Concern is coordination and collaboration between those entities. Somehow or another need to come together as a group and decide. City currently has spent $93000 for a consultant. The City provided some direction on scaling down the $1.� million dollar design, we're going to do in kind services and money. Now it's time with this working body and OKMS to determine how we're going to get this done and what we're g�ing to do. How do we want this to look and how can we pay for it. I feel like this group has their hands tied somewhat because we're a sunshine group. To me it's better to have a working group that can talk with one another. People on this committee need to be talking to each other outside of the meetings and that can't happen. That's where we're at and my thoughts initially as the administrator coming into it. I feel it's worthwhile, and i feel like this group here and the way its setup is not right. We need to decide how we want to move forward with the folks in this room. I'm not saying that as the city moves forward with the budget we're going to wash our hands of it. Bert-like having a leaky roof and not fixing. We need to know what the City is going to contribute if anything. The public works dept is going to prepare that sight when its ready. Kathy-we're g�etting so focused on the cattle drive sculpture and we're forgetting what this group is the whole park concept. Disconnect is once a month we have a meeting. There is a disconnect between what the mission of what this group is supposed to be. Not to focus on the cattle drive sculpture, in the process way before this committee was created. Regardless B. Jenkins FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 2 of 7 of the money city contributes, cattle drive is going to move forward. Don't know where the comment of the city is going to pay for everything. There is a vast disconnect of what the parks are going to look like. Bert-we hirecl the architect to create a master plan. They did their job, start with the cattle drive sculpture because it was already in the process. I agree that the whole setup of this committee could be setup differently. Makes it difficult but...... Kathy-you know how he came up with different levels. We should of came up with a cost for each park and then brought that back to the City. Obviously $1.2 million is too much for each park. Bert-I'm sure there are a lot of private donors to help and not just have the city pay for it all. What is the city willing to invest in this asset. That's what we need to know. Our hands are tied because we need to know what the city is willing to invest. We need to know the maintenance budget because it needs to be taken care of once it's put in. Jennifer-that is a fair point, and I asked what a sensible amount was to invest. Not fair to present that amount because we need more detail. It was clear from the Council to work on a more detailed budget. But $1.2 million is not going to work or is sensible. Need to have a more specific detailed plan. Still have a 3D rendering without specifics. Tammy-what we're looking for is a budget. Then we will scale it back and present it to you. Then we need to know what the priorities are then we will price that out as well. We can separate any way that you want. Jennifer-can't you give us a recommendation Tammy-we can do that but we need to Bert-plan a few different options, give us 3 levels. Know that the first level that came in is not acceptable. My opinion give us a few different options, same time City give us direction on what they may give us for the project. Gary-as I said right now the City has committed $50,000 and in kind services Angie-$50,000 plus in kind or does the $50,000 include in kind Gary-think we can do some in-kind without using the $50,000. But part of the $50,000 is for the bases for the sculptures. Jennifer-donars wasn't aware that public works was going to be doing the bases Kathy-I think Bridgett needs to speak. FY 10/1/21-9/30/22 is the $50,000. What's our priorities to work with main street. We need to put the sponsorship bricks in. Next budget is October 2022. We plan to have the sculptures in before that. The place the sculptures are going to go is the same and we can design the park after the sculptures are in. We need to see what the design the donors want. Let main street do their presentation to the board. Greg-Gary hit it on the head, talking to waste management. Is there any way to get them up there and show us the plan. To waste management $100,000 is a drop in the bucket. I would also like to hear more from Main Street. Bridgett-first c�f all I love the plan, but I think we need to kind of, when we started this so many years ago and we had a plan. We've been working with the ranchers with how the design should look. The architect has worked with us on this. Things are in the right place, the whole purpose of the design is to have movement and motion when you walk up to it. It is what the ranchers wan�. And what they want is very simple, liked open field, did not like pink grass. Want it to look as authentic as it can. My problem right now is we got behind because of COVID. Slowed the artist and fundraising down. Moving into the next phase. All cattle sculptures are sponsored. Sold this project on big stone markers and bronze plaques. How do we go back now and tell the donors the committee changed it. Main street needs to get the project do�ne. November 1St the artist will be done. We are looking at January and no later than the first f�w weeks in February. Let us work with the architect with the original design. Kiosk got lost. Kiosk is not an advertisement. I'm trying to get a grant in for the kiosk. It's an B. Jenkins FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 3 of 7 educational tool to read about the ranchers and the history. That's what the kiosk is for. I'm going to submit grant before September 1St. crosswalks can be removed now. We need to do, our budget is� $60k because we were going to search for the in-kind but this committee stopped us. We are going to use the concept the architect suggested for the bronze plaques. Go to home c�epot and request plants donated. Ranchers just want palmetto bushes. So if we could get the project ready to be installed with the bare minimum then you guys can bring in more bench�s, plants, trees. I've already received an email from a donor after the last council meeting questioning what's going on with the project. We like collaborating but I don't this committee is not including OKMS. Jennifer-there is a disconnect behind the scenes. Bert-we're lo�king for public comment as much as feedback. And this is an open public meeting. Kathy-I haven't missed one meeting. This project is one of the reasons why I wanted to be on this community. We still have $200,000 to raise. We've raised all of this to private donors. We've reached out to people via phone calls and emails. We had a plan and I wish that.....well we kind of know how it got interrupted. I wish Bridgett would have been allowed to come up and give what OKMS design and plan. From the very beginning we've asked how much it would cost. At this point, Bridgett has been working with the architect. Maybe we've spent too mu�ch time on the cattle drive project, and this board trying to design this park. From here this what needs to be done. Bert-the archiitect and Bridgett need to be meeting on that. We need to create a design for the overall parks. Kathy-we can't afford $1250 per marker. IYs just not going to work Jennifer-going forward we need a recommendation, I'd be in favor of the recommendation. While we primritize the rest of the parks. We need to move forward with the base, lighting, and landscaping as soon as possible. Keep in mind the committee has just been presented designs, not designing it. It is my assumption that things have been going on with other people behind the scenes. Kathy-not OKMS Tammy-we met with the ranchers to set a theme for the rest of the master plan. We weren't working with a budget and we wanted to give the city a high quality park. We tried to give you a high quality project but the mayor said we were trying to make this Miami beach. I understand as a resident that we are different but I also understand that this is downtown and it needs to be high quality. If you would allow us to prioritize this when working with OKMS. Bert-real quick, is it possible to set up a quick meeting between OKMS and the architect to redesign this �and get back to this committee based on this. Jennifer-but we still need to give them some kind of parameter for the budget. Tammy-speak to you with process. We talked to you about grants. The design like butterfly garden we can design that to get all grants. Possibility that the Seminoles may contribute more. From a design standpoint to give the city the best bang for the dollar with the consulting fees they've paid us, which is admirable. As a resident what I prefer is to bring you a design and you all phase it out but you have the bones for a quality project. Kathy-recomr��end that we should have a design workshop, that we give community members, this board, and council members to participate. Disconnect with the City Council Brought samples to the architect to show what you want. Do you want it to look more contemporary. The architects got caught in the middle. With no dollar value, I can design it and want it but if we can't afford it. Don't like to see projects put on the shelf. That's the problem, we come up with all these ideas but we don't have enough money to do it. Do we want to desigr� a park that we can't afford. Improve what we have until we can afford it. B. Jenkins FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 4 of 7 Gary-the first one is and I wanted to touch on again the idea about it being a community project. The entire community and local governments getting together and put their arms around this. Attended a meeting in Broward county, talking about different scales of economy, none the less they have stakeholders, the TDC could really reap some benefits once we get �his project completed. The TDC was extremely involved in Broward county and contributed a lot of money for this. The city does not currently have a grants coordinator, the County possibly does. We need to get a grants coordinator or have someone on board to help this group to get funding. I have 60 people on this staff roughly. I keep on hearing about grants and it's an extremely important component. Kathy-all defense Sharie did apply but wasn't chosen. Our annual income for TDC is like $200000 Terry Burroughs-I've kind of followed this in the background. I sit down and see this whole process unfofd. Gary made some good points, subcommittee to make OKMS and architect and Gary, design and plan and bring it back to you. The cost is going to be significantly reduced. Come back to you at the next meeting with the original plan and then move forward with the procPss and have Gary present to the city council. Should not be difficult to get this together. Inst�ead of beating this to date, have them get together and bring it back. TDC could be involved. Estimated cost is a good thing. Committee come before the county and request money. You'we spent a lot of time here going over and over. Bert-yes I agree, when is the next city council meeting. Gary-tomorrow Terry-he can be a good representative to the council. You put the cart before the horse because they hadn't even put their budget together and you threw them a grenade during part of the process. Just think of it that way. [Denise-really to point fingers at each other. We want the best for this park and community. We haven't rr�ade any formal recommendations. We ask what the budget is and haven't been provided that information. I understand fully when I'm going after funding outside of my budget. What is our skin in the game, what are we going to contribute to show our skin in the game. We are limited as a sunshine committee. I'm frustrated because we haven't made a recommendation. If you three come up with a plan, the city come up with a five year plan, so we can look at what additional funding we need to seek. Bert-talking ak�out long and short term. I agree architect, OKMS, and Gary get together and bring it to us so that we can recommend it to the City. Denise-don't think we received a lot of direction. Long term project on this park. This piece of the project and get it rolling. Wanted us here for one year, no direction or budget. Bridgett=in th� beginning I met with Jennifer and we met with Economic Council, what we did say as OKMS part is taking care of the arts part if everything else is done with you guys, OKMS. Denise-City has a responsibility as well. But until we know what the city is willing to support this project at, you've done a great job and no one can dispute that. We need to be ablet o tell the funding source of a grant how much of the project we can pay for. Bridgett-think about the budget for landscaping, arts. Denise-we can write that in on the grant. We do have someone we can refer to the city because we have a contract for a grant by grant basis. Gary-I have my marching orders and I'm going to get with them to come up with the plan. Make one point clear, the city before they make a commitment, want to see what other commitments folks and governments are going to make as well. When you go out and get a good grant, how much participation do you have, who has ownership. At SFWMD if we had the city and county and other associations coordinated with it, it was much stronger than just having the city. This has to be a total 100% collaboration with everyone. B. Jenkins FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 5 of 7 Terry-so once again, he's probably pretty close, from the County if you don't come with us to a plan, get thee plan, and he's right once you have a plan and an estimate, you bring the plan to the county and other agencies. Now you have people to buy into it, and then if you want to go do a grani: but you need to get a plan. You can go thru this whole gyration and chit chat but until you l�ave a plan. You're not going to get buy-in until you have a plan. Jennifer=ma.ke a motion to direct staff to work with OAC and OIKMS; second by Kathy. The total non to exceed $400,000. Tammy-bring to you different options Bert-yes and present to the City and give them choices to find out what they will pay. Then present to other agencies Kathy-already existing in-kind services planned previously but put them on hold because we were told city was going to take care of it. Want to comment on the plan, if you read our first whatever description of being on this board and what we're supposed to do. That's why economic council wanted this board put together and didn't want to go park by park the whole idea was to get a master plan. Not to do one park at a time. The plan was supposed to be for all parks. Th� cattle drive got a kink thrown into this thing, instead of coming up with a cohesive plan for all the parks. Our goal is supposed to be focusing on a coherent plan and budget what i:he p Greg-keep in mind to reach out donations, dig the plants figure that in and what was the initial that the architect brought up. Kind of high for the resources that are already out there. Natural resources that can be used. Tammy-$233,000 is landscape budget. When I met with Gary on Friday, Council did not want us to use sable palms because they're messy. Chairperson Chartier-Absent, Vice-Chairperson Culbreth_y_, Members Clemons- Absent, Harrnrick-Absent, Scott y_, Tewksbury_y_ Whitehead_y_ Maynard_y_ Burdge_y__. Motion Carried. Bert-discuss sable palms. OKMS-get wi�h Gary/Architect Gary-in the contract we have the $93k goes toward a more detailed design of cattlemen's park and conceptual plan for the remaining of the parks. What we will discuss is how to present that. The other thing that I would like to suggest though, is that when the 3 of us come up with a plan, and you all approve that plan, it's much more powerful is someone from this group address the council and commission than one of us. Bert-so do we have anything else for that? Jennifer-city has $15k for tree program $22k for maintenance parks. Prioritized for Flagler parks. B. �Review Conceptual Master Plan for Flagler Parks. C. IDiscuss upcoming meeting schedule. Bert-need to discuss the next meeting. 9/2 at 9am VI. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS Kathy-clarification to Gary from what I understood from city council. Right track when Giano was here. The $93k the city has committed for the master plan. We are talking about design, because he said it didn't Tammy-it does, for each park. KS-I thought i� only did the infrastructure Tammy-the conceptual design is per park. Jennifer-when are we going to have the conceptual plan for all the parks B. Jenkins FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 6 of 7 Tammy-get back to you Jennifer-timeframe Bert-they need to get together first Jennifer-I agree but I feel like we've been this for months and months Bert-only comment that I had is the city received over $400000, would have been great to have that money earmarked to go back into the parks. It was used in the general fund but that would have been a great start to get this project going. That's just my comment but when you take something from the parks it should have been allotted. Greg-pain to start a project with no money. Felt bad when Dowling went off on Giano. You all have had no r�irection. Jennifer-where does the park street landscape renovations tie into this. Gary-not that I know of. That's something staff has been discussing. I've reached out to IRSC horticulturists. Jennifer-is that going to be coordinated with the conceptual plan? Kind of pointless to do now. Gary-not as I'm aware of. Tammy-we can include the relandscaping Gary-right now my five year plan includes this building as no. 1, not Flagler parks. I had $150k taken aut of my budget for this building, we need new windows, roof, etc. We have aging infrastructure that has not been addressed in decades . this is the challenge that I am faced with. Not to put Flagler park on the back burner. Jennifer-invest in economic development it will pay off. Gary-agree with that 100%. Focusing on properties in the industrial park. Projects like a RaceTrac conning in here. I'm relying on a lot of these folks because I'm coming in the middle. A lot of moving parts going on in the city. Need to focus on things that are going to bring money into the economy. VII. The meeting was adjourned at 1011 P.M. B. Jenkins FPDRAC Handwritten Minutes, August 16, 2021, Page 7 of 7