2021-06-21 Approved Minutes�•
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JurvE 219 2021
Chairperson Robbie Chartier called the Flagler Park Design Review Advisory
Committee (FPDRAC) meeting to order on Monday, June 21, 2021, at 3:30 P.M. in the
City Council Chamber>, located at 55 Southeast 3�d Avenue, Room 200, Okeechobee,
City Clerk Gamiotea called the roll. Chair Chartier, Regular Members Kathy Scott,
Jennifer Tewksbury, Denise Whitehead, and Alternate Bob Burdge were present.
Members absent with consent were Vice-Chair Bert Culbreth, Regular Members
Susanne Clemons, Regina Hamrick, and Alternate Greg Maynard.
Alternate Member Burdge was assigned to serv� in a voting position.
A. Motion by Member Scott, seconded by Member Whitehead to approve the
agenda as amended, defer adopting the minutes for May 24, 2021. Motion
Carried Unanimously.
B. There were no comment cards submitted for public participation.
A. Approving the N1ay 24, 2021, minutes was deferred.
A. Mr. Gianno Feoli, Director of Landscape Urbanism and Design for Calvin,
Giordano & Associates (CGA), presented a slideshow detailing their progress to
date. The goal for today is to finalize the schematic design phase of the
Cattleman's Square (Block L of FLAGLER PARKIPark #5) and prepare to move
forward into construction plans and coordination with City Departments. To stay
within the timeline of installing the sculptures as explained at the May 24tn
meeting, he stressed the importance for members to convey any design changes
today. He began by reviewing the suggestions made previously concerning the
areas beneath the sculptures and indicated that he was not in favor of the
concrete footprints. Mrs. Bridgette Waldau, Director for the Okeechobee Main
Street Arts & Culture Alliance (OKMS-ACA), was in attendance and explained
that in her discussions with the donors, it was indicated that they did not want
concrete pads under the hooves and would prefer the grass to go right up to the
hooves. Mr. Feoli agreed, and noted the current designs reflect this. Discussion
turned to where to place the donor markers and their sizes based on the donation.
Member Scott exited the Chambers at 3:51 P.M., returned at 3:52 P.M., and
furnished Mr. Feoli with a copy of the donor marker sizes and examples as
provided on the OKMS-ACA fundraising marketing materials. Mr. Feoli advised
he would coordinate with Mrs. Waldau on these items and resubmit them
at the next meeting for a final consensus.
JutvE 21, 2021, FPDRAC MlrvuTEs, PAGE 1 oF 3
A. Continued. Mr. Feoli then moved the discussion to wayfinding strategies and
presented photagraphs of examples that would be Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) compiiant and would be visible from the outside and along the northern
boundary to direct people to different parts of the park. In addition to individual
parks signage, an overall cohesive signage plan would be covered in the Master
Plan. Discussion followed concerning possible colors and finishes for various
furnishing components. The suggestions will be researched by CGA and
considered at the next meeting for a firual consensus.
Discussing the lighting fixtures and illumination level was the next topic. Focus
was put on ADp requirements and cognizance of the lighting levels of different
areas. The new lighting will be LED, which is more efficient and requires less
maintenance. The goal is for each block to be on an individual electrical system
for the lighting. This will allow the City to adjust the lighting individual block for
festivals, movie nights, or other events. It would also allow the lighting to be set
up so that they automatically dim at night and only brighten when they detect
movement in the park. This will conserve energy, minimize light pollution, and
improve safety by being an indicator to pEople outside the park that someone is
inside. Repurposing the current light poles was brought up by Member
Tewksbury. Public Works Director Allen responded the poles could be used in
the other areas when replacements are needed.
The discussion turned to landscaping, s�everal FPDRAC members expressed
concern that there was not a local landscaping company that could offer the level
of professional service that might be required. Mr. Feoli explained, most of the
maintenance in the Cattlemen's Square would include mowing and limited
trimming. The other plants chosen will either grow to maximum size, needing
little, to no maintenance, or were chosen based on their drought resistance. CGA
can provide ir� the Master Plan, performance metrics and sanctions be
included in fuiure landscaping bid documents to avoid issues with low
quality bidders. FPDRAC members andl Director Allen were encouraged by
this informatiom and gladly accepted tive offer.
Mr. Feoli moved on to providing examples of furniture recommendations,
suggesting a theme that is clean and contemporary, but also warm. Concerns
were brought up about vandalism and graffiti. He acknowledged this possibility
but advised the wooden benches being considering were thick enough that they
could be sanded as many times as necessary. Metal furniture was not suggested,
as it would be exposed to the heat all day and extremely hot. The concrete pads
would be sized large to allow room for families with strollers and/or wheelchairs.
Some of the members expressed concern at the possible costs of the items. The
items will be r�searched by CGA and c�onsidered at the next meeting.
FPDRAC Members requested for futur�e meetings, CGA provide a copy of
the presentation materials to City Staff for it to accompany the agenda
being published and distributed, allowing sufficient time for them to review
the information; and that it includes estimated costs to assist with making
these decision�.
JuNE 21, 2021, FPDRAC MitvuTEs, PAGE 2 OF 3
B. After discussion concerning the meeting schedule, the consensus was to set the
next meeting date for July 19, 2021, at 3:30 p.m.
Member Burdge provided copies of photographs of inechanical utility boxes that were
wrapped to make them more aesthetically pleasing by MarineWraps, their costs are from
$600 to $1500 each. Fort Pierce has approximately 150 of them throughout the City.
These could be a possible solution to camouflage similar boxes in Flagler Park. Chair
Chartier thanked him for this helpful information.
VII. There being no further� items for discussion, Chair Chartier adjourned the meeting at
5:01 P.M. ; _, ;' -
Submitted by: s; ��j �";1;�� ���1(',� �� y
'�--; Cit Clerk
Approved o�: uaust Ic�,ZGZJ
Please take notice and be advised that when a person decides to appeal any decision made by the FPDRAC with
respect to any matter considered at this meeting, s/he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding
is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. City Clerk� ,
media are for the so�e purpose of backup for official records of the Clerk.
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JuNE 21, 2021, FPDRAC M�tvuTEs, PAGE 3 OF 3