2021-07-06 Letter from City Planner�1-�-aoa� m� �t�-
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July 6, 2021
Mayor and Council Members,
Firstly, please allow me to apologize for not being in attendance this evening. Though Elsa is not
expected to make landfall in Fort Myers, it is still a possibility. Regardless, the threat of tornadoes
and storm surge is something that I did not wish to leave my family alone to deal with this evening.
Additionally, I understand that there may be concerns regarding several of the items on this
evening's agenda and I would like to provide some supplementary comments to the staff reports
that we prepared for 21-002-SSA, 21-003-SSA, 21-002-R and 21-003-R.
Most thriving, urban, walkable downtowns contain some type of higher density residential
development. This land use practice is so prevalent that it is a generally accepted planning
principle that higher density residential being in close proximity to commercial uses is necessary
for supporting, sustaining, and growing the commercial uses and services that locate in downtown
areas. This is because there are several benefits to allowing for higher density multifamily
residential to be developed in commercial and urban areas:
The residents of high-density residential dwellings often choose that type of housing so that they
can be near to a downtown area. Young professionals and seniors are similarly drawn to the
convenience of being able to walk or bike to restaurants, bars, parks, medical offices,
entertainment, professional offices, and other service commercial uses. This concept is often
promoted as the live, work, play lifestyle.
From a fiscal standpoint for local governments, allowing for mixed-use and high density
residential near commercial promotes more intensive commercial development and higher
density in a confined area, which is generally associated with a reduction in infrastructure costs
and ongoing expenses while also boosting tax revenues.
From a transportation standpoint, locating higher density residential near to downtown and major
transportation corridors can reduce the amount of vehicle trips that must pass through low density
residential areas and reduce the overall number of vehicle trips due to the internal capture that
results from increased walkability.
The last point that really pertains to these particular properties, is that allowing multi-family
residential is this location provides a transitional buffer between the commercial uses along the
corridor and the existing low density residential neighborhood to the east.
I hope these comments assist you in your decision-making process and I apologize again for not
attending the meeting in person.
Ben Smith, AICP
LaRue Planning
P roviding Plan nin� an d manau�ement solutions �or Io�cal gwernments
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