2021-06-01 Ex 01�' � . � � (863} 763-3372 Ext. 9812 � F�.X (863} 763-1686 ���tAl�.: rbrock@cityafokeechobee.com CITY C4UNCIL AGENI�A ITEM REQUEST FORM PLEASE SUBMIT COMPLETED FORM TO: CITY ADVIINISTRATOR 55 SE 3R" AvErn.r�, Roo� 201 O�EcxQBEE, FLORma 34974 A�: Robin Brock, Executive Assistant , E NAME: � „ � t.� .� �,-; . ��. �� �'C� �� i $�' �"�%%�'� �,,.�� � � a � $ ADI�RESS: �::i�-� � ,���'� �''�_ �i ��e:����-�-- }:,. �' ,.�,��'�-;: � �, � � . . � ; TELEP�IONE: � l` � � �t� � "� " � ��.�Email: ,....��'��� -- C.� ��:,'.� ���°.�,� �`' z ��,� �,�� � �— MEETING: REGULAR � SPECIAL ❑ WORKSHOP �! DATE: Please state the item 3 ,���-�� � �.� �-�} Please st�te what dep� wish to have placed o the i �-� ��--:....� r :' � � t' sr - .�r � s) you have �varked with: : �,- ; �-�°-' :f:� '�„ � � �"_�a�.' �` e =r� ��-°— �--a ��- ��-,�„-^�Ng 58 8 �'�'��� � � Please state desired action by the City Council: �-�,_.��-'� ��`"�;���'g:��..� �; � , � m � �� � ,a..-, � � , ..� a Please st�mmarize pertinent information concernin your request and attach applicable doeuments: ��'' 4 ; � _ �� $~�� c � � � c c:-��4-��... � -� , c��e �-� �°`�- ` � �. y . c'=c� j� f � y�—?, p� .c�,/�g ,? ,/' �� i..a,_ ��t� �'7 6"�.b„'>%�8`"!'i� 8�a-E�`�. ..� Yi'��' e'� eEL «��r � O"'T",�.." f4.e, i• �'a::_�. s L If a presentation is to be made, please limit the time to ten minutes unless othei�,vise approved by the Mayor. ,��--• � SIGNED BY: ��" r-,m°�°-"'-� _� DATE: �� .��'� �-'�''� � � � � o� �—�3�� r4�cE�. i0(� �GGK � a e 8 a The alternates appoira�ed in accozdance with 'the foregoing shaZl serve a terzn Qf -�wo ( 2 j years �.n durati.on, or untzl sucll time as such alternats's replacement has l�een agpoi,nted. In the event an al�ernate resigns, or is unable fio cantinue to s��re, the balance o� the term o� tha�: alternate shal� be �ill.ed i.n the same manner as provided in Sectian 4.2, 4.3 or 4.4 above, as applicablao �<� �: Authority Board rnembex's shall serve taithou� compensation � but shall be re�nbursed �or per diern and travel expenses as pravid�d in Section 112.06�, Florida Sta�.ut�s. 4.I0. �xeept as provided in 5ectian 4.t� above, all decisions o� the Autho�i�ty Board sha�.1 �cequire a�our-�ifths majority vote o� th� entire Haa�d membership. 4.1�.a '��� Au�hor�.tg Boasd shai.l elect -�ha �ollowing o�ficers, wha 5ha11 pe�iorm the �01.lo�airag functioa�s o a. .A clzazzartan� who shal.l. pres�de at rneetings o� the Autiaoszty Boaxd� si.gn as ac��hora.�ed by the Au�hority Hoard any con��acts or o-L-her instruments which aze daerned to be in the b�s� �.n�erest of �he Autiaozi�y; and periorm such other duties zncident to the o��ice as may be prescrybed by the Authorit� Board. b. A v�ce chairman, who shall act in the cha�.rman' s abs�nc�; anc� shall perform such oth�r �unctions as i:he Authority Boa�d may de�.egate from �ime to time= co t311 officers shall be �lected for a term vf one yeara I� a�y Q��icer shal� cease ta be a mentiber ol the az/�isa, aao7 pm �-�