2021-03-29 Handwritten MinutesCITY OF OKEECHOBEE
Chairperson Chartier called the Flagler Park Design Review Advisory Committee meeting to
on Monday, March 29, 2021, at P.M. in the City Council Chambers, located at 55
Southeast 3rd Avenue, Room 200, Okeechobee, Florida.
Chairperson Robbie Chartier
Vice-Chairperson Bert Culbreth
Regular Member Susanne Clemons
Regular Member Regina Hamrick
Regular Member Kathy Scott
Regular Member Jennifer Tewksbury
Regular Member Denise Whitehead
Alternate Member Gregg Maynard
Alternate Member Bob Burdge
City Attorney John Fumero
City Administrator Marcos MontesDeOca
Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins
Executive Assistant Robin Brock
Administrative Secretary Jacob Smith
Chairperson Chartier moved Alternate Board Member
to voting position.
Chairperson Chartier , Vice-Chairperson Culbreth , Members Clemons ,
Hamrick , Scott , Tewksbury Whitehead . Motion Carried/Denied.
A. Motion to adopt agenda.
MOTION: clemons
SECOND: culbreth
Chairperson Chartier , Vice-Chairperson Culbreth , Members Clemons ,
Hamrick , Scott , Tewksbury Whitehead . Motion Carried/Denied.
B. Public participation for items not on the agenda requires a comment form.
A. Approve the March 8, 2021 minutes.
B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, March 29, 2021, Page 1 of 8
MOTION: culbreth
SECOND: tewksbury
Chairperson Chartier , Vice-Chairperson Culbreth , Members Clemons ,
Hamrick , Scott , Tewksbury Whitehead . Motion Carried/Denied.
A. Review the Flagler Parks maintenance budget for the current fiscal year.
MDO-just to kind of give an update on what we do, kind of a hybrid typically of what other
budgets do. JMC 66k per year, additional 9k for repairs and maintenance of parks, including
centennial park. Majority of work has been in flagler park. 2500 for tree program 4000 ROW
maintenance. This year it has been trimmed down quite a bit, per council. In general what we
typically polan for the city. JMC does include mainteinance, trimmmig and minor irrigation for
new landscape.
SC-how is the irrigation system, pretty comprehensive? Water trees?
MDO-1 2 5 or 6 has system, line runs throughout all of them but has not been tied into.
SC-so new irrigation can be added in easily
KS-water or well?
MDO-well, brand new in Veterans Park,
DA-well provides majority of water replaced within the last year. Irrigation system in parks,
trees are not zoned separate. It's a dated system, water there, not a lot of flexibility to the
system as far as separate zones for trees and planting beds. Pretty much just water heads.
Have put bubblers on trees, each park doesn't have a separate controller. Also tied to
landscape bids on S Park St.
B. Presentation by Landscape Architect Tammy Cook-Weedon with Calvin,
Giordano & Associates.
Tammy w/CAG — just some background, resident of Indian hammock for 16 yearws,
commutes to FT Lauderdale. I want to go over some funding options with the parks as part of
this presentation. (get presentation from Robin). County Park Plan, Park Sreet Diagram
developed as part of presentation to city. Magenta lines, DOT ROW, cyan are minor streets.
So the DOT ROW there are grants specifically for those ROW, back sidewalk, back sidewalk.
Adjacent to ROW in park, fundig is available. If you choose to pursue DOT fundig, go thru a
lengthy process, then goes thru Heartland TPO, City, .40 on every 1 goes into admin. 3ra
party construction copnay has to review the plans. Abut a 5 year wait period. City is currently
using it for 9'" Street Ilght, the sidewalks would be the parks. SCOP, hwy beautification grant
for median imiprovements and irrigation. Broward County — Andres Ave (TE Grant) Bike
Paths. Main Street would be the minor roadways to look at. DOT has done Local Area
Planning Program grants. Maybe the pedestrian crossings at all the blocks as pat of the
safety initiative. When we presented this to City Council, take away curbs in front of the
shopes to make it more like a plaza space instead of ROW. Used limerock as benches, used
ballards to separate traffic ways from pedestrian areas. Parks its FDEP Grant Land and
Recreation Grant, Land and water conservation fund, florida recreation development system
— playgrounds, exercise stations, must have those. Recreation and trails, we can sell it any
way that you want. Just want to be sure that you emphasize the components as part of the
design. The next one is FL Community Trust, particulary for acquiring lands. Urban Forestry
Grant — tree survey/inventory is performed. Have funding for tree planting projects. Windmill
Park example in Coconut Creek. Heritage Education Grants — these usually and it looks like I
B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, March 29, 2021, Page 2 of 8
researched this one and it seems as though its more focused on historic buildings, but the
different concepts may be able to be sold as heritage of Okeechobee. This would be worth
calling and finding out more on utilizing these funds for the concepts that have been
developed. So many different aspects of the park that are going to be brought into each
block. You already have so much history here. Another Grant that I found is AAD Shade
Structrue Grant by the dermatology associates. Helps reduce cancer for kids. One o fht
eoptions for different grants. I know Home Depot and Lowes has a small grant program. WE
have done many different park projects and design projects throughout south florida. We are
here and anxious to get started.
The design process: inventory of the site and take the survey info, analyze the program,
create sketches, developing concepts and designing those, construction phase, quality
assurance measures, building. Not just a linear process, the design process evlolves as we
work together on the design. Significance of the Flagler Parks slide was presented.
RC-any questions
BC-some of these grants, are there specific amount levels?
Tammy-some may have matching funds, but you may not have to. I don't know with COVID if
that affects the amounts of FDOT grants.
MDO-full board
DW-DEP grants have increased funding, and decreased matching
BC-are the other grants as lengthy?
Tammy-no typically we have to have 30% drawings to submit for the funding. We have to
have cost estimates to justify what we spent. A lot of inspections required.
DW-do you provide the grant writing services?
DW-what about the follow through?
KS-wouldn't the City do that?
Tammy-city has to do resolutions, applications
GM-DEP grant more of a resource base activities?
Tammy-yes, one for recreation and trails. Federal HWY administration has funded the florida
greenways and trails, which goes thru FDOT to distribute.
MDO-we have worked with FDOT and FDEP; so it won't be anything new for us to go
through. We understand the process for submittal.s
RC-have you done LAP?
MDO-we have not done one here, I have done projects before but not just the dClty.
BB-copy of your presentation?
RC-that would be helpful as well. Kind of the conversation can evolve. Are there certain
levels to ask for?
RC-you can leverage between grants
Tammy-yes, sometime they're very particular, you just have to be careful with that.
DW-different funding sources
C. Discuss the conceptual plan as presented by the Economic Council of
Okeechobee (Exhibit 1).
MDO-intro the reason we brought this before the committee, was presented by the COunciol,
the themes. WE kind of have a theme behind each park. Up to the committee of where we go
next. Where do we go from here. WE need to focus so we can give Tammy work. If we do
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pick a grant, we have to have a park. My recommendation would be to start with one and get
it done. It's a dollar level thing also. Don't want to get stagnant.
RC-so what we should be talking about next is what park to start with.
JT-I would think the Cattle Drive given the community buy-in
RC-empty kind of a blank slate.
KS-as far as the design portion of the cattle drive sculpture is already in process. Naturally
we bring that back to City Council to look at and approve the design. If you're looking at
infrastructure of that park, absolutely. I thought we were looking at all the parks. I think you
would want to carry continuity into all parks, then pick which one you want to execute first. I
think you'll lose the design feel. You've got the theme based on this, the design elements
should be established through all parks for continuity. The water — one of the things that
needs to be done for all of the parks is the inventory of infrastrucurre. One of the big projects
you want to do first may be the infrastructure before you develop a park. What is water and
electric availability to that park. We need to look at the water system. Well water, don't want
yellow water spraying on the sculptures or monuments. Communities go in and update
everything then the irrigation causes it to turn yellow. I know some of the other parks that we
use for the festivals, the electrical is not good. My thoughts, looking at design and
infrastructure, then go into what park to develop first.
RC-so design infrastrucuture across all parks.
JT-prioritization of parks, but there may be a cost savings of doing certain infrastructure at
one time.
RC-I'm sure David has the inventory already
DA-no, looking at the infrastructure, the systems were never designed for vendors to use
power in the parks. OKMS has finally conveyed to most of the vendors that there is no power.
If you want to change that, major infrastructure change and costs to upgrade electrical.
BC-I personally think the parks should be used for something year round. And if we do this
right, people will use it all the time. Don't think we should build the infrastructure around
vendors and festivals. I think the goal is to have this park used by the residents.
KS-when I talk about ht einfrastructure, and what we want to do with these parks, for
residents to be able to use the park on a regular basis, restrooms and their placement.
People complain about that.
BC-business owners on park street have people go into use the bathrooms during festivals.
DA-sour note, restroom in Centennial park, just be aware of the cost and maintenance of
installing restrooms. The hard reality is the public restroom is it can be very daunting and
KS-but then again, we're talking about citizens using the park.
JT-there are mechanisms to help prevent that.
DW-it's a daily process of checking.
MDO-we've experienced a lot of issues since the past.
GM-there has been issues in Veterans Park. Howmany wells are in the parks?
DA-replacing the well in veterans park, replaced well in park 3. Infrastructure is not there for
zoning, etc. a lot of upgrades to do to make efficient use of water.
GM-the wells, frank said a 4" well is close to $10000
DA-the well in Veterans Park is about $7000. There is also a well in city hall park.
KS-two wells?
DA-well in City Hall Park, Veterans Park, and Park 3.
BC-I agree with Kathy, get the whole plan then start the cattle drive park. Also and going
ahead and have the plans for all the parks and then start with one.
David-well in park 3 does service the main that runs throughout Flagler Park. There is water
available for those parks.
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MDO-whats the design standard in cattle drive sculpture park.
KS-we're going to be bringing it to Counciol?
MDO-well if the council is going o papprove the design of park 5, it needs to flow with other
KS-most of the design is the sculpture, the rest is landscape.
BC-you're talking about lights, infrastructure, etc.
MDO-yes, sidewalks, lighting, that kind of thing overall.
KS-that wouldn't be part of what we're doing. We need to have infrastructure to have lighting,
want the cattle drive to be lit at night. Solar lighting, feature lighting,
Tammy-that's somehtin we would provide as part of the design. You want the sculptures to
look like they belong there.
KS-we are working on a design right now to make you
SC-im concerned about lighting, if its going to be installed in the fall, and if we don't have a
plan for lighting,
KS-one of my concerns is inventory for electric.
MDO-I will get with you after,
RC-it sounds like OKMS needs to come to the Council to get the approved plan. So that's
why I was circling back to what your concept was. Lighting, electric, wells, etc.
SC-cattle drive needs authentic landscaping
GM-be careful using oak trees because of roots.
KS-get with OKMS to get it presented.
MDO-get with me so I can get the aeditional costs taken to council
BC-you're not going to do grants for a while. The city did receive $400k when DOT widened
the road. Would that make since to put that back into the parks since it came from the parks.
MDO-I can't speak for the council, but I think they were operating in the red.
BC-kind of creative way to get the process started.
JT-along with that mindset, over the last couple years you haven't utilizied all of the budget
for that.
MDO-we've used it all. That's why I need a number, budget number, get me a park, idea of
infrastructure, theme and infrastructure per park. Then Tammy can start prepping each year.
That's why I say focus on one park, instead of all of them.
JT-execution but you still have to have a plan.
MDO-theme, Veterans hardscape theme, infrastructure theme, you guys can make the
changes. We are trying to get one done, not conceptualize. We need to bid, take it to council,
Tammy-we'd like to give you ideas too. We're here to bring ideas back to us.
RC-can you bring an idea back for park 5
SC-if the sculpture is going to be installed, we need to start there
RC-can you start with park 5 and integrate with others. I just mean the infrastructure piece.
Design it for that one and it should be good for all parks. Then you have your theme.
Tammy-bring the avenues up to park heighd
KS-if we brought the conceptual drawing, she would take it and tell us what we need for
Tammy-each block will have to have specific details per theme. Lighting can be consistent
but the specific block would be unique, to have a contractor bid it out. Survey, drainage,
lighting, irrigation, planting, all plans the contractor uses to build it.
BB-question, what provisions are there for pavilions the public to use for picnicking and
birthday parties.
JT-that came up a lot
RC-park is too close for that
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JT-open nfor suggestions,
Tammy-I would like to do a park master plan, then you prioritize it to specific blocks.
KS-that would still work, but we do plan on having the cattle drive here by the end of the year.
MDO-hard construction plans for one and concept plans for th ereast. I do have to take this to
the counciol for approval. We can work towards a final goal.
KS-say that naturally from the city or other organizations appreciate any funding we can get.
Use you to elp us
DW-keep in mind, in knind can be sued for matching funds for DEP, don't just rush into them,
if we're looking for funding, it might benefit us to hold off on doing anhting because we can
use that.
KS-this project was started before this.
DW-there are certain things that you have to do, they could double their money. You might
want to wait 6 months.
SC-if you can use it for matching funds.
MDO-deadlines have already ended
Tammy-we need to look at all the different dates of when things re due.
RC-hashed out what we want to do. Recommendation from the committee to council,
design master polan of entire parks and start the design and construction phase of
park 5.
MDO-so for me to present that to council, need a scope from Tammy. Do you guys want to
take a look at the scope before it goes to Council.
RC-I think that's administration, you can handle that.
BC-wioll you have pricing at that point?
DW-just shoot us an email so that we can be present during the presentation.
MDO-address the pavilion discussion, accident about the monument in the park. There wer
some discussion of putting pavilion in the Veterans Park.
GM-when the gentleman hit the monuments, the concrete is cracking around the bottom of
the monument.
RC-did you check on insurance?
GM-they did not put expansion joints in the concrete. I see a potential issue with that later on
down the road. I would like to get it addressed before buxton gets the monumnets done.
RC_that's just routine maintenance.
GM-ive talked to IRSC, they've offered assistance, one of the things the veterans wanted is
to put the helicopters up in the air, IRSC offered to do it for free. Just wanted to get the
blessing on that.
RC-it's a concept of that park.
SC-do you have pictures
GM-passed out pictures (get copies). With the helicopter up like that, that's what the veterans
RC-I have heard a lot of people wanting that.
Tammy-I think it looks dynamic.
GM-would not be any cost to the city or taxpayers. The VFW south have offered funds to
cover materials, Someone will lift it, IRSC will weld for free.
JT-any historic ties to the helicopter
RC-one of the commissioners got that helicopter and frank decarlo picked it up.
GM-Charlie Norris, Vietnam Veteran, Silver Star winner, VFW and other Veterans have
DA-air force 1967 manufactured.
BC-can you work that into the plan.
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GM-graduation class at IRSC in November. It would take him another year to get kids the
knowledge to do the work.
KS-one of the questions, how high?
GM-a minimum of 8-10 feet above the ground. As far as material and labor I've got that
DW-the community is behind, I see no problems moving forward.
JT-one of the issues arose for the good intentions of our community, the whole purpose was
to have a comprehensive plan but not hodge podge. I would be more interested in what to
see what Tammy to come up with.
RC-the helicopter is already there. Its not hodge podge, concrete slabs, been waiting a while,
just elevating it, not changing much. III support it.
DW-what do you think an ETA is on getting a conceptual plan.
Tammy-two to three weeks
RC-consensus of the board.
GM-all over Florida has been installed like that. Even in Eglin Air Force Base. Its all in how its
JT-if you want to do that, Landscape architect can change the design. May be able to rotate
or change location.
RC-seems like everyone has time, he knows the City has to agree to do that. The master
plan will be done.
RC-any other items.
Tammy-Kathy email me concept of park 5.
MDO-email here, then I'll distribute
RC-good time frame
Tammy-survey time frame. We'll get together.
MDO-goal is to have something for the next meeting. Limbo in two weeks form now. What we
come up with that after, 3 to 4 weeks, not counting survey, just kind of conceptual. At least 6
weeks from today.
D. Discuss upcoming meeting schedule.
RC-end of May,
MDO-7 weeks, let me throw this out there for an idea. When we take this to Council, this is
tentative, may be do this as one of the open houses, that way public can comment. The goal
is to get this doen and in, we know what's going on, like to invite the public.
Consensus of the Committee is MDO to schedule and let us know.
BC-when is the next Council meeting. Will there be discussion to fund this,
MDO-we hae to change our budget just to fund the landscape architect.
RB-deadline for the 4/20 agenda is 4/9.
RC-so the 4/20 meeting is when it will be on the agenda. So you would have an open house
sometime after May 18tn
MDO-this is just a concept.
RC-hard to set a meeting to talk about it if we don't have it.
MDO-tentative date can email out. We can have a meeting if there is something else to
RC-I don't but it makes more sense to wait until we have something to look at.
RC-open house, we still need a date.
May 24t" at 3PM
MDO-just to clarify, housed at city hall all day, follow same guidelines as DOT, comment and
boards set up in the back.
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KS-sure we can have a more detailed plan by then. Right now we just have sketches.
VI. The meeting was adjourned at 416 P.M.
B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, March 29, 2021, Page 8 of 8
Chairperson Chartier called the Flagler Park Design Review Advisory Committee meeting to
on Monday, March 29, 2021, at _3:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, located at 55
Southeast 3rd Avenue, Room 200, Okeechobee, Florida.
Chairperson Robbie Chartier
Vice-Chairperson Bert Culbreth
Regular Member Susanne Clemons
Regular Member Regina Hamrick
Regular Member Kathy Scott
Regular Member Jennifer Tewksbury
Regular Member Denise Whitehead
Alternate Member Greg Maynard
Alternate Member Bob Burdge
City Attorney John Fumero _x
City Administrator Marcos MontesDeOca x_
Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins x_
Executive Assistant Robin Brock x_
Administrative Secretary Jacob Smith x_
Chairperson Chartier moved Alternate Board Member JT
to voting position.
Chairperson Chartier , Vice-Chairperson Culbreth , Members Clemons ,
Hamrick , Scott , Tewksbury Whitehead . Motion Carried/Denied.
A. Motion to adopt agenda.
Chairperson Chartier , Vice-Chairperson Culbreth , Members Clemons ,
Hamrick , Scott , Tewksbury Whitehead . Motion Carried/Denied.
B. Public participation for items not on the agenda requires a comment form.
J. Smith Handwritten Minutes, March 29, 2021, Page 1 of 7
A. Approve the March 8, 2021 minutes.
MOTION: culbreth
SECOND: Tewksbury?
Chairperson Chartier , Vice-Chairperson Culbreth , Members Clemons ,
Hamrick , Scott , Tewksbury Whitehead . Motion Carried/Denied.
A. Review the Flagler Parks maintenance budget for the current fiscal year.
MDO- hybris of other budgets, part of inedian right of way.9000 a year for maintenance of
parks including centennial, another 2500 in tree program and 4000 combined median right of
ways. This budget lower than usual budget was asked to be trimmed this year compared to
other years. JMC does including adapting work around new things added including trimming
and irrigation.
SC- what is irrigation system is it comprehensive does it water trees
MDO-yes park 1, 2 and 5 or 6 have an irrigation system. Line runs through all of them but
hasn't been hooked up
SC- so could be added easily
MDO yes
KS- is that on well system?
MDO- yes David Allen- veterans park well is being replaced free, irrigation system is not
zoned separate. System is dated, water is there but not a lot of flexibility to system. Just rotor
heads to cover parks. 1 or 2 controllers control majority of parks.
B. Presentation by Landscape Architect Tammy Cook-Weedon with Calvin;
Giordano & Associates.
TCW- background I've been resident of Indian hammock for 16 yrs and commute to ft
Lauderdale. Been here full time. Wanted to go over funding options for the park. This was
master plan funding for county. Started in 2016. Park st diagram developed as presentation
ot city. Cyan minor streets. FTO right of ways have grants specifically for them. Anything
done in park adjacent to these could provide funding. FTO funding is a lengthy process with 5
yr work plan. They offer high dollar funds but requires a lot into administration. Requires
construction third party. City uses it for street lights pedestrian and bicycle safety. These
grants would be SCOP grants as well as highway beautification grants. This is complete
streets plan provides for pedestrians and bicyclists and includes master plan for county. Local
area planning agreements are possible and offer similar improvements could look at
crossings and safety initiatives. This was presented to council. Take curbs away and make a
plaza which feels inviting. This would be considered for the parks themselves. FDEP grants
land and water conservation fund more for boat ramps and waterways Florida recreation
development assistant are typically for things like playgrounds and exercise equipment. Also
recreations and trails which would need to incorporate trails. Need to be sure these
components are included if pursuing these grants. Urban forestry typically does tree survey
and planting projects. Example of park in coconut creek. Heritage education grants. More
pertinent to historical buildings. Looking at cracker trail and Indians is heritage so may be
possible sell. Worth looking into and calling. History here is so rich and so many aspects can
be used. AAD Shade structure grant. Awnings over playgrounds. Helps reduce cancer for
kids and is an option. Home depot and Lowe also have 5000 grants for these as well. We've
done many projects and concepts in Florida and wanted to show you were here and anxious
J. Smith Handwritten Minutes, March 29, 2021, Page 2 of 7
to start. Wanted to also talk about design process: inventory of site, survey info analyze
program create sketches develop and construction phase then quality assurance permitting
and construction. Not linear process evolves throughout project. Significance of each park
block was part of presentation to City council and is included.
BC-some of the grants are there specific money levels tied to these
TCW-You don't always have to match funds depends on which fund
BC- DOT is lengthy are all lengthy
TCW- no not all
BC- year or year and half?
TCW- need certain amount of stuff done before applying. Some DEP are less stringent
DW-do you provide grant writing services
TCW-yes and after process as well
KS- would go through city?
TCW- yes cooperative effort
GM-DEP grant more resource based?
TCW- recreation facilities is one of theirs. Fed highway admin has done greenways and trails
and they issue those funds
MDO-just for boards approval we have worked with both on grants so nothing new there.
Project right here is a SCOP grant itself
TCW-try to keep less acronyms
RC- Marcos have you done lap? Yet here
MDO-no have done before but not here
BB-copy of presentation?
TCW- yes no problem
RC- are there levels you can ask for?
TCW- yes different levels for each one minor and major
RC- you can leverage between grants?
TCW-yes sometimes they are particular so if youre using part of another grant oy have to be
DW-cant use two DEP grants to fund, need different funding sources
C. Discuss the conceptual plan as presented by the Economic Council of
Okeechobee (Exhibit 1).
MDO-as intro reason we brought this is this is program and theme accepted by council which
is basis for where we go with next step. Whats going on with sculpture and need to know
where we go from here and determine dollar amount and which park were focusing on. My
recommendation is not to say all parks only pick one and focus it. Staff recommendation from
RC-Committee needs to discuss which park to focus first.
JT- I would like cattle drive for community buy in.
RC- Kind of empty anyways blank slate
SC- Hopefully installation
KS-design process of sculpture already in process we need to bring back to council
concerning design. If looking at infrastructure then yes. I would think you would want
continuity to all parks. Need design for all first then complete each one by one. Might lose
design feel if you go park by park. We have theme based by this but previous architect
design should have design elements matching all the park. We should inventory
infrastructure of all parks so we know what we have. Maybe want to upgrade infrastructure
before we upgrade any parks. Cattle drive park is a concern with water and electric
availability might not be great. One thing that irks is yellow water spraying on monuments.
Communities spend all this money and turn irrigation on and everything turns orange and
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yellow. Infrastructure really important to look at. OKMS using parks and electrical and
availability is not good. Look at design then infrastructure then pick a park.
RC-design infrastructure across all systems first then theme
JT- prioritize certain parks, could cost savings to do all of a certain thing at once
DA-looking at parks and infrastructure major impact, systems were not designed for vendors
when system was put in. Continual issue. OKMS has finally conveyed to vendors there is no
power. Serious cost and work would be needed to upgrade those systems.
BC- Personally parks should be used year round. Shouldn't build around vendors for their few
events . Infrastructure is important. Goal to have park used by residents year round.
KS- Nobody has brought up. Infrastructure for restrooms should be looked at. How many
restrooms to include and where. People complain there are no restrooms to use and stores
complain people use them all the time during festivals
DA- Public restrooms is centennial park was trashed very quickly. Keep in mind reality and
costs of keeping them clean,
KS-Festivals there are no restrooms.
JT-can keep the bathrooms closed at certain times.
DW-People have to go every day and always keep checking on them
BC-Centennial park a little of the beaten path.
GM-damage in veterans park as well. David how many wells do we have in the park area.
DA-Decarlo is replacing well in veterans park. System was done long time ago. Lot of
upgrade available
GM-wondering if the two wells could cover all the parks. Think Frank said 4 inch well was
10,000 dollars.
DA-Value of well in veterans being replaced is about 7,000 dollars.
KS-how many wells?
DA-well in city hall, veterans park and park 3
BC- agree with Kathy about plan and cattle drive park. Plan for all parks and go one by one.
DA-well in park 3 does service a main in that area.
MDO-whats the standard on current design for cattle drive park?
KS-We'll bring in bricks and displays
MDO- get a handle on setting standard if were being continuous
KS-most of sculpture will be sculptures themselves then rest landscape. Want to use
architect recommendation.
JT-best to have plan for entire space.
MDO-not landscape or hardscape. Sidewalks and lighting?
KS- wont be part of what we are doing. Do want lit sculptures looking into solar lighting.
TCW-we would provide as part of design.
KS-yes our design now will feel like you are walking through the cattle drive
TCW- is that being designed now?
SC- concerned about lighting that will be here quickly and with no plan for lighting not good
KS- we need inventory for electric available there?
RC- OKMS needs to talk to City directly about their specific plans because this year is going
fast That's why I was circling back around all this infrastructure.
KS-cattle drive wont need much infrastructure.
BC- need authentic foliage
GM-got to be careful with oak trees in that area
MDO-need your plans to me asap so we can get this going quickly.
BC- city received money for road widening from DOT. Would that make sense to put that
back into the parks.
MDO- cant speak for council they were operating in red that year
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BC- trying to think of creative way to get this started. Going to be expensive
JT-along with that mindset we have budgeted quite a bit for parks and not spent it can we use
MDO- we have spent a lot on parks last few years. If we can get one specific park can get
hard numbers. Next year then we look at next park. So we have way to budget these parks.
We can have overall feel. Were trying to get something done instead of conceptualizing.
TCW- one scenario is bisecting streets on each block. Can raise road to make walking
between parks seamless.
RC- could you bring idea back centered on park
SC-if cattle drive getting installed we have to start there
RC-can you make idea for all parks
TCW-yes we can come up with ideas
JT-don't want to complete parks and miss out on ideas.
RC- we broke into one piece to look at we can do parks and look at design elevation later.
Plaza idea city doesn't have a lot of parking so that's not good idea.
TCW-bisecting streets would be used not parking area.
KS- if we brought conceptual design how we want it she would take it and tell us what we
need for infrastructure and would be template for rest of parks?
TCW- each block would have to do specific details for each bloack but within same theme.
Would need plans for each park and sheet.
BB-what provisions are there for pavilions? For parties and other uses. Aspect of having
pavilions for picnics and such.
KS-we haven't gotten that far.
JT-public complains so hot and need cover
RC- close to road so playground is questioned
JT-I would be open to your ideas
TCW- I would like to do park master plan and then focus specific parks
KS-Would still work but plan on cattle drive by end of year.
MDO-we would do all now. Bite off one at a time no sticker stock for council members. Need
a number to take to council.
KS-on this park can say we would appreciate any funding help we can get for cattle drive.
DW-any donations can be used as matching funds for the grants so don't rush into it.
KS-I get that but that's where this project was started before this. Those fund go through
DW- OKMS may want to hold off because they could double their money
SC-if you can use for matching funds
MDO-I believe deadline for some of these have already ended. Could add to next years
RC- I think we have an idea now of what we want.
BC- recommendation to CC to design master plan for parks and move forward with cattle
MDO- will be up to Tammy to move forwards with this.
KS-can we put no bathrooms in cattle drive park
GM-can we put outhouses fits with theme
MDO-addressing pavilion, talked to veterans and there was some discussion with pavilions in
veterans park.
GM- when that guy hit concrete the concrete on arch is cracking badly. Could get concrete
and labor donated making sure no issues on repairing that.
RC- check on insurance?
MDO-not yet
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GM- its age no expansion joints its settled and cracked potential issue later down the road.
Like to get it address beforehand.
MDO-that wont change anything major should be fine
GM-IRSC came out to help could lift helicopter for free. We need to move on it quickly before
class graduates.
MDO-do you want it on next agenda?
JT-would like to hear from architect before making changes to park.
GM-with helicopter up like that the vets I've spoken with requested that to be done.
RC- I agree with JT but what do you think Tammy
TCW- I like it
GM-No cost to taxpayers VFW offered funds to do it. I've done homework and can get help
from others with this project.
JT-Any historical ties to the helicopter?
RC- No it was a retired helicopter to complete the park.
GM-Charlie Norrison was supposed to be here but couldn't. Him and his VFW guys have
expressed they would love to see it lifted.
DA-Air Force 1967 if I remember right
BC- can you work that into plan?
GM-IRSC graduates in Nov and new class wont have ability to do that. Vandalism to
helicopters is getting worse
KS-I would need to know how high and aesthetically would need to visualize it. Will it block
DA- bottom skids 8-10 feet off ground
GM-as far as material and labor I've figured that out already wont be spending any money
DW- I see no problems moving forward
JT-One of the issues that arose was good intentions of community to improve parks and
Hodge podge repairing parks. The intent of this was to have uniform upgrades to park. I
would say no to doing any changes.
RC- Helicopter is already there and slabs are already there. If just elevating nothing really
JT-what would be ETA on getting conceptual plan?
TCW- depend on CC
MDO-can get on next agenda this Friday.
RC- is it consensus of board to incorporate this into master plan?
GM-If done right these will last a very long time.
SC- would it survive hurricane?
GM- yes Pensacola one has survived multiple hurricanes
JT-if you want to do that our architect could come up with something different that may be
KS- there was no design for that park
RC- you have time to look into that.
D. Discuss upcoming meeting schedule.
TCW- Kathy is your concept something we can get from you?
KS- I can email to you.
MDO- please email to me too so I can get infrastructure part going. Goal is to have
something for the next council meeting. Shes in limbo for next 2 weeks. Rough draft is 3 or 4
weeks minimum not counting survey probably. So 6 weeks counting these 2 wks before
council meeting. 7 weeks with ad that needs to go out. We know goal is to get this done so
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rather than set something up 7 weeks ahead do a more open meeting for public to discuss if
that's acceptable.
BC-next council meeting?
BC- is there discussion on funding at that meeting?
MDO-budget has to be changed regardless
RC- it will be on April 6 agenda.
RC- so April 20th meeting it would be on agenda. Trying to get public comment on this since
were not only ones using park.
RC- trying to give you enough room in time
MDO- we can set a tentative meeting date unless something else you guys want to tackle
BC- make more sense to see what city is gonna decide before we move forward
RC- May 24th next meeting date at 3 consensus is good? Agreed
MDO-Follow DOT guidelines for the open house
VI. The meeting was adjourned at 4:16 P.M.
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