2021-05-18 Handwritten MinutesI _�'== CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA Mpv 18, 2021, REGULAR MEETING . ..-. 1l._ � � - • • -• . I- • � r w- �A-- l! • �I- • _ • �- • •.-- •�-- • • •- • - •. : 1 . • 11 ' - • •- • . -• . � - � - - ' �� � � .-- � • - % ; - ���r• . � _rv�. • - -�-r� �Iiti►.���'�1'Iii��\�'S1 • �;�-a v• - " -��- . ' -• . ., _ . . II. i4TTENDANCE taken b�City Clerk Gamiotea to establish a quorum: -..--.�,_:_;� _ ,g_ -_ :. _ _ _. :^.� - --:._- - � _ ------------- � PRESENT ABSENT Counc�l Member Wes Abney _ ' - a��k�---�--�� Counc�l Member Jarriel Cit orne John_Fumero, City Clerk Lane Gamiotea, Ci�t A�dministrator Marcos� Monte DeOca, Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins Assistant Police Chief Donald Ha�an , .� _ . n . -,—. a . �l _ _ n n , -- 111 �A 2Cwlnn A I�1n� pS,IQI_ 1/` _C�_lILA1lAC�__��_...�.�,_ _. ---- -._�...�.�— _�,. - - .�_ __...._- �....,,.... A. Mayor Watford asked whether there were any agenda items to be added, deferred, or ..,�._..,� - ; ; — - -- - �-� ? � h��Y1l� 6. VOTE: �n a �ouncii memper u tn ��,nrovP thP aaPn a 0 Zxd� , Abney , C seco Jarriel Cou Keefe IV. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS �7�' '"� J"� . Mayor Watford proclaimed May 2021 as Mental Health Awareness Month. The roc ama ion was presen e o s. e izzimen i an s. isa ymer, an rea in o � ha rPenrr-I ac fnllrnnic• ` I, L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 5/18/2021 reg mtg, Page 1 of 9 wl � � II _ . --+�_ � 'i : � . ,,� i -� ,� __ _-- - --- -- - ... r- -- --- - _ „ - -- - . . _,- ..,�� �_ _ . �� � ,� . : �.<� �� 1�.t�, � - - ----- _ . _Y�_�_�.��..�....�. _ _.� ._ _ _ _. � - - - . _ _ r�._ ��. . _ _____._..�,.. _�_.. __ _ _ _ i' . _ _ ,�_ _ _ . ,. _._ _ ---- , . � � c;F_ i,�(� . e�� (�-CS o . _ ; _ _ _ __._ _ _�_ . _ -- .� _ _ __ „- . _ ._ _ �. ; � ;' �U ���a,�.-. I�(��. . c�J o���� _.G� _ ���_ -f� _ i�� ����' _ .� �, . __ . _. , ._ � , �, ��1�� �(� � �L � � � �- � _ L� � �� _. _ � �_ � .c��. � � ._- ___ .___ _ __.,. � � _ _�_��_ . . . . � � � � r � �� _. � . _.._,.___ _ __ �; �zCJw �� . � I(J('� �Sl� �..6�_ G�t,. _ �1 ._, , � , �� . . ' ' e`�:��-�'�J �.(.�,� . ."�'._ :�- l.�-Q, �'1-�..,� -:� �� - .. ._�-C�. . , � . _. , �� : ��2. - --- . .. _ , � (;� ��,�,�, _ ( � ��� � . C��. __..._.--- �� a���1�� ; t ,_ . _ . _.._...__. __ �. ? _. . _ _ h f l � �./•�-- �-1,�'�h� _ G "`--rc ...5!_ "`-"� �.�!1,,.�.,CL. : ��i,(�-t)U :�� �-� �►�t..rr,tck'- �;. . _. _� � t� - _ . � J��� � ��� u�� _ a��:. �-E--� �lQ�- �� _ -- _ , I�.� � � G�- C� � , - � �..� - -_ �—_ _ _- - . � � - � ._ - , . _ �, _ . _ �-�-_ : _ __ � - - _- . - . ._ _. _ _ _ _._ _ _ __ _ �...� .- p�_�- _q.�-.�-���� �� - . ��_���- �c�n�c- ��.-� ..�n.�. - � ��w_� � �C�� .,:�.}-�-�� �._ ���"a.t,_ __. ._� __.____ �� , �_ _. . _ . ,� ����,.�� �- ��,�..'�-Q,�.. _.� _ � __ _.� .. ��'�J�c�-, _ ..___. , �? [M c�'u.�'� _ t�-._ _ _ . u�: _ � _ __C�,��. . _� . �� ��- d� _ � Oc�,�� z c��. � ._ _ �. . - ..' _ �.��__.�..�� _�.� _�p_�s_ _v.,�—._.�.cs,.�:�. _. _ _ . _ _ ___ �_ � c�.�� �. ����-p�� �___�- --�..� _ _..___ -- -___ - c�-- __ _ - G�c:�� _� �._._ _� __�� �'_�.�.�_--��. _ - �.� - . - _ .-- -- ; ;�-� . �_ �� _�����: _ __.� _._._-- - --- _ �-- -_ \__---- - -- _. _ _ : _ _. _ _ (_ � � .� _ �. , � �.. :4 -- �--_:� _ _ . _ _ ��-�.!�-�.�-�.(�C_ ___ _ �'��1 _ . ._c.��_�. ����� . �..� . � � . _�� �� _� . _ �- �.._:.�._, _ ______.._ .__m. --_.._ . _ �_ ,- , � ;� - } -. -- _._. _ __... . ._.� _..._.__.._-- _ _ .__ ---_____��._����..�__�.�.�__�__.�.._�_--__._.�..._�____ ,. . - � � L� � �51,� �� � -- --- _ ___ o -��� � _ _._ ... . .. _ _. _ __ __._._. ._ _ . - -. __ _ .- .. � _ .: Cr��.�m: _�--� _ � � �i __ _ . __--_ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ . _ _ _.._ ____-. _ _- -._ _ __ _ _ _ __ ;� . _ _ _ __ _ _- _ _ . - - _ . ; � � � ! ���-� �-C, �m, , _ ��C��r�-�- �v�r� - � __ �.. I_c� �f f . . - - - - � � ii IV PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS CONTINUED. A CONTINUED. "Whereas, the mental health of every citizen, family, business owner and resident of Okeechobee is a ! cri ica ac or�f—in ifs-emotionai-and economic sfabiliiy; ana WFereas;-��[ m—illio�merican aduTfs, rougTiT-- - 18 percent, are living with a mental health illness; and Whereas, 13 percent of American youth, aged 12 �throagh-�t7;are tivirrg with major-d�pression-an�i-Whereas-m-282{r-eQ\ttD='t{Jztepresstan, arrxiet}rarrd----- substance abuse doubled from the previous year's finding of one in five adults to two in five adults who -- -are dea4ing-with-r�ental �ealtl� iss�es,-rougktly-��s{eti�g-�Fo�-2E3-per-ee�rt of-r4r�erieans-Eo 4�-pereent-o,`-- Americans needing mental health services; and Whereas, the Federal Emergency Management Agency __(FEAAf��predi�ts�laat_il�e-.ps�ch.iatr-icimpact�f_a-disasier-_uvial-hit.-a coc�m�nit.y-approxunatel-y-1-8-mo.r�tk�.s--------- after the disaster; and Whereas, stigma remains the primary obstacle to getting help; and Whereas, as _ community_ leaders we must_prepare_for an_inerease in demand on._serv_ie�.� through�du.�ation �zutr���h,_._____—_ and ever greater access to care to ensure our community's overall health; and Whereas, it is the duty of each and every_one of us to_provide continued consistent access to resources to mental health care; and ----- - -- ___-- -- - ---------------- --------..----- ---- Whereas, the City of Okeechobee strives to be a community who supports mental wellness, including greater access to treatment, increasing educational tools and resources for our citizens, and continually -�supporfing tT�ose cifizens witn menfailieaT��opporfuni i�l�TOw-TFIEREF6RE�-1;T)owGng-F�:��fo�d,------- Jr., by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, do hereby proclaim --�fhe mon�ii o�1171ay�0�i-es'11711enfall7ealth-Awa�eness, .101c�nfTiin���i�-o�0, eec o ee-"- --- �E i,vr ��.i� e.,��;v� �a , ��1(.1.�.. C Cvv� �9(.- l'� �1-lr.�:� U�t%�.U-�-.. •�:. � ` ------------ ----- -- ----- --- --- C-��L-C!,.Ql� ___� � _ B. Present a 15-Year Longevity Service Award to Kelly Margerum, Police Department. Ms. Kelley__Marg_erum was presented_a_n_en�r_aved mantel clock and a framed certificate_which ________ _ read "In recognition of your 15-years of service, hard work, and dedication to the City, its citizens, and your fellow �e�s-f�r�-Ma�1-7,-�OQ6�#�o�gka May-�-�2-02-1-.-" _— -------- - --- _ -- --- --- _ --- _�%,C,C�r���t�is��— . � U��`-� �� �-�--p (� _r�s! v���M ------ -- �-���- . _ � — ------�' ��'��tiu._-��� _ _1'��.�'. _��-� ��ti! C�-- ��"—_---- ___ ----_--- - -_ - ---- -------------- C. Present an Outstanding Leadership Award to City Council Member Wes Abney. A-F��y-T�-�hg-�ity was-pres��ted-to��r�ci�-A�mb�r-tlok�n-W- esle�r-Abr�eyT �r-�-for-O�#sta�di��-- Leadership and was read into the record as follows: "whereas, the City Council for the City of --9keec-iaobee;-Florida�-#�Iled-a-vaeaney_oa August-7,-�Q1-8;-by-�i�t�e of t#�pFov+sfe�s-o#�Ses�ion-� ��-0f-t�e �ode--- ----- --- of Ordinances and appointed Mr. Abney as a City Council Member. His term of office was designated as August ---_- ------2.�-,--2D�$-iaJanuary_4f_2D2�_and..uniilbissuccessar_is.Elected_ancLquaGfied__T_hen,_d.ue_tn_certair�ciccurastances,_-__.____ _-._ his term was extended to June 1, 2021; and Whereas, during his term in office, Council Member Abney served as __ ____ ___a._Liaisop for the Ci�_of_Okeechobee to t_he Treasure_Coast_ Cou. ncil of Loc_al Governments _the_Treasure Coast _____ _ — - ---- - --- Regional League of Cities, and the Okeechobee County Tourist Development Council, January 15, 2019 to June 1, 2021; and as an ex-officio member to the Citizens Charter Review Advisory Committee, October 20, 2020 to _---------- - -- ----- ---_ _ ----- - -- ----- June 1, 2021. Now, Therefore, in appreciation of his Service and Outstanding Leadership to our community the City of Okeechobee prou� recognizes his contributions by honoring him with a Key_to the City."_ __ __ p�(� p ' � J //'�� L =� te-� 1� ] V��_C�1 %�� � r' '� i � Ilr'� /� _. II i �.n . J—r.. l- 1 �/1� � n i� r, n� �.., �e i i' . ; . - c _ - --- _ __ ---- ----._�__ _.,._. ....____..._....__ � ,�: __._.._ __ .., .._._d._ ___.� _. .�..�� � _ ���. __ __ �__� �- __���.��hc� ' " � - -_. �__ _-- - _ c�� ��. ���_.����.:" __ .���� ���- _�— � ,� � � � �Ir'��7�4 � � i �\'�Tir.��t.J ' /1/ � � � I � L ' � � 4 y � ,i �l + � �' r / � � � '� a�� �1 f �� � 9 � �i ►� . .I�f � � � � � �- e�� �� �� : �. �,�'� /� % ► �' _ / �' �I � ' � � ' ` Ji/ �' Il�_i ' R� r. . . � i!i! ,� � � ! � '_�� I ,, �i � � � � � � 1 � ► � � I �►�, _�-�� _ � _._ _ _.__ _- _�--- -- - --__ __ ._ � __. � _ _. -- -.. . _ _ _ _ _. _. __ - - � --_ . ----- - -_ -- -- � ��_ �� .�. � .___ ����'-�__L`_'1Ir!Ww�_� .__ -- -_ _�____- ��--��- - _ --.. � � Fund $63,� Elect(qnsr(Exhibit 1). Fund $21,500.48, Appropriations Grant Fund $�7�0 ; and i`tem aymen o T,b'�5:� �n tn the Okeechobee Countv Suqervisor of - - :. _..w.___ _._..._..,__ � J� f Clark Jarriel Keefe� VOTE: Watford , Abney , , , o im arrie ai ed.T�`..__.,�,_ _ --�- � , � �� VI.T' MAYOR�WATFORD OPENED �fHE �'��� ��_,_,�_,_,..,,�„�I���ic�n.t�,�. a�d�,y�itle oqJy,,an� �lop.�..�ro�osed Ordinance No. 1222 amendinc�Code �� Enforcement procedures and dministrative fee (Exhibit 2). � � � �_�..�� e.�-.�.,-. � ----v.-r-secandR�d b� Garrnc�l�llemtaPr �� � �a _ , read �proposed Ordinance No. 1222 by title only, amending Code Enforcement _ _ - _.� .._...,..._.._.,�.�.....�..�� ,.._...K_,.._.._.�..�...:....._._�_�_......�._._ rried/Failed. �:it, :d�tt�rn�.,v F�,m�ro read pron�,�,.�rdinance No 1�2 ,b� title onl�as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE II OF THE ��,,,�F_ORDI.NANCES; AUTHORIZWG THE CODE ENFORCEMENT MAGISTRATE TO CONSIDER FINE COD � REDU. TIONS; INCREASING ADMINISTRATIVE FEES AS PROVIDED IN T��7 A ; ���"'�' OTHER REVISIONS TO REFLECT THE USE OF A MAGISTRATE; °1T�'-'^�'.�.."�'.�r'--T.�'--'•= o;Tv ATToGA1F�� 'T�l -- ---� - � �11V�7ti . ..... CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; AND PROVIDING FOR Motion by Council Member I� � � �(�p�,ps�pij, �rdinance Nn�222,. l�- � DISCUSSION AND UBLIC COMMENTS: �-- - �.w.._,..,.,�__._�.��.,��.� �,...� „ . . i , � .. -� , �, , ` . , nded ny c:ouncu memi a��. ��� .� � C�Q.� I C';�� 1S Ct,Q,� �.f'Y���dCYlsL�t,�J `i� �� r� �.r�� �� i.�c� �s 3�-Qm� C ��1.af �:�,�!5 -� C'01��n��..; � P�e�� ��- � �� �, � �� 0 ��uJU�ti�: �� � G� �-� c —� \r � � ��, : a or — ,�i t�ney , ar ' ' i� � ., 1 y '� � � �° � , LJ A� � , _ ��, , ��•� � . � �,. � ' � � ' a ��--��' L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 5/18/2021 reg mtg, Page 3 of 9 V. !CONSENT AGENDA p Motion by Council Member ���� , seconded by Council Member /_ to approve consent agenda item A[April 20, 2021 regular meeting minutes]; item B[April 2021 i _ _._, . :,.._._ _.. . _ -- -_ ___ . . _ _ _. _.. _ , �. _P i� �o�� ��. . __ _ _ . _�__.�, _ ..� . � ___ . � _. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ._"..�.. .._ .�.._ .__�_..Me__ _6� � ?: ��r�-�,�1 �� - . ., _ _ , : _ _ . , .. .� ���-�..n�- �.�-� �. _ � �,�:�.�..r�� � �d� c� _ _ _ �,� _ _ _ ._. .�..�__. , �r�c��; ' ' � .�� .__ �. , . �_. . , � � 1 j }a �.J� .' ��C�!�-� , � � �, — _ ._.__ _ __. �_ _ _ . _ �...�.��.. _ . ' � C�'v�- l�-�' Ct.rC�c��.,� �_ �.�_.__ , _ �.. . _ ___. ,___.__,_ ; ;, . ,: _ �...._ .�F : _ U�C.�, �_ ��� c�0 �� ..��:� � �-�!�-� , c� (���- �. t _ . . . . _ ...a � _. _._ ��. _ ,. � . .. �-� �C�,,��.�, ��.u�. ��:�i:� .�-.��� _ _. . _. �_ . �c:� �- � � � , ._ _ _ _ . - _�. _ c�� c�������_ �-��- �.;�.c:�..� _ _ _ _. . _ __ ._ . ,... _ . � .. _ �_ _ _. _ ��.��; �c,c� �c��� c�.�� ���1�.�- F� c� � � , �� � C� _ _ ..�. .�._ _. _ . .�,�. �� _. �,�z_.� �C� _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _.__ _ _ . . _ _ .. -- . �, �. `��.:� �� ._ _. 4`�1C ��'��. .��- _ ��c./�sLul.�.,�- � � ` �o��� . y�� _ `' �. _ 4- � � , �`_�.U����__ �.._.�.�i�S ,U�!�... ��rc� , �. '-,� __ c�`�-et.,v� _ __ . �._ __. _ . . _.� `� �- v ��o �,e�.��nr�_ v� ti,�.._.�- .--4���.. �u,� �1� . . 7 r ._ l�c�� _o��- ._�.�.�?-�n..�_-_ _ .__ ��St _ �� �-���� C��n� ���- _ __ �.,� . '� L� � " W �'� t�cs�:- C� C,� �S,v� � - - _ ._ .__ _ . --- - �. __ _ - -- _ _ , \ .- .�- ' ` �, �- � .�.a.��� �,�- _�� _._�_ _. _ ._ . �._ � G�-�?►_ _ �� :c�,.,�.�.�..: _ _ , _ __ ___,, . -- _ _ _._. �, ..�� � � � -� ��.:. __ . � �.�.�c.,� _ � ��� .._. . . ��� �_`--�, � �.� � "� _�� � ��� �"� ��.,�. �� C�'� _c��.�.r_� c� � �-� _ � � _ .�� �. �c-a _. �,��L�c� ��� �I-� �� �?�� �e� � _ .� ��.� �� _ _ � � ___-_ Y _ ��� � _.� ��� ���_ � �� ���.� ��-:�� _�A� -_ . � VI PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED. B. Motion to read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1223, Land Development n.�.,...l�a:_�_ T_..a n.Y_._�.v_�a w�_ nw nnw rn --- ---'°-- -- -'- - - . . � . .. .............J. a.. Na..� �.�� �.J. � v�..�wva�v� � N�..��uv� i � � ��.0 ivaa u� �u �v�. �`n� i�v�l �J�. ____ ____Motion _b� Council Member_,! .��'_,,,��, seconded by_ Council_Member_ to.__.________ read proposed Ordinance No. 1223 by title only, regarding Land Development —R�gul�tions ILDR�Text_Am.�n.dment Ma._21_-IIQ1I9.�-------.---------- --_ _ _------------- ------- �.�j �FO�E-� # d- _-- --1 __ _ .. , Motio arrie /Failed. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1223 by title only as follows: "aN ---- �--ORDTNANCE-OF-TRE�ITY--IIF-"�KEE�FI�66EE,--FLO TER �6F"I�Ff�AND �� DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (LDR) OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE; AMENDING SECTION 90-483, - -REVIStM1iG--T-HE--PROtit�tO1V�-�@F�-P-ARpCtRtG-Rf�DtfC-T1Q�i--RE@�€�T�; /kfV1EI�iDtfV�-S"��'FfOfV-80=454;�---- REVISING THE PROVISIONS FOR REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR UNPAVED PARKING; DELETING — �LE-T-19f�-98-4€�"3,--RAF3�FFPIf--�FMF�A�"-fAN-S-�-BR��4R-14FNG-F�E$F36-�19N-�flPR$�FAtS-�3-SEC-�iflPd- 96�83;--- AMENDING APPENDIX A OF THE LDR ADDING FORM 21, PARKING REDUCTION PETITION; AMENDING APP-ENQlX_r,-OF-�'�i�LIIR--�D-DJ�Ci---A-N-NP-PL-I�'.��-ION-�€��0�-��RRKa�I�- €�I�'-18AIvs= -- PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; AND k�OVIDIN.G._F-IIR-.�AI-E.�F-�G-��-BP�'-�,'-' - — - ------------ - adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1223, w 0 Aember- -Itt� -�to�- ��01� C9Yl� �-� � �� � --- ._ . � — �4�� �ia—ti��/ � � V � 1��� 1'� � v ---���_�� � �� t�,� c � r�� � 0 - — �` C`��. C��c�� -- m � � �� �.s�---- Moti arried/ ailed. -- _ �_. -- L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 5/18/2021 reg mtg, Page 4 of 9 � � - ti I VI PlJ�3LIC HEARING CONTINUED. C. Motion to read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1224, Land Development Regulations Text Amendment No. 21-002-TA adopting a Holding Property Rezoning Moti' o ��`�;=�di�"i'n�`a��ati��rrm�tttvd�rrd-#�e°`(€�xhit�it�_ .-._.._ � by Council Member �, , seconded by Counci! Member �� - to read ,roposed Orc� nance o�. �f��y i e on y, regar ing ex men men o. QO.�.-.��►�. - -- __ - ` � Mot C Ity PROG ff[�%A ey Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1224 by title only as follows: "AN , PROVIDING INCENTIVES FOR OWNERS OF PROPERTIES ZONED HOLDING TO REZONE TO ING THE APPLICATION FEES AND APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING DISG,IJSSION AND C COMME— N�'S: 0 ��t , � 7 � � � 0 0 Motion arried/ iled. C� i.�('Y1..�,�, ��( � a.._.. ` MAYI�R WATFORD CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING AT - P.M. L Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 5/18/2021 reg mtg, Page 5 of 9 PETITION; AMENDING APPENDIX C OF THE LDR ADDING AN APPLICATION FEE FOR REZONING ,, ,_ ,��Rn�����( 7���H� DW �_pR0 Ipl►��,FQR C. .QNFLIC.T_' PROVIDING FOR_SEVERABILITY� PROVIDING FOR CQDIFICATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." 'I ..._,_,�..,_._:....__ . .,.+.. w.�= - _-�-�.-�.--� �..�.; __.. _�- _ -- -- -- - --��. .� ..5....� .__�_ ,.,.. Motioh by Council Member �- , seconded by C�uncil Member to . . . .� .. .. _ �....., n � ..� . � „_..r.�J � . _ 1 I VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Motion to read by title only and adopt proposed Resolution No. 2021-01 accepting the May 4, 2021 Special City Election results for one City Council Member (Ex ibit 5). ----101-ofion by �ouncT em er , secon e y o� c T�Alem�er to ___ _ read � title only �_ ro osed Resolution No. 2021-01, accepting the May 4, 2021_ Special City Election results for one City Council Member. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Resolution No. 2021-01 by title only as follows: "A ------_�t.ES-�.LUTIOAI_OF_-�CkI�.CI-� €€�-�.L.nRinn� nr�� r�pTi��-ru�Y,.�n,�_G�.�rini a�ci u Tc �nQ -��.--------- 2021 SPECIAL CITY ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR TERMS OF OFFICE TO BE HELD BY NOEL A. CHANDLER, __________ AS AN ELECTED CJ��OUNCIL MEMB�B;_PRS2Y1A1L�LG�QRII-LE.CII�LCLERK T01S�SllEgCEBIIFICATE��_.__A— OF ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN CCCC!`TI\/C I'IATC °� %�' , r` `�; a�� ��� �, f'��'�`�_`� �� ----ti�1-1� r� Vr1TC. \A/. �_; ' - = __� (� ��c� en Motior�'�arried/F�ailed. � . �► B. Consider recommendation for Fine Reduction of lien and payment arrangements on 501 - -----ri1��-6�'-St , 2�`} � -OE?9�Gre�ry-and-�hrarom �/iitiams (Exh i b it 6 � Et.� -- Motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member to -- approve-�Tie � e n orcemen peciaTNla-gis�ra e ref commenae�- ine re uc ion o�-- ___ percent of_the accumulated fines of $4,925.00 t�ether with applicable administrative fees] and payment arrangements for Code Enforcement Case No. 200110013, Gregory __.��nc��J�r.Q�.�1lil�i��Q�..J�l.�b�e►_��t�6t�tre�.[J�g�.lsie�cri�tiQ.n�Lo�2&�.a.n.d.__the_Eas_t— - one-half of Lot 25 of Block 52, CONNERS HIGHLANDS, Plat Book 1, Page 21, public -Qkesc�e�ee-Go���-F-�ar-ida�_---. _��_,___------..- -------- ---------------_- VOTE: .�CLQtior Abney�, Cla _, Keefe � L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 5/18/2021 reg mtg, Page 6 of 9 VII NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED. C. �, ; Consider approval of an Addendum to the existing Agreement for Information �' i Technology with ICS Compute�rs, Inc. (Exhibit 7) (�,, f��,,,�:��c� ��- �'llt: �' � �""""` � , secon�e y ounc lOf-em�'er , �"lVfotib�`T�y ounci em er �� a r'd,ve an Addendum to the existin A reement for Information Technolo with ICS - � _ Com uters, Inc. _�._..______.;�.., - - � .� ���I � nl r � I-�il� D'fI in�► � t<1► f �Ql./Ni�/A�aA V�T� __. - , ney , ar , arrie , . Moti� Carri /Failed. � �..�. ' . ' - - - - ;Agreement and Complete Release (Exhibit 8); C� is'h��-{�-a���-�+�'���`�.��1 � -��--�pA�t+e#��-i - �5ses "1 Me�n�e �e� accejit the resignation letter and proposed settlement agreement and complete release —���'i� • . f"�.? �� �i m � �►\�rn1�- �� (a ���r,� d�,na r�-t 1 (i��l �(1 r rO n„ � - a , ,�. � t' ' /� � ,,i 1 f .� . fi ! _� , rl_ � l, ` �' � `.�: �.� _'� _ ' /.° � � .� � � �� 1� � � + .. ►�► , . �� ;�ir� � �1. � �1-- �� � _ �,�,..�- � `d, � 1 ia� c VOTE: V�a�ford , Abney 'IOfo�i arrie i e . C l, C�u�.e2�x.� (,�.�_,� l�s-�- ��t-�t, � C��c,��. � �G�'e , Jarriel , Keefe . ��� L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 5/18l2021 reg mtg, Page 7 of 9 � � � ; -- -_ _ _ .� _�'C� _ _��-�.��,,�.�.�.� , . _ - _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _-_ . _._ _ ____ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _.___.__.. � . � ... < < . � 0 �.. �.� ��.���_� �___.1.__. _ __ _ - _ _ _ _-- _ � ____ � 1_ _ �'-.�. ���..���^�����-- � _: c�� _���c�-�_��z�.c`�.�- � . -�-�_ _ _ ___ __ _ — ; . �� ; ��� � . � .c .. ` l��a..�.���� � b... � - -- .- :. ..T __ . � -� .� _ . _ _. _ .. .__._ -- _ ._�_.�.. ;� � _ �� _ �--� �.�_ �__���_ .� - — �� r�.d..�.. . __ _.�.�..�__�_., _ ; , '�a.� _-��-�-_�._,� -:�.- -��.��� � _��_ �L��_�_._ � �� _ _ �-fc;�� __ � � � , _ ;�__ �..�.��,�_ �.�.�_. � �.. f,��, ,�. ��.�� --- � _ --.—.,��__. , . '� � ` i i� � � V � _;�,.. __- -- .-- (.��_.'� _.__. ._._ - ---_._ ' _ .. _, �:1t.-�s��� __Q`��G� _ _ —_--^.__.�__v_. ____ __.._.._ _ _._.. . ___.--_ ___ ___���._ � . ,. �, _ _ .. _ , _ _-- — _._____ — — ,_n.__,_�.__. _. _ .__ _ _ _� �.�.._�.�.�..e_..,��.�i.�;_.���: �- � �.�....___.__�-.��.. _.______.__.� __...�.�..., �_._...�..._ _._._ _ __—.___ _ __ _ -- - _. __ _ ___ _..__ c . � < < ..��-- �!- _�-.. ._+��___l.� _ _ � _-_�. G-_� - --- _�c�_� _ �� � _. �� ___ _ __ - _�o �� �_.... '��..�-- �,�.� _ - _ �.�� � -�-��u��t,__.___� ���.�,_---_._ ._________�.- -___.�_______. �.L �.l -- � ■ VII NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED. E. Consider First Amendment to Interlocai Agreement between Okeechobee County and the City of Okeechobee for Fire Services originally executed on December 18, 2020 --- —__-------- ---- ---_----.. ---- -------- - �Exhibit 9). El� �, . ---- � Motion b Council Member � _ J__y � , seconded by Council Member �'� to -- ----- _____�__..-----..___--------- ---..�_--_.__��.----- approve the Amendment No. 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between Okeechobee County and Citv of_Okeechobee for Fire Services originally executed_on December_18,�202Q__,_.___ i�, . A `'1 s . ._ f 1__ /1!e . �.. �l �) . :.-� ,'_ ., .,ti � ... _ ..� . . __1 .,d _ , .n _ 11. ?_ ..! � (���� . � (�.;l�.C�.,� rv�-�-c� —KiJ (� �`'I�JZ�,-f-i,�'►�l-�1.�ucc:�r���•� ��-----�---, ___--_�nf�.'rn�'S2.iLt1l�.-�-�u1�Q — VOTE: Wa , Abney ��, Clark � , Jarriel�, Keefe�. -- - ----Mafiien -�a�rriedfFa�le�.----- �, -- -- — ----�/T1ti �C I TY ATTD-R1�tt'I�UPD- — — ----- �1-�= '�o�o0c�__�� � � � St�� (��— � � , f c%�c-�.,� c� � �� �',�t'_ y��D VY1,Uf� �tI`-��t-� �.1( �A 1 � . -r-Z,c.�- r5.�(,, _ — ---_ _ _ _ _ _ __ — ----._... L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 5/18/2021 reg mtg, Page 8 of 9 --��� ��:�x�t ;._ U �� ��.�t , `� 4"aG.� � � �. �1�Q i� �( � S .cr D aS�------ ��-- , IX. __ CITY ADMINISTRATOR UPDATE - �, � - � �� '� , t� � L"l-2U jJt� C�i�re4»:iia.�� ' c-e -� ' Q.� � �,Spo1Uk�, �$ l� ����.'U11��1.� -I�'�i �u�clti �-r� l�-r-. -fi-�r � �tn (��f4- ��o,in��'nn� ca �,7-;U- n,�h-'��. I�o., (-� �-�-��r, X. � COUNCIL COMMENTS a � �� �� � : �� t �� . � .�� � ► � �� -, � ii % � �,��' � �I , A � __ , �� f ,� �� � r' � : 0 � �.�.� ` ` ! �. _ � f I � ng a�l-r L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 5/18/2021 reg mtg, Page 9 of 9 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA MAY 18, 2021, REGULAR MEETING HANDWRITTEN MINUTES BY BOBBIE .1ENKINS I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Watford called the Regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Okeechobee to order on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, at 6:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, located at 55 Southeast 3rd Avenue, Room 200, Okeechobee, Florida. The invocation was offered by Reverend Jack Washington of the New St Stephens AME Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by Council Member Abney. II. ATTENDANCE Mayor powling R. Watford, Jr. Council Member Wes Abney Council Member Clark Council Member Jarriel Council Member Keefe PRESENT ABSENT x _x_ x x x City Attorney John Fumero x City Administrator Marcos MontesDeOca x City Clerk Lane Gamiotea x Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins x III. AGENDA AND PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Mayor Watford asked whether there were any agenda items to be added, deferred, or withdrawn; there were none. B. Motion by Council Member WA , seconded by Council Member BJ to approve the agenda as presented. Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. C. There was ONE agenda item forms or comment cards submitted for public participation for any issues not on the agenda. Gregg Maynard — may pretty busy month. I'm here because I was asked a question that I felt I was not qualified to answer. What is the historical significance of the veterans' park and the helicopter. Jim Pippin, representing WA 96 active members, helicopter is very important to those who were in Vietnam. The copter now doesn't mean anything. We suggest putting it on a pedestal NE towards the red light. Surprise on how much attention that will pull. If it wouldn't for the helicopter, in 1969 I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for those helicopters. Pilots and medics would fly in middle of fire fights. They would still come. Bravest people I've ever seen. We have a few of those in this town. We have several pilots in town. Wrote a few little notes. Those who served in the military and Vietnam, information, brought ammo, supplies, troops into the fight. That's why we need this copter to be more prestige, honor it needs to be for those who have served. Put it in an active stance on a platform and an architect has drawn the plans. B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 1 of 13 Brings back memories to vets, inspires the public to see what they've done and how important they are. A lot of us still go to therapy, seeing that helicopter gets my adrenaline pumping. So important to have it placed on pedestal. DW-like to say, 90 something members. Thank you for your service. I'd like to respond a little bit to that. When we got the helicopter, David and I were on the committee plus two reps from the American legion. Marty Faulkner was also on the committee. Had quite a discussion on mounting or putting it in the air. Don't remember the exact discussion, some point we decided to keep t down. Suggest while we're doing park plans, good thing to include in the planning process. We're doing a plan for all of the parks, don't need to make any big changes to the Veterans' park. If you have someone to draw plans, appreciate that. Best way to approach that. It's amazing at how many people stop there. It is quite an honor and the sound those things make is unique. When we did the initial dedication, it was on a trailer. They had the forest service do a fly over with their huey. That sound made your hair stand up. We will include that in the planning process in the parks. Seems like a feasible idea. I've seen those in Hillsborough county have several of theirs mounted. IV. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS A. Proclamation declaring the month of May 2021 as Mental Health Awareness Month. The proclamation was not read into the record as there were no representatives to accept it. It will be mailed to Ms. Deb Pizzimenti and Ms. Lisa Rymer. B. Present a 15-Year Longevity Service Award to Kelly Margerum, Police Department. Ms. Kelley Margerum was presented an engraved mantel clock and a framed certificate which read "In recognition of your 15-years of service, hard work, and dedication to the City, its citizens, and your fellow employees from May 17, 2006 through May 17, 2021." Asst. Chief Hagan-known Kelley before she ever started at the Station. I remember seeing her around, eat breakfast with us at the red rooster during late hours. Went to work with St Lucie County and managed to get herself thru school. She has been an outstanding employee, always a smile on her face. Started in May of 2006 and she became SRO May 2, 2018, she's found her groove, kids love her. Outstanding job and say thank you for serving the department and community. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Coles. KM-say thank you for taking a chance on me. My fellow co-workers have a great dept to work for. I've loved almost every day of it. C. Present an Outstanding Leadership Award to City Council Member Wes Abney. A Key to The City was presented to Council Member John Wesley Abney, Jr. for Outstanding Leadership and was read into the record as follows: "Whereas, the City Council for the City of Okeechobee, Florida, filled a vacancy on August 7, 2018, by virtue of the provisions of Section 2-39 of the Code of Ordinances and appointed Mr. Abney as a City Council Member. His term of office was designated as August 21, 2018 to January 4, 2021 and until his successor is elected and qualified. Then, due to certain circumstances, his term was extended to June 1, 2021; and Whereas, during his term in office, Council Member Abney served as a Liaison for the City of Okeechobee to the Treasure Coast Council of Local Governments, the Treasure Coast Regional League of Cities, and the Okeechobee County Tourist Development Council, January 15, 2019 to June 1, 2021; and as an ex-officio memberto the Citizens Charter Review Advisory Committee, October 20, 2020 to June 1, 2021. Now, Therefore, in appreciation of his B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 2 of 13 Service and Outstanding Leadership to our community, the City of Okeechobee proudly recognizes his contributions by honoring him with a Key to the City." Accompanied by Fiance and son DW-thank you for your service, kind of followed in your dads footsteps. Known you all your life, appreciate you willing to stay on. Thank you for the wonderful leadership you've shown. BJ-I was sitting next to Wes the whole time, he was very quiet but Bobby and i filled in. always did his homework and he was up to date, gave us a lot of good leadership. Really appreciate what this council has accomplished, miss sitting next to him. All but twice got him to vote right. Grown to really appreciate what he had to offer. MC-expertise in the building trade has brought so much info to ordinances, appreciate all the work you've done. Thank you very much for serving. BK-not a roast, I certainly echo their statements as well, always prepared and have good questions, always impressed, as quiet as you are when you did speak up and have questions, I was impressed and proud to have served with you. I love serving on this council, very proud of what we've accomplished together. We're elected to be voices for everybody. You've certainly been an integral part of it. DW-Gary Ritter would like to make a comment. GR-bittersweet to me, such a pleasure serving with you on the Council. Think you were such a great addition. One of the things that were unique, you were the first one from your generation to sit on this council. your contributions were absolutely excellent. You may have been quiet but you were thinking, when you spoke those were wise words, came when we needed that expertise. Sad to see you go, hope in the future you consider running again. Appreciate it and very proud to serve with you. WA-I will say that, my father was a BOCC for 12 years and I knew it was something that was positive to do to help the community. Really enjoyed being on the council, appreciate the opportunity to serve. Appreciate staff, thank Nicole and shamus, look forward to a long relationship to come. May try to be back up here, have a few things to take priority with. Thank you again it's been a pleasure, I've really enjoyed being up here. V. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — April 20, 2021 B. Approval of Warrant Register — April 2021 C. Approve the invoice for payment to the Okeechobee County Supervisor of Elections in the amount of $17,648.74 for conducting the Special City Election (Exhibit 1). Motion by Council Member MC , seconded by Council Member BJ to approve consent agent item A[April 20, 2021 regular meeting minutes]; item B[April 2021 Warrant Register in the amounts: General Fund $511,473.50, Public Facilities Improvement Fund $33,984.54, Capital Improvement Projects Fund $21,500.48, Appropriations Grant Fund $63,473.67, and Law Enforcement Special Fund $75.00]; and item C[Payment of $17,648.74 for the cost of conducting the Special City Election to the Okeechobee County Supervisor of Elections]. Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. VI. PUBLIC HEARING FOR ORDINANCE ADOPTION TIME: 626 B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 3 of 13 A. Motion to read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1222 amending Code Enforcement procedures and administrative fee (Exhibit 2). Motion by Council Member WA , seconded by Council Member MC to read proposed Ordinance No. 1222 by title only, amending Code Enforcement procedures and administrative fee. Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1222 by title only as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE II OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; AUTHORIZING THE CODE ENFORCEMENT MAGISTRATE TO CONSIDER FINE REDUCTIONS; INCREASING ADMINISTRATIVE FEES AS PROVIDED IN THE ORDINANCE; AMENDING OTHER REVISIONS TO REFLECT THE USE OF A MAGISTRATE; �� ��� Q��^�r'��� �T� oTTnQni�v -r ��.p,ic�-i��-i�� r��€(j���f�€-P�-�€€�BIPJ���4��R�1-W-BCn ini -ru� nr�ninionir�� PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion by Council Member MC , seconded by Council Member BJ to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1222. DISCUSSION AND PUBLIC COMMENTS: no public comments. DW-also Table 3 was presented to you at your place tonight. JF any particular comment JF-appendix reference in the ordinance was distributed to you at the request of WA. Terms of the ordinance most of the changes were housekeeping. Most important changes were authorizing City Attorney to institute foreclosure proceedings was deleted. This ordinance mirrors FS CH. 162, magistrate hearings, testimony, enforce fines, consider and authorize fine reductions. Biggest change is on page 3 Sec. 18-38 powers of magistrate are enumerated. Already in state statute just mirroring it. Special Magistrate has the power to consider fine reductions, only fine reductions, admin fee cannot be reduced by magistrate, no hard costs are subject to change, only the civil penalty component. Added provision here, if a party so you all know, magistrate hears the notice of violation at that time, testimony from CE officer and property owner, look at any documentation relevant to the violation and make a ruling, consider fine reductions and magistrate has entered a number of fine reductions. Item No. 2, if a property owner is not satisfied with the fine reduction, they're next appeal point is the circuit court instead of the city council. Another words, they cannot consider new or different evidence, base the decision on the record below. My recommendation is City Council should not be placed in the decision to having be a judge thaYs why we pay a magistrate to do so, item 2 clarifies, state law states you may provide an avenue to appeal to the circuit court. Pretty much captures the changes in the ordinance. DW discussion from council BJ-I think it's what we discussed, we don't need to judge the judge. We hire the magistrate to make those decisions. WA-thank you for getting these together. Resolution 09-08 was the last time they were addressed. Do we feel these fees are adequate. Can we make changes to these fees? JF-we need to do a deep dive on this ordinance, this is step 1 of the process. We've increased the admin fee to $50 and staff will continue to update this ordinance. Sometime in the near B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 4 of 13 future additional changes will be brought back. This needs to be updated in my opinion, we've received comments about that. WA-Section 4b persons qualified as repeat violators, what's the definition, any time its more than one time. Defined somewhere that we know that a repeat violator has more than one violation. DW-same or different offense JF-can be any offense. Magistrate can assess a fine and they shall consider the following factors. He read from 162. Any violations committed by the violator, this is the minimum and we can adopt additional considerations. Any other violations with the same piece of property. Again this is narrative and there's a lot of room for judgement. That's why we have a magistrate who is an attorney to weigh those factors. DW-so this will be brought back. WA-first offender $100 to $200 but if the chief is recommending $50 and $100. JF-chief feels to leave it like it is now. BK-just my copy or if there's a revised one. Authorizing city attorney foreclosure is struck through in the title, but the 3�d whereas should be deleted? DW-yes it will be deleted since it's deleted in the title. Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. B. Motion to read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1223, Land Development Regulations Text Amendment No. 21-001-TA regarding changes to parking regulations, adding a parking reduction petition method and fee (Exhibit 3). Motion by Council Member BK , seconded by Council Member BJ to read proposed Ordinance No. 1223 by title only, regarding Land Development Regulations (LDR) Text Amendment No. 21-001-TA. Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1223 by title only as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 90 OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (LDR) OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE; AMENDING SECTION 90-483, REVISING THE PROVISIONS FOR PARKING REDUCTION REQUESTS; AMENDING SECTION 90-484, REVISING THE PROVISIONS FOR REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR UNPAVED PARKING; DELETING SECTION 90-485, MOVING LIMITATIONS FOR PARKING REDUCTION APPROVALS TO SECTION 90-483; AMENDING APPENDIX A OF THE LDR ADDING FORM 21, PARKING REDUCTION PETITION; AMENDING APPENDIX C OF THE LDR ADDING AN APPLICATION FEE FOR PARKING REDUCTION PETITIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion by Council Member WA , seconded by Council Member MC to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1223. DISCUSSION AND PUBLIC COMMENTS: B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 5 of 13 Ben Smith LaRue Planning-as you may recall you've voted to approve the first reading so if you approve it now it becomes part of the LDR. Before we do that, point out one thing, if you recall minor correction, I want to make one more correction back the other way. Section 2 of the ordinance, we unstricken the first bit there. I think if you look at the way it picks back up, restrike "modification.....should be stricken, 90-483 should remain unstricken. If you look there's already some language that sets up the code. VERIFY WITH BEN WHAT TO STRIKE THROUGH.... DW-any questions of Ben WA-in the scheme of things, are we tightening or loosening the ability to request parking reductions. Ben-both in some ways we're loosening in that the applicant won't have to pay a high fee or provide a parking study, but at the determination of the administrator, he could request. Amount of reductions restricted in some zoning districts. I feel like we've tightened up the language about what criteria you're going to use for these requests. WA-90-481(1)....as provided in 90-483, basically 483 has been stricken. Look on page 2 of 4 under 90-484. Ben-we've stricken the old language of 483 and added new language to 483. DW-so that 1 through 8 is part of 90-483. I've got confused. 90-512 and 90-513. Didn't change numbers. Ben-those sections are the actual sections that. MC-485 becomes 483. DW-now 1-8 is the new 483. WA-should the heading not state. DW-it does, it's just confusing. That sentence should be where we struck out the other one. Should say 90-483 parking and loading space requirements. I was completely confused. Ben-part of the confusion is because we moved somethings around. WA-ok, thank you. If we made it to section 3 yet. Form 21 No. 2 where it says TRC reviews petitions and approves/denies with conditions. If there is an appeal, does that come to the Council. Ben-the decision of the TRC is final. MDO-appeal will come to City Council. WA-so it comes to the Council. Has it happened in the past. Ben-one of the changes we're making, requests go to TRC instead of Council. There may be something in the code that states the appeal process. MC-I just want to make sure that pretty much this ordinance takes care of anything that comes before TRC. Parking issues that come with BTR's. MDO-it could if it were applied. MC-that's where some of the parking issues come in. not with just new developments. Most of the issues have been with BTR's and change of use. My concern is that we were going to address the BTR issues. Ben-this mainly takes care of this. Let's say there was a retail use in the building, someone puts in a restaurant, staff directs them to this process. MC-are we going to address the uses. We were talking about what could go into those. Parking requirements for different uses, we may need to add some new ones. Ben-if that's a directive of council, we can look at that. MC-just don't have a lot of categories. MDO-there have been some and we've worked with them on that. DW-different categories. MC-my situation was we had a dance studio who has 10 students per class, but there's nothing in the ordinance that represents a dance studio. B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 6 of 13 Ben-think if that situation came before us now, use the use that best mirrors the uses. If there are some uses that need to be added, put some language about similar uses. MC-the other example was a psychologist that wants to open a single business. All we have is a physician office. Shortage of smaller units for these people„ have to go into bigger units. DW-we may be able to look at other cities. Ben-at least now the process is clearer and cheaper. DW-much easier now. Public comments: none Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. C. Motion to read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1224, Land Development Regulations Text Amendment No. 21-002-TA adopting a Holding Property Rezoning Program, adding an application method and fee (Exhibit 4). Motion by Council Member MC , seconded by Council Member WA to read proposed Ordinance No. 1224 by title only, regarding LDR Text Amendment No. 21-002-TA. Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1224 by title only as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; ADOPTING THE HOLDING REZONING PROGRAM, PROVIDING INCENTIVES FOR OWNERS OF PROPERTIES ZONED HOLDING TO REZONE TO OTHER ZONING DISTRICTS SUPPORTED BY THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (LDR), REDUCING THE APPLICATION FEES AND APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING APPENDIX A OF THE LDR ADDING FORM 22, HOLDING ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY CHANGE PETITION; AMENDING APPENDIX C OF THE LDR ADDING AN APPLICATION FEE FOR REZONING PROPERTY ZONED HOLDING; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion by Council Member WA , seconded by Council Member MC to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1223. DISCUSSION AND PUBLIC COMMENTS: Ben-so this item is also final reading. There was significant discussion at the first reading. We discussed whether or not this was enough of an incentive to get people to come in. we also discussed whether or not a time limit would help incentivize people to come in. thinking to adjust the incentive fee, now's the time. Also a sunset clause could be provided. Now's the time to consider that too. Otherwise part of your code moving forward. We were working on this with the planning board as it would be temporary. 6 months was long enough to get ducks in a row but short enough to get them going. MC-any discussion at planning board about the cost. B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 7 of 13 Ben-reducing the fees to 2/3 of what they are was a savings, when you consider that savings and many cases not hiring professionals to handle the application for you, it's definitely a policy consideration for you all. MC-$600 plus $20 per acre is what the planning board came up. WA-any of this the administrative list you were trying to clean up. Ben-so we viewed this as a first step in helping to clear up some of those issues of conflict. WA-continue to work on administratively to straighten up the conflicts. Is that still on the checklist. Ben-we can't just change the designations for properties. It's never going to be administrative, either council action, or the applicant can request it. Staff can't administratively change the maps but do the leg work. The city has contracted with the CFRPC to do that. WA-get this all cleaned up. Let them know we're willing to work with you. Ben-the other thing we're working for is designating a commercial corridor for areas around 70/441 to help guide some of those map changes to give the city some planning guidance. That's the 2"d step. WA-see exhibit b, did I miss it? Ben-it was included in the last packet. I can tell you that I have the previous exhibit. It's still valid. BK-so where are we at in 6 months when none or a handful have filed. What then? Are we just back to where we are now or do we get to choose for them. DW-we can initiate a change. That would be tough to tell someone we're changing the zoning on their property. We have several options to consider. If we don't get a lot of applicants, we did talk about notifying the homeowners. I think we need to have a time or its going to go on forever. MDO-how many properties are we talking about. Ben-it's 43 map ideas but there are 55 parcels. And some of those are owned by a single entity. MC-$600 is a huge expense for a landowner should lower it MDO-there is not a lot of room for movement due to advertising eating up the cost. DW-set a time limit and then adjust our attack after 6 months. We would have other options. MC-what's the cost LG-$70, no $141 MC-how many times do we have to advertise LG-min of 3 times. DW-any public comments; none DW-do we want to set a sunset provision. MC-6 months is good. DW-assume we need a motion to amend a sunset provision JF-6 months is a little too short. It's going to take 6 months to get word out, to give it a fair run I would suggest a year. DW-motion to amend a one year sunset clause by MC; 2"d by WA, discussion on motion to amend. Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. Motion as amended Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING TIME: 7:08 PM B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 8 of 13 VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Motion to read by title only and adopt proposed Resolution No. 2021-01 accepting the May 4, 2021 Special City Election results for one City Council Member (Exhibit 5). Motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member to read proposed Resolution No. 2021-01 title only, accepting the May 4, 2021 Special City Election results for one City Council Member. Mayor WatFord X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Resolution No. 2021-01 by title only as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; ACCEPTING THE OFFICIAL RESULTS FOR THE 2021 SPECIAL CITY ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR TERMS OF OFFICE TO BE HELD BY NOEL A. CHANDLER, AS AN ELECTED CITY COUNCIL MEMBER; PROVIDING FOR THE CITY CLERK TO ISSUE A CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion by Council Member MC , seconded by Council Member BK to adopt proposed Resolution No. 2021-01. Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. B. Consider recommendation for Fine Reduction of lien and payment arrangements on 501 NW 16t" Street, Case #200110013, Gregory and Sharon Williams (Exhibit 6) Motion by Council Member MC , seconded by Council Member BK to approve the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate recommended fine reduction [to 50-percent of the accumulated fines of $4,925.00 together with applicable administrative fees] and payment arrangements for Code Enforcement Case No. 200110013, Gregory and Sharon Williams, 501 Northwest 16t" Street [legal description: Lot 26 and the East one-half of Lot 25 of Block 52, CONNERS HIGHLANDS, Plat Book 1, Page 21, public records of Okeechobee County, Florida]. Discussion: none Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. C. Consider approval of an Addendum to the existing Agreement for Information Technology with ICS Computers, Inc. (Exhibit 7) Motion by Council Member BK , WA to approve an Addendum to the Technology with ICS Computers, Inc. seconded by Council Member existing Agreement for Information Discussion: MDO-we did an RFQ initially, 3 year contract, this is year 2 B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 9 of 13 JF-that's expired. This is a new contract. IR-just finished 2"d year. Provision to continue a one year contract, still JF-addendum has same price, same scope of work. Two one year renewal adoptions. WA-are you good? J F-I d rafted it. DW-I think the service has been excellent DW-any questions from council. Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. D. Consideration of City Administrator resignation letter and proposed Settlement Agreement and Complete Release (Exhibit 8). Motion by Council Member MC , seconded by Council Member BJ to accept the resignation letter and proposed settlement agreement and complete release of City Administrator Marcos MontesDeOca. Discussion: BJ-I appreciate the time you've been here. Just have some questions on the contract. You wrote the contract, correct? MDO-yes BJ-are you satisfied with that contract, do you feel it's a fair contract to you and the city. MDO-I had some issues with it before. BJ-do you feel it's a fair agreement for you and the city MDO-the overall 5 year, yes sir BJ-I didn't understand the 60 days and I asked the attorney and you and he agreed with that wording so I'll accept your explanation on that. When it comes to the sick days the original contract calls for 50% and I accepted that you said it was a fair agreement, I think 50% of what you asked for. MDO-the terms were asked to be change is sick and 90 days. BJ-would you be in agreement with 50% MDO-no sir DW-any other questions from the council. Marcos we appreciated your service to the city. Always a delicate situation. MDO-I don't get to leave tonight DW-as we've accepted the police chief's with regret, we will accept your resignation. Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. JF-few mechanics to go over. IN the agreement mD0 will continue on until 6/18. MDO and I have had a number of conversations. He will be going on annual leave the last week of that 30 day period. Suggest you begin thinking about an interim administrator to identify and then determine a permanent. Remember if there is an interim I need to develop an agreement. DW we definitely need to consider who needs the interim. BJ-make a motion, and I understand Gary Ritter is interested in it, if he's interested I would like to nominate Gary Ritter as the interim and authorize the city attorney and he to try to work out a contract as an interim and place a figure of $85 to $90k, B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 10 of 13 JF-that's fine if that's a consensus and I need to sit down with them. Direction is better to develop a formal agreement. DW-we have a motion, is there a second MC-second DW-any discussion from the council. We won't know anything until negotiations. GR-I would, you know I have to say this is a small community and I've heard my name being thrown around for quite some time, I feel honored that you all have confidence in me, it's kind of a shock really, you know I was at home depot Sunday and I had someone come up to me and congratulate me, and I told them I still work for the FL Farm Bureau. The City is extremely important to me. I have raised my family here, even though my daughter said we're not going to stay here, but they're still here. I would like to talk about this opportunity. I would like to be here as I get through the weighing years of my professional career, don't have any inclination in retiring, like working and being involved. So if this council wants to entertain discussion with me about being an interim, I'm game and appreciate the confidence. DW-thank you Gary. JF-when is the next council meeting LG-June 1 JF-so I will get with him MDO-the city can handle one day without an administrator because the 2"d meeting on June 15tn Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. E. Consider First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement between Okeechobee County and the City of Okeechobee for Fire Services originally executed on December 18, 2020 (Exhibit 9). DW-tell you why we're here. Fire Chief discussed the paramedic testing issue at the April 2ptn meeting. COVID thru a curve and slowed everything down. Instructed me to discuss with BOCC Burroughs, he was extremely gracious. Myself, Burroughs, Ralph, Deputy Chief, and Chief Smith. Very good solution was offered. Have to realize they have to schedule to fill slots. The outcome was that we would push the start date from June 1 to August 2 to allow more time for employees to go through the process. June 15 is the drop dead date because the County has to advertise if our employees can't pass the test. This amendment was approved by the BOCC. I would request that we approve the amendment to give our employees time to get their exams complete. If that's your pleasure we would need a motion. Motion by Council Member WA , BK to approve the Amendment No. 1 Okeechobee County and City of Okeechobee for December 18, 2020. seconded by Council Member to the Interlocal Agreement between Fire Services originally executed on BJ-I'm going to vote for the motion. This will cost the City $41000 for two months. This should be the only amendment. MDO-one item that came up is because of the testing, they didn't want to bump anyone off the temp 3, this is best for the guys to keep or minimize losing positions. Just to make sure ruse through COVID was a big deal. DW-I think Chief you've started the process with mentoring or tutoring. B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 11 of 13 HS-tutoring and prepping people so we've gotten everybody to take this class and we're hoping that will make a difference. MC-can you tell us who everyone is. HS-prep class 3 or 4 have gone through the class. HS-distributed information. Right now we have 2 paramedics, the status has not changed so if we did go to the May 1St deadline, only 2 to be hired without extension. Yellow have taken test, scheduled to take test again on June 12. Technically all 6 have a chance. Mayor Watford X, Council Members Abney X, Clark X, Jarriel X, Keefe X . Motion Carried/Failed. VIII. CITY ATTORNEY UPDATE JF-very quicky we worked on the demo ordinance that was sent to staff for review, we've reviewed and made a few more changes. Next 30 days, another tool that can be used for code enforcement context. Self-help tool. Also starting to work on nuisance abatement ordinance. Finish with the demo ordinance before we bring the nuisance abatement to you. CE — Brantley case was settled. Did a drive by this afternoon. Property in substantially better condition than it was. Capetta-property was sold at auction, title was issued, staff will contact new owner to ensure immediate remediation. Kemp-property was sold at auction, title was issued, contact new owner to gain immediate remediation. SoFL BBQ-final judgement foreclosure sale June 2. Great potential for right owner. Great parking, keeping fingers crossed. CE Program continuing to work with staff and training. Lake O been working with Mayor and others to further develop city's position. County Atty with first amendment. DW-LOSOM process on the new lake level. One of our favorite congressman wrote a very disparaging letter I felt like to us to Col. Kelly. We hired MacVicar to represent the lakeside communities. He wrote a terrible letter and I have responded to Col. Kelly and to the governing board of SFWMD. Expressing our concern that we have the right to have a consultant just as much as other counties. In case you haven't heard ben butler was appointed to SFWMD Board. We will be sending additional letters to Col.Kelly regarding representation. BK-primitive Baptist church MDO-bring up on mine IX. CITY ADMINISTRATOR UPDATE Primitive Baptist church purchased 2020 taxes. Process to do the tax sale, you'll see that. The other think building dept and general services, this year they're going to set another record this year. Been going really well. Haven't had anyone on the commercial landscape program. X. COUNCIL COMMENTS WA-reiterate thank you it's been a pleasure and honor to be a part of such a great organization. I've learned a lot, look forward to what the city holds for the future. I will say that I can't express how much I have learned and yes I'm quiet but I do take in a lot, so whenever l do speak. Thank you to staff, clerk, administrator, attorney, a lot of things have changed. And I hope that continues to move forward in a positive way. I've really enjoyed it. If its right, I will have the opportunity to be back up here again. BJ-do appreciate working with Wes, MDO enjoyed working with you. Wish you well and hopefully you can tie up the loose ends. We appreciate what you've done. Bring up something we have established a town hall meeting a couple years ago, the last town hall meeting we had there was a complaint about drainage. Appreciate that the complaint was taken seriously. I'm B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 12 of 13 just saying TH meetings sand you speaking out does have an effect. You don't have to wait for the TH meeting, you can speak out at the beginning of the meeting. If you tell us the issues. WA-thank my fiance Nicole and shamus for sticking in and helping me out. DW-significant others suffer a lot. My wife hates to go to events with me. BJ-he's going to get married now and he will be quiet. BK-no comment MC-welcome noel back on the dais. I have some snickers over here for you. DW-5 pm June 1St investiture ceremony. MC-Wes really going to miss you. Appreciate expertise that we all don't have. DW-as you all I know, my mother passed away. Thank my city family for all of the support. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart appreciate each one of you. XI. The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 P.M. B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, May 18, 2021 Regular Meeting, Page 13 of 13