2012-08-06 General Fund Meeting• � CITY OF OKEECHOBEE AND OKEECHOBEE UTILITY AUTHORITY PENSION BOARD MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 6, 2012 CITY HALL 55 SE THIRD AVENUE OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 CALL TO ORDER: TRUSTEE ATTENDANCE: 5:08 P.M. by Jamie Mullis Jamie Mullis Kevin Barbour OTHERS PRESENT: Scott Christiansen, Attomey Basil Coule, Financial Liaison Janet McKinley, Finacial liason Tim Nash, Bogdahn Group Jack Evatt, Bogdahn Group Theora Braccialarghe, Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company Page 1 Theora went over the actuary report and briefly summarized all three plans and reviewed funding methods and explained required contributions.Theora also recommended we update our mortality table to the RP 2000 Fully Generational table. Theora was also able to clarify the City could use the prior or current year Actuary Valuation for the financials which cleared up the problem the City had. We had sent out for RFP's for the Actuary and decided to hold on to them while this issue is clarified. Tim Nash and Jack Evatt of the Bogdahn Group gave their report and are still recommending that we switch our fixed income manager. They presented reports to back up their recommendation. Scott had a few housekeeping items, one to re-elect new officers and to authorize him to do the summary plan description at the next meeting. General Plan did not have a quorum so no action was taken on anything. City General/0UA Pension board of Trustees Items: There being no further business, the meeting was adjoumed at 7:30 p.m. Jamie Mullis Chairman