2010-02-08 General Fund Meeting•
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Jamie Muilis, Chair— Present
Betty Clement, Secretary - Absent
Kevin Barbour - Present
Linda Tewksbury - Present
Tim Nash — The Bogdahn Group
Basil Coule—Financia] Liaison
The meeting was held at City Hall, 55 Southeast 3`d Avenue, Room 200,
Okeechobee, Florida, and was called to order by Chairman Jamie Mullis at 5:Q4
Timothy Nash introduced himself as representative from The Bogdahn Group
and reported that December had been a good quarter. Mar{cet is currently
• fluctuating due to Fed announcing no more purchases of FNMA 3� GfVMA
mortgages from banks which will stall liquidity.
We were in the top 1/5 percentile for the quarter in net returns. No recommended
changes at ihis point. Monitor suggest we increase our Internationaf investment
poiicy from 10% to 15%.
Wa ended the regufar meeting and spfit up in our individual boards.
Trustee Tew{<sbury made motion to increase our Intemational Investment to
15%, seconded by Tcustee Mullis, motion carried unanimously.
Upon motion made by Trustee Barbour & seconded by Trustee Tewksbu►y items
1-5 of the agenda were approved.
Trustee Mullis moved to approve the November 9, 2009 minutes, seconded by
Trustee Barbour, motion carried unanimously.
There being no fui�ther busiuess, the meetiug was adjotu�ied at 525 p.m..
Respectfuliy submitted, Jamie Mullis
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