2005-05-09 General Fund Meeting• CITY OF OKEECHOBEE AND OKEECHOBEE UTII.ITY AUTHORITY PENSION BOARD MEETING MAY 9, 2005 The meeting at City Hall was called to order by L. C, Fortner at 5:12 PM. The following trustees were present: L. C. Fortner Katrina Cook Lane Gamiotea Jerry O'Bannon Also present were: Scott Christiansen, Attorney Ernie Mahler, Smity Barney Mary Durkin, Trusco Theora Braccialarghe, GRS&Co. Theora reviewed the 10/O1/04 actuarial valuation for each plan. Though market returns were up, by smoothing in prior years losses the contribution rate still lags. T'his is expected to improve with market returns. Total required City contribution is projected at approximately 11% of payroll. Upon motion by Lane, second by Jerry, the actuarial valuation report was approved. • Mary reviewed market trends for the past six months ending 3/31/O5. Anticipated increases in growth stocks have begun to materialize. She stated the outlook for the remaining fiscal year is guardedly optimistic. Ernie reviewed the performance of the funds and determined asset allocation and overall performance by Trusco is satisfactory. Scott reported the Drop ordinances presented to the Council's last meeting were approved. Forms for employees participation in the Drop program need approval for Scott to prepare. Kartina moved the forms be prepared, second by Lane. The motion was approved. Upon motion by Lane, second by Katrina, based upon advice from investment professionals an actuarial assumption rate of 7% was approved. Upon motion by Lane, second by Katrina, the fmancial information for the period February through March 2005, as well as the list of both terminated employees and new enrollees were approved. Upon motion by Lane, second by Katrina the minutes of the February 11, 2005 meeting were approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM. � �`�'� (7 `�� • Jerry O'Bannon, Secretary