2003-04-08 Police Fund Special Meetingn �J CITY OF OKEECHOBEE POLICE PENSION FUND April 8, 2003 Special Board Meeting MINUTES Trustees Present: Steve Padgett, Bettye Taylor, Tommy Raulerson Trustees Absent: Steve Nelson, Dennis Davis General Meeting called to order at 5:00 PM. This was a special meeting to review the status of the Pension Plan. Theora Braggclariche, Actuary for Gabrial Roeder and Smith, and Associates did a review of the Plan and the Valuation of the Plan. Ernest Mehler of Salomon Smith Barney went over the Pension Portfolio for City Employees. • It was discussed and decided by all members to wait until the Month end figures were posted to see what the portfolio status is before making any changes. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM. •