2000-01-10 General Fund Meeting•
City of Olceechobee/Okeechobee Utility Authority Employee Pension Plan
Trustee Meeting
January 10, 2000
Meeting at City Hall called to order by Landon C. Fortner Jr. at 7:00 PM.
Trustees Present: Roger Jones
Lydia Jean Williams
Doug Wyatt
Landon C. Fortner, Jr.
The purpose of the meeting is to select a fifth person to serve as trustee for a two (2) year term.
The name must be presented to the City Council and the City Council, as a ministerial duty, must
appoint the trustee.
Roger Jones nominated Jerry O'Bannon as trustee. All trustees agreed with the nomination.
• L. C. Fortner, 3r. requested Lydia Jean to prepare a memo to Bonnie Thomas and request t:�e City
Council to appoint Jerry O'Bannon as the fifth trustee to the General Employee's Pension Plan.
With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Landon C. Foriner, Jr. /�
Chairman/Acting Secretary t�