2021-03-22 Handwritten MinutesCITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA MARCH 22, 2021, TOWN HALL MEETING HANDWRITTEN MINUTES BY LANE GAMIOTEA I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Watford called the Town Hall meeting of the City Council for the City of Okeechobee to order on Monday, March 22, 2021, at 6:00 P.M. at the Okeechobee Freshman Campus Auditorium, located at 610 Southwest 2"d Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida. Public comments during town hall comment cards, back of room, candidate forum questions on the opposite side of room. Grateful for WOKC The invocation was offered by Mayor Watford, followed by the Star-Spangled Banner sung by Mr. Jim Clark, and the Pledge of Allegiance by Council Member Jarriel. II. ATTENDANCE Mayor powling R. Watford, Jr. Council Member Wes Abney Council Member Clark Council Member Jarriel Council Member Keefe PRESENT ABSENT x x x x x City Attorney John Fumero City Administrator Marcos MontesDeOca City Clerk Lane Gamiotea Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins x. x. x. x III. INTRODUCTION A. Overview of City activities — City Administrator 1200 businesses in the city, life blood, rough year, COVID, tried to get back to normal. City worked with County distributing CARES Funds to city businesses $70,000 to city funds. How the city has worked financially 2009 to 2016, operating in the red, no good. Operationally and operate in the black, dollars go al..... w/in the city you didn't pay any more taxes. Healthy reserve $4.5 million. Back in the day padded or fluff budgets, very streamlined. Council asked to be refined on the budget, and only what we need. This year revenues slightly up. Seems like every cost has gone up as well. Look forward to maximize our dollars as well. We could have sat here stagnant, have to look forward, businesses & citizens 3 constructions projects this year, designed in house, SE 8t" Ave to improve water quality. ADA access along SE 3�d Ave on sidewalks. ?? 3�d project. Pipe repairs infrastructure looking as, drainage and roadway improvements. Private side we get excited with BK redeveloped, new Wawa coming in, multi-family projects coming in as well. In addition we have RaceTrac across from 10th Ave, finalizing with FDOT and SFWMD, additionally tax dollars coming in. Residential homes over 30 homes built, been over 10 years since we have had that many in one year. Community projects with city and partner. FPL teamed with us and the vehicles charging station, looking toward the future, no city dollars, FPL grant. L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, March 22, 2021 Town Hall Meeting, Page 1 of 3 LED streetlights, no more dull yellow lights, no additional costs and better lighting. New intersection at 9th and 9th ability to grow our city commerce center. Positive is to get more jobs here. Smaller projects. Centennial parks, solar phone charging station. Solar powered hot spots, this Friday installing hot spots, solar powered, charging and connect to free wi-fi. Big issue demographics was the connections in school board. Been important for me FL Eng society, institute pilot project and go statewide. Innovative projects that will be picked up. Talked about how bad things have been done. Pushed off the charter review for a while. Now one of our busiest years. Flagler park committee, friendly, destination for people. Partner with Ec Dev Corp. Closed captioning module just got shipped, be able to post all the meetings to you tube and take comments during the meetings. Fantastic code enforcement that is being reinvented, catching on back logs. What makes the city different, its our people. What makes us tick, not just the people, its our actions, common goal along with council, it's an intangible item, come and talk with us, we get plans reviewed quickly, code enforcement will come and talk with you about issues, police officers will listen to you, public works cleaning our ditches on days off. Next day building inspections. On behalf of our staff. Keep city right for ec dev street perception how do others do it, how do we do it, others are asking how we do it, it's a place you want to live and raise your children. B. DW charter extremely old, amended a few times, council decided it's time to revise, city attorney charged to review that with a committee that will give a recommendation. JF city attorney little over a year, not long after, mayor & council asked us to review. Similar to the constitution. Then statutes. Laws cannot conflict. Charter then ordinances. City hasn't taken a comprehensive look at the review of the charter. Formed a review committee working for a year looking at pros and cons to changes. Hoot Worley, Sandy Perry, thank both of you for your public service, very involved. Sandra Bowen and Noel Chandler. 478 charters, 411 cities. City cannot be a city without a charter. Resolution look at charter, research what other cities do, educate citizens and get your input, public comment, welcome to attend all open to the public, in the end its your charter, set the constitution for you for the future of the city. Website where you can review all the materials. Gary Ritter is the chair of the committee. Quick issues what it does, defines the form of government for the city. Spectrum of different cities and some counties, strong mayor form of gov mayor elected as a mayor, the CEO for the city full time position, day to day operations of the city, doz's of cities that have this form of gov, paid to operate them, all the way to the opposite spectrum, city manager and they are the CEO for day-to-day operations. No wrong or right way. Every way is City council form of gov where each member oversaw each department. That was in the first half of the 1900's after VWVII, 60s and 70s, became the strong manager, hybrid of different types. City is a good example, used to have a strong council form, evolved, hybrid strong council, strong manager forms. Looking at other mid to small size cities are doing. Developed a citizen's bill of rights, entitled to have easy access to public records, notices with businesses. First time in history, ... charter work about a year or council says others wise, come up with a model charter and get as much public feedback as possible, present model to city council, discuss it, consider, adopt/amend, then voted on by the voters and why its critical to do a good job to present to you what we are recommending. Timetable is moving forward. Brief overview keep an eye open for meeting notices. Making our way through the different L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, March 22, 2021 Town Hall Meeting, Page 2 of 3 elections. Articles deal with each issue, elections, council, etc. opposite problem of MDO, give you a flavor for what's going on, and historical for the city. DW important issue, keep up with all that. Thought full time already? DW feel on my heart Clyde Durrance passed away today. Bus driver, served on BOCC when I first came on the city council, learned a lot from him and other old timers. Lost a good one. Introduce City clerk Gamiotea, Wes Abney, Bob Jarriel, Dowling, Fumero, Keefe, Clark, Allen, Smith, Peterson. City staff. Bobbie Jenkins deputy city clerk. Received one card, Gina Arbrogast. Photos passing around, SW 3rd Ave west of library, ditches and culverts cleaned out in years, pictures from last heavy rain we had, November, Library sits higher than the homes do. With it sitting that much higher, comes towards our homes. Before hurricane season could be cleaned out. DW Gina talked to me about Thurs evening, referred to MDO and then onto our PW director, will be addressed. Great turn out. Take slight recess and Brandon will take over. 6j:39 pm C. Opening of Town Hall meeting for public comments - Mayor IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS V. The meeting was adjourned at P.M. L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, March 22, 2021 Town Hall Meeting, Page 3 of 3 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA MARCH 22, 2021, TOWN HALL MEETING HANDWRITTEN MINUTES BY BOBBIE .1ENKINS CALL TO ORDER Mayor Watford called the Town Hall meeting of the City Council for the City of Okeechobee to order on Monday, March 22, 2021, at 600 P.M. at the Okeechobee Freshman Campus Auditorium, located at 610 Southwest 2"d Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida. Dowling Watford provided instructions on where to get the forms and where to submit cards for the for forum and the town hall meeting. Appreciate everyone who worked so hard to put this together. The invocation was offered by DW, Mr. Jim Clark sing national anthem , followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by _BJ � ATTENDANCE Mayor powling R. Watford, Jr. Council Member Wes Abney Council Member Clark Council Member Jarriel Council Member Keefe City Attorney John Fumero City Administrator Marcos MontesDeOca City Clerk Lane Gamiotea Police Chief Bob Peterson Fire Chief Herb Smith Public Works Director David Allen Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins PRESENT ABSENT _x _x_ x x x x_ x_ x_ x x x x_ III. INTRODUCTION A. Overview of City activities - City Administrator MDO-do want to think council and public, just talked to the Clerk and Deputy Clerk today, found out we can do video and audio for next year. I'm MDO, City Admin Since 2015, engineer by trade, count only by my fingers. Brief overview of the city overall. Hub to the County, 6000 citizens and 1200 businesses. Small businesses are life blood in okee, rough year. COVID last year, and we've tried to get back on track. Worked with County to distribute CARES funds, City received $70,000 for our requests. In the past give how the City works financially. 08-09 budget was in the red. Past 3 years, until last year, we have been operating in the black. Shows we're being fiscally responsible. This year we are going into the red, very smart too. Still being fiscally responsible, still doing projects, but council rolled back millage rate. We tried to continue to assist our citizens. Detail highlights: 7.5 million budget, 4.5 million reserves, we don't have padded or fluffed budgets. Budgets are very streamlined. Council has asked us to be very fine with our pencils. Only what we need. This year our revenues are slightly up. It seems like every cost that we have has gone up as well. Monitoring on a monthly basis. Continue to look forward to find ways to B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, March 22, 2021 Town Hall Meeting, Page 1 of 4 maximize dollars. Doom and gloom, cost increasing, etc. We could've set here stagnant, we've got to look forward. What could we do in a year more difficult. Put out 3 projects for construction with our grant program. We design those in house. SE 8t" under construction to improve water quality, ADA access on 3�d and 6th. We want to continue these projects on. IN addition we've started looking at pipe repairs. Having infrastructure meetings now, cares dollars for that. Please pardon our dust. What has the city done development standpoint. Says a lot to revitalize a facility, new Wawa, a lot of multi-family projects coming in. So in addition, we also have RaceTrac. Rumor but they have gotten their approval. In progress with FDOT and Water Managemenf, business corridor is very busy. Residential side: 30 new homes within the last year. Haven't seen that in the past decade. This is just new homes, not remodels. Community projects, taken on by a partner. FPL teamed with us on our vehicle charging station, provide range anxiety, again looking out for the future, grant from FPL funded. LED Street Lights; don't have the dull lights, may not be something you noticed, no additional costs. Move onto one that we pushed on. North 9th, dangerous intersection in the City, also the ability to draw interest to the Commerce Center. Results are to get more jobs here. Has anyone been to Centennial Park. South 6th to the Creek. USB solar charging stations. Personal favorite, solar powered hot spots. This Friday, hangout with 30 engineers, we're going to be installing these 12 ft tall towers with Wi-Fi connection points. Anyone downtown can connect to the internet. Big issue is school age demographic to provide access to internet. Florida Engineering Foundation and FL Engineering Society and Engineer Institute, taking this project statewide. City doing projects innovative and picked up statewide. WE are doing things bigger cities want to do. Talk about how bad the year has been, how the budget went, Council pushed these through. Paperwork done, pushed off but we're doing this year. Flagler Park Design Review Advisory Committee, work on our parks downtown, goal to make aesthetically pleasing, destination for people to come in. Proud partner with Okee Economic Development Corporation. City Council, closed captioning module just got shipped. Be able to have audio and video on the web, will be able to take comments on the web. Moved forward with Countywide Fire Service, potential savings for the City. Fantastic Code Enforcement, has been reinvented, getting their feet underneath them and moving forward. This is where it changes, I've been on a lot of calls that has asked what makes us different. It's our people, but what makes us tick, what makes us different, not just the people, but our actions. We all have a common goal, every department and council. AN intangible item, you're missing the point if you're trying to touch it. Plans can be reviewed, talk to a CE Officer, Police Officers pulled you over, do concurrent reviews. Try to be open and friendly, public works guys remove debris from ditches on day off. Next day building inspections. So its everyone, not just me or Council, every department, every employee. Common goal. Keep our city right for economic development. Street perception on development. How do other people look at us. Several communities have contacted us. How are we having businesses being built, iYs a place you want to live and raise your children. DW-thank you Marcos. Did we earn our money. In case you don't know the City is doing a charter review. It's how we operate, its very old. It's the rules. Council decided it's time to revise B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, March 22, 2021 Town Hall Meeting, Page 2 of 4 the Charter. The City Attorney has taken that on. The Committee is literally going sentence by sentence. John Fumero is going to give us an update. B. Update on Charter Review Committee meetings - City Attorney John-City Attorney for a little over a year. Not long after being appointed, I was asked to look at the Charter. Explain it like it's the constitution. Just below that, we have laws and statutes. Statutes cannot conflict with constitution. Council enacts ordinances, and they cannot conflict with the charter. The city hasn't taken a comprehensive look at the charter since the 1960s. We are doing that. A committee was formed and they are going to be working for a year looking at the charter and debating the pros and cons for changing the charter. Recognize Hoot Worley, Sandy Perry, Suzanne Bowen, Noel Chandler. Thank you both for being on the committee. Very involved. In FL, we have 411 cities, 67 counties. Cannot be a city without a charter. Look at others, modernize, get input from citizens, important part of what the committee does in the coming months. Publicly advertised meeting, needs lots and lots of public feedback. In the end, its your charter. There's a website that has been created to provide feedback now. We will continue to post the meetings on the website. There's a meeting this THURSDAY. Gary Ritter is the Chair of that Committee. Couple of quick issues in terms of why we want a charter and what it does. It defines the form of government for the city. Example: spectrum of different types of municipalities in the state. Some have a strong mayor form of government which means mayor is elected as a mayor, that mayor is the CEO of the City. Usually a full-time position, runs the day-to-day operations of the city. Dozens of cities and a handful of counties, Miami Dade has a mayor. Strong Manager form of government has an individual who is hired to be the CEO to manage the day-to-day operations for the City. There is no right or wrong, there is no good or bad. Every scenario or options have pros and cons. CCRAC looking at and debating various forms of government. These forms have evolved since the 50s. Used to call City Council government. Each member has a job (department head). After W1NI1 and the 60s and 70s, common form is strong manager. There are hybrid scenarios, strong mayor/strong manager. City of Okeechobee used to be strong city council form of government. Mayor Watford has provided a historical overview of that. Again that has evolved, kind of a hybrid today, strong City Council/Management form of government. The CCRAC has developed a citizen's bill of rights. Entitled to have easy access to government records, entitled to advanced public notice of ineetings that affect you. First time in Okeechobee's history. Believe will be part of the proposal. CCRAC will work for about a year, job is to come up with a model charter, and part of the process to get as much public feedback as possible. Present to council, they review or discuss it and decide to adopt it. Charter must be voted on by you the voters. ThaYs why public outreach is critical. If we don't do a good job of what's in it, then we've dropped the ball. Put before the electors as a referendum to be voted on. Just wanted to give you a very brief overview of this, please keep an eye open for these meetings. Developing language, articles dealing with elections, authority of council, authority of administrator, and once we get it together, it will be posted on the website. Your input in the end will be welcomed and appreciated. I talk to long. Give you kind of flavor of what's going on. Historical. DW-very important issue of the City. Advise each of you to keep up with that. Very important. C. Opening of Town Hall meeting for public comments - Mayor Before we begin, Clyde Durrance passed this morning. Remembered him as a bus driver, served on the BOCC when I first came on the City Council. I really learned a lot from them. I just wanted to recognize his service to our community. We've lost a really good one. B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, March 22, 2021 Town Hall Meeting, Page 3 of 4 DW-City Clerk Lane Gamiotea, Administrator, Wes, Bob, Dowling, John Fumero, Bobby, Monica, PW Director, Fire Chief Smith, Police Chief Peterson. Only have one comment card submitted. If you make comments, please come to the podium for the comments. So far we only have one comment card. Pictures attached. Jeanna-thank you, didn't want to speak, birds eye view, concerned with drainage on SW 7tn Ave, west side of the library. Haven't been dug out in years, last heavy rain we had, the water comes towards our homes along the southwest 3�d avenue. Before hurricane season hits us, needs dug out. Not an expert on drainage, please take a look at this. DW-she did talk to me about this, referred it to MDO and then to DA. If not, we will begin forum early. Great turnout, not here to hear us. Slight recess to reset the table for the candidates. Brandon Tucker is the moderator. Thank you. IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS V. The meeting was adjourned at 639 P.M. B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, March 22, 2021 Town Hall Meeting, Page 4 of 4