2021-03-22 News Articles2Q Li3k@ OkCf:ChOb@8 N@WS - merger of Oksechobse News, Clewlston News, Glades County Democrat, and The Sun M81'Ch 17, 2021
Okeechobee Couni� �accinations going smoothly
sy Ka�;�a �g�eo�
Lalce Olceechobee News
OKEECFIOBEE - Wi[h 500 firsr rioses a
weelc, OI<eechubee Counry health officials
are s[eadily vaccinating lucal residents.
Interim He�l[h Officer/Adminisirator
� for the Florid-n Deuartment of I-leallh
in Olceechobee County Bret Smith said
Okeechobee Cnunty's vaccinatiuu prograiu
is goin�; well with weeldy firsr-�iose vaccina-
lion pods un Tuesdays at lhe Oke�rhobee
Agri-Civic Center, by appoinhnen�.
The county is usiug Ihe siate appoint-
ment system af my vaccine.Fl.gov lo malce
appointmeots. Airvone over the age of 60
can gu oi iline ro add their naine �o U�ie list.
� Also eligible for vaccination appointments
� af [he counN site are school em��loyer.s
over Ihe age of 50, health care persnnnel
with direct patieiri cuntact, law enforce-
rnent �(ficers over the age of 50 and fire-
fighters over thc :�ge n( 50.
�- "My plan is to boost lhe numbers of
vaccines," he >aid"V✓e also plan to get all
of the teachers vaccinated."
The heal�h department may tahe
sm�Jlr,r vaccination Fwcls inro under sPrved
; commwutics. he confinurd. Th�h� arF als�
wo�lung with homebound sem r. to take
the vaccine lo thzm.
"We're trving to gel everyone wc can
covered," sa�d Smith. "My plan is to get
f shots m every ?rm we cau.
Srnith saul thc cowiN had a 5.19% pos-
ifivity rate fnr the past h.vo weelcs. A tolal
oF 5,2UR persons have been vaccinated,
including A,92G over tLc age uf 65. Based
on the most recent census iniormation
. availablc, lhat means about 58% of the
county's population age 65 and older has
�`Candidate forurr�
in Okeechobee
on March 22
Special tu Ihe Lalce Okeechobee News
OI;EECHOfiGE - A town hall meeting
and candidatc forum (or the city council
election will be held on Monday, March
22 at G p.m. The event will be held a[
fhe Freshrrian C�ipus. 610 S.VJ Second
CiTy Administrator Marcos Montes de
Oca will provide updates on current and
futwe projects.
Ciry Attorney John Fumero will give a
progress report cn [he charter review com
II]I�IP.f filQelll7➢�5.
City Council and staff will receive com-
ments/questions from tl�re community.
Immediately following the town hall
meeting, the four candidates for city council
will be availat,le (or yuestions/winments
from the audience.
T�e special elzction will be held at the
ROC on May 4.
WOKC will be bmadcasting the meeting
live. You can also Iisten on [he WOKC app
received at least one dose oi the vaccine.
Starting March I5, �he eli,ibiliry �ange drops
[o age 60.
"The team out there has wod<ed very,
vcry well," said Comi?rission Chair Terry
Burroughs. "�Nv l:eep getting posifive com-
ments abput ihe wort;, and how ihe ilow is.
'Pherc's been zi whule cYianqe of atliiude."
fWitch Smeyl<al o( the F.mergency qper-
ations Center said. the Veterans AdminisUa-
tion will bu in Olceechobee on March 24 at
Indinn River State Collep;c to give COVIU-19
vacciiiatiuns by appain¢ment For eligible
nr enrol�ed �eterans. He saiti ihey wiii use
Il�e Johnson .'4.luhnsun one-dose v�ccine.
, � ' '' �{' T,.:
Eligible veterans should call 561-022-5220 Cominission Chair "Perry Burroughs said
to malce an appoinlment. he has heard complaints (rom residen[c
Public SaPety Director Ralph Franklin who feel some people who are not in need
said the Fooiprint of Ihe vaccination pai are taking advantage o( the food bank,
at Ihe Olteechobee A�i-Civic Center has talting spots away frotn others who really
movcd to the west side parlcing lot areu due need the help. He said some pcople saw a
to Ihe county Fair's use o( oCher parts of lhe Maserati in line for the free food distribu-
property. tion. They also reoorted brari�l new pickup
Prariklin said tl�e nex.t visit From Trea- trucks in line.
sure Coast Food Bank will be uu April 2 "This is (ur people really needing this
at the Okeechobee Agri-Civic Ccnier. He food," said Burroughs. '9f you can a(ford a
said Chey mrill have (ond to distribute ro 300 Maserau, you doii'[ need the food banlc.
cars. On April 9, the Food banl< will be at "IYs pretty bad when we have peuple
Okeechoree Music Fest site. with food to who are taicing advantage oP ihese particu-
dislribure to 3[)0 ca[s lar programs,' he said.
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10 Lake Okeechobee News - mergar or okeechotee News, Clewiston Naws, Glades County Demcerat, end The Sun MB�Ch 17, 2021
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Okeechobee County
Legion to host events
Ot�ECHOBEE -American Legion Post
64, 501 S.E. Second St., will host [he follow-
ing events: Thursday, March 18 is Thirsty
Thursday. Sign up to win a$20 bar tab and
purchase buckeLs of domestic beer and
screwdrivers all day. Fivecard bingo is from
4[0 6 p.m. Lunch will be served all day. On
Friday, March 19, there will be an auxiliary
fish fry. Wear red to ge[ registered for a
free dinner (or hvo al the fish fry. Kilchen is
open from 4:30 [0 7:30 p.m. and live music
wi[h Phil Eddings & Friends from 6 to 9
p.m. On Saturday, March 20, Happy Hour
is all day and you can purchase buckets of
domestic beer. Quarter bingo is from 1 to
3 p.m. On Sunday, March 21, settle in for
some NASCAR and purchase drafls and
chicken wing specials. On Monday, March
22, frverard bingo is from 1 to 3 p.m. and
lunch starts at 11 a.m. 7Lesday, March 23,
is Top Shel( Tuesday. when you can sign up
for your choice of any botUe in s[ock to be
drawn on the first 7Lesday o( every month.
You can purchase Bloody Marys and
buckets of domestic beer all day. Tuesday
is also meeting day. On Wednesday, March
24, margaritas special all day. Tacos will be
served from I I a.m. to 5:45 p.m. The grill
will be open too. Enjoy Ihe music o( D& K
Karaoke (rom 3 to 6 p.m. For take out or-
ders on any day, call ahead at 863-763-5309.
VFW to host events
OKEECHOBEE - VFW Post 4423, 300
N.W. 34th St., will host [he following events:
On Wednesday, March I7, ihree-card
� bingo is at I p.m. On Thursday, March IS,
dauber bingo is at 1 p.m. On Friday, March
19, dauber bingo is at 1 p.m. and karaoke
is at 7 p.m. On Saturday, March 20, dauber
bingo is at I p.m. On Monday, March 22,
three�ard bingo is at I p.m. On 7Lesday,
March 23, dauber bingo is at 6 p.m.
BRN to hold meeting
OKEECHOBEE - The Businesswomen's
' Refeval Nehvork, meeting Friday, March
19 at I 1:30 a.m., will be both virtual and in
person at the Charnber of Commerce, SS
S. Parrott Ave., to help each other improve
and grow our business. Those on our list
will receive an email with directions. For
information, call, Jools at 786-201-2825 or
Raye at 863-067-2557. BYOL (bring your
��,R, i����n�.
� City-to hold election forum\
OKEECHOBEE - The City of
Okeechobee Town Ha0 meeting and Spe-
cial City Electlon Candidate Forum will be
` held on Monday, March 22 at 6 p.m., at the
Okeechobee Freshman Campus Audilori- / Glades County
um, 610 S.W. Second Avenue. /
Aquatic plant meeting set
The next Lake Okeechobee Aquatic
Planl Management Interagency Task Force
meeting will be held via WEBEX, March
23 from 10 a.m. to noon.
This meetlng is an Interagency Task
Force Business Meeting with an addition
of a 30 minute public commen[ period at
the end. All public comments will be held
during this time with agenda i[ems. The
public is weicome to attend the business
meeting however, tha[ will include working
Interagency agenda items oniy and discus-
sions between agency members only.
Web Meeting
To join [he meeting go to: hltps://usacel.
webex.com/meeVjessica.m.fair. When
prompted select [he "Call Me" option to
access the audio portion of the meeting.
Please DO NOT call using computer. There
are issues and your audio will likely no[
Webinar Informalion:
Log-in with your full name and organiza-
tion, ex. "Jessica Fair USACE,"'
I( not available for the web meetlng you
can call:
USA Toll-Ftee: + 1-844-800-2712 US Toll
Access Code: 199 997 2842
Get free tax preparation
OKEECHOBEE - Get your free [ax
preparation and e-filing by AARP certified
[axaid volunteers at [he American Legion,
501 S.E. Second St. on Monday and 7Lesday
of each week from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. By
appointment only. For information or to
schedule an appointmen[, call Sandy Hof(-
man at 863-623-5277. Must bring picture
ID, social security cards for all dependents,
last year's tax retum and all 2020 financial
AA meetings
OI�ECHOBEE -Area churct�es host AA
meetings each week.
• Presbyterian Church, 312 N. Parrott Ave.,
hosts a"Heard it Utrough the grapevum" open
meeGng on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. On Sahu-
days a Gased "Keep it simple group" meetu�g is
held at 7:30 p.m.
• Church ot our Savior, 200 N.W. Third SL,
hosis open meetings at nooq Monday tivough
Fliday. lt aLso hosts a closed meeting at 8 p.m.
on'Nesdays, a closed men's meeting on
Wednesdays ffi 8 p.m and on Thiusdays
ihere is an open women's group at 6 p.m. and
a cJosed Big Book Study at 8 p.m. On F}ldays
thele is an o�en speakel meeting at 8 p.m. Then
on Sundays theJe is an open Step Study a[ 7:30
VFW Post 9528 holds events
9528, 29012 S.R. 78, will hold the follow-
ing events: On Wednesday. March 17,
burgers and (ries will be served from 12:30
to 2 p.m., quarier bingo (rom 2 to 4 p.m.
VFW Auuiliary will serve corned beef and
cabbage, crusty bread, desser[ dinner at 5
p.m. till out. On Thursday, March 18, is
dauber bingo from 1 to 4 p.m. On Friday.
March 19, is [hreecard bingo hom noon
to 2 p.m. The Post will serve dinner hom
5:30 to 7 p.m. Menu includes grilled rib eye
sreak, grilled pork tendedoiq fried fish and
shrimp with side dishes and dessert. Music
by Capt. JJ from 6 to 10 p.m. On Saturday,
March 20, [he VFW Riders will serve a full
breakfast from 8 to I 1 a.m, and dinner at 5
p.m. On Sunday, March 21, the VFW Aux-
iliary will serve a full breakfast from 8:30
ro 11 a.m. Fivecard bingo is at 5 p.m. On
Monday, March 22, is washers at 1 p.m.,
Wii bowling at 4 p.m. and fivecard cookie
bingo at 6 p.m. followed by Right - Le(t
- Centec Euchre is al 6 p.m. On Tuesday,
March 23, is Sons' sliders at 5:30 p.m.
and Cornhole a[ 6:30 pm. On Wednesday.
March 24, is burgers and fries from I2:30
to 2 p.m. followed by quarier bingo from
2 to 4 p.m. Reuben sandwiches and fnes
dinner will be served at 5 p.m. 'till out.
Hazardous Waste Clean-up
MOORE HAVEN - The Glades County
Household Hazardous Waste Clean-up will
be held on SaWrday, March 20, trom 8
a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Doyle Conner Build-
ing, 900 U.S. 27. You can dispose up to 60
pounds of household waster per home for
TFP to hold virtual meeting
MOORE HAVEN - The Glades County
Tobacco-Free Partnership quartedy meeting
will be held virtually on Wednesday, March
24, at 3:30 p.m. For informatlon on how to
register for the meeting, ca11863-265-6055.
Muse Honey Festival date set
LABELLE - The Muse Honey Feslival
will be held on Saturday, Mareh 27 (rom
10 a.m. [0 3 p.m. at the Muse Firehouse,
1125 Rainbow Blvd. Peaturing Mavis "The
Honeygid" and BBQ from Mgry Veterens
Catering. There will also be honey, live
music (Southwind Bluegrass Band), food,
vendors, and all types of activitieds for
adulls and kids. Bring a chair and enjoy the
music For more information call Danny
Callahan at 239-246-I 149.
School board workshop set
MOORE HAVEN - The Glades Coun-
ty School Board will hold a workshop
Wednesday, Apol 28, at 9 a.m. The meet-
ing will be held at Glades County School
District, 400 I Oth Street S.W. Items to be
discussed at workshop: Board policies
(changes implemented for 2020); job de-
scliplions; and 2021-2022 Calendar.
Thrift store benefits church
MOORE HAVEN - A Bountiful Barn
Thrift Store, 442 U.S. 27, will have a 50°�
o(f slore wide sale on Wednesday through
Friday and SaWrday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Proceeds benefils the Moore Haven Church
o( God of Prophecy.
Hendry County
EES to hold SAC meeting
CLEWISTON -Eastside Elementary,
201 Arroyo Ave., will host a School Advisory
Council (SAC) meeting on 7Lesday, March
23, at 6 p.m. in the Media Centec For in(or-
mation, call 863-983-1560.
Cruise-in happens March 27
LABELLE - National Street Rod Asso-
ciation and the South Central Florida Car
Club will host Member Appreciation Day
and Open Cruise-in on Sunday, March 27,
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Riverlanding
Lmcury Motor Coach Resort, 5942 S[a[e
Road 80 W. This event is open to all. Event
(eatures specialty awards, ra(fles, DJ music,
(ood Vuck, free sa(ety inspections, and
specials for NSRA members. For info, call
Larry Day at 576-875-0366 or Ellen Beers at
Palm Beach County
DHCAC presents musical
BELLE GLADE - Dolly Hand C�Itural
fvis Center, 1977 S.W. College Drive, pres-
ents The Singing ConVactors on Thursday,
March 25 at 7 p.m. For information, call
561-993-1160 or visit ww�,¢palmbeachstate.
Church offers counseling
BELLE GLADE - The ML Olive Mission-
ary Baplis[ Church, 1424 W. Canal SL S.,
offers free counseling sessions (marriage,
family, rehabilitation, etcJ Contact Paslor
Burden at 352-214-7988 to schedule an
MAr, aa, aoat
Town Ha�l Nt+g �
Qp�i�ii[n� ��11�
M� �wk F� le.
3�i'' Lake Okeechobee News - merger ot bkeechobee News, Cleerlston News Glades Coun4y Democrat and The Sun March 31 2021\
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By �Cathy Lb�omble
Lalce Olceechnbee Neevs
OKF.ECNOBEE — Gn March 22, the
Olceechobec City Council held a candidale
forum for those running tor city council in
ll�e upcoming special election on May 4.
The city council election is a non-partisan
eleclion. This means [he candidates do uot
represent a pa�ticular party.
Drandon Tucicer, chairrnan of the Eco-
nomic Council of Okeechobee served as
lhe moderaror, and WOKC Radio broadcast
Ihe (orum live.
During ihe forum, the four candidates,
Noel Chandler, Lisa Feltenberger, Beth
Lehman and David McAWey were each
given an opportunity to malee an opening
Chandler said he and his wife, Louise,
have been married (or 51 years. He is a
deacon at Oakview Baptisi Church, is a
li(elong resideni of Okeechobee and would
be honored to serve as a city council
member wodcing in the best in[erest of [he
city. He is currently serving on ihe Citizens
Charter Review Committee. Previously, he
served on rhe Okeechobee City Council for
16 years and [he board o( county cummis-
sioners for four years. In addition, he served
on the board of [he Okeechobee Utility
Aulhority Ulccechobee Code F.nforcement,
Okeechobee Tourist Developinent Council,
The Lalce OI<eechobee Resource Advisory
Committee and the Central Florida Regional
Planning CounciL "1 will be available and
responsive to your concerns, and I will
serve with integriry, experience and digni-
ty," he said.
Peltenberger beoan by sayiny she is not
a politician but is a ci[izen concerned with
the city's policies and wellbeing. She is Ihe
wi(e of a retired Almy veteran who served
for 20 year, and has lhrce children. She and
her husband own sever�l businesses, a an
orange grove, a cattic farm, a Flea markef
anJ commercal rentals, a�id she rnanages
ihem herselC She said she has acquired
many practical experiences and skills, iu-
duding bnokfceepin�, directing ernployecs,
budgeting and problern solving, while do-
ing so. She feels these slcills will be an asset
in Ihe running of the city In addition, she
feels shungty thal la.al business owners
need a way to be heard. They may nol live
in Ihe city, but their businesses are la•ated
in lhe city. "1 plan to malce (air, honest and
in(ormed decisions for all of us," shc said.
Lehman said she �Nas born in
01<eechubee and graduated from
Olceechobee High School, IRCC (now IRSC)
and the University o( Florida. She and her
husband have been married for ulmost
25 years and have a 19-year-old son. The
Lehmans own and operate Lehman Auto
B�xly and Ag98 Trailer Sales. Lehman Feels
she has more time to volunteer since her
son's graduatiun hom high schnol. Her son
was active in the Junior Florida CatUcmen's
Association and they Iraveled ail uver thc
state attending cattle shows. Now that she
has more firne, she waNs tu vivc bacl<
�tn the commuuity she grew up in. At this
Ume, she slill serves on the Olceechubee
Youlh Livestocl; Board as secretary and
is on a committee wifh the Juninr Florida
Caltlemen's Association. "In my upinion,
�e. �pi,r�e iopy
I believe the city is moving in the right
direction. I would just like to be a member
o( the council and continue Ihat movement
forward," she said.
McAuley said he firs� started coming
to Ol:eechobee 24 years ago for his job.
Spending (our days a month here, he (ell in
love with the ciry and [he people. '9f I were
a good politician, Pd tell you �hat's why
I decided [o move here. Meeting Sandra
Pearce and marrying her is the real reason
I moved to Okeechobee though," he said.
A(ter 41 years wi[h the same company,
McAuley has recenUy relired and feels he
now has time to devote to othcr things. He
has spent the monttis since his retirement
getting ro know the council members, the
adminisirator and the s�afL He I�ias been
[ryin; to figure out exactly what gces on in
the city so he can deterrnine what works
and what needs improvemenL He de-
scribed himself as very dedicated and very
frugal. His motto in life is,'9f you want lo
be successful, you need tu devebp three
sltills — irust in God; respect your (amily
and worlc hard."
The candidates were asked sirz ques-
1. LVhat are your top tmo prto�ities ior
the city and how mould you accom-
plish [hese?
Chandler said his top priority is rode
enforcement. He said he felt thev should Ge
fining properry owners who c10 not follow
code. V✓hen the fine exceeds ihe cost of ihe
property, seize it and sell it. His second pri-
urity would be [he streets. Soi ne are platted
but not paved, and he thinlcs this should be
Feltenberger said her top priurity was
also code enforcement. She said her
problem is not with �he cude enforcement
o(hcers but with the process itself. She
believes it should be slreamlined and made
more cleac She would also lilce to focus
on business oHmers who do not livc in the
city. She wants lo find a way to give them a
Lehman said code enforcement is also
her priority and her second prioriN would
be street maintenance ancb'nr drainagc.
She believes the city is moving iu the right
direction and wu�dd lil<e ro continue on that
McAuley said he also placed a high pri-
oriry ori code enfurcr.�nent. Hc said the city
is well on the �may to fixing �hc issues wi(h
code enforcement, and his goal is to be
sure everyone is Ueated equally. "Mo get of
jail free cards," he said. His second priority
woWd be drainage.
2. Do you bel9eve the clty has lnuested
enough /n eiYective code enforcemeat,
and nre you satisRed mlth the way the
community looks?
All four carididates said they fell code en-
(orcement was doing a good job but would
not mind investiug a liltle more into it. They
also agreed they were mostly satisfied with
the way Ihe city bolcs but would lilce [o see
some improvemenis made in some areas.
3. l�6?th the charter reoiew process,
tPre form ofgovernment may char�e.
Hom do you fee( about one speclNc
person uersus counctl making deci-
All four candidates said [hey were
happy with lhe way the city handles things
now which is a cross between [hose hvo
extremes, althougfi Feltenberger said she
would lilce to Icnow what the one pe�son
would be able to do if things changed that
he canno+ do now.
4. Do you Lelteue !he city's infra-
str�ctare Is adequate as it refers to
roads, dieternet and sideu�alks?
AO candidates said they felt the infra-
structm�e wulcl use some improvement.
McAuley said I�ie believes the city shuuld
worl< on providing Internet so those who
are low-incume would have the opportu-
nity to use it. He said he visited Cuba, and
even there, they provide hoLspots where
people can go to get unline.
Feltenberger said she was not fond oti
having a bunch of towers a�round her, and
would prefer the ciry not add those down-
town but uve it for ttie outskirts.
Chandler said he (elt lhey needed towers
afl over th? city so [hcre would be better
Lehman mcutioned the hotspots lhat
will soon be insialled in the parlcs and said
she lil<ed that the city was moving forward
in that direction.
5. Wlay qre you the most quali/ied
candtdnte /or the clty counci/?
Charidler said he believe.s he would be
an asset due to his experience, not only on
the city council, but also on many other
boards, serving the city, county and stale.
He is also well versed ii i �he Ihings going on
in the city.Feltenberger said she is passion-
ate for it and atready iuvolved in iL She
believes Ihe cibj is Lx lung fur a(resh, new
perspective rather than Icceping ihings the
sarne. She said she strives lo be the voice of
the people, including We business owners
who do not live in the city.
Lehrnan believes she is most qualified
because she is a researchec'9f I don't
koow lhe answer, 1 wiil research it " she
said. "i want to know everything abou[
everylhing before making a decision."
She also said she is a business owner and
knows how things work. She is good at
accounling and has lived in Okeechobee all
her life.
McAuley said he is very frugal. "You
want me in charge of your money, because
it will be spent wisely." He also considers
himself to be a very fair person and capable
of judging issues fairly. He said he compet-
ed wifh pcople in business for many ycars
and did il by being truthtul.
6. Wou(d you support, erscourage or
enter•[ufn similar ideas reganding any
other city deyar[merzt relatfue to what
hns recently happened to the cPfy 1lre
All candidates said they would not be
willing to support this, although McAu-
ley said i( several years down the road, a
department failed to run efficienily, they
woidd Le obligaied ro loolc al thul for the
goodness of the city. -
Candidates were given a chance to make
clusing remadcs, and Chandler said he ap-
precia[es all that has been done in the city
and lools forward to what is crnning in. He
believrs the city does a good job wifh the
money tl�at comes in, and he loolcs (orward
to serving with the council one more time.
Fle said he did not think the city would lose
no matter whu was elected, because they
all had simi.ar ideas.
Feltenbe�'ger said she believes a lol of the
goals the candidates have are similar. She
thinlcs she is a doer and likes [o get things
done. She would like to bring some (resh
ideas anA fresh perspeciives to the council
and is 2xcited to participate in the city's
growth. She would love to [ake a look at
the bi.idget to see if it can be tw2aked and
believes she would Ihoroughly enjoy the
Lehman said she is excited about the
race and about potentially becoming a
council member and servin� the city. She
agreed with Chandler and said she felt all
the candidales had similar ideas and goals.
McAuley said he Ihinics he can do a
fantastic job (or the city, because he is vcry
fair. He has researched and loolced at the
budget and comniended the city on its low
number uf wodcers' comp clairns. He said
he will be fair and plans to con8nue irusb
ing in God, respecting oihers and will work
hard for the city and its citizens.
The special election will be held on May
4 at the First Baptist Church Recrea[i�nal
Outreach Center (ROC) 407 S.W Fourth
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Lal<e OI<eechobee News
OKEECHOBEE - Cffy Council candOdates PBoei Chandier, Lisa Feltenberger, Beth Lehman and Davld McAuley are candl-
dates foe Okeechobee Cky Councll.