2021-03-16 Ex 014keechobee County, Florida
Offce of the Deputy Acirninistrator
3a4 I�IW Second 5treet - Roorn 123 • OkeechoEiee, Florida 3�4972
Telephone 8b3-763-C44] �xt. l• Facsimilc 8C3-763-0118
MarcF� 3, 202i
Honorable Mayor Dawfing Watford
City of Oke�chobee
55 SE 3�� Avenue
Okeechobee, FL 34974
Re: Relocation of Okeechobee County Tourist De�elopment Office to
the Charnber of Commerce Building
Dear Mayor Wa�ford:
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As you rrzay be aware, the Okeechabee County Tourist De�elopment Council (TDC) worf�s
closely w�th several non-profit agencies within our area. Most notably, our local Chamber of
Commerce to help draw in tourist and businesses.
A# #he January �4, 2021 Board of County Commission Meeting, a discussian was held by the
Board to abtain an approval to relacate the TDC office to the Chamber ofi Commerce office at �5
South Parrott Avenue. At this meeting, it was noted that the Chamber had expressed their
interest in the relocation of tf�e TDC to their building; howe�er, they would alsp need their Baard
approvaL The BOCC Baard approved this request, with the undersianding that the Chamber
would also be in agreement.
Upon the Chamber's monthiy meeting in February 2021, the Chamber Baard expressed their
interest and agreement in ha�ing the iourist De�elopment Office relocate to their building, and
they have confirmed that there would be no rent payment required during the tenancy. The
Charrtber indicated the anly expense obligation would a 113 utility obligation from the County.
This relocation would provide two huge benefits, a) it would centralize the TDC office to the
midclle of town, from its former location at the Okeechobee Airport; ar�d b) local citizens, as well
as tourists, and the Chamber itseEf would all benefit frorrt the irnrr�ediate contac# of this affice at
the Chamber of Corrtmerce.
As both the BOCC and the Chamber Board hav� expressed their desire in this relocation, the
BOCC wa�+ld like to request final approval from tne City Council to sub-lease office space at the
Chamber of Commerce building. Kindly advise my office when this will be an agenda item with
yo�r Board, and I can make arrangements to attend if needed.
- �'�'s
Louis Joh�on
Deputy Administrator
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