2021-02-02 News Article��b►uary 10, 2021 LBks Okeechobee News - merger o1 Okeechobee News, C�ew�aton News, Glades County Domceeat, and The Sun 9
�� City spe+�ial electio�. t� �ed�cat+ed t� �u��i�y & service
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By Cathy Womble
Lake Okeechobee News
OKBECHOB@E — Mayor powlin�
Watford issued a proclamaiion concerning
the upcoming special election during the
Peb. 2 meeling oF the Olceechobee City
Council. The proclamation declared an
election for the purpose of electing one city
council member would be heW ou May 4,
2021. The quali'rying period for individuals
who wish to run (or o(fice begins at noon
on Feb. 8 and ends at noon on Feb. 12. The
election is necessary due ro the resigna-
tion of wuncihoamelect Russ Cale, whu
resigned his seat before [alting office.
In other business, Baifey Harden was
recognized ac this year's South Florida Fair
Scholarship recipienL Councilman L'ob Jar-
riel said, "1'm a trustee (or the Souih Fbrida
Fair, and we have a scholarship commit4ee.
They don't let me serve on it, b W 4hey
always tcll me aiter they interview youn�
people From Olceechr,bee that we have the
most polite and respectful young people of
any [hat they in?ervieuv. They tell me thai w-
cry year, and this year was no exception."
A bid was awarded to B2 E Site Devel-
oprnent, Inc. in ihe amount of $I£39,813.65
for Soulheast Eighth Avenue storm water
conveyance. They will be insialling a sep-
araior box which will discharge near lhe
little bridge vn Southeast Eightti.
Addilionel costs to BIS Digital for on �ite
setup, installation and lrainir.g on the new
audiu and video eyuipnienf wzv approved.
These services will help lhe city resume us-
ing Zoom and `(ouTube during iL: rneetings.
A budget amendrneni for legal services
in ihe amount o,' $25,000 for additional
code enForcement (nreclosure (ees was
Franlc Irby, who was appointed to
the Flagler Parlc Design Review Advisary
Commiliee resigned, und Jenniier Tewks-
bury, who was serving as an alternate was
moved inro his place. Pau!ette Bragel, own-
er oi Brown Cow Sweetery will serve as an
alternate in Tewksbury's place.
City Firc Chie£ Herb Smith gave an
update on fire services. All of his personnel
in Ma�
have submitted applicaUons to Okeechobee
County Fire Rescue and have received
leniative job offers.
Counry Pire Chief Ralph Pranklin has
schPduled a meeting with the city fi�e-
fighter to give them an opFmrtunity tn �.slc
questions. County human resoueces will
be there as well. The two departments,
city and county, have always had quartedy
meetings, bul have upped those to munthly
to ease the transi6on scheduled for June 1.
All Ius firefighters have successfully com-
pleted their secwid semester o( paramedic
training. They should be finist�ed with
trainina by the beginning of March afte:
which they will take the state exam. The
firefighters havr been given projecied shi(t
Sniih was consulted un this, anc! said
he appreciated that. The firefighters are in
the pmcess of completing orientation wiih
the OC;FR. F,t 8 am. on lune I, alI the city
firefighters will report to OC;FR. '9t shoWd
gn faidy well, be:cause we are prepping it
in advance. I realty appreciate the counry
working wiW my department," said Srnith.
"I'd like io thank them (or their help during
mis van�ieo».,,
SmiUi also mentioned a huge increase
in COVID-19 relat� calls in the lasi Iwo
monUis. Maynr Watford aslced if the
firefigLters have had iheir vaccinations,
ancl Smiih said only two or three of titem
cl�nse to get tt�e shot. Ne said he felt it was
because o( the ur.certainty of tl�e vaccna-
lion. Mayor Wat(ord said he would strongly
encourage everyone to get tneir shot.
"Ttiat's just my personal opinion," he said.
There have been no positive COVIU-19 tests
among the city firefi;hters.
Council mernber Monica Clark and May-
or Watford ccmmended the Olceechobee
County Commissioners, especially Tery
Burroughs for efforis to get more vaccines
ro Okeechobee cit¢ens.
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