1928-04-03 Regular 236 !I I Okeechobee, Florida, April 3, 1928 I :¡ J The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regular session: . at the City ~all at 7.L~5 o'clcok P. M. and t4,e :t:ollowing wer~ present: J. Denham! . Bird, May'or,- I saiah CaseY., President of Council, Councilmen Don P. Johnston, H. H. I Hancock, H. L. Chandler and Ben,Wa~ker with R. P. Fletqhe~, Clerk, L. C. ~oo~le, Water .Superintendent and Lon Stewart, Chief of Police in attendance. ~inutes of meetings held March 20th and March 30th were read and approved. Councilman Johnston moved that Council table enquiry of Mr. W. E. Holmes with refe~ence to the sale of the Oity water plant, motion seconded by Councilman Walker and carri ed. -..., Councilman Walker moved that Council approve transfers of City funds made op. April 2, 1928 as follows: $260.00 from Special General Fund to I&S Waterworks -, . I Extensipn ~o~d Fund #20; $785.00 from I&S 1926 Bond Fund *27 to I&S Waterworks Ex- I -- ttension Bond Fund 120, motion ~econded by Councilman Hancock and carried. upon motion duly seconded and carried, Co~cil adjourned to meet at 7.45 Olcloc* P. M. April 5th, 192ß. Pursuant to adjournment of the City Oouncil of the City of Okeechobee, Florida,' from a regular meeting thereof held April 3rd., 1928, and in further pursuance of a call of the Mayor, the Oity Council met in the City Hall at ;even forty-five o'clock p. M. April 5th, 1985, and the following were present: J. Denham Bird, Mayor, Isaiah Ùasey, President of City Council; Councilmen H. H. Hancock, H. L. Chandler, Ben Walker an~ D9n P. Johnsto~ with R. P. Fletcher, City Clerk, and L. W. Jennings, City Attorney in attendance. The Mayor anno~ced that, although the meetinK was an a.djourne~ meeting, in order that no question of its regularity might arise,. he had also called a special meeting of the City Council for the purpose of considering a resolution to be I~ ! J ent i tIed: -..., "A RESOLUTION PBOVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BONDS BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING OERTAIN NOTES OF SAID CITY." The City Clerk thereupon read the call of the Mayor. Resolution No. 31 was offe+ed by Councilman Hancock, who moved its' adoption, motion seconded by Councilman Walker and passed by the following vote: Yeas: Nays: I sa! ah Casey f H. H. Hancock None H. L. Chandler Ben Walker -- Don P. Johnston I~ The Mayor being present at said meeting, thereupon approved said resolution, . and the same was designated by the City Clerk as ~esolution No. 31,and filed, and - is as follows; RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BONDS BY THE MAYOR AND - CITY OOUNOIL OF THE OITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING CERTAIN NOTES OF SAID CITY.' , I ,t " i 237 _. - - -- - >- BE - IT RESOLfED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA: (-- Section 1. The Mayor and the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, - . subject to the provisions of Chapter 11855, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1927, and of this resolution, are hereby authorized to issue bonds of såid City under the seal of said corporation in the amount of Fifty-five Thousand ($55,000.00) Dollars, -for the the purpose of paying and refunding the following promissory notes of så1d Ci ty, in the several amounts, and bearing respectively the following dates, and I maturities, and payable to the respective bearers, as follows: Date Maturi ty Payee - Amount Maroh 16, 1928, May 16,1928, American LaFranoe Fire Engine Co., Ino. $4,876.00 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, C. F. Walker 4,200.00 - March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Pauley Jail Building Co. 2,379.66 March 16, 1928, May 16,1928, Fenole Chemical 00. 1,44ó.14 March 16, 1928, May 16,1928, Peoples Bank of Okeeohobee 19,989.47 ,~ March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Hanchett Bond Co. 17,387.92 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Florida Power & Light Co. 496.28 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Neptune Meter Co. 519.70 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Universal Traffic Control Co. 100.00 March 16, 1928, May >16, 1928, Walker, Evans and Cogswell Co. 158.65 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Universal Disinfectant Co. 170.95 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, A.O. Greynolds & Co. 144.00 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, R. P. Fletcher 400.00 Maroh 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Lon Stewart - 400.00 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Ida E. Chandler 500.00 Marc~ 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Ohio Valley Asphalt Co. 100.00 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Coke Jones & Co. 196.51 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, F. E. Lawrenoe 105.00 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Scarborough Motor Guide Co. 110.00 .aroh 16, 1928, May 16, 1928 , C. A. Steed & Sons> 69.30 March 16, 1928, May 16,1928, Pan American Oil 00. 131.39 March 16, 1928, May 16, 1928, Standard Oil Co. 219.03 March IS, 1926, May 16, 1928, L. W. Jennings 85°.00 ! all of Which said notes are general obligations of said City, legally authorized and executed, for Whioh the credit of said City is pledged. Said bonds to be signed by the Mayor, countersigned by the President of the city Council of said City, and attested by the Clerk of said City, with the seal thereof affixed, with interest coupons attached, signed in like manner, and with -: I j--- the fao simile signatures thereof lithographed on said interest coupons. The amoun l of said bonds agall not exceed Fifty-five Thousand ($55,000.00) Dollars. I c- Section 2. That the bonds issued under the provisions of this resolution shal I be in denominations of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, and shall bear inter at payable semi-annually, at the ~ate of six per centum per annum; both principal and interest payable at the Hanover National Bank, New York City, New York, or at the Peoples Bank of Okeechobee, Okeechobee, Florida, at the option of the holde ; - and to be dated Karch 1st, 1928, interest payable on the first day of Maroh, and 0 / ~ I I the first da,y of September of each and. every year after date of issuance until II maturity of said bonds. The principal of said bonds shall be payable as follows: I ~ Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars on the first day of March,A. D. 1931; and Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars on the first day of Maroh, A. D. 1932; Four . . Dollars Thousand ($4-, OOO.OQl/on the first day of Maroh of each and every year thereafter up to and including the first day of March, A. D. 1938, and Five Thousand . ($5,000.00) DollaBs on the first day of March, of ijach and every year thereafter ¡ I up to and including the first day of March, A. D. 194-3. Said bonds to be numbered ì from one to fifty-five, both inclusive. , í T . 238 - -- < - - I, Section 3. That said bonds be pri:i.t6d in substantially the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA '"""'\ STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF OKEECHOBEE -~ REFUNDING BOND ISSUE OF 1929 No. $L,OOO.OO The Oity of Okeechobee, in the County of Okeechobee, and State of Florida, for value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer the sum of One Thousand and No/IOO (.1,000.00) Dollars, gold coin of the United States, on the first day of March,A. D. 19~ with interest thereon at the raDe of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first day of March, and on the first day of September . < - of each year, upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons attached ~ hereto, as they severally become due and paya<ble, both ~nterèst],and principal payable 1 at the Hanover Natj onal Bank, New York City, New York, or at the Peoples Bank of < -" Okeechobee, Okeechobee, Florida, at the option of the holder. - This bond is one of -a series of Fifty-five, aggregating Fifty-five Thousand ($55,000.00) Dollars, of like tenor, except as to its ntmber and date of maturity, and -is issued by virtue and in pursuance of Chapter Ilð55, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1927, and of resolution of the City Council of said City, regularly passes and approved April 5th, A. D. 1928. The series of bonds of ~1ich this is one was issued for -the purpose of funding and retiring certain obligations of the City of Okeecho- bee; Florida, falling due within ninety days from the date hereof, which obligations ..... were duly and legally ~xecuted and delivered, and for Which the full faith and credit of said City is pledged. It is hereby certified that the issue of bonds, of which this is one~ is within . every debt and other limitation prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of the state of Florida, and is made in strict conformity with the Constitution and Laws ~ of Said State, and of resolution of the Oity Council of the City of Okeechobee, Flo~ ~ ida, duly authorizil1g the same, and that all proceedings essential to the validity . of these bonds have been performed, ahd that every requirement of law, relating to the issuance thereof has been duly complied with. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Okeechobee, has caused this bond, being ~ated the first day of March, A. D. 1928, to be signed by its Mayor, countersigned by the President of its City Council, attested by its City Clerk, and its seal to be here- to affixed, and the coupons hereto affixed to be executed by the fac simile signa- tures of said officers lithographed on said int erest coupons. (Corporate SeaJ.) Mayor. < < J ATTEST: Oi ty Clerk. Countersigned: President of the city Council. ~ , . . - 239 I ---- , --¡r- . --- .---- '; COUPON I~ On the first day of September, (March) A. D. 19-, the City of Okeechobee, I Florida, will pay to the bearer Thirty ($30.00) Dollars in gold coin of the United states, at the Hanover National Bank, New York City, or at the Peoples Bank of Okeechobee, Okeechobee, Florida, at the option of the holder, for six months inter- est then due on refunding bond, issue of 1925, dated March 1, 1925, No. . -Mayor. City Clerk. ,I President.o .Ci ty; -Counci . I S@ction 4. That for the purpo se of providing for the levy and collection of a direct tax sufficient to pay the interest on tl'le corporate refunding bonds, here- ~ by authorized, as it falls due, and also for a sinking fund hereby created to pay and di1rOharge the principal thereof at maturity, there be and there is hereby levied upon all taxable property in said City, in each o~fthe years while said bonds, or I any part of them are outstanding, a tax sufficient for that purpose, and the proJ.l1P:bJ.) payment of both principal and interest of said bonds, and for the annual levy, certification and collection of taxes sufficient therefor, on all taxable property in said City, the full faith and or edit of said City are hereby irrevocably pledged. Section 5. That the Oity Attorney be instructed to proceed with the validation of said bonds and have same printed and certified. . -- Which relolution was read a fi~st.time and by unanimous consent passed to a second reading. Read a third time and by 1L~animous consent passed to a third and final I l~eading. Read a third time and passed in open session of the City Council, the 5th .-- I day of April, A. D. 1925. -- Attest: ouncil. . R Pletcher City: C erk (Oorporate Seal) Approved by me this 5th day of April,A. D. 1928. J. Denham Bird Mayor. I Upon mot ion the Oouncll adj ourned. ./' ~ ~~~~ Attest: (](:. . President of .CityCounc . City Clerk. J ,;0 . r. ' , : :