2020-12-01 News Article, 2020 Lake Okeechobee News - m
of Okeechobee
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Jack M. Fisher, 86
Jack M. Fisher passed away on Deceinber
l, 2020. He was bom in Winchester, Ind.,
November 29, 1934
ro Gerald (Jody) and �
MaryAlice (Addington) �� q u
Fisher. a'
Jack was preceded � � �',p� ��
in death by his parents �
and ttis first wife Ann.
He is surv'rved by his
wife o( 27 years, Paula
Ford Fisher; son, Gary
(Parn) Fisher of Board-
man, Ore.; grar�dson, lack Daniel Fisher o(
Oregon; and nephew, Stephen Ford o( Mas-
Jack was an automotive design engineer at
Borg Wamer in Mun�ie, Ind. for over 30 years.
A job he truty loved. Jack loved to fish arid
play golf. He was a wonderful husband and
father who Wly loved his (arnily.
No services are plannecl at ihis time.
All arransements are enVusted to the di-
rection and care of Seawinds Funeral Home,
3&33 SW 18tli Terzace, Okeechobee, FL 34974
Ste�hen Paul Kane, 67
OI ECHOBEE — Stephen Paul Yanc died
peacefully on Novem-
ber 21, 2020 u� Par�ama �, e,,��"`�
City Beach, Fla.
Bom in Portlar�d,
Maine on April I5, �. �� �
1953, Steve is survived �� 'f �..,•
by his loving fiance and ' ��
partner of len years ' �'
Chelia Grinage, aLso of,�r � j��'e��
Okeechobee, Fla I,� � �� �;
S[eve was prede '�� �
ceased by his mother, GcrVude Rocchini a�id
her husband, Ennio Rocchini, Detray, Fla.; and
his father, Raymond Kanc, Portland, Maine.
Steve was a proud graduate of Cheverus
High School, Portland, Maine (1971) and
Lynn University, Boca Raton, Fla. (1975). He
remained (ond of both schooLs throughout
his life and cr�di[ed much o( his success in his
real esta[e career ro the education he received.
Many considered Steve (arnity, incJuding
Chelia's children � and grandchildren, and
his countless Giends spanning. (rom Maine
to Florida. His generous spirit, kindness and
fun-lovUig nature will be missed by marry,
and meaLs will never be ihe same without
this travel-loving sout whose laugh muld fill a
rn�ise ship dining hall.
The farnity will receive friencLs 2 p.m. untll
services at 3 p.m. Friday, December 11, 2020
at Bu�cton & Bass Okeechobee Funeral Home.
Those wishing to leave a message of
mndolence may sign the register book at,
All arrangemenLs are enVusted [o ihe
d'veciion and care o( the Buxton & Bass
Okeechobee Funeral Home, 400 Norih Par-
rott Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida, 34972.
Pamela L�ynn Jackson, 71
OI�ECHOB E— Parnela Lynn 1ac�cson
died November l4, 2020. She was bom
May 21, 1949 in Wash- ay�_,.
ington, D.C. to Earl ,:;��:;,� ��
and Mna (Coppagc) �_: -
Ga[es. A resident of -� "�' �
Okeechobee since `'; �' �
2013, she was a mem- �; •,�.;:� . �
ber of Ihe Eastem Star �ewlr<-
and enjoyed quilt�n, r�' �
orchid5, billiards, bm ��. �
go, and going to the a' �
beach. ,r �' ;.. .. ,
Mrs. JacJcson is survrved by her husband
since 1994, Dave Jackson, o( Okeechobee;
daughters, Novella Pel�er (Rich), of South
Carolina, Maralyn Kublek (Johnny), of Can-
ada, and Brenlynn GiUnore, of Okeechobee;
(our grandchildren; two great graridchilcUen;
brother, Skippy; and sisters, .loyce and Palti.
No services will be held.
Those wishing [o leave a message of
condolence may sign the register book at,
fW arrangements are entrusled to the
direclion and caze o( the Buxton & Bass
Okeechobee Funeral Home, 400 North Par-
Mar�uedte Diane Zeller, 73
MO AGUE — Margueri[e Diane Zeller
passed away Monday, November 16, 2020.
She was bom June 29, 1947. in Minneapolis,
Minnesola, ihe daugh[cr of ihe late Jean anc`
Jean (Knapp) Zeller.
Pota graAuated in the first dass o( Mona
Shores High School, and (urthered her ecluca-
tlon a[ Grand Valley State University. She had
been a[eacher with Ravenna SchooLs and
lake Okeechobee Schcwls, and later re[ired
from ihe State o( Michigan as a Case Workcr
with the Employment Securitles Commission.
Rita was a very independent woman. She al
ways had a great sense o( humor and would
greel everyone with a big smile. She enjoyed
hunting ar�d fishing, and was a phenomenal
artisl Rita was a loving moUier, grandmother,
andfriendto many.
Rita is survrved by. her daughler, Staci
(Todd) Linne; grandsons, Kyle Linne and
Jared Linne; siblings, ScoU (Karen) Zellcr of
Michigan, Caron (Ron) V✓hile of Arizona,
C7aig Zeller o(Arizona, and Bruce (Lon) Zeller
of Arizona; and marry nieces and nephews.
A Celebratlon of Li(e will be held Junc 26,
2021, at Ross Park in Muskegon. Time to be
Beacon Cremation & Funcral Service, Whitc
Lake Chapel, is in charge of arrangements.
~ � See OBITS — Page 6
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Glades County Democrat, and The Sun
By Cathy Womble
Lake Okeechobee News
OKEECHOBEE — Keeping up with the
times, the City of Okeechobee has approved
an agreement tor services wilh eSCRIBE
Software Ltd. for webcasling and automaF
ed closed captioning. For many years, city
residents were frustrated at being unable to
view city council meetings online as they can
the county meetings, b W the holdup has been
[he lack o( closed captioning. They could not
legally provide the service [o the community
unless il was provided to everyone, which
includes lhose who cannot hear. This is per
[he Americans with Disabilities Act.
For Ihe last siz mon[hs or so, while Florida
was uoder a state of emergency, communities
were permitled [o utilize YouTube wi[houl
having closed cap[ioning, but now that the
state oF emergency haz been li(ted, they can
no longer use lhe YouTube channel, unless
[hey provide closed captioning.
With this new agreement, the city will
once again be able to record and publish its
meelings online. Beginning in January or
February, all meetings will be recorded and
available on the city's YoulLbe channel.
In addition, City Clerk Lane Gamiotea said
lhey are working on the microphones and
sound equipment, and vicwers will soon see a
great improvement in that, most likety as soon
as the next meeting.
In other business, Councilman Bob Jarriel
said he considered i[ a privilege to serve on lhe
city council and he would love to hear (rom
she public Au�ing the town hall meetings or
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�cecnobee '` � f ,� , -
Ws � Caloosa�l3elle��:�,�w�����`�,� ,;�
during Ihe monthly meetings. He said he sees
people post thoughts online, and he wishes
they would come to [he meetings and say
what they think, even they do not agree with
him. He does no[ minA at all. He just wants
them to come down and talk to the m�ncil.
"LeCs start the new year off right," he said.
Councilwomari Monica Clark commented
about the tree lighting and said it was the
council's intention to (ollow CDC Guidclines
and she explained it was her idea ro have city
employees mme and have a little background
music, and lhe ONLY reason (or that was
because she thought it would make the live
stream more special (or the people watching
it if there were people there insread of can-
celing [he whole event. She just (elt it would
be a smaller, more controllable sized group.
"I personally [hought [he live s[ream woWA
be more special to lhe cilizens Ihan canceling
the whole event. I want to apologize i( anyone
felt slighted or excluded. I was just Irying to
make it a little more special on the live slream.
I really want to apologi�e to AM'BODY in
our community, nol just city residents, bul
anybody in our community lhat tel[ that we
were trying to exclude Ihem." She went on lo
explain how seriousty she takes COVID and
said, "This too will pass. Hopefully, next year's
Christmas wiil be better."
Mayor powling Wat(ord said, "The council
had a serious decision to make and we had
di(ferences o( opinion here. Whether you
agree with i[ or not, we have a responsibil-
ity for public safety or public health. Some
people on social media did no[ understand or
agrec with iL Q
pec l, �-o�o �c
(1�lin�.l� �r(e.
City of Okeechobee will
soon have closed captioni
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