2020-09-21 Zoom Chat File18:54:28 From SarahG to City of Okeechobee Municipality(Privately) : Good evening, is this spreadsheet that their referencing available for public view? 18:58:15 From City of Okeechobee Municipality to SarahG(Privately) : The spreadsheet is not online. Printed copies were provided at the beginning of the meeting. 18:59:00 From SarahG to City of Okeechobee Municipality(Privately) : The spreadsheet was provided in the last meeting within the exhibits. Just surprised it was not provided this time. 19:11:01 From SarahG to City of Okeechobee Municipality(Privately) : These are additional exhibits that are not included within the agenda. Do you know why? 19:12:53 From City of Okeechobee Municipality to SarahG(Privately) : If you are referring to Exhibits A, B, and C of the Fire Interlocal Agreement, they have not been developed. The agreement is in draft form. 19:16:31 From SarahG to City of Okeechobee Municipality(Privately) : Thank you