2001-2002 Fiscal Year SUMMARY OF RESOURCES FISCAL YEAR 2001-02 I Ganaral Fund 55.5%/ /' L Public Facilitie& B.7%J --- ~_.-._-_._~-- I Law Enforcement ().2%\ Dabt Sarvica 0.2% Capital ProJect" 5% I Indu&trial Development 30.4%1 General Fund Public Facilities Industrial Development Capital Projects Debt Service Law Enforcement TOTAL RESOURCES $12,906,764 PERCENT OF BUDGET 55.50 8.70 30.40 5.00 .20 .20 TOTALS $7,163,877. 1,115,003. 3,751,800. 601,000. 249,206. 25,878. TOTAL RESOURCES $12,906,764. . 100.00 ! SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS I FISCAL YEAR 2001-02 I Public Works 55.3% I I Debt Service 0.2% I I Legal 006% I I Fire 91% I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $9,347,955 Public Works Police Administration Fire Debt Service Legal TOTALS $5,017,961. 1,186,674. 2,036,668. 842,287. 199,365. 65,000. $9,347,955. PERCENT OF BUDGET 55.30 13.20 22.14 9.10 .20 .06 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ... 100.00 ,,-- GENERAL FUND II BUDGET SUMMARY 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED FUNDING SOURCES General Fund 6,581,083 6,805,486 6,880,685 7,163,877 Debt Service Fund 259,114 249,285 261,545 249,206 Capital Projects Fund 541,617 627,401 626,247 601,000 Law Enforcement Special Fund 20,442 25,217 29,071 25,878 Public Facilities Improvement Fund 1,302,235 1,167,161 1,376,637 1,115,003 Industrial Development ~ -0- -0- 3.751.800 TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES 8,704,491 8,874,550 9,174,185 12,906,764 . EXPENDITURES General Fund 3,054,348 3,418,641 3,339,755 4,211,586 Debt Service Fund 197,403 199,365 199,365 199,365 Capital Projects Fund 23,292 627,401 626,247 600,000 Law Enforcement Special Fund -0- -0- 8,328 -0- Public Facilities Improvement Fund 231,236 595,204 592,409 585,204 Industrial Development Fund ~ -0- -0- 3.751.800 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,506,279 4,840,611 4,766,104 9,347,955 Fund Balanc Fund Balance, September 30 5,198,212 4,033,939 4,408,081 3,558,809 -1- GENERAL FUND i8i1lNWK1iW:::'WiWn:'$&jii1l:;l.fS:'::::$.:::~:i~:iii:(R:':::':ii ftJ.U:::l:::~-k;~::l:l:~.:.a~~::u.:.~~;~:;~;t~: ,,~:.:~~:l;-';~~~ :;:J;:: .....:.,.........:::...;.;.......,....::...:.:.....:.........:.:...:..'......:.,.:.......:.;.:...........:...,.;..,..;.:.......,'..:.:.;..,......,.....;.:....,..;.:.....;.....:.:.........:.:....,..............:...:.....:.: Fund Balance, October 1 1999-2000 ACTUAL 3,341,144 2000-01 BUDGET 3,437,338 2000-01 ESTIMA TE 3,526,735 2001-02 PROPOSED 3,540,930 TAXES: 311100 Ad Valorem Tax 6.6899 TOTAL OTHER FEES AND TAXES: 312510 Fire Insurance Premium Tax 312520 Casualty Ins. Premo Tax (Police) 313 100 Franchise - Electric 313200 Franchise - Telephone 3 13500 Franchise - Cable 313700 Franchise - Solid Waste 314100 Utility Tax - Electric 314200 Utility Tax - Telephone 314800 Utility Tax - Propane 319000 Public Service Fee 320000 Taxi Cab and Peddler Fees 321000 Prof. and Gcc. License 321100 Bus., Prof., Occ. Reg. Fees TOTAL 859.752 1.035,413 1 ,070,500 1.214.601 859,752 1,035,413 1,070,500 1,214,601 60,079 50,000 31,233 32,000 89,070 89,000 91,386 92,000 225,457 222,288 220,214 225,151 8,604 7,541 7,541 8,268 19,485 18,841 18,841 19,490 43,712 41,207 41,207 42,058 317,873 323,065 300,000 319,639 83,507 74,161 74,161 80,482 21,875 19,364 23,590 21,472 4,582 7,3 00 3,000 7,559 556 500 500 306 50,943 48,212 41,000 51,092 1.295 2,490 2,100 2.000 927,038 903,969 854,773 901,517 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES: 335110 Cigarette Tax (.02) 335121 SRS Cigarette Tax ::;':;5 ;";0 rv:uLlk lIlliill.;; Ll,,-cnsc::> 335150 Alcoholic Revenue Liccnses 335180 1/2 Cent Sales Tax 312600 1 Cent Sales Surtax 335230 Firefighters Supplement 338200 County Business Licenses TOTAL 61,713 79,927 -0- -0- 121,976 112,129 140,000 162,858 15?.377 4,(,5\ 28,000 10,155 1,462 2,138 2,500 2,500 251,404 231,142 250,000 247,215 407)63 388,975 380,000 437,632 450 600 600 600 9.024 4,549 2.500 2.000 868,769 824,111 803,600 862,960 -2- 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE PROPOSED CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES: 322000 Building & Inspection Fees 36,397 45,000 80,004 88,800 329000 Plan Review Fees 3,933 4,000 7,772 5,500 341200 Alley/Street Closing Fees 585 300 610 650 341300 Map Sales 535 400 -0- 75 341400 Photocopies 24 100 50 25 343401 Solid Waste ColI. Fees-Rsd. 210,666 206.500 189,300 213.085 TOTAL 252,140 256,300 277,736 308,135 FINES, FORFEITURES & PENAL TIES: 351100 Court Fine 18,643 20,000 18,878 20,848 351200 Radio Comm. Fee 8,038 12,463 7,350 7,794 351300 Law Enforcement Education 310 300 126 300 351400 Investigation Cost Reimbursement 36 212 75 77 354100 Ordinance Violation Fines 305 900 339 712 TOTAL 27,332 33,875 26,768 29,731 USES OF MONEY AND PROPERTY: 361100 Interest Earnings 180,393 160,000 160,000 160,000 364100 Surplus City Property 720 5,000 6,000 5.000 TOTAL 181,113 165,000 166,000 165,000 OTHER REVENUES: 334200 Public Safety Grant 6,972 7,000 11,693 -0- 343900 DOT Hwy Maint. Contract 28,880 28,880 28,880 28,880 344900 CSX Railroad Maint. Contract 5,750 4,600 4,600 4,600 16<)100 Rf'fim0 ('If Prior Year Fxpct, -121 4,000 1,900 843 361)500 Police Accident Reports 528 500 500 515 369100 Miscellaneous 6,988 4,500 7,000 6.165 TOTAL 48,795 49,480 54,573 41,003 -3- GENERAL FUND 11~~:7::':I.I'$glmm~:::IIII.M 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE PROPOSED Fund Balance, October 1 32,621 49,585 61,711 62,180 ADD REVENUES: 311110 Debt Service Ad Valorem 6 -0- -0- -0- 312410 Local Option Gas Tax 225,966 199,400 199,400 186,726 361100 Interest Earned 521 300 434 300 REVENUES 226,493 199,700 199,834 187,026 TOTAL REVENUES A V AILABLE 259,114 249,285 261,545 249,206 DEDUCT EXPENDITURES: 7100 Principal 151,664 159,964 159,975 168,472 7200 Interest 45,739 39,401 39,390 30,893 7300 Other Debt Costs -0- -0- -0- -0- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 197,403 199,365 199,365 199,365 Fund Balance, September 30 61.711 49.920 62.180 49,841 -5- POLICE DEPARTMENT 11:5:':':Z::."9:::"'\:Jj'::::::Ar:\lW'"'::':.::::::E:.::::::NF:'::'::.:':':.::'();:::}:':a.:.:.:::.::::::t:.:.:::M':':::::':::E':':':::N':':':':'m:::'::::=::-S:':'::'g':':::'EeJA1:.:::::,:==::::::.:.:;:::.:tJj.:t:::::P':':':'U:':::':::N.:':::'::n:'::':::rs.:':::':~.:':::':::':"::':':::':':':':':::;:-::r:':.::::)M:':;-:: ... ..' . . . . . . . .... , . . . . .' . . . . . . ... . . . .... . .. . .. . . . . . , , . . : ::.:..::...::::.:::::=:...::......;....:;:..::>.:;:::;:.....:.:..:::...:.....;:;...::..::....,...::;..:::.:..,.....:.,...;:,..::.,.....:..:;::-::::...:::::;..::.,:....::;:,.,.,:,.;.,:::,::.,.,:,.::,-,::.,.::,.I.,.,:;:;.,::.:::..:;:;.;:...:..:::::..::...;::..:..;:..:...:....:..:...:....:..::...::....:...:::....::: 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED Fund Balance, October 1 9,393 20,092 20,442 20,743 ADD REVENUES: 351100 Administrative fees 10,600 -0- 8,067 5,000 351200 Confiscated Property -0- 5,000 -0- 361100 Interest Earnings 449 125 562 135 TOTAL REVENUES A V AILABLE 20,442 25,217 29,071 25,878 DEDUCT EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenses -0- -0- 8.328 -0- TOTAL EXPENDITURES -0- -0- 8,328 -0- Fund Balance, September 30 20,442 25.217 20.743 25.878 -6- PUBLIC WORKS II ill:::llill~::.II.IIIII::::.II_IIII.:i.I::i:11I1111 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED Fund Balance, October 1 955,765 858,661 1,070,999 784,228 REVENUES: 3 12410 Local Option Gas Tax 191,516 210,000 181,976 205,269 334390 FRDAP Grant 50,000 -0- -0- -0- 335122 SRS Eight-cent Motor Fuel 64,087 57,000 79,915 84,006 312420 Local Alter. Fuel User Fee -0- 100 -0- 100 335410 Motor Fuel Tax Rebate 1,563 1,300 1,645 1,300 361100 Interest Earnings 37, III 40,000 40,302 40,000 369100 lV1iscellaneous 2.193 100 1.800 100 TOTAL 346,470 308,500 305,638 330,775 TOTAL REVENUES A V AILABLE 1,302,235 1,167,161 1,376,637 1,115,003 EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenses 231,236 495,204 492,409 485,204 OPERA TING TRANSFER-OUT General Fund -0- 100,000 100,000 100.000 TOTAL EXPENSES 231,236 595,204 592,409 585,204 Fund Balance, September 30 1.070.999 571,957 784,228 529,799 -7- PUBLIC WORKS II ~~\~Il::::.:~maii:::X:~:::::::~jjf~~~i~::::.m::(::'~*[i;jjj:~#fi::::i$i:jfji;.;f,~. J~M...:J;:l::~U ..O::;l::ft:.ln:m...UD:::1(:;:E:b .. ;t;:::;l;'J':J;E:t:~:::J;::'.:l~:::Ul~:U: >:.:.:::~.:::,;.:<::::::::.:.;.;.:.:::;;.:.:-:.:.:-:;:::.;..,::;.;.:.:.::;.:.;.;:;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.:.:::.;.;.:.:.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:::.:.;.:.:.::~:.:::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:.:::.;...:-::;.;.;.;::.:.:::.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.:::::.;:;.;.:.:::::::.:.;.;:::::;.:.;.:::.;.;::::.;.;.;.;.::;: 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED Fund Balance, October 1 -0- -0- -0- -0- REVENUES: 331100 Economic Develop. Grant -0- -0- -0- 1,200,000 334100 CDBG Grant -0- -0- -0- 600,000 334400 Transportation Grant -0- -0- -0- 1,125,000 334500 State Appropriation -0- -0- -0- 300,000 337100 Okeechobee County -0- -0- 0- 300,000 364100 Sale of Land ~ ~ -0- 226,800 TOTAL REVENUES AVAILABLE -0- -0- -0- 3,751,800 EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenses -0- -0- -0- 3,751,800 TOTAL Total EXPENDITURE -0- -0- -0- -0- Fund Balance, September ..:..0:: -0- -0- -0- -8- CITY ADMINISTRATION ~.II1:::llililll::lllli.i:::I_:l~II_1 FUND BALANCE, OCTOBER 1 ADD REVENUES: 361100 Interest Earnings 369100Miscellaneous 334500 Grant REVENUES TRANSFER-IN 381000 General Fund TOT AL REVENUES AND OTHER FUNDING SOURCE DEDUCT EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenses TOTAL EXPENDITURES Fund Balance, September 30 1999-00 ACTUAL 2000-01 BUDGET 2000-01 ESTIMATE 2001-02 PROPOSED 510,679 541,019 518,325 -0- 30,938 15,000 13,972 1,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ~ 22.568 --:Q:: 30,938 15,000 36,540 1,000 -0- 71,3 82 71,382 600,000 541.617 627,401 626,247 601,000 23,292 627,401 626,247 600,000 23,292 627,401 626,247 600,000 518,325 -0- -0- 1,000 -9- CITY COUNCIL .1!::::'::::::R:::~:::'::iB.:,:.:.~tB~<:'l":' .. .... ..:-.... ." " .... ...~. . ;.::;: . "; :~ .. .:. . -:.:.:.:::::-:-:.:.:.:.:::.}..:.::~:-:.:..,:.:.:- . GOAL: To provide all citizens of Okeechobee with legislative representation by enacting ordinances, resolutions, policies and programs that improve the community and promote desirable levels of municipal services. FISCAL YEAR CLASSIFICA TION TOTAL COST 1999-00 ACTUAL 59,394 2000-01 BUDGET 91,741 2000-01 ESTIMA TE 84,485 2001-02 PROPOSED 96,657 BUDGET PROPOSALS: To encourage continued citizen participation in community activities and governmental affairs. Support a strong commercial/industrial tax base in the City. RESULTS OF PROPOSALS: Continued responsiveness to citizen needs. Maintain a viable and balanced tax base in the City. -10- LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999/00 2000/01 2000/01 2001102 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 1100 Executive Salaries 26,641 26,500 26,500 26,500 2100 F.I.C.A.. 2,772 2,762 2,762 2,762 2200 Retirement 769 779 938 1,095 2300 Life & Health Insurance 12,288 15,000 15,771 17,300 2400 Worker's Compensation 38 200 200 500 Total Personnel Costs 42,508 45,241 46,171 48,157 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 3400 Other Contract Service 5,976 24,500 18,500 24,500 4000 Travel & Per Diem 10, I 12 10,000 9,939 12,000 4909 Miscellaneous 462 2,000 1,000 2,000 5400 Bks., Public., Subsc., Mem. 336 1,000 875 1,000 8 100 Shared Services -0- 8,000 8,000 8,000 8200 Aid to Private Organiz. -0- 1.000 ---=.Q.: 1.000 Total Supplies and Other Services 16,886 46,500 38,314 48,500 TOTAL COST 59,394 91,741 84,485 96,657 -11- CITY OF OKEECHOBEE 2001-02 SALARY SCHEDULE Mayor 6,500 Council Members 5,000 The mayor receives $2,400 each year for expenses and each council member $1,800 each year for expenses. -12- CITY ADMINISTRATION IIII.IIIIIII~L... . . GOAL: To efficiently and effectively implement the policies and programs enacted by the City Council. FISCAL YEAR CLASSIFICA TION TOTAL COST 1999-00 ACTUAL 98,285 2000-01 BUDGET 112,108 2000-01 ESTIMA TE 108,681 2001-02 PROPOSED 121,671 BUDGET PROPOSALS: Proper allocation of City resources and manpower in conformance with City Council policy. Maintain a viable commercial/industrial tax base. Continue to communicate with citizens and employees. RESULTS OF PROPOSALS: Effective execution of City Council policy. Viable revenue base. Informed citizenry. -13- CITY ADMINISTRATION i ~ illlllllilllliirl_ LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999-00 ACTUAL 2000-01 BUDGET 2000-01 2001-02 ESTIMA TE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 1100 Executive Salaries 1200 Regular Salaries 1510 Longevity/Service Incentive 2100 F.I.C.A. 2200 Retirement 2300 Life & Health Insurance 2400 Worker's Compensation 49,778 52,900 52,900 54,487 18,556 22,900 20,965 23,587 -0- -0- -0- -0- 5,440 5,799 5,651 5,973 1,728 2,198 3,079 3,224 4,805 7,121 7,325 7,500 38 500 ~ 750 80,345 91,418 90,420 95,521 Total Personnel Costs SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 4000 Travel and Per Diem 4100 Comm. and Freight Servo 4400 Rentals/Leases 4600 R & M Vehicles 4609 R & M Equip 4901 Education 4909 Miscellaneous 5100 Office Supplies 5200 Operating Supply 5201 Oper. Supplies (Gas & Oil) 5400 Bks., Public., Subsc., Mem. 6400 Equipment Total Supplies and Other Services 3,246 5,400 3,000 6,000 1,954 2,200 3,070 3,200 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,250 320 1,150 200 1,000 449 240 611 600 1,440 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,876 2,000 2,100 2,500 1,3 90 1,000 580 1,000 758 600 500 800 895 1,000 900 1,500 2,012 2,500 2,700 2,700 600 600 600 2,600 17,940 20,690 18,261 26,150 98,285 112,108 108,681 121,671 TOTAL COST -14- CITY ADMINISTRATION ":':<:'R!<<<::":':~[I",:WDII<<~~:;C~:<:;>~':~::'~~?II"'::"I!l;'_:"<<<-,<<,:,<<<<,..,:,,:,~, ':<<g'<': ..',~ Do ~.. .'.. 'o:~r:". .<, ' < ' l' "', ,,' , ~E...:...:@::~:::..:.......:::..:...::...........~~~.... .:....~.. ..;~. ......~.......:.........:..~...:..~:;.:....~:....:..~r...... MANPOWER ANALYSIS -15- CITY OF OKEECHOBEE 2001-02 SALARY SCHEDULE City Administrator 54,487 Administrative Secretary 23,587 All new employees will start at $1,000 below the base salary except the City Administrator. -16- CITY ADMINISTRATION LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE PROPOSED EXPENDITURES: 3100 Prof. Serv.lEngineer 17,596 68,791 22,873 -0- 4909 Miscellaneous 5,696 -0- -0- -0- 6300 Improvements -0- 483,610 573,374 600,000 6400 Equipment ----=.Q.: 75,000 30,000 -0- TOTAL 23,292 627,401 626,247 600,000 CAP]T AL OUTLAY Renovate Fire Station 600,000 Improvements Total 600,000 -17- CITY COUNCIL 1111.1I111~~~::;::::::;:'::~II!III.111111 GOAL: Provide accurate and complete advertising, recording, filing and indexing of all official city documents. Execute and attest all official actions of the City Council. Provide for City personnel services, Provide election procedures within the City of Okeechobee, FISCAL YEAR CLASSIFICA TION TOTAL COST 1999-00 ACTUAL 93,778 2000-01 BUDGET 118,041 2000-01 ESTIMA TE 114,441 2001-02 PROPOSED 127,583 BUDGET PROPOSALS: Maintain the City code and map Maintain personnel records, applications and handbook. Record and file all official city documents. Provide advertising for all city departments Provide for City elections, RESULTS OF PROPOSALS: Codification of ordinances, City Map updates, personnel policy law updates. Documentation of all action taken by City Council. Compliance with governmental requirements for advertising, Compliance with City and State Election Law requirements. -18- CITY COUNCIL LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 1100 Executive Salaries 34,664 35,400 35,400 36,462 1200 Regular Salaries 25,453 34,350 33,020 35,381 1510 Longevity/Service Incentive 3,000 3,450 3,000 3,300 2100 F.I.CA. 4,791 5,600 5,464 5,748 2200 Retirement 1,896 2,023 2,741 2,967 2300 Life & Health Insurance 5,507 7,568 7,638 8,400 2400 Worker's Compensation 38 500 500 ~ Total Personnel Costs 75,349 88,891 87,763 93,058 SUPPLIED AND OTHER SERVICES: 3 103 Municipal Code 1,092 9,500 9,500 1,200 4000 Travel & Per Diem 444 1,000 500 1,000 4100 Comm, and Freight Serv, 957 1,200 1,100 1,200 4609 R&M- Equip. 1,250 1,000 1,155 1,225 4900 Other Current Charges 9,647 10,000 6,000 10,000 4901 Education 386 350 300 500 4909 Miscellaneous/Elections 2,160 3,200 5,000 3,200 5100 Office Supplies 1,501 1,200 800 1,200 5400 Bks., Public" Subsc., Mem, 992 1,200 1,723 2,000 6400 Equipment -0- 500 600 3,500 6401 Micro Film Equipment -0- -0- ~- 9.500 Total Supplies and Other Services 18,429 29,150 26,678 34,525 TOTAL COST 93,778 118,041 114,441 127,583 -19- CITY COUNCIL MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL- TIME/P ART TIME PERSONNEL 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 POSITION City Clerk Administrative Secretary Deputy City Clerk Iii Office Assistant TOTAL 1 1 o o 2 1 1 o 1/2 2 1/2 1 o 1 1/2 2 1/2 1 o 1 ~ 2 1/2 -20- FINANCE ,~",,~w'*::~>~~~~::~~"'I&.::>::::::::::::::mm<>:'II::~'~:::'~~f::~'~<:~:~m~m",,:~: ,.,.. '. '~I.:~~:' .,...,'l.l:!G:. " ,~::r~-rmDm :::.:::.:::::.:~~.::;~::.:~5!~.:.::!I;~};:;~~~m~'l.:.::::j~m~1!;!i~~ GOAL: Providing and controlling fiscal programs to meet all legal, professional and management requirements, FISCAL YEAR CLASSIFICA TION TOTAL COST 1999-00 ACTUAL 137,814 2000-01 BUDGET 144,895 2000-01 ESTIMA TE 145,257 2001-02 PROPOSED 170,474 BUDGET PROPOSALS: Continue to invest City funds in a secure and effective manner. Provide complete and accurate financial data on a timely basis to all department heads. RESULTS OF PROPOSALS: Safeguard City liquid assets while earning interest to provide additional operating capital. Provide the data for staff to control costs, increase revenues and plan for the effects of change, -22- FINANCE LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 1100 Executive Salaries 26,156 27,692 27,479 28,523 1200 Regular Salaries 44,822 46,300 46,300 47,689 1500 Special Pay 4,740 4,740 4,740 4,740 1510 Longevity/Service Incentive 1,800 1,800 1,800 2,400 2100 F,I,C.A. 5,552 5,798 5,781 6,014 2200 Retirement 2,045 2,146 2,407 3,148 2300 Life & Health Insurance 9,877 11,720 12,500 13,300 2400 Workman's Compensation 38 500 650 900 2500 Unemployment Taxes -0- ~ ~ 500 Total Personnel Costs 95,030 101 ,196 101,657 107,214 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 3200 Accounting & Audits 33,726 3 I ,000 30,800 32,000 4000 Travel and Per Diem 830 1,000 1,100 1,200 4100 Comm, and Freight Serv, 1,429 1,800 2,000 2,000 4609 R & M Equip. 2,113 5,089 5,000 5,500 4901 Education 25 660 350 660 4908 Cash Short/Over -0- -0- -0- -0- 4909 Miscellaneous 767 200 500 400 5100 Office Supplies 2,789 2,600 2,600 3,200 5200 Operating Supply-Garbage -0- -0- -0- 17,100 5400 Bks., Public" Subsc" Mem, 5 250 150 200 6400 Equipment 1,100 1,100 1,100 1.000 Total Supplies & Other Services 42,784 43,699 43,600 63,260 TOTAL COST 137,814 144,895 145,257 170,474 -23- FINANCE MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIME/PART TIME PERSONNEL 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 POSITION Finance Coordinator I 1 0 0 Account Supervisor 0 0 1 1 Administrative Secretary 1 1 0 0 Adm, Aid/Special Projects 0 0 I I Account Clerk 0 1 1 1 TOTAL 2 3 3 3 -24- CITY OF OKEECHOBEE , 2001-02 SALARY SCHEDULE Account Supervisor 28,523 24, 1 02 23,587 Adm. Aid/Special Projects Account Clerk All new employees will start at $1,000 below the base salary. -25- CITY ADMINISTRATION GOAL: To provide legal advice to the City Council and to the City staff. FISCAL YEAR CLASSIFICA TION TOTAL COST 1999-00 ACTUAL 25,786 2000-01 BUDGET 48,800 2000-01 ESTIMA TE 39,448 2001-02 PROPOSED 65,000 BUDGET PROPOSALS: Respond to requests from the City Council and City staff for legal opinions on specific matters, Draft local ordinances in response to state and federal mandates. Provide defense/prosecution involving matters oflitigation concerning the City. RESULTS OF PROPOSALS: Ensure conformance to the law. Provide City Council and City Staff with the best possible legal information on which to base decisions, Protect the City's interest in matters of litigation. -26- CITY ADMINISTRATION LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 3100 Professional Services 3300 Legal Cost 4100 Comm, And Freight Servo TOTAL 24,691 1,095 -0- 25,786 33,800 15,000 ~ 48,800 23,000 16,448 707 39,448 34,000 30,000 1,000 65,000 -27- GENERAL SERVICES GOAL: Promoting the image, reputation and attractiveness of the City to its current and potential residents. Provide sound and effective purchasing of goods and services for the City. Coordination of building plans among City departments, FISCAL YEAR CLASSIFICA TION TOTAL COST 1999-00 ACTUAL 218,629 2000-01 BUDGET 243,481 2000-01 ESTIMA TE 248,664 2001-02 PROPOSED 320,283 BUDGET PROPOSALS: Compliance of all pertaining city codes, Maintain a high standard of public safety which is as aesthetically pleasing as possible, Maintain a high level of effective control of purchasing for all using department with City codes, Continue to identifY and address image factors that face our City, RESULTS OF PROPOSALS: Better enforcement of City codes; makes everything more appealing to current and potential residents, Provide goods and services in a timely manner and at the best price, Coordination of all building plans so growth means quality services. Improvement to the City's image, -28- GENERAL SERVICES LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 1200 Regular Salaries 47,011 52,250 32,750 47,680 1510 Longevity/Service Incentive 3,000 3,150 2,700 3,750 2100 F.I.C,A. 3,790 4,238 2,713 3,934 2200 Retirement 1,209 1,515 ],353 1,969 2300 Life and Health Insurance 6,135 8,428 4,642 5,200 2400 Workman's Compensation 1.556 3,000 3,000 3,500 Total Personnel Costs 62,701 72,581 47,158 66,033 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES 3100 Prof. Serv, Permits-Bldg/Lic 34,502 41 ,000 72,004 80,000 3400 Other Contractural Servo 70, ] 49 70,000 75,000 105,000 4000 Travel and Per Diem 4,056 4,500 2,187 4,500 4100 Comm. and Freight Serv, 5,275 4,500 7,500 10,000 4300 Utilities ] 1,318 10,000 9,500 12,000 4400 Rentals/Leases 666 750 503 1,850 4500 Insurance 16,481 20,000 20,000 20,000 4600 R & M Vehicle 279 150 156 300 4609 R & M - Bldg, & Equip, 6,767 15,000 12,000 15,000 4700 Printing 995 500 500 1,200 4901 Education 512 500 50 500 4909 Miscellaneous 455 500 256 500 5100 Office Supplies 1,331 1,400 750 1,400 5200 Operating Supply 842 ],000 400 1,000 5201 Operating Supplies - Gas/Oil 10 300 -0- 300 5203 Operating Supplies (Uniforms) -0- 100 -0- -0- 5400 Bks" Public., Subsc" Mem, 30 200 100 200 6400 Equipment 2,250 500 600 500 Total Supplies & Other Services ] 55,928 170,900 201,506 254,250 TOTAL COST 218,629 243,481 248,664 320,283 -29- GENERAL SERVICES 111,.r MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL-TIMEfPART TIME PERSONNEL 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 POSITION Administrative Secretary 1 1 1 1 Yz Office Assistant 0 1/2 1/2 1/2 Code Compliance Officer 1 1 0 0 Custodian 1 I 0 0 TOTAL 3 3 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 -30- CITY OF OKEECHOBEE 2001-02 SALARY SCHEDULE Administrative Secretary 24,102 Y2 Office Assistant 11,279 All new employees will start at $1,000 below the base salary except the Code Compliance Officer. -31- POLICE DEPARTMENT GOAL: Provide management and organizational support to all levels of operations to facilitate goal attainment. To manage and supervise all personnel and program functions in support of Police Department operations. Enhance training for individuals and develop modern crime fighting techniques utilizing advanced and innovative equipment and procedures to serve and protect the citizens of Okeechobee, I FISCAL YEAR CLASSIFICA TION TOTAL COST 1999-00 ACTUAL 1,103,776 2000-01 BUDGET 1,137,035 2000-01 ESTIMA TE 1,117,088 2001-02 PROPOSED 1,186,674 BUDGET PROPOSALS: Provide training consistent with current procedures to update job skills and promote acceptable performance levels. Provide programs that promote operations of the department by utilizing proper managerial and supervision skills, To administer effectively and maintain a high level of service and professionalism for the public good. RESULTS OF PROPOSALS: A proficient police organization capable of maintaining law and order and providing those special services the community requires of a municipal police department. To insure the community receives the highest caliber police officer capable of performing to their expectations with the available budgetary considerations, To provide the latest in resources and equipment to accomplish the goals of law and order and service to the community in accordance with available funding constraints, -32- POLICE DEPARTM~NT_ LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS: 1100 Executive Salary 67,830 43,400 43,400 44,702 1200 Regular Salaries 538,319 548,194 542,250 564,640 1201 Holiday Pay -0- 500 1,300 515 1202 Officers Holiday Pay 13,029 14,000 14,900 14,420 1300 Other Salaries 3,437 10,000 3,547 10,000 1400 Overtime Pay 1,556 2,500 2,624 2,700 1403 Officers Overtime Pay 28,766 30,000 31,750 32,000 1501 Auxiliary Pay 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1510 Longevity/Service Incentive 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1520 Officers Longevity/Serv Inct 13,200 13,150 13,150 14,300 1530 Incentive 3,092 4,300 4,235 4,300 1540 Career Education 10,008 10,000 8,188 10,000 2100 F,I.C.A 53,857 51,855 51,000 53,510 2200 Retirement 90,241 90,317 90,861 91,943 2300 Life & Health Insurance 78,334 90,000 90,716 91,000 2400 Worker's Compensation 19,153 15,000 15,000 19,236 Total Personnel Costs 923,822 926,216 915,921 956,266 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 3 100 Professional Services 7,029 10,100 10,000 10,858 4000 Travel and Per Diem 1,237 4,000 3,500 6,000 4100 Comm. and Freight Serv, 8,474 10,500 10,000 13,450 4300 Utilities 4,162 11,000 7,000 12,000 4400 Rentals/Leases 61,073 66,000 66,000 71,680 4500 Insurance 20,921 25,000 25,000 25,000 4600 R & M Vehicles 5,635 5,500 4,050 5,500 4609 R & M - Bldg, & Equipment 8,184 8,000 8,000 8,700 4700 Printing and Binding 938 1,000 500 1,000 4901 Education 148 3,619 -0- 3,745 4902 Education - Non-res. 1,000 4,500 1,000 4,500 4909 Miscellaneous 318 1,500 1,000 1,500 5 100 Office Supplies 2,388 2,500 2,805 4,000 5101 Detective Supplies 2,122 3,500 1,500 3,500 5200 Operating Supplies 8,828 10,000 10,000 10,475 5201 Oper. Supplies (Gas/Oil) 22,000 26,500 22,500 29,500 5202 Oper. Supplies (Tires) 1,955 3,000 1,800 3,000 5203 OpeL Supplies (Uniforms) 6,889 7,000 6,800 8,000 5400 Bks., Public" Subsc., Mem. 552 1,000 600 1,000 6400 Equipment 6,021 6,600 6,600 7,000 8300 Public Safety Grant IO,O~ -0- 12,512 -0- Total Supp. and Other Services 179,954 210,819 201,167 230,4~- TOTAL COST 1,103,776 1,137,035 1,1 t 7,088 1,186,674 -33- POLICE DEPARTMENT -- MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL- TIME/P ART TIME PERSONNEL 199~-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 POSITION TOTAL 25 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 5 5 5 II 11 11 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 4 4 4 1 1 1 26 26 26 Chief I' Captain 1 Major 0 Sergeants 5 Police Officers 11 Corporal 0 Administrative Secretary 1 Records Clerk 1 Dispatchers (salary in Fire budget) 4 School Crossing Guard L CAPITAL OUTLAY 6400 Equipment 1, EQUIPMENT FOR 5 UNMARKED UNITS 2, SPARE RADIO FOR DISP ATCHlUNITS 3. (3) BODY ARMOR 4, NEXTEL PHONE FOR DISPATCH(BACKUP RADIO) 5 . DICTAPHONE FOR DETECTIVES 6. MARCO 5 SLRCAMERADORD.B, 7, PRINTER FOR RECORDS 8 ,PRINTER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SECT. 9,ARREST PRINTER FOR PATROL $2,500 600 1,500 60 325 800 500 275 425 $6,985 -34- CITY OF OKEECHOBEE 1Ii11! 2001-02 SALARY SCHEDULE Chief Major Sergeant: New employee or promoted 44,702 39,134 3 1,342 Regular 32,342 Police Officer: Non-certified new employee 26,737 Celtified new employee 27,737 Regular 28,737 Administrative SecretalY 23,587 Record's Clerk 22,557 Dispatcher (22,557) Corporal . Regular 30,282 Dispatcher salaries are funded in the Fire Protection Budget, but the employees are under the control of Law Enforcement. Part-time School Crossing Guard ($20.60 Per day 180 days per year) $3,708 All new employees except Chief will start at $1,000 below the base salary. Police officer and Sergeant will start at the appropriate salary for their position. -35- POLICE DEPARTMENT LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE PROPOSED EXPENDITURES: 4909 Miscellaneous -0- -0- 8,328 -0- 6400 Equipment -0- -0- ~ -0- TOTAL -0- -0- 8,328 -0- -36- FIRE DEPARTMENT 1IIIIIRi~~lfiIl.:IIBlIUII GOAL: To reduce the chance of a fire and injury to life and property through the inspection of structures, extinguisment of fires and the enforcement of fire codes, FISCAL YEAR CLASSIFICA TION TOTAL COST 1999-00 ACTUAL 719,550 2000-01 BUDGET 789,861 2000-01 ESTIMA TE 757,923 2001-02 PROPOSED 842,287 BUDGET PROPOSALS: Provide training to expand job skills and performance. Provide a high level of fire protection commensurate with community expectations through effective administration. RESULTS OF PROPOSALS: Provide a higher level of safety for the community. A well trained fire staff capable of providing a wide range of information and services responsive to the community needs. -37- FffiE DEPARTMENT LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE PROPOSED PERSONNEL COSTS 1100 Executive Salaries 38,685 42,600 42,600 44,290 1200 Regular Salaries 340,902 354,100 349,000 402,700 1201 Holiday Pay 10,132 16,500 13 ,292 16,995 1300 Other Salaries 206 4,095 -0- 11,583 1400 Overtime Pay 13,302 15,000 14,920 15,450 1401 Overtime Vacation 23,547 25,000 24,000 25,750 1402 Overtime 207K 13,041 2],640 12,500 -0- 1501 Volunteer Pay 5,561 7,690 7,700 10,000 1510 Longevity/Serv. Incentives 7,800 8,100 8,100 9,900 1541 Career Education 650 f 600 600 600 2100 F.I.C.A. 34,168 37,304 35,500 40,336 2200 Retirement 63,5 16 42,132 42,800 43,799 2300 Life & Health Insurance 34,377 41,500 44,268 44,500 2400 Worker's Compensation 12,068 12,000 12,000 15,776 Total Personnel Costs 597,955 628,261 607,280 681,679 SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 3100 Professional Services 1,548 500 100 500 3] 02 Professional Services(physcials for SCBA) 580 2,000 ],000 2,000 3103 Wellness Program 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 4000 Travel and Per Diem 2,203 5,000 4,000 6,508 4100 Comm. and Freight Servo 4,506 5,000 4,820 5,500 4300 Utilities 4,885 6,500 5,500 12,000 4400 Rentals & Leases 5,815 7,500 7,500 10,900 4500 Insurance 9,118 12,000 12,000 13,000 4600 R & M Vehicles 7,442 8,000 7,000 8,000 4609 R & M Bldg. & Equipment 5,421 6,000 6,000 8,000 4700 Printing & Binding ]00 200 150 200 4901 Education 3,527 5,000 4,000 5,000 4902 Public Education & Fire Prevention 1,796 1,500 150 1,500 4903 Code Enforcement -0- 7,100 5,000 7,100 4909 Miscellaneous 338 500 100 500 5100 Office Supplies 992 1,500 1,300 1,500 5200 Operatjng Supplies 4,586 5,000 4,500 5,000 5201 Oper. Supplies (Gas/Oil) 3,612 4,000 5,122 6,000 5202 Oper. Supplies (Tires) 1,769 2,000 1,000 2,000 5203 Oper. Supplies (Uniforms) 3,000 4,000 3,000 4,000 5400 Bks., Public" Subsc., Mem. 2,000 2,000 2,100 2,000 6400 Equipment 16,970 33,3 00 33,300 16,400 7100 PrinciplelFire Truck 29,485 32,827 3 I ,091 32,827 7200 InterestlFire Truck 8,902 7,173 8,910 7.173 Total Supplies & Other Services 121,595 161,600 150,643 160,608 TOT AL COST 719,550 789,861 757,923 842,287 -38- FffiE DEPARTMENT MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL- TIME/P ART TIMPERSONNEL POSITION Chief/Code Enforcement Off. Code Enf. Field Rep. Battalion Chief /Lieutenant Lieutenants Firefighters Part time Secretary Administrative Secretary TOTAL 6400 Equipment 1. One Orion Multigas Detector 2 4 new air bottles 3, Paging System (estimate) 4, New Copier 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 1 o o 3 6 1 o 11 1 o o 3 6 o I 11 CAPITAL OUTLAY -39- 1 o o 3 6 o 1 11 1 1 1 2 7 o I 13 1,640.00 4,610.00 4,150,00 6,000,00 16,400,00 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE I_t. 2001-02 SALARY SCHEDULE Chief /Code Enforcement Officer Administrative Secretary Code Enforcement Field Rep. (9.00 hr. 16 hrs. per wk.) 44,290 23,587 7,488 Lieutenant: Battalion Chief/Lieutenant 32,312 New employee or promoted 27,312 Regular 29,312 EMT or Fire Inspector 30,312 EMT/Fire Inspector 31,312 Firefigh tel': Non-certified new employee 24,707 Certified new employee 25,707 Regular or EMT 26,707 EMT /Certified 27,707 Dispatcher 22,557 Dispatcher salaries are funded in the Fire Protection Budget, but the employees are under the control of Law Enforcement, All new employees except the Chiefwill start $1,000, below the base salary. Lieutenant's and firefighters will start at the approximate salary for their position, -40- PUBLIC WORKS GOAL: Provide a high level of planning for all City owned facilities, parks, roads, canals, trees and vehicles, Continue to implement and improve on direction, organization and supervision to effectively carry out all maintenance programs, FISCAL YEAR CLASSIFICA TION TOTAL COST 1999-00 ACTUAL 597,336 2000-01 BUDGET 661,297 2000-01 ESTIMA TE 652,386 2001-02 PROPOSED 680,957 BUDGET PROPOSALS: Use new innovative ideas in administration that will improve maintenance programs, plans and directions, which ensure that City resources and personnel are trained and coordinated at their most efficient and productive level. Use of community service workers to perform a wide variety of public works activities in order to meet priorities and reduce costs, RESULTS OF PROPOSALS: Efficient and production use of City personnel, equipment and materials to accomplish immediate goals and long range planning of these resources, Meet health and environmental standards, City property that is safe and attractive. -41- PUBLIC WORKS 1111.1111'\1111". .. LINE ITEM DETAIL PERSONNEL COSTS: 1100 Executive Salary 1200 Regular Salaries 1400 Overtime Pay 1510 Longevity/Serv. Incentives 2100 F.I.C.A 2200 Retirement 2300 Life & Health Insurance 2400 Workman's Compensation Total Personnel Costs SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: 3 100 Professional Services 3400 Other ContTactual Servo 3401 Trash Collection Fee 4000 Travel and Per Diem 4100 Comm. and Freight Servo 4300 Utilities 4500 Insurance 4600 R & M Vehicles 4609 R & M Bldg. and Equipment 4901 Education 4909 Miscellaneous 5100 Office Supplies 5200 Operating Supplies 5201 Oper. Supplies (Gas/Oil) 5202 Oper. Supplies (Tires) 5203 Oper. Supplies (Unifonlls) 5300 Road Material/Supplies 5400 Bks" Public., Subsc., Mem. 6400 Equipment Total Supplies & Other Services TOTAL COST 1999-00 2000-01 ACTUAL BUDGET 2000-01 2001-02 ESTIMA TE PROPOSED 37,093 37,900 37,900 39,037 142,509 172,800 172,000 177,984 1,004 2,000 1,500 2,000 7,200 5,650 5,650 6,600 14,389 16,704 15,877 17,260 5,055 6,110 8,669 8,963 23,731 32,500 29,000 30,000 7,246 . 10,000 10,000 13,536 238,227 283,664 _/ 280,596 295,380 4,55if 1,500 1,491 1,500 40, 164 50,000 45,000 45,000 189,830 186,133 186,000 191,777 412 1,200 200 1,500 2, 1 90 2,000 2,200 2,000 78,408 80,000 81,200 82,000 10,779 15,000 15,000 15,000 4,898 6,000 3,000 3,000 715 1,000 959 1,000 -0- -0- 125 300 806 800 500 500 59 100 50 100 2,601 3,500 5,500 6,000 7,466 6,500 7,752 9,000 1,433 1,500 1,200 1,000 1,732 2,000 1,831 1,800 11,601 20,000 18,682 23,000 366 400 100 100 1,095 -0- 1,000 1,000 L...-_ 359,109 377 ,633 371,790 385,577 597,336 661,297 652,386 680,957 -42- PUBLIC WORKS MANPOWER ANALYSIS NUMBER OF FULL- TIME/P ART TIME PERSONNEL 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 POSITION Director 1 1 1 1 Maintenance Foreman 1 1 1 1 Equipment Mechanic 1 1 I 1 Maintenance Operators 5 5 5 5 TOTAL 8 8 8 8 -43- CITY OF OKEECHOBEE 2001-02 SALARY SCHEDULE Director Maintenance Foreman 39,037 30,282 29,767 23,587 Equipment Mechanic Maintenance Operator All new employees will start at $1,000 below the base salary except the director. -44- PUBLIC WORKS ",~~::m"It'm:;>[I":'::~ I~t ". " :~.::J*t}~I~~:~.:~ LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999-00 ACTUAL 2000-01 BUDGET 2000-01 ESTIMA TE 2001-02 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES: 3 100 Professional Service 6300 Improvements 6302 Beautif./Other Proj 6400 Equipment TOTAL 52,335 56,499 10,315 112,087 231,236 95,000 367,204 15,000 18.000 495,204 95,000 367,204 15,398 14.807 492,409 95,000 367,204 15,000 8.000 485,204 CAPITAL OUTLAY A TV Gator with sprayer $8,000 -45- PUBLIC WORKS LINE ITEM DETAIL 1999-00 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE PROPOSED EXPENDITURES: 3100 Professional Services -0- -0- -0- -0- 6300 Improvements -0- -0- -0- 3,751,800 6400 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- TOTAL -0- -0- -0- 3,751,800 -46-