1925-12-22 Special
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Okeechobee, Florida. December 22, 1925.
Pursuant to c9.l1 of President of Council,H.H .DeYarman,acting Mayor in absence
of Mayor Conely, the C1 ty Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida met in s-oecia,l
session ay 2 o'clock P.M.on the above dRte and the following were present, H.H.
DeYarmman,President of City Council,Councilmen;J.D.Bird,H.T.Bass,and H.H.Hancock
With R.P.Fletcher,Clerk,F.E.Lawrence,City Engineer,W.E.Darrow,ABsociate City Engineer,
L.W.Jennings,City Attorney,andClint Bass,Chief of Police in attendance.
President DeYarman,acting Mayor, stated that the meeting had been called for
the purDose of reviewing 8.nd considering reDort of second test of concrete blocks
from J.Ginsberg's building which were sent to Pittsburg Testing Laboratories.
City Engineer,Lawrence submitted report on concrete blocks received from
Pittsburg Testing Laboratories.
UDon motion by Councilman Bird, secondedby Councilman Bass~ Ci ty Attorney -
was instructed to institute injunction Droceedings against.J.GinSberg,J.~
their agents and employees to stop the erection' of building on Lots 5 and 6,Block
Ordinance # 101 was offered by Councilman Bass,who moved its adoption,
motiom seconded by Councilman Bird and passed.
An ordinance declaring it to be a nuisance to de~l in live hides within
certain sections of the City of Okee chobee,making such dealing a violation of this
ordinance,Drescribing a -oenelty for such violation,and requiring the Chief of Police
to abate such nuisances.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Okeechobee,Fla.
SECTIJN 1. The buying, selling, curing, or otherwise dealing in Live or un-
cured hides or pelts of animals in buildings or on lots adjoining the congested
streets of North Park, South Park,Hancook,Osceola,Seventh,and Parrott avenue;be and
the same is hereby declared anuisance and a violation of this ordinance.
SECTION 2. Any person, persons, firm or corDoration engaging in any such
nrohibited business as set out in Section one of this ordinance shallbe subject to a
fine of $50.00,01' to imorisonment for thirty days or boJh in the discretion of the
Mayor. One such fine or imprisonment shall not entitle to offenders to continue in
such business but such offence shall be a continuing offence from day to day.
SJ1":CTION.3. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and he is hereby re-
quired after notice of twenty-four hours, to remove any such nuisanee from the streets
set out in Section 1 of the ordinance.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shé\ll teke effect immediately upon its passage -,
and aDprovel by the Mayor.
Head a first time and by unanimous consent passed to a second reading.
Head a second time and by unanimous consent naBBed to a third and final reading.
Read a thirc1 time FInd passed in oDenssession of the City Council this 22nd day of
December A.D.,1925.
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President City Council
City Clerk.
(Corporzte Sea.l)
Anproved by me this 22nd day of December A.D.1925.
Mayor Pro Tempore.
Upon Motion Council adjourned.
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President °\l~y Council
City Clerk.
Okeechobee, Florida. Jan. 5th, 1926.
The City Council met in regular session a; 7:30 o'c1ock P.M. the above date
- ~
and th(fo1lowing were nresent: T.W.Conely, Jr.,Mayor, H.H.DeYarmen, President Of City
Council, CouncilJ':1en: H.T.Bass, H.H.H('!ncock, E.F.Scharfschwerdt, and J.Denham Bird,with
R.P.Fletcher, Clerk, L.W.Jennings, City Attorney, W.E.Darrow, Associate Engineer, and
Clint BËss, Chief of Police, in attendande.
lânut.es of meeting held Deoember 15th and December 19th were read and annroved.
Mr. W.E.Griffis enDeared before the Council and renuested Council to have
stock ordi~ance enforced.
Unon motion by Councilman Scharfsch~erdt the City Attorney was instructed to
preDaTe ordir.a.noe amending ordinence *62 and nrovide for an increase in the Dound fee
from $1.00 to $5.00 per head.
Upon motion by Counoi1man Bird, seconded by Councilman Bass, the::nerk was
instructed to wire and write the general superentendent of S.A.L.Ry. Co., Savannah,
Ga. and request S.A.L.Ry. Co. to grant permits to C.A.Steed & Sons forfour cars of -
rock ner day until fifty oars are received.
Mr. Silbert addressed the Council relative to the extension of sewer main to
B100k 19Z, 'Opving Chokoloskee Street bet,'.een North Park Street and South P2rk Street
ahd construction of sidewalks around his TJrO1')erty.
UDon motion by Councilman Bess, seconded by Councilman Hancock, the City Eng-
ineer was inFtructed to advertise for bids for renairing and reoiling South R?(rrott
Avenue and North Perk Street from Parrott Avenue to East City limits.
Mr. benjamen anpeared before Council relative to extension of water main to
Eleventh Street and building bridge across ditch on Tenth Avenue.
Upon motion by Counoi1man Bas8,seconded by Councilman Bird, the City Engineer!
was instructed to ?dvertise for laying water main on Hiwassee Street from Tenth Ave.
to Eleventh Street,~nd that bridge be built aorOBS ditch on Tenth Avenue at inter-
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