1956-11-15 Regular( 486
~ November 15, 1956
The City C cil of the Oity of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regular ad-
Journed session at t~ City Hall on the above date at 7:30'P. M. with the following
present: Mayor H. H Raulerson, President Walker, Councilmen Chandler, Gardner,
Harden and Bhymes Wi~a G. C. Durrance, City Attorney and Lorena Spivey, CitY Clerk-
l~esident lker stated that the Council would hear complaints, of anyone
having had their nam~ stricken from the City Registration Book. Audley Dunham re-
presenting Charles L~~ and Har~i-~ttie M. Strickel requested that their names be re-
stored to the Registj~tion Book. After the presentation of the case the Council
&gr®e~ that the loll n~ names persons should have their, names restore~ to the
~ ~na~Ies L. St~ickel
~ Hax-~iettie M. 3trickel
The City ~rk presented the petitions o£ candidates in the General City'
~cember 4, 1956, and the following petitions were examined by
the Council and all i~titions~ werd found to contain 25 or more qualified electors.
The Petition of Bert]! Faye Thomas Ashton for City Clerk was discussed by the Council
and the Attorney advised' that anyone not a qualified Elector of the City of Okeechobee
could not become a c~didate in city election. Therefore upon the' above opinion the
a~:'~ition was no accepted. Petitions accepted were as follows:
Itl Mayor- ludley Dunh~i~and, H. H. Raulersc~ .
Councilmen- ~oe Bon ovenni, Rod Chandler, Roy Draughon, Claude Gardner, A.
(Albert) .Harden, Rut~i A. Minehan, ~ohn F. Pearce, John Lee Rhymes, Franklin Walker
and Jesse R. (Tiny) tfor~
- ~a~ce ~pive~
City Clerk Lo~ena ~.
The Council! instructed the City Clerk to have 1000 of the following Ballots
! printed:
i Ballot No. .....
Ballot No.
~ DE~EMB~R 4, 1956
M~ ~ a c~oss Mark(X) before the name of the candidate of you~ choice.
(v e for one '
(Vote for one)
~! L~orena Pe.a~ce S~iveZ
Th~_following Clerk and three Inspectors with One Altern&.~e were appointed
al ~eetion 0~idials to serve in the Election of the City of 0keecHobee ~o be held
Deceeaber 4, 1~6. '
l*r~a.k ltavely, Olerk
M~ the Alderman, Inspector
Ja k Coker, Inspector ·
0v. ~a Bass, Inspector
Be ~a ~.ightsey, Alternate
. Th. above Election Officials to receive $1.00 per h:ou~ or a minimum of
Co~cilman.Harden was nominated and elected to act as President Pro-tern
at a meeting +th Rader and Associates, Mayor Raulerson and Attorney Durrance.
Du~, to the next regular meeting being on December 4, 19B6, City Election
day, Councilm~. Rhymes moved that t~e Council meet~ on Thrusday, December 8, 19§6,
at ?~30 P. M.~ seconded by Councilman Ga~ner and carried.
Upo~ motion the Council
AT~EST: ' C~ CLX'- ~ '
~ . December 6' 1956
~ty Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, met in regular session
at the ~ity Ha~l on the above date at 7'.30 P. M. with the following present: Mayor
H. H. R~lerso Councilmen Chandler, Gardner, Harden and Rhymes wi. th G. C. Durrance,
~ 'Attorney ~d Lorena Spivey, City Clerk.- President Walker being absent due to
ill~eas Presid~at Pro-Tem Chandler presided over the meeting~
Minu~s of the meetings held November 5th and 15th, 1956, were read and
approved as re+.~'
The] ~llowing bills were approved and ordered paid when funds are available=
mp y ......................
Hardy's Tinker Shoe and Saddle ~hop ....................
Burghs Suppl7 ~ompany .................................. 55 '05
Mtxo~s Tractor Co. - ........ - ....................... __-. 2'S5
Bx'uc~E.~' Mills, M. D. ...................................
Paul'~ Ready Mix Concrete ---' ...........................
0kee~obee Motor Company .................. ~___-_. ..... _-
0kee~c~obee Pure Service .................................
~isiana Raulersc~ Hospital ........................
0keeClxobee BUil~t3~. Sup_ply Company ................... : 5'00
Domer~s Machine Shop - -----------,_.,-,__-__- ........ 21 7'25
Davi~ ~eter~ OulbrethRepai-r & SupPly Company -'-- .... ,--.--------__ 113'~9
Gilb~t-~ -_-_--. .... ;___-_-___-_____-_~ ........ ,_.
ASPhal~t Material Company, inc. _.- ........... - -__- ....... ,
Benni~'s Auto Supply -----. ....... ------.--_--_- .... -___-
0keec~obee HardWare & Ftwn. Company .......... ,-_--_--__- 46;28
~atfc~d Brothers (Warlord Gulf service )' --'-,----,.,--_ 231A?O
The C~ase Man~attan Bank ......