1955-02-01 Regular 405 t
- ~
(2) To exempt fre~ all taxation against said preperty d~t~ing the tez~n ef this Lease.
THE C0NDITI'0NS OF ~HI-S LEASE a~e that the~remises are te
be used as a place te store #Patching and/Or street material#,
and fer ne ether pu~Pese; that the premises are net to be
Sub-leased er eccupied by ether persons er for ether purpeses
than herein expressed, without the written consent of the
(It is mutually agreed and understeed by and between-the pa~ties
to this Lease, that the consideratien for said' Lease, ~is the
ixtensien ef water mains to the property herein-stated and the
~-o~niahing ef water, witheut ceSt te the-LeSser, and the exemptiea
ef eli ?axes, fer the term ef said Lease, em the property eeeupied
by the
This lease'shall be binding em the heirs and assign ef the Lesse~
and T.4#see.
~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the said pa~ties to this Lease haTS hereunte
Set their hand seals this the eth day ef Janus, 1955.
Dell Thomas
: . C~,, D~rrance
r.. ~tO L~ea32oe
BY ~anklin Walker
A~?ES?: Lerena Spive2 pRES. '~I~ ~'0UHoIL
Ceun~lman RhT~es~ Ohaix-maxi of Water Oom., Stl~ed that Ill de~icLuent
bills m~Lgt be ~id b7 Feb. 15 or some ILPrangement mldl or water would haTl ti bl
A con'Plaint la te cabbage boots being placed on. property owned by Ma~Maam
bres. neae eld Fla. East Oeast Ry. dept vas discussed. Ne actien taken.
Ga~bqge service eutside city limits was discussed. Ceuncilman Harden meved
te discontinue ~arbage service eutside city limits and Clerk te netify those effected
ef actien, seceded by geuncilman Gardner and ca~riedo
Ceun~lman Gardner breught befere t~e geuncil the matter efa
ta~ pet. geun~lman ghandle~ meved te place an erder fer the bui~ner at once, secen~ed
by Ceunci~man t~arden and ca~iede
The ~ollowing building applicatieno were submitted and upem metien by
man Chan~le~, Scented by Ceuncilman Gardner and carried applications were accepted
and permits ur~red issued te Gea~ge and Elizabeth Heltman $2,000 and Lamente H. Meere
Mr~ Rae Beettger, representing Cecil Barber, appeared requesting that the
geuncil close ~ portion ef Miami St. which adJeins Barber's shep. P~em FLfteenth St.
te Seabea~d Ail*~ Line Railway preperty. Ceuncilmam Chandler reeved te grant request and
requested A.tte~ey Durrance to prepare necessary papers, eec ended by ~euncilman
and carried.
Appl~atiens fer Water Superintendent was ~ead. M. F. Kinsaul submitted enly
application. ~uncilman Gardner reeved te accept application fer M- F. Kinsa,ml as Water
Supt., seconde~ by Ceuncilman Rhymes and ca-tilde
Appl~atiens fer Supto ef Street and Sanitary .Dept. were submitted and ~ead
frem the f, J- W. Mebley, P. Y. Cenerly, W. R. Jehns~a, Jim Sullivan, Leen
Williama, M. B. Mesle~. Marvin Mebley and O. J. Chapman. 3alax. y ef Supt was ~lseussed.
Oeumcilman Oa~ner me~d ~e deorease s~ f~e~ $~8.00 ~e $06.00 pe~ week - ~ day ve~
seoended by Ce~c.i~'H~dea ~d o~ied. A seo~et ballet was t~en en ~e applioatien~[:
~' M~vi~ Mobl~ ~eceive~ ~ vete~ ~d ~e~ Willta~ ~ecelve~ ~ vete~. ~ctl~ Rh~es mev.
.'} t~t Meb~7 be ~etain~ ~til Feb. 1, seceded by ~e~~ G~e~ ~d c~ie~. -
' tppliea~ien~ fe~ ~ief ef Pelloe we~ aub~tge~ ~$ ~aA~ f~ ghe ~etl~g:
W. R. ~e~n~, O~a~ ~ Hi~ey, C~llsle I. .~eman, ~e~ H. P~ke~ ~d A~c~e
~ A .~a~ie~-as ge g h~"~ee~ efa .~ghg pelioe ~a hera ~ ig ~ ~eeA by the Ce~cil
~ ~e e~l~ a ni~ pel~e~ Jus~ ~ ~een a8 f~ds a~e available f~ suoh. A seo~e~ vo~e
m t~en en ~pltca~e~ ~A C~lisle I. ~~ ~eoeiveA 5 vetee.
~ ~e~son, Olen O~n, ~ M. R~oeok ~d ~ube~ V. R~rso~. ~e ques~i:e~ ef abe~~g
ghe ~aile~ sa~ was ~aeuaae~. Aggo~ney ~~oe s~ge~ t~ ig c~ ~gally be
~' abelt~he~ ~he~eby ~he ~e~oil ag~ee~ ~e a~eli~h ~e. ~e ~ ef Fl~e ~lef di~eu~se~,
~ O~oi~ O~e~ me~A effecgive aa ~ ~e~.' 1 ge ino~eaae a~ ef ~i~e ~i~ f~em
:~ ' SlVS.~ te ~00.00 pe~ men~ ~l Fi~e ~ief ~t act as ~le~. Pay ret me~s
/ p~ialoaers ge be s~e ia a~ p~eaeag $1.~ pe~ ~ay, aeoe~e~ ~ Oe~oi~aa
~eeeive~ ~ vegex.
· Upe~ ~etion · Ce~il aAJe~e~.
"' P~~ ~I~' ~0[~I~
~ Feb~a~ 1, 1955
(. ~ Ci~ Co'oil of ~he ~i~ of Okeeohobee~ ~o~ida~ me~ in ~eg~
' at =e Ci~ Hall en ~t~ ~eve ~te at *:~0 P. M. ~th the felle~ng p~eaent: Maye~
~ ~ O. C. ~~oe, ~i~ Attorney ~d Le~na Spivey, C~e~k.
-~ ~nutes ef · ~ee~.t~s held i~. $ ~d ~,' 1955, ~re read ~d a~reve~
~e felle~ bt!ls..we~e approve~ ~d ordered pat~ ~en fmds
Be~e'~ lW~e ~ply ;--' ......................... -._,-. $ 2;~
~ 5~d~d Oi'. Ce. ........ ' .......... ' .....................
. Fla. Le~ue ~ef M~oip~itiea ...........................
~e ~e~ai~ a Ra~e~se~ ~eapi~al ..................
~ ~e ~. '& w. D~eW'Ce. -,--,,,,,,--,,,"--,---,,-------,,-, '4;~
~; R-'-B. ~eae~, ~ ....... ,., ....... , ............ - ..... ,_- ..... ~0;~
-~ P~t AveL S~ee 8~ti~ .-~ ....... ,---,,---'',-,;,---~
~ Fla. 'Pe~ L~t Ce.-. ...................................
~ ~, Ce. ---. ............................... 10~,~
At~.r~' Du~rance reported that he had net p~epa~ed 0rdinanoe closing s~ee~
requesteA ~ ~cil B~be~, A~ ~e a ~s~derst~Ai~ as ~e ~ich' s~ee~ te be closeA
but s~a~e~ ~he 0rdina~e .we~d be p~ep~eA ~en he sec~e~ definite !eca~ion.
Ce~i~ Ga~er' moved te rescind motion in ~. 1~, 1955, ~nutes, re-
lating te dis~ntin~ng ~tside city l~ts g~bage se~vi~e, seconde~ ~ Ce~ci~aa
~Aler ~d ~ried. A discussion .en increasi~ g~b~e service rates eutside city
li~ts was he~d. Nathan Ze~enevit~ appe~e~ ~d e~resaed his .opinion en increase.
Co~ci~ GaPer move~ te continue outside city l~ts g~bage at present ~ate,
seconde~ by C~ci~.Rh~es ~d e~ried.
Nat~ Ze~ene~tz discussed wi~ the ge~cil t~e situation ~ t~o~ t~n
service in 0k~chobee ~A ~equeste~ the C~cil te ad~t 0vdin~ee ee~elli~
t~h train~ including freights te slew d~ ~d net te exceeA a apeeA
t~e~h the c~y li~ta. Ce~ci~an ~e~ =eveA that Attorney ~~ce be ins~vueteA
te p~ep~e ne~ssa~ ~n~ee te this effect, Secende~ by 'Co~ci~ ~ea ~ C~ie~.
Ce~i~ H~Aen ~scusseA a request f~ Leate~ Mc Gee vSg~i~ the neeA
efa c~ve=t ~ hie ~eaiAence in Southwest AA~tien. S~t.. of Streets, Wil~i~
inst~cted to ~nveatigate matters
Jae~ Ceke~, ~ep~esenti~ ~e ~e~ida Pa~, Iae., appe~e~ requesti~ that
the ei~ cles~ cer~n ~reets aAJei~ the Fla. Pa~, Iac., p~epertY ia New,west
AdAition. A ~scusalen followed and ~en motion by Ce~ci~n G~eP, secenAe~ by
Ce~ci~ ~dle~ ~A c~rie~, Atte~ey ~~ce was inst~cteA te t~e p~ope~
steps in prep&i~ ~din~ce te close requesteA specifieA streets. A request fe~
c~verta to b~ useA at Fla. Pa~, Inc. prepe~ty was hera ~ diacusaeA ~
motion by Ce~~~ ~a~ler, secondeA ~ Co~ci~ H~Aen ~d c~ried the Ce~eil
agreed te allot 20 c~ve~ te ~e ~a. P~, Xnc.
J. ~. Wiles,'~~ efa ~elegatien from ~e ~ber ef Coheres
Bai~ of the F~. Pl~iag ~d Zeai~ Association, appe~eA before t~ Ce~cil ~eg~A-
i~ a Z~ni~ ~dina~e within the city ~A s~gested that President ~a~ appeiat
a Zeni~ ~~siea, cenalatiag ef five perse~ ~ they ~ece~enAeA the
alee ~ aAvis~ C~ttee was ~ec~ende~ as follows: E. M. Mese~e, J. R. Edwards,
Audley ~~i Albe~t N~Aea, Jack Ceke~, W. R. Wat~, Z. K. Willies, Nath~ Zel-
menevitz ~d ~en~A Be~ge~. Ce~ei~ G~e~ m~ve~ that ~e Zoning C~aalen be
appeinteA aa ~e~~eA, secendeA by Ce~ci~ Rh~ea ~A ea~ieA, ~ed Bai~ stateA
t~t a m~~ ~ $~.00 weulA be the test. ~. Wiles atate~ that the ~be~ ef
C~e~ee we~ pay the $6~ p~AeA t~t ~e. City aAept a Reselutiea te ~eimbuse the
~be~ ef C~?vee ~00.~ withia six meaths. Attorney ~~ee inat~ucteA te p~e-
~p~e Reseluti~e
Dew~ Watfe~A appe~e~ before ~e Ce~cil ~d ~equeste~ 'that ~e Ce~cil
close that po~tien ~f 7th Street ~eat ef ~a~ S~eet aAJei~ Scott ~d
p~ep~ty. Ce~ci~ G~ne~ ~veA te g~t ~equeat ~A ~at Att~ey ~~ee p~e-
p~e 0~din~c~ te ~ia effect, aec~eA ~ Ce~ci~ ~ea a~ c~ieA.
VinCent ~Be~ei, in b~f ef 0ke~h~bee ~i~ Pest Ne. ~, appe~eA
stated that the Legie~ were anticipating spensering a Cax-nival and requests4 that the
Carnival be permitted ~license tax free. After discussien Ceunoilma~ Rhymes reeved te
re Jeer the .l-eq~tt, s~eond~ by Ceuacil~aa Gardner and ca~riedo
Ceeneilmaa ~den .suggested that the Ceuneil investigate the sewer dispesal
dAtoh leoated in Bass ~astu~e.
Ceuneilzma ~y~es breught befere the Ceu~cil the Ratter ef learning
iM the city equipment: After diseussie~ Cemeil~aa Gardner reeved that ae city equip-
ne~t be leaned er ren~d ia the future., secended by CeUncil~a~ R.hy~ee. and ea~ried..
The gal,& e~;t~ade and equil~aent repair was discussed. Applicatien
L. I~. Meb~ y fer repa~ a~d C. ~. Mu~g~ove for gas and six were submitted. Ceuncil~a~
Gax~lner neved $o give ~he business fer repairs of equil~aent te ¢. C. Bucha~a~ for the
nenth ef Feb. and te ~ght'a Garage for the nenth ef Ma~eh, secended by Ceuacilman
~er and ca~ried. ! The Clerk was instructed te publish netice fer applicatiens te
be fiXed fre~ Serviae.~tatieas, Ga~uges 'and Repai~ Shops interested in ebtaini~g the
menthly city t~adee
G. E. B~ya~ ~r. ,-diseussed witda the CeunCil the cenditien the City had
left his preperty in ~meti~e age, while d~aini~g ia that sectien and requested that
the cenditien be alte~bd, l~esident Walker suggested that A. W. Harden, Chairman ef
Street and ~anita~y C ~de~ittee and ethe~ members ef this eeamittee, investigate situatien
a~d cex~eet same.
.au ~_tted plans fer a building pex~ait in the name ef Nathan ~enes
ia t he a~eunt ef $5,0~9.00. Ceuacilman Chandler reeved te accept same and er~ered per-
mit te be issued, sec .~aded by Ceuncilman Gardner and ca~ried.
Dick tta~, _~agineer ef State Beard ef Health and W. Fax~ell; San~ita~ian, were
present and discussed ~ith the Ceuncil the situation at ~he~as Packing Ce. and gave
several reee~mendatic~ regarding sa~e. B.W. Themes alee present, stated that he
wa~ ~lling te csx-per+e, and t~y ia any way te eliz~inate eenditien. After diseussiea
Ceuncil~a~ ~~ m~ed that M~. The~ae we~k with the State Beard ef Health and
their reeemaendatiens kud endeavor te eliminate cend~tie~_new existing, seconded by
Ceun, ilma~ GarAne, a~ ea~ried.
B. W. The~a~ re,us,ted use ef the grader te level elf dirt a~eund peeking
pXa~t, due te c.ix~ums~a~ces, ~he Ceuacil gr~nted request, previding that Lees Williams
eperate Raehine.
The ~eed 4f ~eaters fer the City Fire Dept. was discussed end upen metien
by .Ce~.ellzaa ~hmd]e~ aeecaded by .Ceuncilmaa Harden and ea~ied, te purchase
burner ell heaters., l~ehase refer~ed te Ceuncil~aa Gardner. Alee the need ef cabinets
fer .the ki~ehen at th~ City Hall was repe~ted. After discussing the ~atter Fire Chief
~edwi~ stated that he ~.~euld get the eest ~f material needed and repert
l~mesidAut W~ker reperted ce~plaints of air rifles being sh~t
Further ceeeplaints te ~e referred te A~te~ney Du~ran~e.
Upen w, otion he Council adjourned.