1995-04 Council Mtgs & AgendaRESOLUTION 95-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OKE HOBEE, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A POLICY TO ALLO PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT COUNCIL MEETI S AND WORKSHOPS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN ECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of follows: THE AGENDA The Agenda is a printed document available to you as meetings. It lists the order of business for the Council meeer HOW TO GET ON THE AGENDA Florida as enter City Council There are times that certain organizations, other political sub -d 1 sions or citizens have business to conduct with the City Council that is out of the rReem of matters that can be handled administratively. Your agenda request must be s fitted to the Office of the City Administrator, each Thursday before the Tuesday Co it Meetings. You are encouraged to first consult with the City to ascertain if your atter can be handled administratively. When you present your request to be placed on the agenda o the Office of the City Administrator, you must specifically state what official action jou would like the City Council to take. Also, you must provide the City with all necossary documents or explanatory material to support your request. The agenda aric explanatory material is delivered to each Council member several days before each r it eting. This gives the Council members time to study the items before they have to ake a decision about them at the Council meeting. You must also be present at meeting to present you request. Failure to appear will result in no official actio eing taken and you must resubmit your request following the above procedures. WHEN CAN YOU SPEAK AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS 1. When a portion of a City Council meeting contains a public earing, the public will have the opportunity to address the Council on the specifi ssue contained in the public hearing. The Mayor will ask for public comment aix, at that time, anyone from the public can address the City Council. 2. If an item on the Agenda is one that you specifically reqter ed using the above procedures, you can address the Council aftbeing ized by the Mayor. 3. If you would like to address the City Council on a specific' on the Agenda that you have not requested, or is not part of a public hearing, si ply raise your hand at the appropriate time for the Mayor to recognize you. 4. When addressing the City Council, please speak from th� podium and first state your name and address for the record. I 5. The Mayor has the authority to control the time allotted for d Jressing the Council, and the content of the address. If a group of people have same point of view, it is recommended that one person act as the spokespersc n It is the intent of the City Council to hear as many different points of views as xssible. THE WORKSHOP A workshop is an informal business meeting of the City Council to discuss a specific item of business. WHEN CAN YOU SPEAK AT CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOPS If you would like to address the City Council at a workshop, simply raise your hand at the appropriate time for the Mayor to recognize you. 2. When addressing the City Council, please speak from the podium and state your name and address for the record. 3. The Mayor has the authority to control the time allotted for addressing the Council, and the content of the address. If a group of people have the same point of view, it is recommended that one person act as the spokesperson. It is the intent of the City Council to hear as many different points of views as possible. THIS RESOLUTION WILL TAKE EFFECT UPON ITS ADOPTION THIS 4TH DAY OF APRIL, 1995 JAMES E. KIRK, MAYOR ATTEST: BONNIE S. S, CMC City Clerk