1955-01-03 Regular402 I l~eesident C~a, ndler~ staged that he vas unable ge appoint a oemmittee fer the inspection ef Miles p~.ZM~ Pe~ty. Matte~ tabled. Upon motion ~the Council adJeuxonedo ' J'anuaz,,y g, 1955 The tnoemini City Council ef the City ef Okeechobeo,. Florida, met in ~egu!a~ sessien ag the Ci~j' H~ll en the abeve ~l~te fellewing the adJem.~ent el-the Ceunoil, p~esent were ~t. H. Raule~sen, Ceunoilmen R. E. Chmdle~, Claude"Oa~e~, I. W. It~-den, ,T. L. RhTmes qnd F~,~aklin W~l. ke~ wi~h Le~ena Spivey, Ci~j' ~J.e~k. It being in ~.~der the. oath ef Office was &datinis~e~ed ge Maye~ Raule~son and City Oeunoil~ea by O. ~. l>~,~-aoe, Neta.~y Pnblio. Ueunoilman ~handle~ vas ohesen as tempe~ax7 ~haimnan a~d epe~ed 'the meeting s~ating ghat n~i~ati~s we~,e in ex'der fer the ejection efa P~eai~ent ef the Ceunotl. Councilman ~ardJae~ nominated Councilman Walke~. The~e being ne further' n~'inatiens Ce~oiJ.~ Walke~,. was deol~ed eleeted P~esident. P~esi~ent W~Lke~ stated that neminatiens were in e~de~ fe~ a P~esident P~e- Te~. Councilman Ha~d~ nominated Councilman Chandle~ ~ne~e being ne fu~the~ neminatien~ Councilman Chandle~ w~ deola~ed elected P~esident P~e-?em. P~'esi~nt W~![l.ko~': staged ~h. at an. Atte~a~r sheuld be appeinted te ~,~p:~,,esent the oi~ye Councilman Oa~dhe~ moved ge appoint O. C. Du~ranoe aa City lttemaoy~ ascended bT Ceunoilman Harden +d unanimously oax~ied. 'l~e fell~wi~K em~i. ttees were appinte$ by President Walke~: A. W, ltaa, de~!, Claai~a~Ja ClauAe O~,,dnex,, Ch. ai~*~.~ ~. L,. Rh2me~! A, W: Hax'den R. E. Chand2~e~ ~. L. Rhymes R. E. Chand:~r, Chairman ~. L. Rhymes, Chatx~nan Claude 0~ t®~,~ .- Claude O~l~e~ ~ I. W. Harde~i R.E. Chmdle~ DeltqUen~ w~te~ bills were Aiseussed &u.d agreed ~hat wat'er bills twe months' Aeliquent be oeLl~ete4 er out elf. Ceunetlman ~den moved that applioattens be filed with City ~le~k fe~ the pesitiens ef Sut~t. ef~ate~ Dept, Supt. ef St. · s&uitax%r Dept., Fi~e Chief And'Chief of ~eltee, whtoh a~e ~Ppeinted by the Ceunotl. Appltoations will be oen'sid'ered on ~anua~y 18, 1985, sec.~, dod bT Councilman Rhymes and ea~'ied. CeunoilRan ~a~dne~ qa~ved that the Ceunoil ohluage thei, :..me. ~.ting, d~te te and S~d ~esday of ea~ month, seoonded by Councilman Harden. and cax~iod. .~ P~esident W, ~ke~ ~epe~ted oemplaints by the ~epe~ty ewne~ ef the Jaaintenanoe ~ulp, . A~ ~r disoua$ing matto~r the Chief. e~'. Pel~o.o Vas ~l~;tod te net 7 leeatien.. Ce~i !eilman Chandler, On,drier and Harden agreed te lee~ e~a ~d ~es~~ ~e ef ee~ty equipment te be ~e~ at eity~ ~il~~ Ha~ ~eve~ gha~ all oily p~ehaaea ef gas, eil, gi~ea assesse~ie! be~p~ohased a~ ~he desi~a~ed s~a~ien only d~ing ~e ~en~, seoe~deA b7 · e~ei~ O~e~ ~ e~ie~. Ig waa alae ~e~uesge~ gha~ eaeh ~h® p~ohaa® oke~ ~he license n~be~ an~ ~peeAemege~ ~ea~i~ el. eaeh ve~iole ~e~vieeA C~i~.H~en ~ve~ that it bee~ effective ~an. 4, 1~55, ~ the street ~d S~it~ dep~en~ be pa~ked at .ity b~n each ~ ~.. Ce~il' ~in~usaed ~e g~age~ ~e0agi~ oi~ equipment ~epai~ ~a~e fe~ ~~ Cla~e ~eXe~b, ~p~eaeagi~' ghe Okeeehebee Meg~a, ~equea~eA etty equiP~en~ for. ~e ~emth ef ~an~. Ce~ot~ H~en moved Re ai~i~ en repairs ~e be si~e~ by ~a~ ef ~eh ~ep~m~. It' ~n ~e~ ~y ~he ~e~ctl ~a~ ea~ station an~ g~age interesteA aee~img ~ ~gy ~aAe fe~ e~e me~gh, ge ~e applioagie~ wi~h ~e ~e~oi! requ*s~ed ~ audi~ of ~e Ci~ be~ ~ Leon an possible. Wa~ S~pg. Ximaa~ ap~a~e~ im b~ha~ ef M~s. Deliy ~emaa ~ega~img a mew wa~e~ ee~ee~, ~d confined r~ ef concrete slab en he~ pr~e~y - fe~ path .~ ~ial a~e~age apace. Agge~ey ~~ee waa ia~t~te~ neoes"~. ~mnt~ to t~, effect. ~e ~e~ me~e~ straiten ~8 discussed. Ce~ot~ ~ offer for ~elve me~er~ ~ha~ ~11 replaee broken me~e~s. ~ese me~e~s ~e be ~e- p~red ~d ~ [ repl~e e~he~ b~eMen ne~e~s, ~his relation ~e een~in~e ~il all are in wer~ condition. Also to include ~h e~de~ cheek ~.~he ~e~ of ~0.00 ~e app~ .em a~'e,m~ pao~ d~e. seconded by ~emoi-~an ~ndle~ ~d e~ed, hy~ Ra~s~ s~a~eA ~ha~ 0eeil B~ber had centered eleain~ ~ a s~ee~ in ~e vicinity ef B~b~'s Paek~g ~euse. ~e ~e indefin~e in-- requiem of l~e~i~ ~esideng Wa~er appeia~e~ an a o~~ee ~e~oi~ ~md~, H~den, ~~ ~d Att~ey ~r~c. to investor, situation m ~~r, ~eoe~ed ~ Ce~i~ O~er ~d ear~ie~, a~lieatie~ was app~eve~ ~d pe~t erdere~ issued -Wilson 8el~ - $9,~.~, May Ra~ r~n diae~.~ aeve~ reee~enda~ien8 ~at he believed would be benifie~ ~ city. hole8 ~ 5~ e. ~d Et~t 8~ree~. It wan ~e.ed ~ contact the C~nstene~n ~eq~st use e~ l~de~. ehebee~e des~at~ if effielal paper. C~eil~ ~mdh~ moved to ~nt request, · eeend~ by C~ei~..O~e~ ~. e~~.' ~te a~o~ t e Publish Finanei~ ntatemen~ I 404 and ~inutee ef meeting~menthly. La~ente Meer~ a~d Z. X. Willies ~seussed with~the Ce~cil the exte~i~ ef wate~ lines ~ ~e~t~' Street and 0aeeela Street. Ce~eil advised te endeave~ te make · ~e a~e~e~t reg~~ .~e. ~sm B,eha~ ap~e~ before ~e Ce~eil ~equesting ~ eppe~t~ty ~ ~e- p~i~ city e~ipm~t~ J~ B~ett ~pea~e~ in ~eg~d te fllli~ the Eve~adea Fi~e Control ~ek ~h he ~eFates, fr~ ~e City wat~ a~ply at his he~ ~d ~nee he assists ~e City Fi~e D~t. ~ fi~s within city he ~equeated a centin~tien ef ~ni~ oh~ge hie nter. Co, ciCam O~e~ moved to ~t request, aecen~d by Ce~ci~ ~ e~ed. · . E. Ceae ~peaned before ~e Co, oil ia reg~d te out ef te~ f~it~e d~a ~e~ating ~t~n city without city liters. Attorney D~r~ee vas instructed te investigate 0~dina~e en ~tter. ~ ~esS~y rep~e en St. · ~. t~ek vas discussed ~d upea notion by Oe~eil- m~ Ga~er, aeeended ~ Ce~ei~ H~den and ~ied, it vas a~eed,~;'.due te leek ef · ~da, that ~ be ~-k~ fe~ the p~aeat. In the abaeno~ ef the ~~ ef Finite C~. A. W. Harden ia hereby ~esi~ateA ~ea aeries t~Ce~cil aAJe~aeA~ te te siga City ef Okeechebee meet ~. 18, 1955. AT~T:~ Januamy lS, 1~55 The City CoUncil ef the City ef 0keechebee, Florida, met in r eg'mlar adjourned sessie~ en the above dtte at 7:30 P. M. at -the City Hall w~ th the following p~esent.. President Walker, Ceun$il~en ~ha~ler, Oa~uer, Harden and Rhymes with O. C. Du~ra~ce, City Attorney and Ler~ Spivey, City Clerk. The Council $~l. ered Ag~.ee~at ~een l~s. Dellie Thomas ~Jad City ef 0kee- THIS IN~I~ WIT~ESSET~, that Dellte ~hemas, a-widow, has thte day den~sed ~'ad leased te The City ef 0keeohobee, Florida, Municiptl Co~Pe~ation uude~ the laws of the State ef Florida, the fellewil[!~ p~.e~t, seS in the city of 0keeohobee, l*loriSa, in said county ~And State ts-wit} LoS One (1) ef Block Feu~ (4), South Nest Addition, ac~e~din~ te Plat filed in the effiee the-Clerk ef Circuit Court, 0keeohobee.~Ceunty, Florida, t~ethe~ with the x. ights, p~iVilegeo ~.nd appm. tenances ge the marne belonging, te have ~nd te held the same for and du~iflg ~he te~t ef Five ¥o~.s fr~ the ~i~te of ,l'~mm~.~j' Srd, 1¢55. And, in~eonside~atien of the foregoing Lease~ the said ~ity ef 0keeoho!~ee, Flea,ida, as ~feresaid, hereby cenvenants as fell ~ws ~ (1I~ to extend a wate~ line to the property on which the l.,esae~ is m~ const~.moti~,.~ a outlding, ~a.4. mh water_ te said Leeeee._ for the te~ ef this ..em~e, without Cha~ge