1954-12-09 Regular 399 December 9, 1954 ~he City Ceuncil ef the City ef Okeechebee, l~lerida, met ia regula~ sessien at the City Ha~l en ~he ~eve da~e a~ ~:~0 P. M. ~th ~he felle~ p~esen~: Maye~ H.H. Ra~e~, P~eaiden~ ~ha~le~, Oe~ci~e~ Ceke~ ~d Ree ~ ~. O. Oi~y A~erney and Lerena Spivey, 'City Ole~k. MinQ~ea ef the mee~i~a held Neve=ber 1 and 18, 1954, were ~ead ~d app~eve~ ~e ~elle~ bills were app~eve~ ~d e~deved paid when f~da a~e available~ Her~n' a, Xnc. ------ ~ ...................... ................... 4'15 Hal~ & G~tffi~, Inc. ' ::::::::::::::::::::: ....... ZZ::ZZ:'::: ~'5~ 0. ~ Garage .................................... 228,10 R. ~ Faglie ................ - ...... - ........... 9;40 Mix~' s' Ga~e .................................... ........... 18,40 Lew~ H. ~ese G~age ............................. -- ---- - - -- 2,75 0ke~; P~e Service-------: '---' --- ....................... - - 2,50 0ke~ Pl~blng &Elec. Service ............................... ~4,99 0ke C$._--[[ ......................................... Oke~ Meter Ce. ........................................... 2;10 Gil~t C~b~eth ............. -------------~ .............. ,-,_ wes~ Aute Aaaeciate'Ste~e ..... '-'---- ..................... Oke~ Hdwe. ~F~n. Ce. '_~---__---_-__, ............... 8,00 ' 25; 60 Meb~[' a G~age .... ''--'~-'--- ........................ 149,~ Wat..~d B~ethe~s ............................................. All~ ~e~c~ Ce. --- ...... ~5;00 Dav~ Meter Rep~ & Supply Ce. .............................. gs,2g R. ~ Pe~ce -'--- ............. - - 15 O0 Oke~hebee' News ...... ;-[ ................................ . ....  ~e~. ~ W. B. ~ew Ce. ..................................... 5.45 i. P~e~dent ~dle~ a~e~ced that the ~e~cil w~ld p~eceed te canvass the ~et~a ef th~ General City Electien held Decembe~ 7, lg84. ~e felle~ng ia ~e ce~t in acce~ce With the tally sheets: . ~0R ~YOR= H. H. Raule~sen ~0 - Hareld Lee Wa~ferd 28~ - 0ma~ H~ 5 - l. FOR ~O~C~: Jee Be~iev~i 126 - Red ~dl~ 278 - G. W. Olay 119 - " ~acM~ Ceke~ 246 - ~er Ezell 108 - Claude G~e~ 247 - A. W. (Albert) H~n 300 - L~ente H. Mee~e 1~2 - Leslie Raule~sen 2Z6 - ~e~ Lee 26~ - Je~ M. Ree, ~., 214 - B. W. ~emaa, ~. 17~ - ~a~lin Walke~ 352 - Alt~Watfe~, ~. 190 - E. H. H~t 1 - ~. L. Barber 1. ~R ~ C~: A~ ~e~ 220 - Le~ema Pe~ce Spivey 394. Ceu~i~ Ceke~ p~esented the felle~ Reaelutien and meved its adeptien ~d upen bein~ secended by Ce~cilm~ Ree was put tea vete ~d ~m~imeualy adepted: RES 0 L U T I 0 ~~ ~~, the Ci~ Ce~cil ef the Oi~ ef Okeechebee, ~erida, sitti~ aa ~ be~d ef c~va~sse~a, has c~vaased the returns ef the General Cit~ Eleetien held Decembe~ ~, 1984, ~A ~~, H. H. Rauleraen, received the highest n~ber ef vetee fer May~r, ~lin Walker, A. W. (Albert) Harden, Red ~andle~, Je~ Lee Rh~s ~d Claude Gar~e~ received the highest n~be~ ef vetea fe~~ Ce~cilmen, ~d Lerena Pe~ce Spivey, received the highest n~be~ ef versa fe~ City Clerk. '400 NOW, T~IEREFO~E, ~E I? RE~OLVED, that H. H. Rauleraen.be, and he ia decla~eA elected May~, ~ha~ ~lin Wa~e~, A. W. (Albert) H~den, Red ~andle~, ~e~ ~ee ~ea ~d Olau~e O~e~ be, ~ ~hey are hereby ~eclare~ elecge~ Oe~i~en, am~ ~g ~e~e~ Pekoe Spivey be, ~ abe ia hereby deel~e~ el~e~ ~t~ ~le~k. ~ I~ ~~ RESO~ ~ag ghe ~i~ Ole~k be, an~ she i~ he~eb~ i~- s~c~ed ~e ~ssue ~d delive~ ee~ifica~e~ ef elec~ien ~e each ef ~he abeve pe~ne~. PA88~ ~d ~P~ in ~eg~a~ aesaien ghis ¢~ ~ay ef Deoembe~, A. D. 1¢~. ~ O~ O~OB~ BY R.E. ~dle~' P~~NT CI~ CO~CIL' ~e aBeve a~ fe~egelag.Reaelugi,n ia he~e~ ~ppreve~ b~ me ~his Ogh . ef De~embe~,~l. 'D; 19~4. .~lg~i ~g~ agat~ appe~e~ .befe~e ghe ~e~cil ~ega~ding ~e buildl~ em. J~ Miles p~epe~ty.~ ~te~ dioouanien Prelid~nt ~ler stated that he appeing a ~ggee e~ gheee ge inveagigage aaid ag~og~e ~ ~e~uea~e~ ~e ~~gee ~e 8u~ a ~i~en ~epe~g ~e ghe ~e~oil ef ~het~ inves~iga~ien. Oe~ci!m~ ~ker meve~ ge aooepg ghe Ag~eemeng begweea Okeeohebee ~ ~ City el. ~eec~bee, seeended ~ ~e~ci~ Ree and ca~ied. AGREEMENT ~I8 A~~T Made ~d entered tnte this 30~ day ef Nevembe~, I. D. 1954, ~y a~ begw~n ghe ~e~ ef Okeeohebee, S~ate ef ~l~i~a, by ~ gh~e~ i~a Be~d e~ Ce~ty C~asiene~s, he~ein~te~ ~er~ed te as the Ce~ty, ~ ~he Oig~ ef.Okee~ebee, a m~icip~ oe~e~agie~ aiguate in ~e WI~~: ~e~ea~ the Ce~ty ef Okeeohebee i~ ~e ~e~ ef ~adie meBile ~igea, erie ~f ~ich baa been inag~l~ in a mege~ vehicle e~e~ by ghe City ~d as~gned te ~e ~ef ef Peltoe ef the the ~t~ as ~ellew~: 1. ~ a~t mebile ~ig bei~ uae~ by ~e Oigy ahall~ ag all be ~d~ the direct oen~el ef the testy. ~. ~ ceaga fe~ all ae~ioe~ fer maingem~oe ~ .pe~agi~ ef ~at~ mebile ~t ah~l be be~ by the Ce~ty. g. ~ ~e Oigy ~11 pe~g inapecgiema ~ ae~vioing ef a~d by suc~ pe~aens as a~e authe~ize~ by the Ce~, at ~1 ~eanenable t ~e I. 4. ~ the. City ~11 a~ende~ sai~ mebile ~t te the Ce~ty ~en IN ~I~NESS WHEREOF the Oeu~ty has caused this Agreement te be signed in ires name by the Chairman ef the Bear4 ef Ue~ty ~e~a~eme~a, att~te4 by ~he ~lerk ef s~d ~a~d, efficial seal ~fixe4, ~d the Cit~ has caused said agreement te be mi~ed in its n~e by the Maye~ and ~eai~en~ ef ~he Oi~ Oe~cil, i~. ce~e~a~e seal ~fixe~, at~este~ by ~e City Clerk ~e ~ay an~ yea~ first abeve ~itten. COUN~ 0F 0~0B~ Clarence ArnelA ~'~, Bea~ ef Ce~ty Ce~$ si eners. ex effieie Clerk ef ~he'Bea~ ef Ce~y ~e~iene~a. OI~ 0F 0~0B~ H. H. Rau~.~raen R. E~ ~andle~ . G' , president ~ity ~e~cil Upea me~ien ~he 0e~ctl a~e~e~. A~ST: Jan~ ~, 1955 ~e City Ce~cil ef ~e Ci~ ef 0keec~bee, ~le~i~a, met at the Ci~ H~I on the abeve ~ate at 7:30 P. M. ~ the fellew~g p~esent: Maye~ H. H. Raulers~, ~esident R. E. Chmale~, Ce~ci~ea B. W. ~emas, S~., aha ~aok Ceke~, with O. C. ~~ee, City Atte~ney ~ Le~ena 8pivey, City ~n~es ef the meeting held Dee. 9~ 1554, were rea~ ~ app~eve~ ~e ~fell~ing bills were app~eve~ ~d e~dereA paid when ~d~ are. available: Gilbert C~b~eth .... ; ............................. -- $ Flae Pewee'& Li~t Ce. ............................... 3~2;84 Cit]'ef Ft. Pierce - ...... ~; .......................... ~10;~ D, m. Mc Carthy Pl~bing .Ce. -' .......... ;---'''-'''-- ~e Okeechebee News -'; ............................... 4;00 Hal~ey & G~iffith, ~nc. .... ' ........ '--~;;,'- ....... ' Jac~ Ezell ---; ...................... ''~-''-'''--'--' '10;~0 ~e ~:~City' ef Ft. PiePee ................ '---''-' .... ,-". 428;00 Pal~ Beaeh Paper Ce. ................................. 0kc,,. L~be~ ~. -;-"---;' ........ '- ..... - .... '---" 1;70 CleaVages Mete~ Ce.' -- - - ' ...... '- '- ' .... 133;70 0ked;~hebee Mete~ Ce, ..... ,----'- --'' ....... 3;~4 0Eel; P~e Se~vi~e ............................... S. ~. Paige .................. 208 ;87 ~e '~ase Natien~ B~ .............................. 5;65 ............................... ~atSe~d B~et~ ~ -~ ................................ B0;TZ int~' Ce Tel & Tel Ce. ~. ......................... -,._. 5~55 ~e~. & W. B. ~ew Ce. .......... ,__,~ 41;98 R. ~. Meae~ve ........................................ 15.00