1954-11-18 Adjourned 397
To C. A. Tho~, Tax Collector of City of 0keecbobee, Florida:
You are hereby:, com~.~nded to collect o,,t,~ of the property' and from each of the persons,
fi~.s, corpor~%ion nnmed in the annexed Assessment Roll, and taxes set down on said
Roll oposite ~ch name of parcel of land therein described, and in case the taxes as
extended are not paid by the time prescribed by Law, you are to collect same in the
manner prescribed by Law. All money collected you are to account for to the City
Cou~cil of the. City of 0keechobee, Florida.. and you ~re further required to make
collections s~d ~eoort and a final report to ~nd settlement with the City Council of
'said City as ~quired by law and Ordinances.
Given under m~ hand and seal this 1st day of November, A. D. 1954.
( SEAL )
Lorena Spivey
Tax Ass'asset for ~he gi~'y of
0keechobee, F1 o~i da.
Carl~on Arthtt~ appeared before the Council regarding the shack that had been
built by James~ ~iles near his property in 0keechobee Heights. In the minutes of the
Council meeting held December 7, 1955, Miles was advised to remove structure. Chief
Thomas stated ~hat he had inspected the building and found it to be in a deplorable
condition. C~cilman Watford ~.oved that Chief Thomas notify James Niles that the
building be r~noved within 30 days from this date, seconded by Councilman Roe and
front of John ~ynn property, so that, a power line could be installed. Council agreed
to grant request providing it is satisfactory with Wynm.
The Following building applications were presented: Mrs. S. W. Inglis, $8,090,
R. Spivey $1,550, Fred T. Wilson $6,000, J. E. Cone $1.0,000, ~.~. S. Harden $10,000 and
J H' Wiles $1~,000. Councilman Watford moved to accept the above building applications
and ordered permits granted~ seconded by Councilman Thomas and carried.
Upo~ motion the Council adjourned to meet Thursday, November 18, 1954
November 18, 1954
The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, met in adjourned session
at 7:30 P. ~f. on the above date at the City Hall with the following present: President
Chandler, CounCilmen Coker, Roe and Watford with Lorena Sptvey, City Clerk.
The ~ity Ole rk presented the petition of candidates in the General City
Election to be held December 7, 1954, and said petitions were examined by the Council
and all petitions v~ere found to contain the required number of qualified electors.
Councilman Watford~ moved that all petitions be accented,, seconded by Councilman Roe
and carried.
The ~ouncil instructed th~ City Clerk to have 1,000 of the following ballots
~r~'°'v,~ 7~ 1954
}lake a cr~ss (X) before the
name of t~ candidate of
yo~ choir.
(Vete for one)
N. H. Rau%erson
(V~te fer ~five)
Joe Boh~qi~ ~anni %
Rod ~d: %~ .-_
Lame~e '}t, ~ Moo~e .........
Zes'li'e Rs{ ~e~s6n
'Lee h es.
'M. 'm Sr.
B. W. '~o~s. Sr. ....
FOR Ci~ ~E~: .....
Alma Sherman
Lo,cna' Pe~rce SpiVey
The followi~ Election Officals were appointed:
W. N. G~ay~ Clerk
Patricia Pai~ker, Inspector
M. W. Hainl]~ , Inspecto~
Mrs. EugeniC; Bowden, Inspector
~e above n~ed persons to ~ecetve $1.00 per ho~ or minim~ of $10.00.
A building ~plication was p~esented in the amount of $6,000 for Dorothy
McOaln. Co~cilman Watford moved to accept said application and ordered permit be
issued, seconded by C,~cilman Cok~r and carried.
Co~cilman ~oker moved that all taxes be cancelled on Lots 13, 14 and 15,
Block B, Wri~2ht and l~ass Subdivision, due to ~he fact that location of property was
-and taxes ~wePe assessed in
net in City/ seconded b~ Co~cilman Warlord and ca~ied.
~e follov~ng bills were approved and ordered paid when funds a~e av~ilable:
Bennie's Amto Supply --- ~ .75
Domem' s Ma~hine Shop .............. 85.10
Wes te~n Un, on .............. 4.60
Nobley' s OaPage S91.70
Parker's 4~1 Gulf Service ......... 6.67
'Warlord B~thePs .............. 79.58
Inter County Tel & Tel 141.
Smdth Pl~.t~ing & Well Drilling ~4.00
Atlantic S$rvice Station 10.90
Upon motiom the Co~cil adjourned.