1954-08-02 RegularAugust 2, 1954 ~_~e Cit=2 Council of the C~_ty of 0koed'~obee, ~lorm~a, met in regular session at tn~ Cit~j Hall on the above date at ~:30 P. L. ~th the following present: ~.~ayor H. Raulcrson~ Pro~ident Chandler~ Co~ci~en Coker and Roe with G. C. ~rrance, City At~rncy ~d L~rena Spivey, City C~ ~,linutes of the meeting held July 12, ~54, were read and approved as read. ~_e following bills were approved ~d ordered paid when funds are available: Florida Power ~d Light Compa~ .................. ~ S79.81 0ke~chobee County Bank ................. 889.00 Davis ~,,'Ieter Repair and Supply Co:upany - 125.56 ~.'¢, ~ V ' SOH~ V . ~m~ll Jr. - ...................- 150.00 Director of Internal Revenue 461'80 0keochobee County Children's Committe -- 100.00 Tri-State C~vert & ~,,~g. Co. 320.75 0keochobee %Grot Co~pany ..................... 11.35 Gilbert Culbreth ..... 1S. 63 A~,, ~- R Crane Service - 20.00 Atlantic Service Station ............... 7.75 0keechobee Bui%ders Supply Compa~ ............... 0keechobee L~%ber Co~t~.pany .... 68.40 Lewis H. Dreese Garage ........... 2.50 City of Fort Pierce 206.75 Pa!~'.~ Beach Paper Company 18.15 i,~ixon f s Garage ........ 2.50 Jack Ezell ....... 16.15 J. E. Cone appeared before the Co~cil in regard to the need of city water for his proposed ~uild. fng in Woodland Park Subdivision. ~e matter was discussed and rest ~util the retz*~n of the Water Supt., ~.,~. F. Kinsaul, nov~on vacation. ~e need of additional water mains ~d financing of such a project was discusse( It was suf;gosted that when a water main was needed the city would install main and assess to adjoining property ovmers. A plan to t~.is effect will be submitted in the near future Due to the hea~ rains the draCnage problem was again brought before the reszdenvs most flooded areas and a solution Council. Complaints from a n~ber of .... in the to t~.e proble:~ was discussed. ~e Co~cil agreed to open ditches where possible and agreed to meet with the County Co~muissioners ~d request the use of the dragline as soon as available to open and cl~ ditches to help releive situatio~ J. ~[. Wiles ~d ~,,'!. S. Harden appeared before the Council requesting city water to their proposed building sites in South 0koechobee, also requested that the ditch in that vicinity be opened. 5]~e Co~cil ass~ed them that something on the installation of water mains would be worked out in the near fut~e and agreed to have the drainage ditch opened. Fra:~k Smith appeared before the Council regarding the deliquent city taxes on his property in East 0keechobee and requested an adjustment. After discussing the matter Counci~an Roe moved to authorize the City Attorney to prepare Resolution .~,oard for the p~pose of adjusting del- constituting the City Co~cil as an Adjustment ~ iquent taxes for 1933 and prior years, seconded by Councilman Coker and carried. Councilman Coker moved to sell old worn out truck for j~k to Pa~ Robbins for $75.00, seconded by Co~cilm~ Hoe and carried. ~e Financial Statement for 1953 was subn~tted as prepared by W. V. Wilson, Jr. andafter reveiwing Co~cilm~ Coker moved to accept same, seconded by Councflman ~oe and carried. , ? 8SS A letter wa~ road from Belcher 0il Compsny requesting payment in full of acco,mat. ~te Co~bucil ordered the Clerk to acknowledge the letter, stating that they f~lt co~ident the acco~t could be paid in full before the e~irati0n of the year. A correspondence fror~ George W. Si~2uons, Plamting and Zoning Consultant, was read and the C!crk was requested to m~re reply. Upon moti:,m thc Co~ci! adjourned. PRESIDENT CI~ C0~NCIL · AT'~ST: CiS~ C~~ September 13, 1954 The City Cou~cii of the City of 0]~eecbobee, Florida, met in the Council ~ham,.,eP at 7:30 P. },~. in r~,zular session also pursuar~.t to the following notice ~hicb had been published in the 0keec77obee N~ws. ~e following were present: Co~mci~en Coker, Roe and Warlord with G. C. D~rance~ City Attorney and Lorena Spiv~y City Clerk. NOT!~ i'~0~ is b_e ,eby given that 0keechobe~, ['~lorida, will meet in ~e Co~mcil Cha~,,ber at the City Hall at ~:30 P. M. September 13, 1954~ for the purpose of reviewing ~d equalizimg the City Tsx Assessment Roll for the yc~ar 1954, as prepared by the City Tax Assessor. AI~' Ai[D ALL -~.~:,~ having any objections to the valuation placed on their property htr the City Tax Assessor~ as s~.om2 by the Assessment Roll, are hereby notifi,d to fil~ their objections wi~h the C~ty Clerk or to appear in person before the City Council at s~id meeting on the aforesaid date. R. E. Chandler President City Co~mcil 0k-ecbobee,~ Florida AT.ST: Lorena Spivey City Clerk PROOF 0F P~Li~A~ZON (Published ~very Friday in the City of Okeechobee, 0keecbob~e Co~mty, FlOrida) STA'~ 0F FLORIDA C0~J~TY 0F 0i~EC?iOBEE Before the ~mdersidned authority personally ablated L.H. Moore w~o on oath that he is ~igr. editor of the 0keechobee News, weekly newspaper 'published in the City of 0keecbobee, in~ 0keecl~obee Com~tya Floc,ida; that the attacl~ed copy of advertise~rent, being Legal hotice in the matter of , t~ roll legal - . Affiant. f~m~em says ~ha% ~ said OK~EG~0B.:.E is a newspapem pub- lished f.n the Ci~ of 0keec~%obee, in said 0keechobee Co~mtV, Flo~ida~ and %ka% 5he said n~wspap~m has heme ~ofome be~n continou, slv published im said 0keechobe~ Cotmty, Flomida, each week ~d has been entered as second class ma%bo~ a% the pos% office in ~'~e City of 0keec~ob~, in said Count7, Flo~da, fora a period of one yeam n~x% precedinz %h~ fims~ publica%ion of 8he attacl~od copy of adverfiisemen%; m~d affiean2 fum%hem says that he' has n~ither naid no~ pPomised any person, ffmm om compo~a%ion any discomfit, rebat~ con,mission advemtise~en% fora pz~blieation in said newspaper, Sisned Swomn %his d ay of 1954 By Notar~ '~-C, My commission expimes Bonded by American