1954-01-04 Regular372
James Miles discussed the matter of a shed that had been built on his pro-
perty. The Council advised him to remove the structure.
Frank Altobe!lo was p~ esent and stated the need of a night policeman.
November 30, the City Council instructed the City Clerk to w~ite a letter
to the special policeman, notifying him~ that the position of special police was t o be
eliminated as of December l, 1953, due to insufficient funds. The Council agreed un-
animously that the aforesaid action taken be officially recorded in the minutes.
Barry former special police discussed withthe Council his dismissal. The Council
assured him that the action/taken due to lack of funds.
Leo Bratton, in behalf of the American Legion, suggested the idea of the
merchants contributing enough money to pay night police salary. The Council agreed to
corporate but details to be worked out amoung merchants.
Upon motion the Council adjourned.
Januarys4, 1954
The City Counil ot eh City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regular session at
the City Hall at 7:00 P. M. on the above date with the following present: Mayor H. H.
Raulerson, President ~hmdler, Councilman Coker.and Roe with G. C. Durrance, City ^ttorne~
and Lorena Spivey, City Clerk,
Minutes of the meeting held December 7, 1953, were read and approved as read.
The following bills were approved and prdered paid when funds are available:
Davis ~¥teter Repair & Supply Co. ....................... $ 14.48
Western Auto Associate Store ............ ----- ---- - - 3.69
Okeechobee L~mber Compauy ................... 7.46
Twin Oakes Cafe ...... 7.95
Florida Power and Light Company .............. 398.39
Connie W. Raulerson .... 1.60
R. B. ~feserve ............................ 15.00
City of Fort Pierce ............... 246.25
Okee Hdwe & Furn Co .... lB 40
Gilbert Culbreth .......... 73.21
Mobley's Garage ---. ................ 106.77
Atlantic Service Station ........ 42.06
Railway Expresss Agency~ ....... 9.20
D. B. I¥Ic Carthy ............. 69.30
E. W. Hilliard -- ............... - - --- -- -- 162.60
Sanfax Company-- ..... -- 40 38
Robbins Electric ~ompmy ............. 12.60
Edwards Bassett Cattle Comply ..................... 58.08
Standard Steel Company 120.~0
The Okeechobee News ............................ . - 12.50
Okeechobee ~,~.otor Company 55.53
Watford's Gulf Service Station .............................. 96.21
A request from Joe Bongiovanni to transfer liquor license from Lot 6, Block
161, to Lots 7 and 8 Block 159, was not gTanted.
A discussion on the unpaid account due Belcher Oil Oc~a~ was discussed.
Councilman Roe moved to pay $1,O000.~O to Belcher Oil Compmy and to endeavor to pay
$250.00 per month until account was paid in full, seconded by Councilman Coker and carrie
The Clerk waa advised to investigate the cost of installation of street light
at corner of State Roa~ #70 and Hillsborough Avenue.
Councilman Coker presented the following Resolution requesting the County
Commissioners to fnclude in the proposed street project the cost of a signal light
for the Seaboard Air Line Railway crossing at Chokaloskee Street, upon being seconded
by Councilman Roe was put to a vote and unanimously adopted:
The City Council of 0keechobee, Florida, would respectfully
show unto your Honorable Board, that Chokaloskee Street, running
North through "Colored Town" is an important "route" of travel
from the business part of said city to the Colored Section of
0keechobee City, and that the "Route" of travel from Colored Town,
East, to State Road 15, constitutes a serious traffic hazard, due
to the heavy traffic incident to the loading of vegetables, pulp-
wood and other commodities, therefore:
that the Board of Coumty Commissiomers of OKeechobee County,
Florida, be and it is hereby requested to include in its "Secondary"
Road program, the grading and paving of the following streets and/or
Roads; and signal light for the Seaboard Air Line Railway crossing at
Chokaloskee Street:
Begin at the intersection of Road 70 and Choka!oskee Street;
thence run North to the intersection of 15th Street; thence East
to the intersection of State Road 15, and
Passed in open session, this the 4th day of January, 1954.
R. E. Chandler
President City Council
ATTEST: . Lorena Spivey City Clerk
The collection of deliquent water bills was discussed and agreed that
Irena Williama continue the collecting.
Upon motion the Council adjourned.
February 1, 1954
The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, met in regular session
at the City Hall on the above date at 7:00 P. ~.~. with the following present: ~v~ayor
Rau]erson, President Chmdler, Councilmen Coker, Roe and Watford with G C Durrance,
· ·
City Attorney and Lorena Spivey, City Clerk.
Minutes of the meeting held January 4, 1984, were read and approved as read.
The following bills were approved and ordered paid when fun'ds are available:
0. K. Garage $ 2.25
Palm Beach Typewriter Co. 20.55
Gilbert Culbreth 1.32
~. Willis ...... '50.00
Palm Beach Paper Company 8.45