1953-08-13 Special362 Upon motion the Council adJoul-ned. ' PRESI'~ENT CITY COUNCIL ATTEST: ~ ° ~ August 13, 1953 Pursuant to the following call the City Council of the City of 0keech~bee, Florida, met in special session at 6:00 o'clock P. M. and the following were present: Mayor H. H. Raulerson, President R. E. Chandler, Councilmen J. M. Roe, Sr., B. W. Thomas, ~ .City Sr. and Alto Watford, Sr. with G. C. Durrance, City Attorney and Lorena Spivey,/Clex-k~ in attendance. City of 0keechobee 0keech oboe County State of Florida To Hon. R. E. Chs~MSler To Hon. Jack Coke~ To Hon. J. M. Roe, Sr. To Hon. B. W' Thomas, Sr. and To Hon. Alto Watford, Sr. Members of the City Council 0keechobee, ~lorida Gentlemen: You are hereby notified, that as Mayor of the City of 0kee~xobee, Florida, tha, I hereby call a special meeting of the 0i~y ~0uncil ~of said City of 0keeehobee to meet in special session at 6:00 o'clock P. M. this August 13, 1553, A. D. in the City Hall, for the purpose of discussing the Plans of the proposed yatch basin to be sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. You will please take due notice thereof and be governed accordingly. Yours very truly, H. H. Raulerson MAYOR ATTEST: Lor~na Spivey CI~ CLERK R. E. Chandle~ J. M. Hoe'~ Alto Watford, St" B. W. Tho_m_as~ Sr. Members 'of the ~ity Council City of Okeechobee Okeechobee, Florida A letter from the chamber of Commerce was read requesting the adoption of a Resolution approving the proposed construction of a yatch basin on Taylor Creek at the intersection of Somth Park Street and Riverside Drive. Upon motion of Councilman Watford seconded by Councilman Thomas the follow- ing Resolution was introduced and adopted by unanimous vo~ of the members present: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The 'Okeechobee County Chamber of Commerce, has requested permission of the Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, to erect and/or construct a Boat Dock along the West boundary of Taylor Creek, between South and No~th Pa~k Streets, said "Boat Dock" to be known as the "The Okeechobee Municipal Boat Dock", and WHEREAS, "Riverside Drive" which runs parallel with and meanders the 363 West boundary line and/or shore of the said Taylor Creek, between North and South Pa~k Streets as aforesaid, is a Public Street, and WHEREAS, the land lying between Riverside Drive as hereinbefore set out, and Meridith Avenue, is a"Public Park" and as such, is the property of the city of 0keechobee, Florida, now therefore - BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE, FLORIDA, that the 0keechobee County Chamber of Commerce, be and it is hereby granted pex~mission to construct and maintain said boat dock as herein- before described. Passed in open session, this the 15 day of August, 1955. R. E. Chandler "PRESIDENT CITY 'CoUNC'iL Alto Watford..Sr. . B. W. Thomas Ne'mbers ~ity '~ouncil ' " ATTESt: . Lorena Spivey CITY CLERK APPROFED BY ~E THIS THE 15 DAY OF AUGUST, 1955. H. H. Raulerson MAYOR Councilman Watford moVed to grade and maintain South Parks Street East from Cherokee Street to Taylor's Creek and Riverside Drive between No~th and South Pa~ks Streets, seconded by Councilman Roe and unaninously carried. Upon motion the Council adjourned. SePtember 14, 1953 The City Counci$ of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, met in the Council Chamber at 7;30 P. M. in regula~ session alao pursuant to the following notice which had been published in the 0keechobee News. The following were present: Ma~o~ H. H. Raulerson, President Chandler, Councilmen Roe, Thomas and Watford with G. C. Du~rance, City Attorney amd Lorena Spivey, city Clerk. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of 0keech~bee, Florida, will meet in the Council . Chambe~ at the City Hall at 7:50 P.M' September 14, 1955, for the purpose of reviewing and equalizing the City Tax Assessment Roll for the yea~ 1955 as prepared by the City Tax Assesso~e ANY AND ALL PERSONS HAVING any object- ions to the valuation placed on their property by the City Tax Assessor, as shown by the Assessment Roll, are here- bF notified to file their objections with