1956-03-02 Regular85O Marol~ 2, 1953 The City Ceumcil ef the City of 0keechobee, Florida, met in regula~ sessiom a~ the City Hall at ?~00 P. M. en ~he above date wi~ the fellewi~g prese~: Mayer H. H. R.aule~se~, Presidem~ C~ndle~, Ce~cilme~, Ceke~, ~ee, ~omas ~d Watfer~ wi~ O. C.. ~r~ce, City Attorney and Le~e~a Spivey, City Clerk. . Minutes ef the meeting held Pebrua~ 2, 19~5, were rea~ and a~roved as read. The fellewi~ bills were approved ~d ordered paid whoa f~a a~e available: Okeechobee L~ber Ce~y -' ~aaita~ Department .................. $ 7.55 ~a~erse~ Dept. ~tere -. ~ew~ m~r. ~.50 The O~erem ~ Barkley Co. - Water Dept. ----~ ..................... 64.15 Gilbert Culb~th -, Fire, Pelice amd Sa~. Dept. .......... 17.04 Mobley'a Garde -. ~treet & ~am., ~5 Wate~ Dept. ....... 0keec~bee B~ldera Supply Ce. Samita~ Dept. ................ 1~8.80 Lewis H. Dre~e Garage -' Parks Dept. .......................... ~e City e~ ~t. Pierce -' Wate~ Dept. ................ Pa~ BeaeA P~er Ce~a~y -' Fire Dept. ........................... 12.60 Daa Mc C~thy -. Sanita~ Dept. .............. 1~.90 C. A. ~e~aa -' Police Dept. ......................... 2.90 Reger B. Qui~y -. Fi~e Dept. ................ 22.12 ~Bebby WertA - Fi~e Dept. ........................... 6.50 ~Carl E. Stelle - Instance .................... 648.56 Be~ie's Auto Supply -. Water Dept. ................. - ........ 50.90 The H & W B ~ew Cempaay -~ Water Dept. ......................... ~ 25.95 Westera Aut~ Asseelate ~tere-.- Pa~ka Dept. --~ ............... 2.~0 Davis Mete~ Repair & ~p. ge- 'Cater Dept. .......................... 95.52 Florida Pewe~ & Light Ce. -. Power and Lights ..................... ~i~i ~ail ~e~s, I~a. -' Water Dept. .............. 4.44 ~ailway E~resa -' Water Dept. .......................... 4.58 Rev. Earl Jenes, Paster ef Methodist .~u~ah, appea~ed before the Ceuacil regar~a te ~e City issuing the Cocktail Ledge License te the ~eut~d Hotel. Rev. Jones prese~ed ~e Ce~cil ~th House Bill Ne. 16~9 (Pepulatio~ Bill). Attorney ~rra~ee rea~ bili an~ advised that he would ce~e~ with ~he Attermey of the Beverage Department em matter. Also Rev. Jenes state~ that the distance frem ~e Me~hedist ~urcA ~e ~euthlaaA Hotel was 890 feet this net being ia agreement with 0~dima~ce Ne.256. After discussie~ Ce~cilmaa Wa~fe~d meve~ te e~ley R. E. Willis te survey distance, seeonde~ by Ce~cil- mas Ceker aad ca,riel. Matter tabled ~til aext meeting. C. j. M~agre~ appeared before the Ce~cil t~ regards te his deliquent wate~ bill ef Februa~ 1, 195~. ~e te the fact, that the Musg~eve'a ~e~e away two weeks Jaguar, Ce~cilma~ Watfer~ meved te averse the above bill i~ accer~amee with the water use~ siAce t~t time~ seconde~ by Ce~cilma~ ~emas ~ carrie~. Bob Metz ~equested that ~e City grade Kiasi~ee Street leadimg to his ~ew ~eziSeaee.. ge~cil assu~ed him this matter would be takem care of as aoo~ aa possible. ge~ci~ ~ee reperte~ the ~eod ef street ~epair e~ street leadi~ te Melba Leu~ha~'s plaee i~ Vicke~'a Weo~lan~ Pa~k Subdivision. ~aina~e i~ s~e district was discusse~ an~ Marvla Mebley, ~t. St. amd Saaitary Dept. was advise~ te lavestigate matte~ ~ report at aext regular meeting ef Oe~cil. Represemtative Nathaa Zelme~evitz discussed with the Ce~cil the matte~ of the Oity ef Okeechobee being pe~mitte~ te have eeaditional steps by fast trains of the ~eabear~ Air Line ~ailway Compaay. Afte~ discussio~ Ce~cilman Watfo~d move~ te instruct the Attorney te ~epa~e~ ~eceaa~y 0~dima~ee ia limitiag the speed ef trai~s te 10 thresh the city limits~ seee~de~ by Ce~ci~ ~he~as. VeXing Yes - Ce~ci~ Oeke~, ~emaa ~5 ~a~fo~. Zelmenevitz also diseusse~ ~he $~i~ peel p~eJe~t ~d s~geste~ if ia er~er ~hat ~e ei~y advertise fe~ bids ea the peel. ~e Ce~cil a~vised that due to a question in cha~ge of location it would be necessary for the County te designate some definite location before the City could take any ferwar~ steps in the project. Councilman Warlord agreed te meet with ~he Ceum~y Ce~issiomers em Marc~ 1~ ia ~e~ar~ te ma~te~. M. M. Mar~im, Sr. discussed wi~h t~e Co~cil ~he well for ~e awi~iag peel. ma~ter ~abled ~il aex~ meetimg. Wa~e~ ~up~. Kinsaul ~epe~e~ his finding o~ sewerage disposal ce~ec~iona. Af~ discussiea ~he Ce~cil agree~ fer the Atte~ey ~e eb~ai~ iaformation e~ seweP ~appage fees an~ monthly cha~ges a~ ~eper~ a~ nex~ meeting. Wa~er Supt. Kinsaul reporte~ the mee~ of water meters. Ce~cil a~vise~ him ~e purchase o~ly ~He aecess~ me~e~$ for installing new center,ions. ~he A bi~ fe~ ~e Okeechobee M=ter Ce~y was/only one reeeive~ fe~ ~e p~eHaa~ ef the pelice oar a~d picEup ~ruck for the water department. ~e Ce~cil agree~ te accep~ said biA om ~he above vehicles and purchase at emce. Ce~oilma= Wa~ferd move~ ~e appeia~-E. H. Bar~y as special polioe ~e fill the vacancy crea~e~ by ~e resig~a~ie~ of Lewis J. Wald~n, seoemded by Ce~cilma~ ~omas and carrie~. . Co~eilm~' Wa~foPd mo~e~ to endorse ~he plan for the Men,al Institution, seco~de~ by Co~cilmam Ceke~ ~d' car~ie~. ~ere being no further business the' Co~cil a~Jou~ne~. . ~e Ci~ Coucil of ~he Ci~y of Okeechobee, Florida, met in special at 7:30 P. M. en the above date at the City Hall with the following present: P~eside~t Chiller, Ceuncilmen Coker, Roe and ~omas with G. C. Durranee, City ~to~ney and Lo~ena Spivey, City Clerk. ' ~e p~pese of ~e meeting was to discuss the ebnixous od.rs a~ising from drainage ~itch of Markham Brothers canning plan~. A n~ber of residents ~fecte~ by ~heae odors were p~eaen~, also Jack Greenly Dr. J~es H. R~eae~, S~a~e Boar~ of Health S~i~ary efficiers, Rosoee an~ Allem Markh~. ' Public compliants were hear~ followed by a detailed discussiom. After, ich it was believe~ tha~ a solution ~o this matter c.ul~ be reached by cleaaimg ~he ditch from entrance ~o l~e. Ceuncilmaa Ceker moved to autho~ise e~le~en~ ~f C~ty equipmen~ ~der te~s discusse~ since Markha~ Bros. agree~ to pay $200.00 as ~heir share of ~e cest and maintaim said ~i~ch else spray regularly, seconded by Councilma~ ~omas and carried. Upon motion the Co~cil adjourn,d, ~~ ~ ~