1953-02-16 Postponed349 ,
Ceuneilman ~at~'ord reeved to change t~e ~,~ ox~ Council meetings te 7:00 P. M.
until further aotiee, secended by Ceu~cilman ~hemas sad carried.
An iacrease in salary for the Chief ~f Pelice was diacusse~. Co~cilman
Ceke~ meved te increase the Chief ~f Pelice sala~ $25.00 per month, seconded by Ce~cil-
--~aamd carrie~ .
~i~ ~emas discusse~ the i~c~ease with %he Oe~011 after which %he
deemed the $2~.00 i~crease was ias~ficiem%. Ce~cilmam Coker reseiade~ %he preceding
me%lon an~ meve~ %e increase the ~ief of Polloe smla~ $~0.00 per men%~, secemde~ by
Oe~ellm~ Wa%fo~d ~d carried.
0~er imc~eases t~ salar~ were dfsousse~ am~ 0e~oilman Wa%fo~ suggested
%ha% the matter be %able~ for fu~t~er consideratien a% %He meeting %e be held Feb.
~e Clerk was advised %e ~ite lea%er %e ~he Florlda Pewer am~ Light Company
au%h~risi~g the i~s%alla%ie~ ef s%~ee~ lights at She follewi~g locatioms:
Corner ef ~er~kee amd North 8t~ Street (011bert 0ulb~eth)
-Corner of 8eu%h ~rd 8%.-an~ 0soeela 8%. ( Bennle Joae~)
Cerner of S~u%h 2~ St. an~ 0scee!a ~%. ~(Indepe~dem% Bap%ia% ~urch)
0orner ~f Nor%~ B%b S%reet~a~d ?allahasaee 8%. (Allce Bass)
Corner ~f Seut~ Bth St. ~d Kissi~ee S%~ee$ (E. F. Dudley)
Corner ef S%h Ave. ~d Tallm~assee~ ~%. (Mrs. B. Bowden)
~s. ~. B. Mese~ve discusse~ the Ci~y declaring ~e a~ea as a Bi~ S~ua~y.
A letter addremsed to Mrs. E. M. Meserve, ~ai~ ef Bir~ Uonse~vatiom, was rea~ ia
regard te ~he mecesaary steps the City weuld have te make to declare the a~ea as a Bird
S~ctua~y. Ametioa was made by Ce~cilmam Ree, seceaded by Ce~cilmam Coke~ ~
carried, te p~eclai~ the City of 0keechobee as a Bird S~ctua~y. ~e Co~cil ~equested
the Maye~ tm issue pr~clematiom to this effect. Sigms designating this area as a Bir~
~anetuary was discussed but ne definite action takem.
~e~e beimg mo f~ther business the Ce~cil adJo~ed te meet at 7:00 P.
em Memday, Feb. 16, 1953.
~eb~ua~ 16, 195~
~e C~cil meeting that was ehheudled fe~ the abeve date was pestpene~
~e several members ef the Ce~cil beiag ill.