1953-02-02 Regular II Traffic signs were discussed aid ordered placed in the meat hazzardeus lecatioll The fellewimg Committees were appointed by Presidemt Chandler: STRE~.T AND SANITARY COMMI~EE: B. W. Theresa, Chairmaa Alto Watferd, Jaek CekeP AND F aE coa : Alto Warlord, Sr., Chairman B. W, Thomas, Sr.- J. M. Roe P ..~. LAWS AND RULES COMMITTEE: Sack Ceker, Chairma~ J. M, Roe /Alte Watfer~, S~. WATE~ AND LIGHT COMMITTEE: J. M, ~ee, Chairmaa Jack CekeP B. W. Thomas Upea metien the Council adJourne~.~ax~ February 2, 1953 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regula~ sessioa at the City Hall on the above date at 7:30 P. M. with ~he following present: MayoP H. H. Raulersen, President Chandler, Councilmaa Coker, Roe, ~emas and Warlord with Durrance, City Attorney and Spivey, City Clerk. Minutes ef the meetings held Jan. 5, 19~3, were read and approved as read. The following bills were approved and ordered paid when funds are available: Mrs. Erwin F. Dudley - Water Dept. ............. $ 280.00 Okeechobee County Bank payment en mower 53.?0 Fla. Power and Light Ce. - Power and Lights ...... 384.16 Inter Ce Tel and Tel Ce. - Tel Services ...................... 34.90 Scharfschwerdt Br~s., Inc. - Parks and San. Dept. ---- 9.95 Inter Ce Tel and Tel Co. - Tel Services ..................... 4.64 Okeec~bee County Bank - Payment en San. Truck ............ 112.46 Domer's Machine Shop - San. Dept. - ...................... $1.20 Park Drug Cempaly - Police Dept. ....... 6.08 Standard 0il Company - Fire Dept. and Clerk's Expense --- 18.82 A.P.' Baughman - Fi~e Dept. - ..... 6.00 Benmie's Auto Supply - Water Dept. ...................... 8.14 Municipal Forms & Systems Ce.- Water Dept. ...................... 191.25 R. B. Meserve - Bends fop pelice ................. 10.00 Cen~ie W. Rau~rson - Clerk's Office Expense ........... 1.70 The 0keechobee News - Clerk's 0ffiee Expense ........... 12.5~ ~__ 0kee. Hdwe. & Furn. ~o. - San., Water'and Fire Depts. 28.62 i Okeechobee Lumber Company - Fire, Pelice, San., & ~lerk'S Expense 68.59 i The H & W B. Drew Company - Clerk's Office Expense -- 11.05 ' M~bley's.Garage - San., Water and Parks 'Dept. .... -- 191.85 Gilbert Culbreth - Fire, Water, Police and San. Dept. 127.91 Atlantic Service Station - Police Dept. - .... - 20.24 Alto Watford and Sons - Police, San., Water and Fire ..... 75.60 Carl E. Stelle, Jr. - Insurance ........................ 389.21 Fla. League of Municipalities- Membership Fee ................... 50.00 Davis Meter Rep. & Supply Ce.- Water Dept. ..... '-~ 91.01 Industrial Supply C~rp. - Water Dept. - ......... 20'93 K. L- Sharp - Water Dept. -. - 552.59 Hill Manufacturing Company - Fire Dept. - ............ 32.50 The Cameron and Barkly Company Water Dept. ........ 86.00 346 Mrs. G. E. Bryant, Jr., Member of the Gardem Club, appeared before the Council and requested that the City emPleya full time park attendant. After discussion the Ceuncil agreed to employ a full time park attendant. ~nis matter ~as referred too Councilman Ceker, Chairman ef Parks Committee. Mrs. R. B. Meserve, President of 0keechobee Garden Club~ requested that signs be posted along Flagle~ park area, particular in front of the A & P Stere and 0keechobee Ceunty Bank, to prohibit cars from parkimg on the grass. She als® requested that the City place signs on highway and streets to prevent persons riding in automobiles from throwing bottles, cans and trash in the ditches and on road shoulders. Various types of signs were d~scussed amd Chief ~ncmas stated that ~he metal signs were needed in some places. The Council assured Mrs. Meserve this matter would have attentiom. C. R. Belk suggested that the City plaee some kind ef cever~em the garbage trucks to prevent ~bbish frem blowing elf trucks. The Ceuncil agreed to look into the matter. G. E. Bryant, Jr., representing the Southland Hotel a~d Grill, which was en- deavoring to procure am Exceptional Cocktail Le,,~ge License, appeared and discussed the matter and offered a proposed Ordinance ~or the Council's censideration. Atte~ney Durrance ~elated the law governing this matter. A discussie~ of the distance from the Methodist Church and Seven Day Advent Church was heard. C~ief ~omas was requested te measure the distance f~em ~he Southland Hotel to both churches. Upom his return he re- ported that te ~he bes.~ ef his knowledge both Churches were ever 1,000 feet from the · Southland Hotel but due ~e the water o~ the streets it was impossible te measure various parts of the area accurately. Councilman ~hemas moved te adept the proposed Ordinance, ~etiea seconded by Councilman Coker, the following vote was taken, YEA - Coun¢ilmam Ceker, ~emas and Warlord, Councilman Roe net voting. ORDINANCE NO. 2B6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION ~EN OF ORDINANCE 16~, CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE, FLORIDA, REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBE~ 2~4, CI~ OF 0KEECHOBEE, FL0~DA~ BE IT ORDAINED BY ~E MAYOR AND~CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE, FLORIDA. SECTION ONE: ~at 0rdinanoe number 2~4, ef the City ef 0keechobee, is hereby mapealed and Seetion ten ef Ordinance number 16~ ef the City of 0keec~ bee, Florida, is hereby amended so as te read as fellows: SECTION ~V0: Ne lisease~issued under the previsions ef this 0rdinaace shall be granted tea vendor whose place ef business is er shall~ be with- in FIFTEEN HUNDRED (1500) feet ef a~ established schoel e~ church, which distance shall be measured by follewing the shortest ~eute of ordinary pedestrian travel aleng the pUblic highway or throughway frem the nearest p~in of said~ place of business te ~e neares~ point of the church and, in case ~f a School, to the nearest point el-the schoel grounds in use as part ef~ the school facilities, provided however, this 0rdinamce shall net be construed se as to effect hotels ef n~t less than fifty guest rooms that are located a d~istanoe mere~ than NINE HUNDRED (900) feet frem any established s~heel er ehureh. 347 SECTION THREE: Ail Ordinamces or parts ef Ordinances in conflict witi~ the previsions ef this Ordinance, are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upo~ its passage by the City Council and approval by the~ Mayer. PASSED AND ADOPTED IN EEGULAR SESSION, ?HIS THE 2 DAY OF FEBEUAEY, 1953. R. E. Chandler President, City CeunCil Okeechebee, Florida ATTEST: Lerena Spire2 city Clerk App~eved by me this the 2 day ef February, 1953. H. H. Raulersen Mayer, Uity ef O~eechobee Flerita Jimmie Massare, representing the Everglades Tallow Cerperaticm, appeared before the Ceumcil and stated the sai~ Cerperatiom was installing new equipment which would a two inch water line te operate. The Council agreed that if the Cerperatiom weuld pay the initial cost the city would remiburse them by payments of one hall ef each menths water bill until pipe is paid for, at which time it would become property ef the City's. Ceuncilmam Roe, Chairman of the Water Committee, brought before the Ceuncil the question of deliquent water bills. The Council agreed te enfor~eOrdinanee Ne. 213 and have all consumers with unpaid water bills eh the 15th ef the memth diacmntinued without further notice and a fee ef $1.00 would be charged te replaee water. A notice to this effect was ordered published in the Okeechobee News. '~ Mr. John T. Pickett, Emgiaeer, presented the plama app~eved by the State Beard ef Health om the swimming peel project. The matter was discussed and Ceuncilmam Watfe~d $500.0o moved te pay Pickett, Berewski and Stetson, Emgineering firm,/fer the swimming peel preJeet for services remdered, seconded by Ceuncilmam Ese and carried. Marvtm Mebley and J. T. Smith suggested the adeptiom efa $,we~ tappage fee and monthly charges te help defray the expense ef maintaining city sewers. After discussiom Ceuncilmam Ceker requested the Clerk te obtain from the City of Stuart their Ordinance governing same. Matter tabled until receipt of Ordinanee. Ceuncilmam Ese suggested that if the City adopted such system that the Water Superintendent be im charge. Ceuncilmaa Ese stated that G. W. Clay had appreaehed him in regards te the city installin~ a two inch water line te his houses located South e[ South Park Street west ef abandoned F. E. C. Railway depet. A discussien en matter was hear~ but me definit action taken. - Ceumcilmaa Watferd p~esemted the fellewimg ordinance and moved its .adoptiem, upon being seconded by Ceuncilma~ Ceker was put tea veto and carried. 0~DINANOE NO. AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE FOLLOWING STREET IN THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, ~LORIDA. BE IT ENACTED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLOKIDA: SECTION ONE: From and after the date this Ordinamee beaomes effeetive, the fellewing.deseribed street, situate in the city of Okeechobee, Florida, shall be closed and vacated: That part ef First Street extending from Parrett Avenue, run, sing in an Easterly direction te the West banks ef Tayler Creek, accerding tea plmt ef said city ef Okeechobee, Florida. SECTION TWO: Ail ordinances im conflict herewith, are hereby ~epealed. SECTION THI~: This ordinance shall take effect upem its due passage according te law. SECTION FOUI~: .A certified copy ef this ordinance shall be fileA im the public reeerds ef Okeechobee County, Florida. Read in full and by unanimous consent, passed te second reading. ~ead in full and by una~imeus consent, passed te third amd final reading. Passed ia regular, epem session, this 2nd day ef February, 1953. R. E. Chandler "Preslden~ ~ity ffeuncil ATTEST: Lorena Spive~ " City Clerk ' Approve~ by me this the 2nd day ef February, 1953. ~. H. Raulerson Mayo~ The need of a new truck for the water department and police car for the police department was discussed. The cest ea repairs to the above mentioned vehicles were re- ported and the Council agreed that the cost of repairs were so great that it would be te the City's advantage to purchase new equipment. The Clerk was advised te advertise in two issues of the Okeechobee News for bids on the following vehicles: NOTICE NOTICE IS HEIEBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, will receive sealed bids for the purchase ef ~he following vehicles: a. 1 - 1955 ~ to~ pickup truck, trade i'n must be allewed on 1 - 1~47 ese tea Ford pic~a~ truck used by the Wate~ Department. b. 1 - 195S tuder sedan equipped with special pelice meter~ trade ia must be allewe~ om 1 - 1981 tudor delux Fo~4 equipp~4 with special pellce mete~. Said bids will be opened in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in Okeechobee, Florida, at 7:00 P. M. em Mo~- "1 day, Febj 16, 1953. J The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. E. Chandler '"'President City Council Okeechobee, Florida ATTEST: Lo~ena 3Five7 C~ty Clerk Councilman WatI'ord moved to change tAAe ~,e~' 0" Council meetings te 7:00 P. M. tmtil further motiee, seconded by Ceu~cilman ~nemas amd carried. An iacrease in salary For the Chief cf Police was discusse~. Co~cilm~ Coke~ moved to in~rease the Chief ~f Police salar2 $25.00 per month, seconded by Ce~cil- ma~a~o carrie~ ~i~ ~emas discusse~ the i~crease with the Ce~cil after which the Ce~cil deemed the $28.00 imcrease was ias~ficle~t. Ce~cilmam C~ke~ reseimded the preceding motion an~ meve~ te increase the ~ief of Police s, ala~ $80.00 per me. th, secemde~ by Ce~cilm~ Warlord and carried. O~e~ increases in salaP~ were diseusse~ and Ce~cilman Watfo~ suggested that the matte~ be table~ for further consideration at the meeting to be hel~ Feb. 1~, ~e Clerk was advised te ~ite letter te the Florida Power an~ Light Company autherisiag the i~stallatien ef street lights at the following locations: Corner ef '~er~kee amd North 8t~ Street (Gilbert Culb~eth) ~.C~rner of South ~d St. and Osceela St. (Bennie Jo~es) Ce~er ~f South 2n~ St. and Oscee!a St.-(Indepeadent Baptist ~urch) Corner ef North 8th Street.and Tallahassee St. (Alice Bass) Corner ef South 6th St. and Kissi~ee S~eet (E. F. Dudley,) Corner ef 8th Ave. and Tallahassee,St. (-M~s. B. Bowden) ~--~ ....... M~s. ~. B. Mese~ve discusse~ ~e Ci~y deela~ia~ ~e a~el as a Bi~d Sa~o~ua~7. A letter addressed to Mrs. E. M. Meserve, Chai~ of Bir~ U~nservatio~, was vea~ in regard te the mecesaary steps the City would have te make to declare the a~ea as a Bi~d S~ctua~y. A motion was made by Ce~cilman R~e, seconded by Ce~cil~n Coker ~ carried, t~ proclaim the City of Okeechobee as a Bird Sanctuary. ~e Ce~cil ~equested the Mayer to issue proclemation to this effect. Sig~s designati~ this area as a Bird Eanetuary was discusse~ but ne definite action taken. ~ere being no f~ther business the Ce~cil adJo~ed te meet at ~:0~ P. M. en M~nday, Feb. 18, 1~ PRESIDENT CI~ CO~C~ ~ " ~eb~ua~ 16, 1953 ~e Ce~cil meeting that was ,~heu~le~ fe~ the abeve ~ate was pestpe~e~ ~u, te several membe~a ef the Ce~cil beimg ill.