1951-12-10 Regularsewer contraet submitted by Gilbert W. Clifford. After disoussion the Council tabled
the matter until all members were present.
Ammon Mc Clellan appeared and diseussed with the Council the matter of having
t~ parks sowed in rye grass. Councilman Roe, Chairman of Parks Committee, stated that
he appreciated his suggestion but due to financial reasons, the city was unable to
undertake this project at this time.
Fritz Seharfschwerdt appeared in regards to the auetion sale that was being
held each Saturday night. Mr. 8charfschwerdt stated tPat the auetion was drawing the
people away from the local merehants thus Jeopardizing their business. Councilman Roe
proposed that the matter be tabled for further discussion at the adjourned meeting to
be held Dee. 10, 19§1.
A letter of complaint from a local mother, bearing nb signature, was read in
regards t~ minors being allowed to enter the pool room and participate in gambling
and pool. The letter was turned over to Mayor Raulerson for investigation.
~ne Council agreed t]aatit was satisfactory for the colored School teachers
to attent first aid classes at the City Hall.
Leonard Berber appea~ed in regard to the drainage around his home on 14th
street. Matter was referred to Marvin Mobley.
Upon motion the Council adjourned to meet Deeember 10, 1981.
ACTING Pre'sid~nt City-'Oeuneil
Deeember 10, 19§1
The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, met in ~regular adjourned
session at the City Hall on the above date at 5:50 P. M. with the following present:
Mayor H. H. Raulerson, President Chandler, Councilmen Thomas, Watford and Williams with
G. C. Durranee, City Attorney and Lorena Spivey, City Clerk.
Mayer Raulerson brought before the Council the matter of selling the old fire
truck. Council agreed to investigate the matter.
Councilman Watford reported that work would be started on the erection of the
signal lights at an early date. The Council diseussed the erection of a stop light at
Hunt Brothers and Burney -Kelz corner.
A request to erect a tent in the City park for church use was discussed. The
Council, due to so mueh eritieism in the past, had agreed not to let any of th® parka
be used by a private person or organization in th~ future.
Mr. J. Re Durranee was present in regards te the sewer project. After dis-
cussion the Council agreed that the sewer pro Jeer be dropped eempletely because %hey do
net deem it feasible at this time.
The following Resolution was presented b~ Councilman Warlord, who moved its
adoption and upon being seeonded by. Councilman Thomas was put to a vote and unanimously
WHEREAS, the County of 0keechob®e, Florida, under the
Provisions of Chapter 2~079, Laws of Florida, AOltS of.1943,
foreclosed the deliquent taxes and took title under said
foreclosure, to the following deseribed lan~s:
Lots 7, 8 and 9 of Block 45, First Addition to South
0keeehobee, aceording to plat thereof recorded in the
office of Clerk of Circuit Court of 0keechobee Co~y,
Florida, ~d
~ER~S, subsequen$ ~o sueh foreclosure, on November 20, 1944,
said l~ds were sold by a aid Co~y of 0keechobee, to W. H.
~REAS said Chapter 220V9 provides t~t ~he City 0f 0keechobee,
as the m~icipali~y in ~l~ said land is loeated, participate in
the pr~eeds of ~he sale of such lands by said Co~y of 0kee-
chobee, as ~$s sha~e of suoh deliquent ~axes, therefore,
BE IT R~0LV~ by the City Ceuneil of the City of 0keeehebee,
tha~ ~e City Clerk be and ~she is hereby authorized and
quested to eaneel all City of 0keechobee ~axes and special
assessements levied against said above described lands for the
yaar 1944 and all prior years, which are ~paid or deliquent.
Passed and adopted in open session ~his December 10, 1951.
R. E. Ch~dler
J. M, Roe, S~.
Z. K. Williams
Alto Watfo~d~ Sr. _
B. W. ~omas
0keechobee, Florida
Upon motion the Council adjoined.
Janua~ ~, 198~
Th~ Cit~ Ce~tl of the Clt~ of Ok~echob~s, Fly.ida, mst in regula~ s.sslon
at the Cit~ Hall on the abov~ dat~ at V:O0 P. N. with th~ following present: Na~o~ H.
Rauls~son, P~esldsnt Ch~dle~, Co~ctlmen Ro~, Watfo~d ~d Willies ~th ~P~e~, Ctt~
At~orne~ and Lor~na Spiw~. Cit~ Cl~rk.
Ninutes of th~ meetings held D~esmb~r 5, and lO, 1951, w~e ~ead ~d approved
as reade
~e follewin~ bills were approved and ordered paid w~en f~ds a~e available:
Florida Power and Light Ce. - Power and Lights ................... $ 328.69
In,er Ce ~el ~d Tel Ce. - Tel services .......... 38.0~
Lewis H. Dreele - Police ~d San. Dept. - ............. 98.2~
0keechobee Mo~ Co. - Water Dept. .............
Gilbert Culbre~h - Light Expense ...................... 19.2~
. Domer's Maehine Sho~ - Water And San. Dept ...... 16.~9
: Bennie's Auto Supply - Police and Fire Dept. .......... 2.01