1958-03-11 Reg. Adjourned 547
Councilman Chandler moved that the Attorney ~repare Resolution for Seaboard
Airline Railway Company, regarding laying water line under .the tracks, seconded by
Councilman Walker and carriede
U~on motion the Council adjourned to meet March 11, 1958.
March 11, 1958
The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regular adjourned
session on the above date at 7:00 P. M. at the City Hall with the following present:
Mayor Dunham, President Warlord, Councilmen Chandler, Gardner, Pearce and Walker with
G. C. Durrance, City Attorney and Lorena S~ivey, City Clerk.
Two applications for rezoning were receive~ and u~on motion by Councilmam
Chandler, seconded by Councilman Pearce and carried to advertise notice for'rezoning
the following described ~roperty from Residential and Industrial to Commercial and
Public Building:
Lots 1, 2, 7 to 16 inc., Block-57, Oridingal Town of Okeechobee~
and Ail of Block 197, except Lot 11, in the Town of Okeechobee,
according to Plat thereof, filed in Plat Book 2, Page 17, Public
Records of St. Lucie County, Florida, ALSO that ~ortion of the
abandoned F. E. C. railroad right of way, and those ~arts of
North Curve Street and South Curve Street, lying between the
East side of Okeechobee Avenue and West side-of Osceila Street,
all being in the City of Okeechobee, aforesaid. Said lands com-
prising a part of Section 21, Townshi~ 5V South, Range 55 East.
Clyde Hancock and several residents fron the area North of Seaboar~ Airline
Railway were ~resent requesting that the City allot street lights for that section.
~ae Council advised that they were working on a street lighting ~roJect and that they
woul~ be given consideration. Also they requested that 16th Street be Ol~ended on both
sides of 441 for irainage ~ttrposes. Matter referred to Leon Williams
Prank H. Platt, Veterinarian, discussed with the Council vaccinating the
dogs in A~ril: Ordinances on matter discussed and t~he Council agree~ for Mr. Platt
to obtain ~ro~osed Ordinance ~ublished by the State Board of Healt~ an~ it woul~ be
considere~ at the next regular meeting of the Council at which time they would set a
vaccination ia~e.
Councilman Chandler moved to acce~t the Plat of "Taylor Creek Manor~ seconded
by Councilman Gardner and carried~ wi~h the understanding that the building restrictions
be com~slied ~i~he
President Warlord re~orte.~ that the C. A. A. had granted the City ~ermission
to use the pits near the air~ort for a garbage dum~ ~rovidina that it be ke~t sanitary.
J. R. Walters appeared before the Council regarding the garbage business
presenting a substitate contract.' After discussion the Council advised Walters that
they would post,one action until next regular meeting at which time he should submit
detailed contract.
Laurens Reeves also was present discussing the garbage disposal proposition,
stating that he would like to submit a contract for the business. The Council advise4
him to prepare it and present it at next regular meeting Of the Council.
A letter from Harold C. Taylor, Public Health Engineer, was receive4 stating
that the Public Health Service had approved the plans and revise~ s~ecifications an~
~ro~sed bidding an4 contract documents in connection with the subject project Sewer,
authorizing the City to proceed in advertising for and opening bids in connection
with the Federal Grant assistance in financing project No. WPC-Fla-~ for construction
of sewerage facilities. Rolland A. Shar~, Engineer was present discussing this matter
with the Council. Councilman Chandler moved to advertize for bids for the contruction
of Griffith Sewage Treatment Plant and construction of Interceptor Sewers, Laterals,
Lift Station No. 1 an4 Manholes and other necessary appurtenances for the efficient
operation of the facilities, seconded by Councilman Walker and carrieA.
Advertisement for bids for the Construction of a Griffith Sewage
Treatment Plant for City of Okeechobee, Florida.
The City Clerk will receive sealed bids until V:30 P. M. o'clock
Eastern Standar~ Time; April 14, 1958, at the office of the City
Ulerk, .City Hall, Okeechobee, Florida, at which time bids will be
publicly o~ene~ and rea~ aloud, for furnishing all labor and mat-
erials and doin~ all the work in connection w~ th the construction
of a Griffith sewage treatment ~lant.
The work to be done consists of construction of said sewage treat-
ment plant and a~purtenances. --~
Any bids receive~ after closing time will be reJecte~ and returned
'~uo~ened to the bidder.
Co~tes of the ~lans, s~ecifications and other ~documents may be ex-~ .....
w~ thout charge at the office of the City Clerk, City of Okeechobee,
Florida, or~ in the office of Rolland A. Shax~ & Associates, Inc., Consulting
Engineers, ~uit 201 Dubose Building, Veto Beae~, Florida. or will be
forwarded by the Engineer upon receipt of a deposit of $~0.00. One
half of the deposit will be refunded to bona fide bidders ~xpon-ret~n
of the plans and specifications wtthim (~ A~ays after the bid opening.
One half($10.O0) of the deposit will be~rU~d to non-bidders upon
return of the plans and specifications within (lC) days after the bid
Each biA mast be acconpanied by an acceptable bidder's bond, or certified
check in the amount of 5% of the total base bid.
Bids must be submitted on bid form furnished. No bid may be withdraws
for thirty (30) days after the above scheduled time for the receipt of
In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in the statement of ~rices
in the bid form, the City Council reserves the right to consider only
the prices written in or to reject the entire bid.
The City Council reserves the right to waive any or all informalities
in the bi~s and to reject any and all bids.
This llth da~ of March 1988.
Lorena ,S~.i v~ey
Passed and Apl~roved, this the 11 day of Ma~ch, 1958
Lorena Spive~
Audley Dunham
Approve~ as to Form
G. C. Durrance Jesse R. Watfor~
~he City of 0keechobee, Florida, will receive sealed bids until
8:00 P. M. o'clock E. S. T. A~ril 14, 1958, at the Office of the
City Clerk in the City Hall, 0keechobee, Florida, at w~ie~ time
bids will be ~ublicly o~ened and read aloud, for furnishing all
labor, and doing all the work in connection with the construction
of Interceptor Sewers, Service Laterals, Lift Station No. 1 and
Manholes, and other necessary a~purtenances for the efficient o~eration
of the facility.
Any bid received after closing time will be rejected and returned
uno,.ned to the Bidder.
Co~ies of the ~lans, s~ecifications and other contract documents
may be examined without charge at the City Clerk's Office, City
Hall, 0keechobee, Florida, or in the office of Rolland A. Sha~
and Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, Dubose Building, Veto
Beach, Florida, or will be forwarded by the Consulting Engineer
upon receipt of a deposit of $25.00. One half of the amount will
be returned to each actual bidder.
Each bid must be accompanied by an acceptable bidder's bond, or
certified check in the amount of §% of the total base bid.
Bids must be submitted on form furnished. No bid may be withdrawn
withim thirty days after the above scheduled time for the receipt bids.
In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in the statement of ~rices
in the bid form, the City reserves the right to reject the entire bid.
The City reserves the right to waive any or all informalities in the
bids and to reject any or all bids.
1:~ This 11 day of March, 1958.
Lot cna S~ivey
A~roved as to form:
G. C. Durrance
Approved this 11 day of March, 1958.
Audley Dunham Jesse R. Watford
Councilman Walker moved, seconded by Councilman Pearce and carried, to
~urchase four road signs 60 x 56 fully reflectorized with prismo beads without
frames with the following Slogan:
Several new street lights had been requested in the different areas.' The
Council agreed on the location of the lights and it is to be turned oveP to the
Engineer for a cost estimate.
Councilman Pearce moved that the City adopt Resolution requesting that
the Boy's School contractors give the local men ~riority in obtaining Jobs, seconded
by Councilman Walker and carried.
T. T. Coleman and Leon Wills met with the Council regarding the portion
of Tallahassee Street that dead ends between Block 2~9 First Addition to the City
of 0keechobee and BlOck H Central Park. Attorney Durrance was not ~re~ared to give
legal o~inio~ at this time due to illness. Matter delayed for further consideration.