1949-03-21 Regular 208' a Convict Camp in Okeechobee was read. TTpon motion Councilman ~.artln requested the City B_ttorney to draw up necessary Resolution for the City Councils adoption. Notion seconded by C~uncil~an Nix and 8arried. The need of repair on the hose dry rack was discussed and it was agreed that Councilman Mc Dougald be in charge of having the necessary repairs made. The garbage problems were discussed but no 6efinte action taken. A fee for volunteer firemen services was discussed, matter was tabled for further disc~ssion. Upon motion the Co~nncil adjourned to meet March 91, 1949. £. President, City Council ~TTEST: ~C~ty~C1 erk.~~ ~arch 21, 1949 The City Council ~f the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regulAm ad.~ourned session at th® City Hall at ~:30 P. N. on the above date with the following present: Nayor H. H. l{aulerson, President Pro-Tern ~;a'rtin, Councilman l~c Dougald, Nix and Watford, with Durpance, City Attorney and Lorena Pearce, City Clerk. President Pro-Tem Martin presided at the meeting due to the absence of Pres- ident Chandl ~. A. N. Davis requested a building permit for a shed the approximately cost to be $150.00. ~ouncilman Watford moved that the permit be granted. ~otion seconded by Councilman Mc Dougsld and carried. C. N. Parkerson appeared before the Council width a blue print of PrOPosed light project from Southland Hotel to Seaboard Railroad as requested by Coonc_~l. The project wo~l<t cost approximately $190.00 for 6 lights. After discussion the Council for agree~ due to financial reasons to table matter/further discussion. Lights on Osceola Street were discussed but no definite action was taken. The Clerk was instructed to order street light globes. R. E. Hamrick appeared and asked if the City had an industrial rate oD water. He was advise~ that thers was no such rate in ex]~stance at this time. S. N. ~.c Dougald appeared in behalf of the hospital board and ~iscussed the possibility of the City issuing Street Paving Liens to pave certain street leading to and around th® hospital. The County Commissioners had agreed to buy Certificates in the amoun~ of $3,000.00 for that purpose. ._4fter much discussion and consider~ation the Council agreed to issue Liens in the above amount provided that the County Commissioners woold accept them without recourse. Upon motiom by Councilman Watford, seconded by Councilman Nix and carried, the Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Belcher Oil Company stati~ that the City had agreed to issue the liens. The n~ed of repair of other streets was discussed and it was agreed that the Street Corm~ittee with aid from S. H. ~tc Dougald work up a proposed project and present to the Counc~l for further discussion. 2O4 Councilman Warlord presented the following Resolution and moved its adoption ~_nd upon being seconded~ by Councilman Mc Dougald was put to a vote and unanimously adopted: WHE~gS, the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, h~;s been advised that due consideration is being given te the location of a Convict Camp at or near the City of Okeechobee, Flori~s~, snd within the boundary of Okeechobee ~E~AS, the City Council is of the opinion that the location of a Convict Camp at oP neap the City of Okeechobee, Florida, would pPov~ beneficial to said City and County and ~ ~- ~ ~,~ ~ would s~.~e the State of Florida considerable money fn the transpor~.tfon of convicts to the various road projects being now ser~-ed by convict labor located at Indian To~, Florida, for that Okeec?~obee Co~ty furnished to the Pr~sion Department of the g~ate of Florida, a central location for the erection of a convict camp. The highways in Okeechobee Co~ty, Florida, leading in all directions are paved and would furnish convenient and econ~icdl transportation for the transporting of convict labor to and from all work within ~ working bo~d~ of said convict ~amp, and ~E~EAS, Okeechobee Co~ty has agreed to and will donate to the S~aDe of Florida a suitable location for said c~p, now THA~EFORE, BE IT RESOLV~]D, b~ the City Council of the City of Okeee~obee, Florida, that Honorable Nathan Nayo, Co~iss!oner of Agricmlture, 'Oe 8nd he is hereby requested to seriously consider the advisability of locating fn Okeechobee Co~ty, Florida, the convict camp as hereinbefore menti~ned. BE IT FIERCER ~SO~ ED that a copy of this Resolution be f~nishe~ to Honorsble Nathan Nayo, Co~fssioner of Agriculture, and also a copy to Honorable Nerfl P. Barben, member of State Road De~rtment. PAS~ED and ADOPTED in regular adjourned session this 21 day of ~arcl% A. D. 1949. R. E. Chandler President 'City' Council TTEoT. Lorena Pearce '~ City Clerk The installation of water at the houses belonging to Cec~l Barber was dis- cussed and the possibility of installation was considered. ~e matter of the City p~chasing a water lin$ now o~ed by Nack ~itchell was discussed and it was reported that his price for tbe~water line was $700.00. U~on motion by Councilman Watford secor~ded by C~uncik~an Nix and carried, the Council agreed to purchase the water line from Mac Mitchell and agreed to pay $200.00 as down payment and two payments of ~250.00 60 days apart, A building application from Cecil Barber was presented fop 16 bo~.ses. Upon motion by Co~.~ci~ Watford seconded by Councilman Mc Dougald and ca~.ried, the permit was ordered issued upon payment of fee. Upon motion by Councilman Watford, seconded by Councilman Mc Dougald and carried, the Gouncil agreed to issue C. H. Parkerson a skating rink occupational license for one year ~or $25.00. Co~cilman Nix brought before the Oouncil the subjects of sewer rental fees, tappage fees, bu~_]ding code and garbage fees for disaussion. It was suggested that the Sanita~ Co~ittee work up a proposed plan and present to the Cooncil for consider- ation. Information on the above subjects which was received from the Florida League of M~icipalitie, was presented to the Co~cil by the Clerk. Upon motion by Councilman Watford, seconded b}~ Councilman Nix and carried the Council agreo~ to waive clause in Ordinance No. 90 regarding the bond of Soliciters and to~ collect tbs $2~.00 proposed fee for soliciters. The need of signs leading to the d~ping pit-was d~s-cussed and the possibility of a fine of $25.00 for the violation of d~ping garbage in any place other than the pit was heard. It. was r~quested that ~he news editor r~ an~item in the local news- paper regarding this matter. The Co~cil agreed to table matter until definite inform- ation on. the Garbage Ordinance was located. Upon motion the Co~cll adJourr~ed. P~osSdong ~597 Council ATTEST: ~~~e PRESIDENT PRO ~M~,,~ April 4, ~949 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, ~]orids, met -i~ reg~lar s~ssion at th~ City V~all on the above date ~-t 8:00 ?. ~!. with th~ following pres~t: ~ayor H. H. Rau~erson, President Chandler, C ~ c'~ ~ ~ :' om~r~n ~.ar~L~n, ~c Dougald, ~Jix and W~tford with G. C. .... Chief of Police. Durrance, City ~ttor~ey, Lorena Pearce, City ~erk and ~. ~. ~omas, The Ninut~s of the medti~gs ~eld ~'~T~rch 7 and 91, 1949 were read a'od approved na~:'l~ ~.~zllza~s and Son - St. & San. Dept. ............. ~. 520.00 :,l~)rmda P~'e~ ~Ight .~o. - Power and Lights .............. Ci;~ of Ft. Pierce - Water Dept. ................... 333.00 In,er ~o Tel &. =el ~o. - Tel and Tel - ................... 29.75 0k)e. Hdwe. Co. - St. & ?,an. and Fire & Water --- 48.06 Pierce Electric Service - w~ D - ..... e . ept. - ................... 0ke~chobee,~otor oo. - Water Dept. - ................. i09.89 L. H. Dreese - Fire, St & Sa~. and Police --- 70.20 Alto Watford ~ ,~ons - ot .... :an. an~ z-o!ice Dept. --- 35.6l !,~ix Service Station w St & San. Dept. 2.75