1949-02-21 Reg. Adjourned February 21, 1949
The City Council met in regular adjourned session at the City Hall at 7:30
,~. on the above date,with the following present; Mayor ~ H. Raulerson, President
Chand].er, Councilmen ~artin, Mc Dougald, Nix and Watford with G. C. Ddrrance, City
~_ttorney and LoK~ena Pearce, City Clerk.
K. F.. ~tello appeared in regard to the insurance pol_t[cies of the city's.
R. B. Meserve asked that he be considered as insurance agent for city in 1980. After
discussion Councilman Nix moved that his motiom regarding the City insurance in the
minutes of the meeting held February 7, 1949 be rescinded. Motion seconded by Councilman
Watford and carried. Councilman Nix moved that all insurance be given to K. E. Stello
for the year ~f 1949 and that the Council would select whoever they deemed fit in 1950.
~otion second, d by Councilman Mc Dougald and carried. President Chandler aopointed
Councilman W~tford and Cou~.cilman Mc Douglad as a committee to meet with Mr. Stello
~nd complete the insurance matter.
Mr. Carlisle Thomas, Sr., requested the Council to reconsider the park
dtsignated as a playground, due to the fact that it would be a distrubance at bis.
residence. N~ action was taken on this matter.
Joe Bongiovanni appeared before the Council and requested a beer, and wine
license for L~t 10, Block 173. The Council advised him that the beer add wine license
would be issuSd upon issuance of State and County license but there must be a building
on above location. ~r. Bongiovanni requested permission to move b~ilding to the above
location. Co~aUcilman Mc Dougald moved that he be granted this~permission to move the
building from Lot 6, Block 161 to the above location, also he must make a
~ Bond and agreement was made to confiscate b~'~lding at Bongovanni's expense.
Bide were received from Harle Williams and Son and '~ql.en Davis on the dragline
work to be d~ne in the new garbage disposal, program. After discussion Councilman Nix
~oved that Marie Williams ~ Son bid be accepted. Motion seconded by Councilfhan Martin
and carried. The. need for a bulldozie~ was discussed and it was suggested that one
possibly coul~ be gotten from Belcher 0il Comoamy. The matte~ was put in charge of
Councilman T. H. Nix, Chai. innan of Sanitary Committee.
b~r. H. W. Preister requested t~.at repair be made on street in front, of his
home. Also a street in East 0keechobee was reported to be iD need of repair. The
Coumcil adVisSd that repairs would be. made as soon as possible.
A. N. Womack appeared in reagard to a situation c~used by the dredging of
Taylor,:~s Creek. Upon motion by Councilman Martin, Mr. Roebuck wo~ld be notified of
conditions now existing due to the pumping of sand by the dredge on his property. Motfon
seconded by Councilman Mc Dougald and carried.
Th~:matter of revenue from the Carnival was discussed and it was reported that
~148.05 bad been received.
In an open discussion sewer tappage fees, sewer tax, building inspector and
sewer inspector were discussed. Co,media, an Mc Dougald s~ggest that the Clerk write to
the Florida League of ~¥~unicipalities requesting that they reco~end to the Council a
b~ilding code also sewer tax suitable for a town with our population.
Water tappage fees were discussed and upon motio~ by Cou~.~.c~]_man Mc Do~gald,
seconded by Counci].,~.an Nix and csrried, to ~e~d Section No.)4 of 0rdinanc~ No. 88 to
read as follows: 1" ta2page fee - ~40.00 --- 2" tappage fee - $V5.00.
Coumc~ lw, an Eartin requested that his water meter be put on his property. ~e
Council agreed that it should be done.
C. L. Stric~le and D. F. P~erce gave an explanation to the code used by
Councilman Nix requested a financial report be presented to the Council at
each regular meeting of the Council.
T. H. Nix ap~21fcation for building p~rmit was submitted and upon motion by
' Co~cil~an ~tatford seconded by Counc~]~an ~.,~artin and carried the application was accepted
and permit ordered issued.
Counc!lm~n ~c Dougald brought before the Co~ncil the street light situation
but no definite action ~as taken.
l~ayor Ra~.~lerson expressed the regret of ~V. J..~endry's ~bsence, due to illh'ess:~
he was unable to attend meeting, but if the Council had any Legislative m~tte~slbo~be
acted on he ~ould be glad to work wlt~ them and present them when the Legislature con-
venes in April.
A request from ~V. J. Hendry and Mrs. Frank Chandler, Sr. for the City to In-
stall a street light on street in front of their homes whenever ne~ street lights were
D. F. Pearce, Jr. discussed with the Council the t~affic light situation
Co~cil~an warlord mov~ that the city purchase ~ new ~oto~ and the present ~oto~ ove~-
hauled and to have the~me on the light ~s follows:
North and South 90 seconds
East and West ~0 seconds
Caution 5 seconds
Motion seconded by Couueilmsn Nix and. c~ied.
Upon motion b~ Councilman Nc Dougald ~econded by Councilman Nix and carried,
the City will purchase a hydraulic d~p body f~om L. H. Dreese for $100.00 also it is to
in good workable condition.
~Iarvin ~obley requested pe~ission to ourchase seat for tr~ck. Permission
was granted.
Co~ci!~an N~ brought before the Council the parking s~tuation at the South-
land Hotel. Co~ncil~an Martin agreed to contact Mr. Pitts and see what could be w~rked
out as the situation w~ becoming very dangerous.
The matter of the police car was discussed and it was reported that the
Okeechobee Motor Company offered a 5% discount to City. Councilman Watford moved that
the-City purchase a City police car. Seconded by Councilman ~artin and carried. The
finance committee w~s r.q~ested to be !~ charge of investigation and purchase.
Upon motioo t~e Oo~6ll~d~ourned.
'P~a~on~o~ C597 CouneS1