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1949-01-10 Reg. Adjourned
January 3, 1949 The incoming City Council of the City of 0keechobee,~ Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall at 8:00 P. M. on the above date with the following present: Councilmen R. E. Chandler, M. M. Martin, Sr., D. B. Mc Dougald and Alto Watford, Sr. with Lorena Pearce City Clerk. It being in order the oath of office was administered to the Councilmen~ Clerk and Chief of Police by G. C. Durrance, Notm~y Public. M. M. Martin, Sr. was chosen as temporary Chairman and opened the meeting with prayer after which he announced that nominations were in order for the election of a President of the City Council. Councilman Mc Dougald nominated R. E. Chandler. There being no further nominations Councilman Chandler was declared elected President. President Chandler Stated that nominations were in order for a President ?ro-Tem. Councilman Warlord nominated Councilman Martin. There being no nominations C~ncilman Martin was declared elected President Pro-Tem. President Chandler stated that an Attorney shoul~ be appointed to represent the City. Councilman Mc Dougald nominated G. C. Durrance and Councilman Martin nom- inated Mary Schulman. Upon motion duly seconded and carried a vote of secret ballot was taken. G. C. Durrance received 3 votes and Mary Schulman received 9 votes. G. C. Durrance was appointed City Attorney. Due to the absence of a member of the City Council it was agreed to post- pone the appointing of committees and employing city employees until a full Counci~ was present. Councilman Nix the absent Councilman voted in the above elections by proxy. Upon motion the Council adjourned to meet January 10, 1949. ~. E. Chandler, President · City i~lerk . January 10, 1949 ThelCity Council met inregular adjourned session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. on the above date with the following present: Mayor H. H. Raulerson, President R. E. Chandler, Councilmsm~-.~ M. M. ~artin, Sr., D. B. Mc Dougald, ~. H. Nix and Alto Watford with G. C. Durrance, City Attorney, Lorena Fearce, City Clerk, C. ^. Thomas, Chief of Police and M. F. Kinsaul, ~ater Superintendent. Councilman Martin opened the meeting with prayer. G. C. Du~rance, Notm~y Public administereA the oath of office to Mayor H. H. Raulerson and ~ouncilman T. H. Nix. The ~ol~owing Committees were appointed by President Chandler: FIN~CE, LAWS & RULES WATER AND FIRE COM;4ITTEE Alto~ Watford, Chairman D.B. Mc Dougald, Chaix-man D. B. Mc Dougald Alto Watford M. ~$. Martih, Sr. T.H. Nix 1._96 STREET & PARK~ COMMITTEE LIGHTS & SANITARY COMMITTEE M. M. Martin, Sr., Chairman T.H. Nix, Chairman T. H. NiX ~M. M. Martin, Sr. D. B. Mc Dou~ld Alto Watford K. E. Stello appeared before the Council and requested that he be given the Insurance Policies of the City for the next two years· After discussion Councdlman Nix moved that the InsL~rance of the City be given to K. E. Stello for 1949 and 1950. Motion seconded by Councilman Mc Dougald and carrie~. The telephone situation was discussed but no action was taken. A complaint was reported regarding the city dump and the sanitary conditions were discussed also the matter of an incinerator for the City. It was deceided that the Sanitary Committee would investigate the incenerator used in Highlands County and details of cost and operation. ~rt in Councilman/ C~airman of Street and Parks Committee requested a list of the equipment in the Street and Parks Department. The matter of auditing the City Clerk's books for the past two years was discussed· Upon motion by Councilman Watford, seconded by Councilman Martin and carried the Council agreed to accept bids on the work. '- Upon ~otion ~ Councilman Mc Dougald, seconded by Councilman Watford and carried, the Council a~eed to table all applications for city positions until next regular meeting of the Co~nncil. The Council d~scussed the matter of the Co~nacil meeting news being entere~ in the local newspapers. Councilman Nix moved that the newspaper managers take action of Council at each meeting and run it in paper as a news item. Seconded by Council- man Martin and carried. The followin~ bills were approved and ordered paid when are available: Scharfschwer$ Bros. - Fire Dept. .......... $ ?.$0 Bennie's A~t~ Supply - Fire and Water Dept. 1.12 Hunt Bros.|G~. Co. - Water Dept. .................. 2.00 City of Ft.i ,~erce - Water Dept. ...... 175.00 O. K. Garage - Water, St & San., Police and ' Fire .... 12~ .?~ ~ ~- z Inter Co Tel ,and Tel Co. - Telephone services for Dec - 24.20 ~c Atlantic Ser ce Station St & San. Dept. ....... 6·25 ~ M. C. Pitt~, P.M. - Envelopes ................... 28.40 ~o ~o Upon motion ~e Council adjourned. ~ res ent ity Council ATTEST: . C1 erk~_~~__ February 7, 1949 The City Cquncil of the City of 0keech©bee, Florida, met in reg~]ar session at the City Hall on t~e above date at 7:30 P. ~,~. with the following present: ~ayor H. H. Ra~lerson, Preside~t R..~E. Chandler, Councilmen Martin, ~,~c Dougald, Nix and V~atford, with G. C.~[Durr~a~uee, iCLty Attorney, Lore~a ~e~rce, City Clerk,, C ~ Thomas, Chief of Police and M. F. Kinss~, ~¥ater S~soerintendent. l~inutes of t~ ~neetings held January 3 and l0 were read and approved as read.