1949-01-03 Incoming 1 January 3, 1949 The incoming City Council of the City of Okeechobee,~ Florida, met in regular session at tbs City Hall at 8:00 ?. ~. on the above date with the following present: Councilmen R. E. Chandler, M. M. Martin, Sr., D. B. Mc Dougald and Alto Watford, Sr. with Lorena Pearce City Clerk. It being in order the oath of office was administered to the Councilmen, Clerk and Chi®f of Police by G. C. Durrance, Notm~y Public. M. ~. Martin, Sr. was chosen as temporary ChaiEnan and opened the meeting with prayer after which he announced that nominations were in order for the election of a President of the City Council. Councilman Mc Dougald nominated R. E. Chandler. There being no further nominations Councilman Chandler was declared elected President. President Chandler Stated that nominatioK~s were in order for a President Pro-Tem. Co~cilman Watford nominated Councilman Martin. '~There being no further nominations Councilman Martin was declared elected President Pro-Tem. President Chandler stated that an ~Attorney shou~ be appointed to represent the City. Co~mcilman Mc Dougald nominated G. C. Durrance and Councilman Martin nom- inated Mary Schulman. Upon motion duly seconded and carried a vote of secret ballot was taken. G. C. Durrance received 3 votes and Mary Schulman received 2 votes. G. C. Durrance was appointed City Attorney. Due to the absence of a member of the City Council it was agreed to post- pone the appointing of committees and employing city employees until a full Counci~ was present. Councilman Nix the absent Councilman voted in the above elections by proxy. ~o1~ motion the Council adjourned to meet January 10, 1949. ~. E. Chandler, President ATTEST: C~rk January 10, 1949 ThelCity Council met inregular adjourned session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. on the above date with the following p~esent: Mayor H. H. Raulerson, President R. E. Chandler, Councilmsm~'~ M. M. Martin, Sr., D. B. Mc Dougald, ~. H. Nix and Alto Watford with 8. C. Durrance, City Attorney, Lorena fearce, City Clerk, C. A. Thomas, Chief of Police and M. F. Kins~ul, ~ater Superintendent. CoUncilman Martin opened the meeting with prayer. G. C. Durrance, Notm~y Public administere4 the oath of office to Mayor H. H. Raulerson and! Councilman T. H. Nix. The. following Committees were appointed by President Chandler: FIWANCE, LAWS & RULES WATER AND FlEE COMMITTEE Alto Watford, Chairman D.B. Mc Do~gald, ChaiEnan D. B. Mc Dougald Alto Watford M. M. Martin, Sr. T.H. Nix