2020-04-07 News ArticleVtSECHOBEE NEWS
vol. I I I No. 44 Friday, April 10, 2020 $1.00 plus tax
to help
By Katrina !l ken
Lake Okeechobee News
chobee dairies have dumped
more than 1 million gallons
of milk since April 1, Colleen
Larson, regional dairy agent,
told Okeechobee County
commissioners at their April 9
She said the COVID-19
pandemic has caused hard-
ships for farmers all over the
There are effects through-
out the agricultural industry,
and those are going to con-
tinue. In the last week in our
area, 190 loads of milk have
been dumped."
She said the dumped milk
represents close to a $2 mil-
lion loss income to farmers.
The dairies have been
on April 1.
asked to decrease production,
In the past, the mayor
she said. With schools using
less milk and restaurants
closed, processors asked
reason, and Mayor Dowling
dairies to reduce production
Watford said he had been
by Ig percent.
thinking about Councilman
It's a moving target," she
Councilman Keefe men -
"This is happening be-
cause supply stream has been
disrupted," she said. With
milk and perishable fruits it is
not an easy process to alter.
Lake Okeachobee News/Janelle Folk
(left)Rucks (rpackage up an order of Ice
Rucks (l
Mrs. Larson said in order
to reduce milk production,
cream at 9 R
farmers cull cows from
the herd and send them to
Milking R ice cream
Ina normal week, 100 to
150 cull cows to market in
draws rave reviews
See MILK—Page 1�
vice -mayor
Okeechobee lifts
on April 1.
In the past, the mayor
barrier to alcohol
appointed someone to take
sales on Sunda S
his place if he were unable
to attend a meeting for some
reason, and Mayor Dowling
By Cathy Womble
Watford said he had been
Lake Okeechobee News
thinking about Councilman
Bobby Keefe's comments
at their last meeting when
Okeechobee City Council
Councilman Keefe men -
discussed the possibility of
r....",.., —9-- — ",,,,,a_
By Richard Marlon
Lake Okeechobee News
OKEECHOBEE— When Milking R
Dairy owner Sutton Rucks first started
selling ice cream, he viewed it as just
a small bonus for those who booked
one of the personal guided farm tours
that his dairy had recently started
But what started as a small extra
has now quickly evolved into the
main attraction at the dairy. The small
batches of ice cream the Ruckses
create sell out within minutes of being
posted online. A group on Facebook
called the "Milking R Ice Cream Fan
Club," where Sutton's daughter
Lindsey Rucks posts updates on when
new batches will go up for sale, has
grown to over 2,000 members. In the
!;roup, members devise the quickest
ways to check out and pre -order the
ice cream before it sells out, post
celebratory pictures when picking
up the dessert and write rave reviews
once they try it.
Who would've thought in the
middle of a pandemic that the hottest
commodity wouldn't be hand sanitiz-
ers, masks or toilet paper, but instead
good old-fashioned homemade ice
"We didn't expect this at all," said
Mr. Rucks. "The overwhelming sup-
port we've gotten from the commu-
nity has been amazing. We had 200
people show up on throughout the
first day to buy ice cream. And we've
been scrambling ever since to catch
In addition to running the dairy,
See RUCKS —Page it
Lake Levels
11.60 feet
Last Year: 11.78 feet
Spon red By: _
PoQeN s Farmty Restnr:rarrt
1759 S. Parrott Ave.
Source: South Florida Water
Management District.
Depth given in feet above sea level
See Page 4 for information about
how to contact this newspaper.
(MS0006 kmlls
a ""16510"00024
Board Certified • 38 years experience tv
357-5800 • HoskLawxom CivllTrial
Okeechobee on 3rd Street across from the courthouse
April 10, 2020
Lake Okeechobee News 11
try to get fresh fruit from here in Florida. We
actually had a farm over in Hardee County
sors are gearing up now. I think they under- in a hundred years that someone would drive
stand the urgency of getting as much milk on from town to buy a pint of ice cream off of a
Continued From Page 1
that gave us some blueberries. We gel a lot
of requests for blueberry cheesecake, but it is
the shelf as we can. No one was prepared for dairy farm. I think everyone loses in this situ -
this. My family has been in the dairy business ation if we lose this industry. I don't want the
shortage and not make any releases from the
probably the most time-consuming to make.
for 80 -plus years, just like most of the people consumers in Okeechobee and south Florida
the Ruckses have worked full-time in an
We're trying to grab as much natural flavor as
here in the area. This, too, shall pass: to lose a local supply of milk."
With the industry getting hit so hard right you can find out more information and
attempt to keep up with the demand for their
product. But this isn't a factory that can simply
Currently Milking R is using a mix from a
processor, but the eventual goal is to use milk
now, it's important to look for a silver lining. order ice cream at the dairy's website, milkin-
The massive amount of support that thegrdairy.com. Updates on when the next batch
ramp up production. The ice cream is home-
made in the realest sense, with the Ruckses
from their own dairy in the ice cream with a
people of Okeechobee have shown to Milking of ice cream will be done can be found on
R Dai in the midst of a andemic is one of
making small batches of 35 to 45 pints at a
small processing facility on site.
One of the secret weapons inside the
ythe Milking R Ice Cream Fan Club Facebook
those silver linings.
But 'll have to be quick on the
time. Sutton says they've slowly perfected the
20 different flavors of ice cream at the dairy
Milking R Ice Cream is its fat percentage. The
higher fat percentage gives the ice cream a
"It's an honor that we have so many peo- 3 P•
ple coming out and supporting us," said Mr. draw when making an order, because they'll
through a system of trial and error.
delicious rich, creamy flavor. It makes the ice
Rucks, holding back tears. "1 never thought go fast.
Those 20 flavors are: maple bacon, white
chocolate chip, bulterfinger, banana pudding,
cream taste like heaven; just don't check the
77 curve," she said. "We are in what we call the
Ginn bourbon, java chip, mint chip, velvet
Swiss, caramel crunch, cake and candles,
The success of Milking R Dairy's ice cream
as been a bright spot in an industry currently
1t. spring flush when most of our cows are -
creasing milk production. The cows are early
cinnamon toast crunch, avocad-oh, key lime,
at a grim crossroads. In the first week of April,
Continued From Page 1 in their lactation. If you try to dry them off, it
make them very sick and it could even
honey vanilla, blueberry cheesecake, straw-
berry, cookie butter, smore goodness, Oreo
dairy farms across Okeechobee had to dump
thousands of gallons of milk as demand
our region, she said. kill them. It's really bad for cows to do that."
crunch and horchata,
Banana has been the top seller in
plummeted with the closing of restaurants
and schools due to COVID-19.
"This week there are probably 300 cull Another issue has to do with the USDA re -
cows that will go to the market." quirement that schools only give children milk
the early going.
"We whole vanilla wafers at the bot-
"It's very upsetting and disheartening
when you're looking at 12-24 hours worth of
Even sending the cows to market is prob- that is t percent fat. farmers across the
lematic because the slaughterhouses through- country are hoping they will allow any fat con -
tom of the pint ,then crushed wafers on the
work and then having to dump it." explained
"Our farm hasn't had to dump
out the country are short of workers and are tent of milk up to whole milk — which is
not able to run at capacity, she said. percent fat free — to be used for schools," she
lop," said Mr. Rucks of the banana pudding
flavor. "We just want that personal touch. We
Mr. Rucks.
milk, but my friends have had to. The proses-
"They have been strained to increase pro- said. USDA requires 1 percent milk for schools.
duction with people not coming to work," she "Processing whole milk is a quicker pro -
throughout the throughout the country, and those
said. cess," Mrs. Larson explained. She said such
She said reports of government programs exemptions have been made in the past after
CI► 1
havae been interesting. The state emergency
operations center has held a weekly confer-
to pay the farmers for lost product is "a bit of hurricanes. She said it has been proven that
Continued From Page 1
ence call, so they have been in the loop but
a false hope." It is not a guarantee and if they whole milk does not contribute to obesity, es -
are paid it will be at a significant loss, she said. pecially for children.
boned the mayor attended the meeting while
have been working in the background. just
wanted to let you know we aren't just sitting
Mrs. Larson said social media have actual- Okeechobee County Superintendent of
ly been helpful in regard to the milk situation. Schools Ken Kenworthy said as of Monday, April
sick with a cold, potentially sharing his germs
here," he said.
Tiffany Collins, Okeechobee County Health
Farmers have gone on social media "telling 20, they will increase food distribution to local
about what is going on in our indus- children.
with other council
Watford membeto know what the
procedure would be to appoint a replace-
Department administrator, said she is proud
to live in a community where so many are
she said. The school system currently has three
When the pandemic started, some stores "grab and go" sites at Douglas Brown Center,
ment in the event he was ill. It was discussed
whether it would be proper to elect or appoint
embracing all the different strategies to keep
each other safe. She showed off a mask that
laced limits on how much milk a customer Okeechobee High School and the Okeechobee
could purchase in order to prevent hoarding. Public Library, eeding anybody 18 years and
a vice -mayor while the mayor was well so
thisperson could act in his place when it was
someone in the community made for her and
said all the staffers at the health department
Efforts both at the higher level and the younger, he said. In addition, six buses are deliv-
grassroots level are asking grocery stores to Bring food out to 27 locations in the community.
Mayor Watford said because of the circum-
were provided with masks by people in the
community who wanted to be sure they
drop the limits on milk purchases so they can "On Monday April 20, we will open up sec --
keep moving milk through the production and kitchen — probably at South Elementary
stances we are in right now and because of
his age, he did not want something to happen
would be safe. She said she is proud of all the
medical community and health care workers
chain. — and begin to serve both breakfast and lunch,
She said they are also asking schools to essentially doubling our output," Mr. Kenworthy
and the council not have something in place.
and first responders working together to keep
increase milk distribution to children if they explained. "We will serve the noon meal accord -
"We ing to current schedule and also provide break -
In the past, the mayor appointed his own
temporary replacement, and he did not want
things going,
I'm just grateful to be a part of this," she
have anyway to do that. are encouraging
people to pick up those lunches to help our fast for following day."
He said at that time they may also make some
to leave them with that burden if he ended up
in the ICU or something.
said with tears in her eyes.
She went on to explain the CDC recom-
farmers," she said.
Dairies are also doing all they can to pro- modifications to the bus deliveries to add more
After consulting with City Attorney John
Fumero, the council decided the charter, as
are well or about masks. She said if
are well or believe you are, you should wear
tect the health and safe of the workers, she stops.
continued. They use gloves anyway, she add- Mc Kenworthy said they have asked for more
dairies additional hand face masks for the employees working in the
it is written now, calls the council mem-
tiers, not the mayor, to appoint someone as
needed. If the mayor cannot attend for some
some sort of fabric covering when you are out
and about, because the CDC experts believe
ed, but are providing
washing stations. The dairy workers have the food distribution centers.
stress of having kids at home just like everyone Editor's note: Ifyou see a store that is still Am -
reason, someone will be appointed to actin
his for that meeting only. The council
one can be spreading the virus even if you
have no symptoms and have no idea you have
else, Mrs. Larson said. iting milk sales, please take a picture, note the
Mrs. Larson said some people don't under- location, date and time, and send to Beth Meyer
may choose to change this at some point, but
the virus yet. The purpose of the cloth mask is
stand why they can't just stop milking some at bme3er@milk4u.org so they can work with
for now, this wilt be how it is handled.
more to keep you from spreading your germs
1 he ou s eak or sneeze or
of the cows. The cow has a natural lactation the chain to rectify the situation.
Mr. Fumero brought up the level of Lake
Okeechobee and said there are concerns the
all s
to other peop e w n y p
cough. than to keep you from catching some -
water level is nearing the water shortage level
thing from anyone else. The cloth is to protect
and suggested they request the Army Corps
others from you! They are a good idea while
of Engineers be made cognizant of the water
out doing (here she emphasized) ESSENTIAL
shortage and not make any releases from the
services— grocery shopping, pharmacy,
lake. He drafted a letter for the city to send.
getting gas or working at your essential job.
Many in the agricultural community have sent
please leave the surgical masks for
similar letters in the last few days, he said.
health care workers, those who are
Mayor Watford expressed gratitude to the
caring for someone who is sick or those
county commissioners for the way they have
who are actually sick and were told by
handled things since the crisis began. Their
their health care provider to wear them.
Facebook updates have been very helpful, he
The respirator N-95 masks should only
said. He said the city has been low-key be-
cause the county and the sheriff's office have
be used by health care workers and first
responders, m please don't wear them
the lead on this.
Of course, I think we have all been
to Walmart, she said. "Wear the cloth
sharing their posts and messages," he said.
He also said State Rep. Cary Pigman's office
In other news, the city council voted to
and U.S. Sen. Rick Scott's offices have reached
modify its alcohol ordinance to allow package
out to them. In addition, they had a couple of
sales on Sunday. This will put the city's ordi-
f with While House staff and
nance in accordance with that of the court
`on erence c Z -