05-24-2005 Regular
I. Call to Order - Chairperson.
Land Planning Agency, May 24,2005, 7:00 p.m.
Chairperson Ledferd called the May 24, 2005 Land Planning Agency meeting to order at 7 :00 p.m.
II. Chairperson, Member and Staff Attendance - Secretary.
Board Secretary Cook called the roll:
Chairperson William Ledferd
Vice-Chairperson Dawn Hoover
Agency Member Kenneth Keller
Agency Member Thomas Keller
Agency Member Christopher Mavroides
Agency Member Devin Maxwell
Agency Member Douglas McCoy
Alternate Member Terry Burroughs
Alternate Member John Whidden
Attorney John R. Cook
Secretary Katrina Cook
Absent - without consent
Absent - without consent
Present - serving as a voting member
Absent - with consent
Minutes - Secretary.
A. Motion to dispense with the reading and approve the Summary of Agency Action Agency Member McCoy motioned to dispense with the reading and approve the Summary of
for the April 26, 2005 regular meeting. Agency Action for the April 26, 2005 Regular Meeting; seconded by Agency Member Hoover.
III. New Business - City Planning Consultant.
Discuss Amending Section.66-1 of the Land Development Regulations.
Katrina Cook, Agency Secretary, briefly described a memo submitted by Mr. Cook explaining the
recommendation. In Mr. Cook's memo it states that he is recommending to change the definition
of a wellhead within our Land Development Regulations to match the definition within our
Comprehensive Plan. The recommended wording to be placed in the Land Development
Regulations is "The City's Land Development Regulations shall designate a protection area of
1000 feet in radius from each public potable water well as the wellfield protection zone. The first
300 feet radius closest to the well shall be a zone of exclusion, where no development activities
shall be permitted except that related with water supply provision." (Policy 7.5a)
In Attorney Cook's absence, there was a brief discussion between the Agency Members and City
Planning Consultant Jim LaRue regarding the proposed amendment.
There was no further Agency comments, nor any public comment.
Agency Member Maxwell motioned to make a recommendation to the City Council to amend the
definition of a wellhead protection area located within Section 66-1 of the Land Development
Regulations to match the definition of a wellhead protection area in the Comprehensive Plan, as
suggested by Attorney Cook; seconded by Agency Member Hoover.
I I 1
v. ADJOURNMENT - Chairperson.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED that if any person desires to appeal any decision made by the Land Planning
Agency with respect to any matter considered at this proceeding, such interested person will need a record of the proceedings, and
for such purpose may need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. General Services tapes are for the sole purpose of backup for official records of the
~~ CcolU
Katrina Cook, Secretary
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William Ledfer
There being no further items on the agenda, Chairperson Ledferd adjourned the meeting at 7:10
PAGE -1-
CITY OF OKEECHOBEE - May 24, 2005 _
I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson: May 24.2005. Land Planning Agency Regular
Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Chairperson William Ledferd
Vice-Chairperson Dawn Hoover
Board Member Kenneth Keller
Board Member Christopher Mavroides
Board Member Devin Maxwell
Board Member Thomas Keller
Board Member Douglas McCoy
Alternate Terry Burroughs - vo-hnq
ly\e rYl De,.
Secretary Katrina Cook
Alternate John Whidden
Attorney John R. Cook
III. MINUTES - Secretary.
A. Agency Member Drne moved to dispense with the reading and approve the
Summary of Agency Action for the April 26, 2005 Regular Meeting; seconded by Agency
Member 0\-+
K. Keller
T.. Keller
PAGE -2-
IV. New Business - City Attorney.
Discuss Amending Section 66-1 of the Land Development Regulations.
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CALL TO ORDER: Land Planning Agency, May 24,2005,7:00 p.m. - Chairperson.
Chairperson William Ledferd
Vice-Chairperson Dawn Hoover
Board Member Kenneth Keller
Board Member Thomas Keller
Board Member William Ledferd
Board Member Christopher Mavroides
Board Member Devin Maxwell
Board Member Douglas McCoy
Alternate Terry Burroughs
Alternate John Whidden
Attorney John R. Cook
Secretary Katrina Cook
MINUTES - Secretary.
Motion to dispense with the reading and approve the Summary of Agency Action for April 26, 2005 regular meeting.
IV. NEW BUSINESS - City Attorney.
A. Discuss Amending Section 66-1 of the Land Development Regulations.
V. ADJOURNMENT - Chairperson.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED that if any person desires to appeal any decision made by the Land Planning Agency with respect to any matter considered at this
proceeding, such interested person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose may need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes
the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Tapes are for the sole purpose of backup for official records of the Department of General Services.
City of Okeechobee
Bill L. Veach
Office of the City Administrator
May 24,2005
Zoning/planning board
Meeting May 24, 2005
In the event I am unable to attend tonight's meeting, I have prepared this memo
on the two items I requested for the agenda:
1. The original comprehensive plan stated that certain potable wellhead
protection zones would be incorporated into our LDR' s, and it provided
for a 1000' zone of protection, with no development permitted within 300'
ofa well. For some reason, in the definition of wellhead protection in our
LDR's, we inserted a zone of protection of Y2 mile. Therefore, I request
that the board recommend to the city council that the LDR definition be
amended to match the original comprehensive plan definition.
II. The second area is height limitations in industrial zoning category. I
recollect that you already recommended to the council that this be done.
You may recall that in industrial zoning, which includes our industrial
park, limitation is 45 feet, but up to 100' ifno workers are on-site. Our
deed restrictions applicable at the park have a 45' height limit. I do not
think I was specific enough last time; I am requesting that you recommend
to the city council the following amendment to industrial zoning district:
a maximum height limit of 60 feet unless a special
exception is granted of up to 100 feet in height.
It will be necessary to amend the deed restrictions also, but the city
council can direct that to be done.
55 S.E. Third Avenue · Okeechobee, Florida 34974-2932 · (863) 763-3372 . Fax: (863) 763-1686
May 16,2005
Re: zoning/planning May 23, 2005
The matter I want to place on the agenda for the board is to amend 66-1 of the
LDR's in the following respect:
Our comprehensive plan, in dealing with zone of exclusion for wellhead
protection, our requirements are:
"The city's land development regulations shall designate a protection area of 1000
feet in radius from each public potable water well as the well field protection zone. The
first 300 feet radius closest to the well shall be a zone of exclusion, where no
development activities shall be permitted except that related with water supply
provision." (Policy 7.5a)
Our LDR section at 66-1 has a different definition, so we want to change that
section to match the comp plan definition.
. .
Sec. 66.1. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when
used in these land development regulations (sub-
part B of this Code), shall have the meanings
ascribed to them in this section, except where the
context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Abandon means to discontinue a use for more
than 150 days, unless otherwise defined.
Abut means to share a common property line.
Accessory use, commercial or industrial, means
a subordinate use which is customarily associated
with, and incidental to, the principal commercial
or industrial use located on the same parcel, and
includes parking and landscaping.
Accessory use, customary, means a subordinate
use which is customarily associated with, and
incidental to, the principal use or building and
located on the same parcel.
Accessory use, residential, means a subordinate
use which is customarily associated with, and
incidental to, the principal residential use located
on the same parcel, which does not involve the
conduct of business except a permitted home
occupation, and includes the following: garage,
carport, landscaping, nursery, greenhouse, ga-
zebo, garden shed, tool shed, patio, barbecue pit,
boat dock and boat ramp, swimming pool and
enclosed screening, children's play equipment.
Adult entertainment means an establishment
intended primarily for adults due to the sexual
nature of its merchandise, entertainment or ac-
tivities; and includes adult bookstore, adult video
store, massage parlor, steam bath, adult private
dancing, modeling studio, topless dancing, and
similar establishments with nude or seminude
entertainers or employees.
Adult family care homes or assisted living
facilities means a building designed or used as
permanent living quarters for six or more unre-
lated persons or families, in which individual
cooking facilities are not provided. The term "adult
family care homes or assisted living facilities"
includes an adult congregate living facility, board-
inghouse, fraternity house, monastery, and hous-
ing for the elderly. The term "adult family care
homes or assisted living facilities" shall not in-
clude a hotel, motel, or nursing home.
Affordable housing means housing costs that,
on a monthly basis, require rent or mortgage
payments of no more than 30 percent of the
monthly gross income of a lower income family.
Antenna means an arrangement of wires or
metal used in sending or receiving electronic
waves; including a radio, television or communi-
cations satellite dish or antenna.
Architect means a person licensed to practice
architecture in the state.
Auto service station means an establishment
used for sale of motor fuel, oil, motor vehicle
accessories, and as an accessory use convenience
goods to gasoline customers, and which may in-
clude facilities for lubricating, washing, servicing
and minor repairs to vehicles, but not including
painting and body repairs.
Bar means an establishment for the sale and
on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages
as a primary use, without live performers, and
includes a cocktail lounge and saloon.
Boardinghouse means an owner-occupied dwell-
ing, or part thereof, wherein four or more people
are sheltered for profit; includes roominghouse
and bed and breakfast establishments.
Building height means the vertical distance
measured from the average elevation of a pro-
posed finished grade at the front of a building to
the highest point of the roof surface of flat and
mansard roofs, and to the average height between
the eaves and ridge for other types of roofs.
Building line means the rear edge of the re-
quired front yard.
Cafe means an establishment which provides
food and nonalcoholic beverages for on-premises
and off-premises consumption, but is limited to
not more than 20 seats for patrons; and includes
a coffee shop and sandwich shop.
Camouflaged tower means a communications
tower designed to unobtrusively blend into the
existing surroundings and be disguised so as not
to have the appearance of a communications
~ 66-1
tower. Camouflaged communications towers on
buildings, not including accompanying antenna
mounts, must be disguised to appear as an acces-
sory structure that is normally associated with
the principal use occupying the property. Other
camouflaged communications towers must be dis-
guised to blend in with other facilities on the
property or existing vegetation. Examples of cam-
ouflaged communication towers would be a com-
munications tower constructed in the form and
shape of a tree to be part of a forested area, or a
tower constructed to appear to be a component of
a bell or clock tower on sites with compatible
buildings or a component of a church steeple on
sites with churches. Surface finish, paint, or mark-
ings alone are insufficient to qualify for a deter-
mination as a camouflaged communications tower.
Camouflaged towers shall not be lit.
Car wash means an establishment which pro-
vides facilities for washing and cleaning motor
Cluster development means the development of
residential dwelling units, or commercial, indus-
trial or institutional building floor area, in which
the density of the uses is increased by the transfer
of density from one site to another. Such develop-
ment is authorized by permitting smaller lot sizes
when a specified part of the land is placed in
permanent conservation use.
Communication antenna means an antenna
designated to transmit and/or receive communi-
cations as authorized by the Federal Communica-
tion Commission.
Communication towers means any structure
intended exclusively to support communication
antennas, excluding antenna mounts. Design ex-
amples of communication towers are described as
(1) Self-supporting lattice;
(2) Guyed;
(3) Monopole; and
(4) Any other tower type structure as deter-
mined by the building official or designee
of the city council.
Community center means a meeting or assem-
bly hall, museum, art gallery, library, sports club,
gymnasium, hobby workshop center, adult educa-
tion facility, not operated primarily for profit.
Concurrency means a condition that requires
public facilities and services to maintain the
adopted level of service standards when the im-
pacts of a development occurs.
Concurrency compliance means requirements
that shall be satisfied when the required public
facilities and services are in place at the time a
development permit is issued. A development
permit is issued subject to the condition that the
required public facilities and services will be in
place when the impacts of development occur; the
required public facilities and services will be in
place in adherence to state mandates under F.S.
ch. 163 and F.A.C. 9J-5.
Craft studio means arts, crafts and hobbies,
ceramic, glass, photography, picture framing, wood
carving, and weaving studios, and includes the
sale of articles produced on the premises.
Day care center means an establishment pro-
viding daytime care or instruction for four or
more unrelated persons, and includes nursery
school, child and adult care facilities.
Developer means any person, legal entity or
government agency undertaking any develop-
Development activity means the commence-
ment of development activity is that portion in
time when the developer has completed the site or
plan review process, and a development or build-
ing permit to commence construction has been
issued by the city.
Development order means any order issued by
the city granting, denying, or granting with con-
ditions an application for a development permit.
Development permit means a permit issued by
the city, including a building permit, zoning per-
mit, subdivision approval, rezoning, certification,
special exception, variance or any other official
action, having the effect of permitting develop-
ment of land.
. .
Drive-through service means a building or part
thereof, where a product is sold to, or a service
performed for, customers while they are in or near
a motor vehicle, except for an auto service station
and a car wash.
Dwelling and dwelling unit mean a building or
part thereof designed or intended for occupancy
as permanent separate living quarters, with one
kitchen plus sleeping and sanitary facilities pro-
vided within the unit, for the exclusive use of one
family maintaining a household. The terms "dwell-
ing," "single-family dwelling," "two~family dwell-
ing," or "multiple-family dwelling" shall not in-
clude a motel, hotel, camp, recreation vehicle or
similar structure.
Dwelling, multiple-family, means a building
designed or used as permanent living quarters for
three or more families living independently from
each other, and includes townhouses, rowhouses,
apartments, and patio home attached units.
Dwelling, single-family, means a detached build-
ing designed as living quarters for one family, and
including at least separate sleeping, cooking and
toilet facilities.
Dwelling, two-family, means a building contain-
ing two dwelling units designed as living quarters
for two families living independently from each
other, and includes duplex and semidetached units.
Dwelling, zero lot line, means a single-family
detached dwelling unit which is sited on a lot with
one wall abutting one interior side lot line.
Engineer means a person licensed to practice
engineering in the state.
Family means any number of persons related
by blood, marriage or adoption, and not more than
four unrelated persons, living together as a single
housekeeping unit.
FEMA means the Federal Emergency Manage-
ment Agency.
Flag means any freely waving material contain-
ing colors, patterns, insignias or symbols.
Flea market means an outdoor retail sales area
in which parcels of land are rented to individual
merchants to display and sell goods.
Flood hazard area means areas designated on
FEMA Flood Hazard Boundary Maps as zone A,
and flood insurance rate maps as zones A, AO,
AH, AI-3D, AE, A-99, and B. Areas within the city
not included on these maps shall be considered to
be in FIRM zone C.
Floor area ratio (FAR) means a ratio of gross
floor area of all structures on a lot to the lot area.
Fortuneteller means an establishment where
readings are given for a fee, and includes astrolo-
gist, clairvoyant, mystic, palmist, psychic reader,
telepathist and similar activities.
Foster care facility means a building designed
or used as permanent living quarters for foster
residents, including such supervision and care as
may be necessary to meet the physical, emotional
and social needs of the residents and serving
either children or adults.
Funeral home means an establishment where
funerals are managed and human remains are
prepared for burial; and excludes a crematory.
Golf course means land in excess of 90 acres for
a nine hole 32 plus par, and 150 acres for an 18
hole 64 plus par course, including clubhouse and
accessory facilities.
Group home means a building designed or used
as permanent or temporary living quarters for six
or more unrelated persons in which individual
cooking facilities are not provided. Included in
such designation, but not limited to, are such
facilities as residential facilities and comprehen-
sive transitional education programs under F.S.
ch. 393; domestic violence centers under F.S. ch.
415; community residential homes in excess of six
persons under F,S. ch. 419; and such similar
facilities as authorized by law, and for which
licensing is first required by law, and for which
licensing is first required by the state department
of children and families and/or the agency for
health care administration, or other state or fed-
eral agency.
Guesthouse means an accessory dwelling unit
to a principal residence on a lot, intended for
nonpaying accommodation of guests visiting the
~ 66-1
occupants of the principal dwelling. Aguesthouse
includes a garage apartment and an accessory
Home occupation means a business, profession,
or trade conducted within a dwelling for financial
gain by an occupant of the dwelling.
Hotel means an establishment containing pri-
marily sleeping accommodations for transient
guests, with no provisions made for cooking in
individual rooms, and which may have restau-
rants, personal services and indoor recreation as
accessory uses.
House of worship means a church, temple,
synagogue and similar centers of an established
Illegal use, structure or sign means any use,
building, structure or sign used or erected with-
out permission from the city and/or in violation of
these regulations.
Land means earth, water, and air, above, below
or on the surface, and includes any improvements
or structures customarily regarded as land.
Land development regulations means ordi-
nances adopted by the city council for the regula-
tion of any aspect of development and includes
zoning, rezoning, subdivision, building construc-
tion, or sign regulations or any other regulations
controlling the development of land.
Landscape buffer means a continuous area of
land set aside along the perimeter of a lot in
which landscaping is used to provide a transition
between developments.
Landscaping means any combination of living
plants (grass, ground cover, vines, shrubs, hedges,
trees) or nonliving landscape materials (rocks,
mulch, decorative paving). Landscaping may in-
clude the preservation of existing native trees and
vegetation into site development.
Laundry means an establishment providing
home-type washing, drying, dry cleaning, and/or
ironing machines for hire, to be used by customers
on the premises.
Laundry, commercial, means an establishment
providing bulk washing, drying, dry cleaning,
and/or ironing services on the premises for com-
mercial or industrial clients.
Lot means land occupied or which may be
occupied by a building and its accessory uses,
together with such open spaces as are required,
having not less than minimum area, width and
depth required for a lot in the district in which
such land is situated, and having frontage on a
street, or other means of access as may be deter-
mined to be adequate as a condition of issuance of
a building permit
Lot coverage means the percentage of the lot
covered by buildings, including roofed porch, ga-
rage, carport, swimming pool, solid deck, and
other accessory buildings. Vehicular driveways
and pedestrian paths are not included in cover-
Lot frontage means the shortest property line
adjacent to a street; it is also the front property
Lot of record means a lot which is part of a
subdivision recorded in the office of the clerk,
circuit court.
Lower income family means a family or house-
hold whose annual income does not exceed 80
percent of that of a median family or household
income for the city.
Mobile home means a manufactured, detached,
transportable structure on a foundation or rigid
support, with over 400 square feet of floor area,
designed for use as permanent living quarters,
and built in compliance with the Federal Manu-
factured Housing Construction and Safety Stan-
dards Act. A recreational vehicle is not to be
considered as a mobile home.
Mobile home park means land under single
ownership which is used to supply to the public
spaces for the placement and occupancy of two or
more mobile homes as dwelling units.
Mobile home subdivision means a subdivision
of land for the sale of lots for the placement and
occupancy of mobile homes as dwelling units.
. .
Mobile home, substandard, means mobile homes
built prior to June 15, 1976, and newer mobile
homes built not in compliance with the Federal
Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety
Standards Act.
Modular home means factory built housing
certified as meeting the state building code as
applicable for modular housing. State-certified
modular homes shall be subject to the same
regulations as site-built dwellings,
Motel means an establishment containing sleep-
ing accommodations for transient guests, which
has individual entrances from the outside to serve
each room, generally with no provisions made for
cooking in individual rooms, and which may have
a restaurant and indoor recreation as accessory
Nightclub means an establishment providing
indoor entertainment, usually with live perform-
ers and dancing, where food and alcoholic bever-
ages may be sold for on-premises consumption.
Nonconforming lot means a parcel of land
shown on a plat recorded prior to enactment or
amendment of these regulations, but which does
not conform to the minimum area, frontage, width
or depth regulations for the district in which it is
Nonconforming structure means a lawful build-
ing or structure existing on the date of enactment
or amendment of these regulations, but which
does not conform to the yard, setback, coverage,
height, parking, landscaping or supplementary
regulations of the district in which it is located.
Nonconforming use means a lawful building,
structure or land existing on the date of enact-
ment or amendment of these regulations, but
which does not conform to the regulations of the
district in which it is located.
Nursing home means an establishment provid-
ing permanent living quarters for three or more
unrelated, disabled, sick or mentally ill persons,
in which convalescent facilities and personal care
is provided; but not including hospitals, clinics
and institutions.
Office, business, means an establishment not
involving the sale of goods, and including such
businesses as bank, employment agency, financial
services, insurance agent, manufacturer's agent,
real estate broker, stock broker, telephone answer
service, travel agent or similar use.
Office, medical, means an establishment pro-
viding human out-patient services by persons
practicing health services, including acupunctur-
ist, chiropodist, chiropractor, dentist, optician,
optometrist, osteopath, physical therapist, physi-
cian, or any such lawful profession, but excludes
masseur, in-patient hospital care and veterinar-
Office, professional, means an establishment of
an accountant, architect, attorney, engineer, land-
scape architect, surveyor, urban planner, and
similar nonmedical professionals.
Off-street loading space means space at least
ten feet wide by 30 feet long by 14 feet high used
for temporary location of one motor vehicle.
Open space means undeveloped land suitable
for passive recreation or conservation uses.
Outdoor sales and storage means an establish-
ment for the sale or storage of new and used
goods, including building and farm equipment
and materials, and mobile homes.
Outdoor vehicle sales lot means an establish-
ment for the sales of new and used operable
vehicles inducing cars, campers, recreational ve-
hicles, trailers, trucks, boats and similar vehicles;
and excluding farm equipment and mobile homes.
Owner means the owner of record of property
as appears in official records of the county.
Parcel (of land) means land capable of being
described by definite location and boundaries,
which is designated by its owner as land to be
used or developed as a unit, or which has been
used as a unit.
Park model recreational vehicle means a man-
ufactured, detached, transportable structure on a
foundation or rigid support, with less than 400
square feet of floor area, designed for use as
seasonal or temporary living quarters when con-
nected to water, sewer and electric utilities.
Parking space, handicapped, means parking
space as required by F.S. ~ 316.1955.
~ 66-1
Parking space, off-street, means space at least
nine feet wide by 20 feet long used for temporary
location of one motor vehicle.
Parking space, tandem, means parking space
that abuts a second parking space in such a way
that vehicular access to the second space can be
made only through the first space.
Planned unit development (PUD) means land
under unified control, planned and designed to be
developed as an integral unit according to an
approved site development plan.
Private club means an establishment catering
exclusively to an association of persons and their
guests, which is not available for unrestricted
public access, includes fraternal lodge, sorority,
union hall.
Public facility or use means federal, state,
county, city or other publicly owned and operated
building or open area providing public services.
Public utility means a publicly owned or regu-
lated facility for providing electricity, gas, commu-
nications, transportation, water supply, sewage
disposal, drainage, garbage or refuse disposal, or
fire protection services to the general public; and
excludes outdoor storage and services yards in
residential and commercial districts.
Recreation, commercial indoor, means an en-
closed establishment providing recreation
activities, including amusement arcade, billiards,
table tennis, bowling alley, gym, movie theater,
health club, racquet club, skating rink, swimming
pool, and similar uses operated primarily for
Recreation, commercial outdoor, means an
amusement park, miniature golf, golf practice
range, archery range, outdoor theater, horse riding
stable, fair, carnival, swimming and water recre-
ation, discovery park, and similar uses operated
primarily for profit.
Recreation, indoor, means an enclosed estab-
lishment housing a swimming pool, sports club,
gymnasium, hobby workshop center, and similar
uses and not operated primarily for profit.
Recreation, outdoor, means a park, athletic
field, tennis court, swimming pool, nature pre-
serve, botanical garden, and similar uses and not
operated primarily for profit.
Recreational vehicle means a camping trailer,
motor home, travel trailer truck trailer or other
vehicle with or without motor power, equipped
with shortterm living or sleeping quarters, and
not exceeding 40 feet in length and 81/2 feet in
width, designed to travel on roads without special
permit; and excludes a park model recreational
Recreational vehicle park means land under
unified control designed to accommodate two or
more shortterm, overnight parking of recre-
ational vehicles, and not for pennanent residen-
tial use.
Residential infill means a residential subdivi-
sion plat or site plan which is either under con-
struction or has vacant lots, and which was ap-
proved prior to adoption of these regulations.
Retail store means an enclosed establishment
selling retail goods, and not manufacturing any
Salvage yard means land or structure, or part
thereof, used for collecting, storage or sale of
wastepaper, rags, scrap metal or discard mate-
rial; or for collecting, dismantling, salvaging stor-
age or sale of machinery parts or vehicles not in
running condition.
School, business, means commercially operated
schools including beauty culture, business, danc-
ing, driving, music, vocational and technical train-
ing, and similar establishments operated for profit.
School, public or private, means parochial, pub-
lic and private schools, college, university, and
accessory uses, not operated primarily for profit.
Service, personal, means an establishment in-
cluding: barbershop, beauty shop, clothes repair,
dry cleaner, nail care, pawnshop, reducing studio,
shoe repair, tailor, and similar uses not primarily
offering a product for sale.
. .
Service, retail, means a restaurant, bar or
tavern for on-premises consumption of alcohol,
printer, pawnshop, dance or music studio, pet
shop and similar establishments.
Services, mechanical and repair, means estab-
lishments including machinery servicing and re-
pair, or service garage, motor vehicle body shop,
motor vehicle or trailer rental, veterinarian, printer,
auction house, salvage yard, and similar service
Sign means advertising matter, writing, num-
ber, illustration, decoration, symbol, design, flag
or other device used to attract attention or convey
a message.
Sign, accessory, means a sign that is permitted
as incidental to a permitted land use.
Sign, building, means a sign attached to or
painted on a building exterior, including canopy
and window signs.
Sign, directional, means a sign erected to give
directions to an establishment and containing no
advertising other than the name.
Sign face means a part of a sign that is poten-
tially used for copy.
Sign, flashing, means a sign designed to at-
tract attention by flickering or moving lights.
Sign, ground, means a freestanding sign sup-
ported from, or erected on the ground.
Sign, illuminated, means a sign in which a
source of light is used to make a message read-
able, and includes signs which depend on reflec-
tors for an image.
Sign, moving, means a sign designed to attract
attention by movement and includes revolving,
animated signs and signs with continuously mov-
ing copy.
Sign, nonconforming, means a sign which does
not conform to this subpart B.
Signs, number of, means that a ground sign
shall be considered to be one sign where matter
displayed is related to one use, and shall be
considered to be multiple signs where matter
displayed is related to more than one use.
Sign, off-premises, means a sign directing at-
tention to subject matter located on another prop-
erty, and includes a billboard.
Sign, portable, means a sign not permanently
attached to the ground or other structure.
Sign, roof, means a sign on a building which
extends above the highest point of the roof.
Sign, snipe, means an off-premises sign posted
without city or government agency permission.
Sign, wall, means a sign on a building exterior;
and projecting not more than one foot.
Sign, wind, means signs consisting of banners,
flags, spinners, streamers, balloons or other ma-
terial fastened to move in the wind.
Structure means anything, more than one foot
in height above ground level, constructed or in-
stalled which is attached to the ground or to
another object which is permanently attached to
the ground. This shall include, but not be limited
to, buildings, mobile homes, screened enclosures,
swimming pools, towers, walls, fences, signs, poles,
pipelines, storage tanks, and shore protection
Structure, accessory, means permitted de-
tached subordinate structure which is customar-
ily associated with and incidental to the principal
use on the premises.
Substandard means deviating from or falling
short of a standard or norm.
Use means the purpose for which land or a
structure is designated, arranged, maintained or
occupied; or any activity, business or operation
carried on, or intended to be carried on, in a
structure or on land.
Use, accessory, means a subordinate use which
is customarily associated with, and incidental to,
the principal use or building and located on the
same parcel.
Use, principal, means the primary purpose for
which the land or building is used as allowed by
the applicable zoning district regulations.
Variance means a modification of these regula-
tions when, owing to physical conditions peculiar
~ 66-1
to the property, a literal enforcement of these
regulations would result in an unnecessary hard-
veterinary service means an establishment where
animals are admitted for examination and treat-
Visibility triangle means, on a corner lot, the
triangle ofland formed by a straight line connect-
ing two points located on, and 35 feet from, the
intersection of the two street property lines.
Wellhead protection area means the land within
one-half of a mile of potable water supply wells
operated by the city utility authority.
Written and in writing mean any written pre-
sentation whether by printing or otherwise.
Year means any continuous 12-month calendar
Zone of exclusion means land within a 200-foot
radius of a public potable water supply wellhead.
(LDR 1998, ~ 990)
Cross reference-Definitions generally, ~ 1-2.
Sec. 66-2. Title of land development regula-
This subpart B of part II of this Code shall be
entitled the "City or Okeechobee, Florida, Land
Development Regulations, Administration and Zon-
ing Regulations," and is referred to in this sub-
part B as the "land development regulations" or
the "regulations."
(LDR 1998, ~ 101)
Sec. 66-3. Authority of council.
As authorized under the Local Government
Comprehensive Planning and Land Development
Regulation Act, F.S. ch. 163, the city council shall
have the following powers and responsibilities:
(1) To plan for the future development and
growth of the city.
(2) To adopt and amend comprehensive plans
to guide future development and growth.
(3) To implement comprehensive plans by the
adoption of appropriate land development
(4) To establish, support and maintain admin-
istrative instruments and procedures to
carry out the provisions and purposes of
the Act.
(LDR 1998, ~ 102)
Sec. 66-4. Relationship of land development
regulations to city comprehen-
sive plan.
(a) The Local Government Comprehensive Plan-
ning and Land Development Regulation Act re~
quires the city to enact land development regula~
tions which implement and are consistent with
the comprehensive plan. These land development
regulations meet this consistency requirement by
providing regulations which address each policy
in the adopted comprehensive plan.
(b) Nothing in these regulations shall be con~
strued to authorize development that is inconsis-
tent with the comprehensive plan.
(LDR 1998, ~ 103)
Sec. 66-5. Intent and purpose of regulations.
In conformity with the purposes of the Act, it is
the intent of the city council to enact land devel-
opment regulations that are consistent with and
implement the city comprehensive plan, The reg-
ulations and zoning districts set forth in this
subpart B are made in accordance with the com-
prehensive plan for the general welfare of the
community. It is the purpose of these regulations
(1) Regulate the development of land to en-
courage the most appropriate use of land,
water and resources, consistent with the
public interest.
(2) Preserve, promote, protect and improve
public health, safety, comfort, appear-
ance, convenience, law enforcement and
fire prevention, and general welfare.
(3) Prevent the overcrowding of land and
avoid undue concentration of population.
(4) Facilitate the adequate and efficient pro-
vision of transportation, water, sewage,
schools, parks, recreational facilities, hous-
ing and other services.