2002-02-26 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FEBRUARY 26, 2002 SUMMARY OF BOARD ACTION I ACTION - DISCUSSION - VOTE Chairman Walker called the February 26,2002 Board of Adjustment meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I Board Secretary Arnold called the roll Present Present Present Present Absent (with consent) Present Present Absent (without consent) Present Present Present Member Mueller moved to dispense with the reading and approve the Summary of Board Action for the January 22, 2002 regular meeting. Member Ledferd seconded the motion. I VOTE HOOVER - YEA JONES - YEA KELLER- YEA LEDFERD - YEA MCCOY - YEA MUELLER - YEA WALKER - YEA MOTION CARRIED. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER - Chairman. Board of Adjustment, February 26,2002, 7:00 p.m. Secretary. CHAIRMAN, MEMBER AND ST AFF ATTENDANCE Chairman Jerry Walker Board Member Dawn Hoover Board Member Thomas Keller Board Member William Ledferd Board Member Christopher Mavroides Board Member Douglas McCoy Board Member Frank Mueller Alternate Daniel Creech Alternate Sandra Jones Attorney John R. Cook Secretary Carolyn Arnold I. II. c:.,., - . _...i .- ,--' Secretary. Motion to dispense with the reading and approve the Summary of Board Action for the January 22, 2002 regular meeting. MINUTES A. III. " Pa Board of Adiustment- 26,2002 ACTION - DISCUSSION - VOTE Februa John Dulmer, City Planning Consultant explained that the original application submitted was revised and distributed the new revised staff report. He then described the revised petition and gave a brief background of the property. Mr. Dulmerreviewed the findings in the staff report with the Board. He explained that the revised petition is requesting the expansion of the non- conforming structure. Mr. Dulmer further explained that the revised request will be more beneficial to everyone. He explained that the subject property will not have an adverse effect on public interest or the surrounding properties. The subject property is an appropriate location for continuing a car wash use and will not adversely affect property values or living conditions nor be a deterrent to the development of adjacent property. The subject property will not create a density pattern that will overburden public facilities such as schools, streets and public utility services and will not create traffic congestion, flooding or drainage problems, or otherwise affect public safety as the facilities are existing. Staff recommends granting approval of Petition 02-001-V, variance request to allow for the expansion of a non-conforming structure and may require additional steps above and beyond standard Code requirements to protect the health and welfare of the City and adjacent property owners upon receipt ofthe site plan review. and Patricia Herndon, N.E. East North to allow for the IV. NEW BUSINESS. Consider Petition 02-001-V: James F. Herndon, III property owners and applicants. The property is located at 511 Park Street. The purpose of the request for a variance is expansion of a non-conforming structure zoning district. A. I .......~ -~, "--" "'"-' There was a brief discussion about what setbacks will be with the revised petition. It was mentioned that setbacks will no longer be a factor since the applicant revised the variance request. I Mr. Jerry Campbell, adjacent property owner, addressed the Board. Mr. Campbell expressed his concerns about the original petition. He then explained that he has no problems and his concerns are no longer a factor since the petition has been revised. and concerns about There was discussion about the traffic impacts to the surrounding properties, the water and how many times it can be reused. impacts to the surrounding properties Mr. Dulmer explained that there will be no additional traffic because the car wash is an existing use ~ Mr. James Herndon, applicant, was acknowledged by the Board. Mr. Herndon explained that only a portion of the water can be recycled and there is a limit to the times of reuse. He submitted pictures into the record of what he proposes the finished car wash will look like. Mr. Herndon further explained that he would like to construct a water treatment plan on site so that he can continuously reuse the water without limitation. I I I Februa 26, 2002 - Board of Adjustment - ACTION- nISCUSSI()N'...VOTE III and Patricia Herndon, III Attorney Cook noted that the Board must decide on the petition based on the Land Development Regulations and not let the pictures of what the proposed finished car wash will look like. Board Member Mueller made a motion that revised Petition 02-001-V be approved as presented based on the findings in the staff report. Board Member Keller seconded the motion. VOTE HOOVER - YEA JONES - YEA KELLER - YEA LEDFERD - YEA McCOY - YEA MUELLER - YEA WALKER - YEA MOTION CARRIED. IV. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED. A. Consider Petition 02-001-V: James F. Herndon, property owners and applicants continued. V; a 0:; V. ADJOURNMENT - Chairman There being no further items on the agenda, Chairman Walker adjourned the meeting at 7:23 p.m. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED that ifany person desires to appeal any decision made by the Board of Adjustment with respect to any matter considered at this proceeding, such interested person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose may need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. General Services tapes are for the sole purpose of backup for official records of the Department. \- { ( : j; /\, '; Chairman ( í -.: ¡, ;,(// ! ì- , JeIì}J W ~ker, / / I ATTEST