2002-01-22 ~ CITY OF OKEECHOBEE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JANUARY 22, 2002 SUMMARY OF BOARD ACTION ACTION -DISCUSSION - VOTE Chairman Walker called the January 22.2002 Board of Adjustment meeting to order at 7:0l p.m. Board Secretary Arnold called the roll AGENDA CALL TO ORDER - Chairman. Board of Adjustment, January 22, 2002. 7:00 p.m. I. L::;. .- .......'.1 N Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent (without consent) Present Present Present Secretary . CHAIRMAN, MEMBER AND STAFF ATTENDANCE Chairman Jerry Walker Board Member Dawn Hoover Board Member Thomas Keller Board Member William Ledferd Board Member Christopher Mavroides Board Member Douglas McCoy Board Member Frank Mueller Alternate Daniel Creech Alternate Sandra Jones Attorney John R. Cook Secretary Carolyn Arnold II. I Member Keller moved to dispense with the reading and approve the Summary of Board Action for the September 25,2001 regular meeting. Member Ledferd seconded the motion. Secretary . Motion to dispense with the reading and approve the Summary of Board Action for the September 25,2001 regular meeting. MINUTES A. III. .J VOTE HOOVER - YEA KELLER - YEA LEDFERD - YEA MA VROIDES - YEA McCoy - YEA MUELLER - YEA WALKER - YEA MOTION CARRIED. I Pa 22,2002 Janua ACTION - DISCUSSION AGENDA I Jock Robertson, City Planning Consultant described the petition and gave a brief background of the property. Mr. Robertson reviewed the findings in the staff report with the Board. The subject property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan requirements, and is allowed by special exception in Heavy Commercial, and will not have an adverse effect on public interest or the surrounding properties. The subject property is an appropriate location for automotive sales lot with repair services and will not adversely affect property values or living conditions nor be a deterrent to the development of adjacent property. It may be required to be screened from surrounding uses to reduce the impact of any nuisance or hazard to adjacent uses. The subject property will not create a density pattern that will overburden public facilities such as schools, streets and public utility services and will not create traffic congestion, flooding or drainage problems, or otherwise affect public safety. Staff recommends granting approval of Petition 02- 00 1-SE, special exception request to allow for an automotive sales lot and repair services with the following condition: a landscape buffer must be provided around the repair facility to improve aesthetics; cars are not allowed to park in the right-of-way; all cars on the premises must be operational; and the approval must be subject to all required permits IV. NEW BUSINESS. Consider Petition 02-001-SE: Michael and Angela Armstrong property owners and applicants.. The property is located at 712 North Parrott Avenue. The purpose of the request for a special exception is to allow for an automotive sales lot with repair services in Heavy Commercial (CHV) zoning district. (Exhibit 1) A. I There was discussion about the median along North Parrott Avenue (Highway 441 North) in front of the subject property and whether or not the median completely blocks the subject property. There was further discussion about not allowing storage of vehicles that do not operate, the concern was that most vehicles needing repair are unoperational tv :.0 "-~ Robertson clarified that the median in North Parrott Avenue stops just short of the railroad and is blocking most of the subject property. He further clarified that vehicles awaiting are still considered operational Mr. tracks repaIr I Mary Ann Tooten, adjacent property owner, addressed the Board. Mrs. Tooten expressed her concerns for the request of an automotive sales lot. She was unsure of why they are requesting an automotive sales lot if there were no cars to be sold on the property. Mrs. Tooten was concerned that repairs are being done behind a fence to hide from the Parrott Avenue traffic. She added that the property does not have running water, or sewer facilities and that port-a johns are currently being used. Angela Armstrong, applicant, was recognized by the Board. Mrs. Armstrong clarified that there will be no cars for sale on the property until the special exception request was approved. She further clarified that the repairs were going to be behind the fence so that it was not an eyesore to the traffic driving by on Parrott A venue " Board of Adiustment - Pa SION - VOTE ACTION - D AGENDA Mrs. Armstrong added that the water and sewer connections would be available upon approval of the special exception. She noted that she was not going to invest money to improve the property if she did not have the special exception request approved. and Angela Armstrong continued. IV. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED. Consider Petition 02-001-SE: Michael A. I Troy Tooten adjacent property owner, addressed the Board. Mr. Tooten would like to make sure the repair shop will not turn into ajunk yard storing disabled vehicles. He was concerned that from his cabinet shop that he and his customers can see everything that the proposed business is doing. buffer- for one of the conditions of the approval was the view of the surrounding properties. T ooten that property from The Board informed Mr. ing/screening of the subject the public There was no further discussion from the Board. Board Member Mueller made a motion that Petition 02-001-SE be approved as preseneted based on the findings in the staff report. Board Member Keller seconded the motion. further comments from There was no I ~ 1....·· OJ C\! VOTE HOOVER- YEA KELLER - YEA LEDFERD - YEA MA VROIDES - YEA MCCOY - YEA MUELLER - YEA WALKER - YEA MOTION CARRIED. ~ Jock Robertson, City Planning Consultant described the petition and gave a brief background of the property. Mr. Robertson explained that the property was the 700 Block of Northeast Td Avenue. He reviewed the findings in the staff report with the Board. The subject property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan requirements, and is allowed by special exception in Heavy Commercial, and will not have an adverse effect on public interest or the surrounding properties. Consider Petition 02-002-SE: Ronald Trent property owner and applicant. The property is located at the 700 Block ofN.E. Second Avenue. The purpose of the request for a special exception is to allow for enclosed warehouses in Heavy Commercial (CHV) zoning district. (Exhibit 2) B. I Pa!!e 4 of 5 Janua AGENDA I The subject property is an appropriate location for enclosed warehouses, will not adversely affect property values or living conditions nor be a deterrent to the development of adjacent property. It may be required to be screened to reduce the impact of any nuisance or hazard to adjacent uses. The subject property will not create a density pattern that will overburden public facilities such as schools, streets and public utility services and will not create traffic congestion, flooding or drainage problems, or otherwise affect public safety. Staff recommends granting approval of Petition 02-002-SE, special exception request to allow for an enclosed warehouse in Heavy Commercial (CHV) zoning district with the following condition: submission and approval of plans for a landscape buffer between the subject property and all adjacent property. and applicant IV. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED. Consider Petition 02-002-SE: Ronald Trent property owner continued. B. and what his Trent's Mr. the property was to inquired if the residence adjacent were for the house. The Board intentions I Mr. Trent informed the Board that the residence was not his N ,. '"' ....... CO There was no further public comment. presented motion. The Board had no further questions. Board Member Mueller made a motion that Petition 02-002-SE be approved as based on the findings in the staff report. Board Member Keller seconded the VOTE HOOVER - YEA KELLER - YEA LEDFERD - YEA MA VROIDES - YEA MCCOY - YEA MUELLER - YEA WALKER - YEA MOTION CARRIED. Pa2:e 5 of 5 Board of Adiustment- 22,2002 Janua ACTION - DISCUSSION - VOTE AGENDA items on the agenda, Chairman Walker adjourned the meeting at 7:22 p.m. There being no further V. ADJOURNMENT - Chairman PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED that if any person desires to appeal any decision made by the Board of Adjustment with respect to any matter considered at this proceeding, such interested person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose may need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. General Services tapes are for the sole purpose of backup for official records of the Department I ATTEST: 0-.:; 0) C\í I I