1947-05-05 RegularRecroationaX ~irector effective a~ o~ this d~te, Mossie Williams effective
~pril 12th, Water Supt. '~sistaut and Clerk's Asatataut both effective as of ~ let.
A ~equest from T. tt. Niz requesting thmt the City give him the city pttrchases
for two months wa~ received. Upon motion by Councilmmu Chandler, seconded by Councilman
Brette and carried the Olerk w~s to inform Mr. Nix thmt the City would give the pu~chmses
for t~o months providing an a21owa~de of ~'di~count be given the City.
. May 5, l~?
The City Councdl of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, met in z~gula~ aession
at the C~ty Hall at ?:3Q P- M. on the above date with the following present: Mayor
II. H. l~mulereon, Presidelat Williams, Councilmen Brette, 0handler and Thomas with G.
Durrmnoe,, City Attorney ,~nd Lorena Pe~rce, City Clerh.'
Minutes of thei meeting held April ?th were read and mppr. oved
The following ~ills were a~proved aud ordere'd paAd when .f ~unds are m?aAlable:
FI~. Power & L~ght Co. - Lights and Power ..............
'Cit. y of Fort P~eroe - Water Dept. Chemicals .----.-- ___
Okoeo ~tdwe._& ~m. no CO. - Water ~ Police m~pt. ........ ~1.
Inter Co Tel & Tel Oil. - Borvioes for tpril ............... '
~., 'Okeechobee ~ot~ 0o. - Water. Dept. --- .............. -- - -- -__
'Bores L~ber Ce. -' Police Dept. .......
~aulerson Dept~ Store - St. ~nd San. Dept. .... ~
E. C, ~arrina~*n - Water, ~anitarF and Cle,k Expense---- 3~**~
Alto Warlord &'.~$ons - Fire and ~t. and ~an. Dept. ........
The Okeechobee Eels - Oouncil Exp. -' ...... 10.00
'~. M. Dreese - Police Dept. ............. ,~. O0
P~I Robbins - Fire, Water~ Police e~d ~t. and ~an.-
Applications f~om Mixon*s Ge~e4~e end Paul' Robb~ns, requesting the city purch~ea
were received. It ~a~ reported that T E. ~ix h~d e~reed to accept the
therefore the city purchases were given to ~ix for May and ;Zw and the other applicatioz~
were ordered filed.
P. P. Evans, representing the Masonic Le4~ mppee, red before the ~euaeil a~d
i requested that something ~e done about the soot from the Model Dry Cleaners. After hmvin
discussed the matter th~ Council requested the City ~ttorney to 'draw ordinmnee in regard
to the ma~ter. Presiden~ Williams requested Attorney Durr~nce and 0ouncilm~u Thomas to
go to the Dry Cleaner older and d~scuss matter with ham-.
Councilma~ Chamdler moved ~h&t James Minehan, Jr. be retaAned as
ployee and be under the Supervision of the W~ter Superintendent. Motion seconded by
Councilman Brette and ca~. tied.
The following ~solution was presented by Councilman 0handler who moved its
adoption and u~on being put to a vote w~s unanimously mdopted~
i I i
~HE~EAS the city of Okeeohobee, Florida, is the only incorporated
m~oipality within the bo~darie; of Okeeohobee 0o~ty, 'Flori~, ~d
~E~AS, the devel~ment ~d proEress of the entire Oo~y of Oke~
cho~e, is more or less dependent ~n the fin~ci~, ed~ation~
~d c~t~l le~ership of the cit[ of Okeeohobee, ~d
~E~A8, the city of Okeechobee has ou~st~dinE Bonds ~ Oe~ific~tes
of ~de~e~ess, in ~'he s~ of ~proximately Six H~ed ~d F~ft[
Tholed Doll,s, ~d
~E~AS, ~he potenti~ ~d/or ~~ v~lue of the pr~e~y loo~ted
within the bo~d~ies or limit's of 's~d city, is. not of s~fioi~n~
v~, to ins~e the Pa~ent of s~d indebtedness as the s~e
bec~es d~', ~tho~ the le~ 0f ~ ~easonable ~nd oo~aoato~y milea~,
~E~AS, the ~,y~f Okee~o~e, Florids,. receive's, ~lly, from
what it commonly kno~ ~e the ~0E T~0T~ f~, a s~ of money in
exo~s of the ~t~ req~rements of s~d cowry for ~1 le~timate p
p~ses, therefore
BE ~ ~80L~D by the city cocci1 of 0keecho~e, Florl~, that Hon.
W. J. Henry, ~d Hon. R~y 0~rol,
~, of 0keeohobee 0o~7~ ~ ~ ~hey ~ hereby re~eo%f~ly r~
q~e~ to in~ro~e ~ have p~se~ ~ ~he presen~ session .of ~he
Le~ielat~e~ ~he Bill ~or ~ her~o a~he~.
, Z, ~ Willi~
D~ton B~te
Upon mo~lon the Oo~cil ~jo~ne~ ~o me~ ~ing ~he month but ~er
oonsl~erm~ion %he Oo~cil ~ee~ ~o po~pone ~Jo~ne~ meeting ms i~ was not