1985-01-08 - - - ATTEST: .7 . /Í' 4a-~¿<~~¿ C/CZ.:2 Beatrice Castorina Planning Board City of Okeechobee ~Ü/LcV THERE IS A COPY OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1985 The Planning Board/Board of Adjustments and Appeals met in regular session on January 8, 1985, at City Hall in the Council Chambers, Okeechobee, Florida at 7:00 P.M. Members present were: Jim Wright, Darrell Ferneau, Brenda O'Connor, Frank Altobel10, and Lula Worthen. Others present were: Building and Zoning Administrator, Mallette Westbrook; Attorney, David Conlon; and Secretary, Beatrice Castorina. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Madam Chairman O'Connor called the Board of Adjustments and Appeals into session. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There being no corrections or additions to the minutes of November 6 and November 7, 1984 meetings, member Wright moved the minutes stand approved as presented. Seconded by member Ferneau. Motion carried. NOAH RUCKER WILCOX - REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE Rucker Wilcox was present to present the request for a variance on lots 7,8,9, and 10, Block 69, and lots 17,18,19, and 20, Block 52, Conners Highlands. Mr. Wilcox's request was for the frontage on four (4) sites to be 71.25 feet and two (2) sites to be 70 feet. Member Altobello asked if Jim Attaway and Ralph Clark presently owned the property. Mr. Wilcox answered yes, but he was in the process of buying the property. Chairman O'Connor asked if the frontage was changed would they still have to have the correct setbacks. Mr. Westbrook advised the setbacks would still be met. Attorney Conlon asked if he would have the correct amount of square feet. Mr. Westbrook advised yes, the frontage was the only thing he was not meeting the requirements on. There were no objections to the variance. The board members went over the findings for a variance. Member Altobello moved to grant the variance. Seconded by member Wright. After discussion, member Altobello amended the motion to read the variance be granted and construction to begin in a year and complete in a year and a half. Seconded by member Wright. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, member Ferneau moved to adjourn. Seconded by member Wright. Motion carried. PLANNING BOARD Madam Chairman O'Connor called the Planning board into session. 17J """"II ¿¿T APPROVAL OF MINUTES There being no corrections or additions to the minutes of November 6 and November 7, 1984, meetings, member Wright moved the minutes stand approved as presented. Seconded by member Ferneau. Motion carried. LEO C. AND YOLANDO GAGNON - REQUEST FOR REZONING Lucy Gulledge was present to represent the request and advise the board that Leo and Yolando Gagnon have withdrawn the rezoning request. Lucy Gulledge asked the board members what would they do about a shed that is on a alleyway and encroaching on some property. She asked if the City would give a Quit Claim Deed. Mrs Gulledge was advised she would have to go to the Council for this problem. Attorney Conlon asked if it was part of the appraisal because usually they were not in the appraisal value. If so, it would be up to the examining person or whoever has the authority that can disregard this type of problem. Madam Chairman O'Connor called on the audience asking if they were here for the request of Leo and Yolando Gagnon and they stated they were. Madam Chairman O'Connor advised the audience the request for rezoning have been withdrawn. MALLETTE WESTBROOK Mr. Westbrook stated he has been away for the past two weeks and was not prepared to present the other items on the agenda and asked to have them tabled until the next meeting. Member Ferneau so moved. Seconded by member Altobello. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Madam Chairman O'Connor moved the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned. (;;¿1«Y~ ({)rC~X<2UI Brenda O'Connor Chairman Planning Board City of Okeechobee ATTEST: ~~ /(/tï -c tt.·.-z. " (! C('.[L?i£/[~¿-¡.( 4_' Beatrice Castorina Secretary Planning Board City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. - - -