1947-02-03 Regular!22
aaa imfex-matiem em eaui~em Xighte aaa & maAmtemaaee ket~X~.
t~ ea the et~e~
A~T~: ~~ ~
~he 0i~y H~i e~ the a~ ~ate a~ 7=30 P,
Mla~ea ef th! meetiaga heAA ~. 6~h ~ A31~ ~ze ~e~ ~ app~gve~ aa ~e~.
The fellewlmg~ ~il~a were app~eveA ~ e~eze~ p~A ~ea f~a a~e avalX~Xe:
I. ~. l~l~e~ J~. -M~i, ~, Oi~ A~i~ .......... --I ~0,~
Be~l! i ~p Ly ah~ - ~te~ D~t. E~. -- ................... 90.~
Pa~ Beth Ty~e~ite~ O~ Oxe~k'e ~en~ ...................
P~gett ~vi le - ~. & 2~., Fi~e, Police, A late~ --~ ~.~
~u~raen Dept. S~e~e Fi~' D~. ............... - ....... .
AAte ~atfe~d ~ Seres : PeWee, Fi~e,
O~ee. ~. A r~a. Ce. - latez ~t. ......................... ~.~
Da~e Mete~ 9~ Ce. - W~e~
E. O. H~ring~en - ~ter
R. B. Meserve -Xns~=e .......................... ~RTO,~
Inter Ce. TeX ~d Tel O~ T~he~ So,ice for J~.
h~e Cat~xe ~. - St~e~ ~d s~t~ ~. ........ ~0.00
sea~A Airline Ry. - later ~pt. ~ei~t en mete~ .......
Fx&. P~er ~ Li~t 0o.- Libra ~d P~er ............... 9~.
Preaid~t li~i~l inq~reA ef the 0h~m~ ef ~he P~kn Oemmit~ee, 0e~ei~
~AAer, ~ te ~e~her he h~ received ~y imfer~tien
m~nt~ee k~Ae. O~ei~ ~dAer stated that the infe~i~n en the maintainenee
k~Z~e n~ be~ r~eiv~. After =enniReriag the ~tter the Oe~iA pestpeneA the p~ehas,
e~ ~he kettle ~til a ~er date.
~eA ~ei ~~e~ before the Oe~cii
Ae~ ea Hinge ~A ~t ~ee~, ~ te the
~he xeaiden~n ef thlt ~etien te ge~ ~e ~R f~em ~nuir renideaee Preaidea~ lilli~n . o
s~ated tha~ ~air en ~e above meati~eA
PenaibAe- .
a~ e~h ~~ n~ln~ ef ~e Oe~eiA ae ~ha~ e~ Oe~i~ ~A knew ~e-~evea~ ~A ,
~e p~~e ~f a een~X~~ p~ e~ by A. M. 8mi~h ~ ~so~moA by the
Oe~iA. After ~ ooii~ratiea Oe~i~ WatferA meveA tha~ ~ne ~m~ ef the
M~it~y O~$~ee ~d the later 8~t. ~ ~ in,eot the p~ nA ~ i~ met the req~r~
The 1~ ~ ~9~ A~i~ fo~ the Oi~y e~ Oke~hebee
Jr., after elamtaatieu by whe OeuneiA, geunoiAmaA Wa~ferA meve~L t~at the Audi~ be
aeoepted. Metie~ seconded by OeuneiAma~ Thomas and married.
Wi~en Selph and M. 7. XinsauA ~ppea~eA befere the OeunoiA ia regard ~e ~he
Aeasing ef tho Oity preperty behiag the water p£aat. 8ai~ £anA te be used as a graziag
pasture. Upe~ metien by OeunoiA~an 0hand-er, seeendoA by 0eunoilmaa Bret~e and married,
the 0eunoiA ~questeA a writtea bid frem the ~we abeve named persona. The bias were aa
fe~lewe: M. r,' Xinsaul $60.00 per year aaa Wilsea 8e~ph $3~.00 per year. 0ounoi~man
Bret~e reeved ~hat M. 7. Xiusaum'e bid ef $60.00 be aceepteA. Seoended My 0eunoiAmau
0hand,er and married.
Ttd mat~er ef the ~lme ef paymen~ ®f se~Lariee te ~he 0ity :~mpAeyeee was
breugh~ befe~ the 0euneiA. After acme dAeeussiea 0eunoiAman WatferA reeved tha~ the
empxeyeee pLtd men, hAy be paid eu the Aaa an~ A~h ef each month aaa the empXeyeeo
empAeyeA by ~e weeE to eextinuo reoelvlag ~heir ea~aries wee~Ay. Motiea seoen~eA by
Oeun~lAmtu Br~ t~e and
Ap~lioati~u fer Fire 0bier by W. R. Jehusen was received and er~ereA fiAeA
ia ~me e~lee ef 0ity 0Aer~. Mr. Jehasea being presen~ re~ueste~ a settAement ef his
time pu~ in a~ re-imf firemau. Upen metien by 0euneiAmma Warlord, eeeemdoA by OeuneiAm
BreVe and earrie~, te pay ~he reAief f~renaa $~.00 a A&y erie d~y a weE.
Th! matter ef 0-e~Hlea~ Aesistanee eame befere the 0euaeiA. Upen me, lea by
0euneiAmaa WatferA, seeendeA b~ 0euneilm&u Theresa and married, te re~aia Iren~ WiAAiame
a!, 0~oriea.l A~sis~anee and ~e be paid SA~.00 fer three fumx days a week er five ~ days
a woe]i:.
A ~me~iea by Oeuno2Aman Ohand~Ler te reappein~ A~te Wat~ezd as Bui-di~g
speeder £er ~e 0ity ef oreoehebee. Metien seeendeA by 0euneiAmaa ~rette and
0o~Inoi-maa WatferA meve~ that R. U. Danfer~ be appoim~ed Exeetri~aA Iaspee~er
~er the 0i~y of 0~eeoa~bee. Metien seeende~ by 0ounoilman Brette and marrieS.
The need efa Re~reatien&A Diree~er cam~befere the 0ounoi', a~.A wa]
Af~e~ eensideriag t~e matter ~e~oi~Aman Weal®rd reeved that Ray Bass be app®ia~e~L
D~,ieueaion as/the aee~ of a new mewer fer the parks was heamd.. Ma~eriLL aaa
prises en the mewor were presence4 by Ohairmaa ef ~he ParEs 0emmittee 0euno2Aman
A~ur due oe~oiaera~ien of~ the GeunoiA, 0euaoiAm&u Gre~e reeved that ~he mewer be pur-
Ghase~ en a 3~ Aa~ triad. Metxea BeeendeA by 0eun~iAmaa WatferA and married.
DE~ T. T. Oelemau appea~-~a before ~he 0ounGi£ and requerte& that. ~he street.
8eu~h ef his ~esideaee ~aewn as Third Htree~ ~e deeAameA a mum-way s~ree~, d'ue te the
fa~, ~nat ~h4 read 'was ~e marrew for tee passage ef awe earn aa~ that a ditch was en
bo'l;h, aides ~f ~hl read. 'After dieeussien 0euneiAmaa Bret~e meted tha~ tee ese-way e~
mat~er be deferred ~e the Mayer aaa Onief ef PeAiee. Metien eeeenaeA by 0euneix
Ap~ieatien w&e ~euiveA frem Pau~ ~obbin8 requesting the 0i~y gas sar
purehases ~er ~we men, he.. Upen ~e~ien 0y ~euaolAnan Wearer&, seeeaAe~ by 0eUnelAmaa
Oh&uA-er and ejLr~Xeet, ~e give ~he ex~y puxehasee ef gas =uA oil te PauA flobbine ~e~ ~ho
memthe of Marsh and
~veo on ~=e water m~a. ae a~at~a ~hat if ~ha v~ves ~e r~ai~ua i~ ~A p~even~
h~f ef ~ne 0Sty f~em ~eing wA~-eu~ ~te~ in ~ime e~ ~ ~,~y o~ elf. 0e~ei~
Brette meveA tha~ ~. ~iaaa~ be authe~ized ~e ~ ~he aeceH~y materi~ ~A repair ~he
v~vee. Me~iea ae~ad~A by 0e~etA~ Themes ~ e~r~eA.
~Aea~ 0~y' e~eiA
~e Otty Co.il of the 01fy of Okeeoho~e, ~rt~ ~t t~ ~e~
at t~ 0try H~ ~t 7~ P. ~. on t~ ~ ~te ~th the fol~~ pre~ ~ayor
~ ~z~e, ~tty Atto~ ~ ~~ Pete, Otty 0~.
P~al~e~ Wi&~m ~ P~ol~nt ~tm ~om ~i~ ~se~, ~oz ~r~n
~ated th~ it u in O~r to ~i~ & t~or~ ~m~ ~ ~on motion
~e follo~ bl~l wre ~pro~d ~d o~d p~ ~on f~ ~ a~l~Xo;
F~ri~a Pow~ and ~X~t Os. - ~Wz ~d Lights ........... $ ~.~
P~tta braes ~a. - ~. A Sm. Po~, Fin, A latz-
O~hom ,), - ~tez ~ OomoiX ~. -- __ - ~ ~:~
later ~ Toi~& Tel 0o. - ~z~ for Feb. ~ ..... 15.~
Tho HI~y~L ~. - '~ ~ Po~oe ~. -- _~. -_
~e H. & B. ~l. D~v Os. - Ob~'s ~ ~tl ~. ..... ~.OE
Okee. H~w. ,~ ~. 0o. - ~. ~ 8~t~-~ 2.~
~to I~fo~d ~ - ~ ~t. ~-- - - ~-- ~--- ~.~
!. O. ~o~ ~l~od Mfo~o tho ~oil in n~ to oon~ng tho
pr~o~y, h ~at~ tlat tho b~n~ ~ a flro h~ ~ ~o~d to M t~n
~ ole~ ~.. Xt ~ ~o~od th~ tho pz~o~y h~ ~ ~o~od in prloz yo~8.
T~ o10~ ~ ~q~ste~ to shook the ~oo~ ~ ~e Xf ~y X~o~atXon oo~ ~ ~o~
~ ~~ to M~. ~o~ ~y i~o~ion that ~ M ~.
~. T. T. 0o~ ~Z~ p~n$ ~q~o~ th~ ~tohom mo~h of hZg p~po~7
~ find tm He m Snfo~ ~:t~ Oo~iX th~ this m~tez ~ M t~on o~ of
, if poesibb.
W. D. OOkOr ~md Mfo~ tho ~o~ ~n boh~ of tho bt~ 0~ ~d
~M that the Oity jmhue e~pnt ~oz a oity pl~~. After ~8i~zing t~ ...
m~tez t~ ~q~et ~:.t~ for fJ~e zefez~ dM to fi~i~ ze~n8.
In ~b~ of the Vetezn of Foze/~ W~s, H~uy H~iok ~o~ ~
e~ i~omtl~ u to tie olosi~ of a ee~n p~ of Hinge 8t~ ~t~en Sleek
~ B~k 2~. The at~t ~meg to ~ ~ end ~ the r~~. After ~i~zing
m~tez Artery ~~ u zeq~e~ to l~k ~to the matter ~ see ~at bg~