1946-11-18 Reg. Adj. 116 November q-, J. gq-6 t% '~.n~ City Hall on t~io Zbovo d~.~to aS ~:30 P. ~. ~n ~ho foiiowing present: m~h T. W. ConeZy, Jr. Olty A'~orney ~.nd Lorena P~t~rco, Oizy Clerk. Tho minu~om of tho mooching hold October i,, 19~ wez'e read: ~d approved Tho f~Zlowing bizzs wore approved ~md ordered p~id when f~mds are Az~ W~ford ~md Sons - Wa~er, Fire, P~lice, ~.qzee~ & S~. & P~ks - E. C. Harringt~ - ~a~or, Gierk'm E~. ~d Garba~ ............ 15.0) The Okoechobeo News - Mayor m~d Go~%ciZ Expense ...... M. C. Pi~e - P~a~ .......................... The Ci~y si' F~, Pierce - Na~er Dept. - .................... z36.0) O. K. Garage - S~. & 8~. ~d ~ter Dop~. - ...... 3y. Gizber~ O~broOh - Fire D~m. - ............... Ni~.. Service Omamion - Sm. & S~. and Wa~e~ Dop~. - .............. 5.85 Be~nle'. S~pi~ Shop - Wa~ez. Depm. - .................. D~mer' s M~ain$ S'n~p - Parka m~d S~. and Stun. .--- RI,~S) Savie Me, er Comply - W~er Dep~ ............... 22.0~ Okee. Hd~. ~u~ Furn Ce. - Wa~er, S~. & Sm%. m%d Fire .......... ,9.2~ E. C. Harring~en - ~yor Oomucii g~se ......... ~ ............ 60.0) Fla. Power and Ligh~ Ge. - pgwe~ and Li~z ................ 153.3 The Cmnergn & Barkmey Go.- W~mer Dep~ ............. In, er C~. T~! ~d ~el O~.- Service for Oc~. Chilis P~'eobme - Water Dep~ ............. ~ 2/5. Upon mo~ion by Co~mci~% B. Thomas, seconded by Oom~cizm~a Wim!ie~ns, fomlowing n~c~ ~re 9~dOred stricke~ fr~m reno Oi-~y Hcgim~ra~ion Books: *Raiph Bond ~-~. E. Mc L~ug~zin ~lga Berkm ~JL~ia Mc ~siz Bowden . ~L. K. Mc Mum!on ~azel Bowdon ~rgia P~wor~ ~Mr~. B. O. Bo~doa ~0. L. Pippen ~Albez~ Borka ~:e~. Omio ~Ro~coo B~zm ~F. E. ~nbo ~Eiidrod B~zz ~y R, ~P~uz B~rdemh~ ~0. L. Rauzerson ~Rosa Oo:~s Oo~cnm~ ~L. A. Roebuck ~J. J. Gz-incr ~laie ~ob~k ~Ed. Haz-:t, is ~Jonn Sn~rick ~J. R. J~hn~on ~z~eryn Sponco~ ~Francos Lee ~J~ck Spencer ~C. O. go O~.in Oizie 0. Tt~byfill Tho City Olo~e~ was in~z.~o.od ~o ~,, -P~o~i~Sn~, Oi~y OO~oiz No-v'emo~r &~, Tho 0ity O " ou:o.~z me~ in=og~az'. ~session o:c~ ~o aoovo d~e ~ 7:30 ~o i'~ilow~g pretend: ~osidon~ Hugh Ci~ ..... -, Cou~,.,z=,~ B. Wa~iord ~?nd Z. K. Wzzz~s wi~n Lor~:~. Pop, roe, Oz~; y Pru~iaon~ O~.~zor e~moumcod ~ ~c pu~oso o~ the mco-~ing was $o receive and con~ide:c oompz~in~s o~ ~.~y person or persons whoso n~e¢ h~ve boon ~m~oOusiy e~ricken from Rcgi z-~ r~.~ ~$n Book. Thc Cz~y Ozork proso~od ~ho po~i~zons of c~ndid-~os Zn ~no ~.eraz Ci~y zz~c~io~ ~o bo hezd ~c~mber 3, 19q6 ~d s~.id peri, ions v~re ox~nined by ~he co~ciz  ~d ail po~i~z~s wo~-~ fecund ~o oon~in ~ne roq~rod nt~nbo~ ~f q~zifiod electors. No, ion w~s m~~ by Cotu~cizm~ B. Thomas, seconded by N. Thomas ~d carried, t~ ~l pemi~omm be c~epmed. ~ Tho Oo~u~oii inm~ruo$od ~ne Oily Ozezk ~ have ~ne f~zl~wing b~ll~$ prln~ed: OFFIOIAL BALLOT G~NERAL CITY ELEOTI uN CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA D~OEMB~R 3, i9~° M~ke a cress mark (X) before ~he name ~f ~t~e candidate of your choice. ~FOR MAYOR: -(Vo~ e ~er o~e) P. P. Ev~n~ H, H. Tho following persons were appointed by ~he OounciZ 1;o serve as CAulk and Inspectors ~ ~ho Gener~£ Gi~y Ezection ~nd mo~ion made by CoLu~ciA~nau ~. Thomas, ~conded by OStu~cizmm~ Warlord W. ~'~ Gray, J. B~ Baizey E. J. Wil ~Irs. Nora B~h~nd, Inspectors. Upon me, ion ~e Oo~oiz ~djo~rnod. 'Pru~don~, Oily 06uuci~-- ATTEST: