2006-09-121 AGENDA A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. C. BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDANCE: Chairperson Mack Worley Vice -Chairperson Jamie Gamiotea Member Bea Castorina Member Frank Irby Member Marsha Montesi Member Andrea Nelson Member Rennae Sweda Alternate Penny Revels Alternate Heather Hancock STAFF ATTENDANCE: Attorney John Cook Code Enforcement Officer Fred Sterling Code Enforcement Officer Herb Smith Secretary Sue Christopher D. Motion to dispense with the reading and approve Summary of Board Actions for: August 8, 2006. CITY OF OKEECHOBEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD SEPTEMBER 12, 2006 SUMMARY Pa e 1 of 4 CODE BOARD ACTION September 12, 2006 Code Enforcement Board meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairperson Worley. Present Present Present Absent with consent Present Absent with consent (Penny Revels filled the seat for Member Nelson) Absent without consent (Heather Hancock filled the seat for Member Sweda) Present Present Present Present Present Present Member Montesi moved to dispense with reading and approve Summary of Board Actions for August 8, 2006; seconded by Member Castorina. Worley - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Castorina - Yes Montesi - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried 495 September 12, 2006 - CEB Regular Meeting - Page 2 of 4 AGENDA REQUEST FOR THE ADDITION, DEFERRAL OR WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS ON TODAY'S AGENDA. #06-096 Geraldine Bertram 505 SE 10`' Avenue #06-040 Geraldine Bertram 904 SW a Avenue #06-172 John & Susan Hanner 1002 SE 8 h Drive Ch 50 Sec 50-33 Presumption of engaging in business Fine has accrued for ninety days as of August 23, 2006 Ch 54 Sec 54-51 Parking in residential neighborhoods & Ch 30 Sec 30-44 General cleaning CODE BOARD ACTION Code Officer Sterling requested the withdrawal of Case #05-319 Lois Johnson, #06-092 Veree Davis, and 906-113 Robert & Melody Jennings from today's agenda. Member Montesi moved to table Case #06-096 until the next regular meeting due to a death in Ms. Bertram's family; seconded by Member Revels. Worley - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Castorina - Yes Montesi - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried Member Gamiotea moved to table Case #06-040 until the next regular meeting due to a death in Ms. Bertram's family; seconded by Member Montesi. Worley - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Castorina - Yes Montesi - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried Code Officer Sterling gave testimony stating Mr. Hanner had received Notice of Hearing on August 9, 2006. He said he had spoken with Mr. Hanner on several occasions and Mr. Hanner told him he was going to get it cleaned up, but as of today nothing had been done. Member Revels moved to find Case #06-172 John & Susan Hanner repeat violators in violation of Ch 54 Sec 54-51 and Ch 30 Sec 30-44 imposing a fine of five -hundred dollars ($500.00) per day beginning the day notice of hearing was received August 9, 2006; no second was made, Motion failed. Member Revels amended her motion to impose a fine of two -hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day beginning August 9, 2006; seconded by Member Gamiotea. AGENDA 12, 2006 - CEB Regular Meeting - Pan 3 of 4 CODE BOARD ACTION #06-172 John & Susan Hanner Ch 54 Sec 54-51 Parking in Worley - Yes 1002 SE 8°i Drive residential neighborhoods & Gamiotea - Yes Ch 30 Sec 30-44 General Castorina - Yes cleaning (continued from Pg. 2) 1 Montesi - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried. Discussion among board Code Board discussed Case # 06-043 & #06-044 John & Susan Hanner which had been under a two -hundred and fifty dollar per day fine for five days beginning March 29, 2006. Attorney Cook advised the board they could make a recommendation for the City Administrator to authorize him to file a suit for the amount of the lien. Member Gamiotea moved to recommend the City Administrator instruct Attorney Cook to file a suit to enforce the lien on Case #06-043 & #06-044 John & Susan Hanner, seconded by Member Revels. Worley - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Castorina - Yes Montesi - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried Joe Louis Lawson requested to Joe Louis Lawson addressed the board stating due to his illness and a death in his family he had been unable to address the board in reference take care of the property. He requested his fine of $5,600.00 be reduced. He told the board he would pay it to Case #05-136 immediately and would keep the property in compliance. Member Montesi moved to find Case #05-136 was in violation but is now in compliance and reduce the lien from $5,600.00 to $ 600.00; seconded by Member Castorina. Worley - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Castorina - Yes Montesi - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried 497 September 12, 2006 - CE13 Kegular Meetmg - Yage 4 of 4 AGENDA m CODE BOARD ACTION I� Board reviewed the status of cases currently being fined ADJOURNMENT - CHAHIPERSON WORLEY. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Code Enforcement Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is tobe based. Tapes are for the sole purpose of backup for official records qf diedepartme4t. Mack Worley, Chairperso ATTEST: Sue Christopher, Secre ary /� Member Gamiotea moved to vacate the fine and lien on Case #05-293 Chris Kight due to improper notification of property owner; seconded by Member Castorina. Worley - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Castorina - Yes Montesi - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried Code Board reviewed the status of Case #05-089 Shannon Martin and determined the remaining $125.00 had not been paid on the reduced fine. There was a consensus among the board that steps should be taken to proceed with the law suit already approved by City Council. Code Board reviewed the status of Case #04-025 Joe & Johnny Brown and #04-026 Gloria & Mary Brown. Member Hancock moved to recommend City Administrator inspect property and declare an eminent nuisance in order to have the property cleaned; seconded by Member Revels. Worley - Yes Castorina - Yes Revels - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Montesi - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried There being no further items on the agenda Chairperson Worley adjourned the meeting at 8:48 p.m. The next regular Code Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10, 2006.