DRAFT 2019-07-09 Minutes CITY OF OKEECHOBEE JULY 9, 2019, STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP 55 SE 3RD AVENUE  COUNCIL CHAMBERS  OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 DRAFT SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION PAGE 1 OF 5 AGENDA COUNCIL DISCUSSION I. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor July 9, 2019, City Council Strategic Planning Workshop, 3:30 P.M. II. MAYOR AND COUNCIL ATTENDANCE - City Clerk Mayor Dowling R. Watford, Jr. Council Member Wes Abney Council Member Monica M. Clark Council Member Bob Jarriel Council Member Bobby Keefe City Attorney John R. Cook City Administrator Marcos Montes De Oca City Clerk Lane Gamiotea Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins Fire Chief Herb Smith Police Chief Bob Peterson Public Works Director David Allen Finance Director India Riedel III. NEW BUSINESS A. Introduction of Moderator, James R. Spratt, Governmental Services, LLC - Mayor. B. Participation guidelines for Council and public - Moderator. C. Discussion of strategic planning and vision for the City’s future - Moderator. 1. Mission and Vision Statement Mayor Watford called the Workshop to order on July 9, 2019, at 3:32 P.M. The roll was not called; attendance was noted as follows: Present Present Present Present Present Absent (with consent) Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Mayor Watford introduced Mr. James R. Spratt with Governmental Services, LLC, who will serve as the Moderator. The purpose of the Workshop is to consider ideas in order to develop a Strategic Plan for the City by identifying working goals and objectives to guide the Council and Staff over a defined period. Mr. Spratt explained the participation guidelines asking Council to provide input at any time, then public comments would be opened at the end; everyone agreed. After a brief discussion, the Council endorsed Council Member Keefe’s suggestion for the Vision and Mission Statements; both will need to be formally adopted at a future Council meeting. The Vision Statement is worded as “The City of Okeechobee will create and maintain a vibrant community built on our uniqu e character, history and small-town atmosphere.” JULY 9, 2019 - STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP - PAGE 2 OF 5 AGENDA COUNCIL DISCUSSION III. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED C.1 Mission and Vision Statement continued. 2. City goals for the next one, five, and twenty years. The Mission Statement is worded as “The mission of the City of Okeechobee is to provide quality services which enhance our businesses and citizen’s lives while being committed to a fiscally sound community .” Mr. Spratt provided baselines of things to be considered for review such as the City Charter, Code of Ordinances, Code Enforcement, growth, manufacturing, and joint efforts with the County School Board and Board of County Commissioners of Okeechobee to increase training and education facilities. Council Member Keefe provided his vision of how he would like to be welcomed to the City, which included beautiful landscaping and vacant buildings being occupied by businesses. He suggested street paving and striping plans, and a sidewalk maintenance plan be generated. The City should also consider creating a Parks and Recreation Department. Mayor Watford reviewed items the Council previously recommended be placed within the upcoming Fiscal Year (FY) budget to be discussed in August. Some of the items to be included are a Charter Review and updating certain areas of the Code of Ordinances. The City has also partnered with the Okeechobee Economic Development Corporation (OEDC) to promote growth. Council Member Clark requested the landscape, signage, and parking Ordinances be updated. A theme for FLAGLER PARK should be created; the policies that provide guidelines and rules for park use should be updated. She expressed her concerns with the required minimum square footage of homes that can be built within the City, as they do not meet the current Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. She also suggested the possibility of merging the City and County Fire Departments. Elaborating that while attending the Institute for Elected Municipal Officials she learned that many municipalities have done this to lower the millage rate and streamline services provided to the citizens. The conversation then turned to resident retention and employment. The Council all agreed that there is a need for sustainable employment other than retail. Council Member Keefe suggested the possibility of a Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). Mayor Watford agreed this would be a great tool. Mr. Spratt opened the floor for public comment. Mrs. Jennifer Tewksbury submitted comments to the Council on behalf of the Economic Council of Okeechobee. City Fire Captain Lalo Rodriguez voiced his concerns regarding residents moving from Okeechobee to the Heartland Region. Mr. Gary Ritter asked that the Council consider implementing stormwater activities that focus on water quality. Mr. Frank Irby suggested the Council choose no more than three items to accomplish in the upcoming FY. Mr. Noel Chandler noted many of the goals discussed tonight have been set by previous Councils, but not carried out. Mrs. Libby Pigman of the South Florida Water Management District expressed her concerns with how Okeechobee is being negatively branded by the current water issues surrounding the algal bloom in Lake Okeechobee and water releases from the Lake to the Indian River and Caloosahatchee Lagoons, adding septic to sewer conversion mandates are a great way to be on the forefront of the current water quality issues. Mr. Wes Williamson requested the Council continue to support the OEDC. JULY 9, 2019 - STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP - PAGE 3 OF 5 AGENDA COUNCIL DISCUSSION III. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED C.2. City goals for the next one, five, and twenty years continued. Mayor Watford recessed the Workshop at 4:57 P.M. Council Member Abney exited the Chambers during the recess and was absent for the remainder of the session. The Workshop was reconvened at 5:05 P.M. Based on the discussion, the following one-year goals and objectives were highlighted as: Ordinance and Land Development Regulation Review: Parking and Buildings: amend the current requirements to be flexible for existing structures/buildings. Signage: amend to minimize complexity. Design Standards: raise minimum residential sizes, ensuring they mirror the HUD requirements for residential single-family homes. Landscape and Maintenance: develop minimum requirements for residential single-family homes, commercial properties and the downtown areas; maintain a higher level of compliance and consistent enforcement. Beautification: develop and implement design for downtown including parks and future public use facilities; ensure requirements exist for maintenance and enforcement for non-compliance. Right(s)-of-Way: Develop and Implement Plans: Striping of Roadways, Sidewalks, Paving, Drainage, and Medians. Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA): Review and consider establishing a CRA; pursue grant opportunities. Re-Development/Infill of Vacant Storefronts: Continue to work with the Economic Council of Okeechobee and OEDC to attract and recruit new businesses; seek opportunities to work with traditional and new partners; ensure parking is addressed appropriately during the ordinance review to increase parking for businesses to succeed; ensure broadening code compliance to address adequately for these properties. Fiscal Responsibility/General Budget Overview: Ensure transparency and a fiscally sound community; utilize opportunities for City innovative projects including partnerships with companies such as Florida Power and Light/Next Era Energy. Stormwater Master Plans: Develop a Stormwater Master Plan which includes use of technologically and economically feasible best management practices that will help achieve the goals of the Lake Okeechobee Basin Management Action Plan; ensure new development meets highest water quality standards. Septic to Sewer Conversions: Consider adopting a mandatory connection policy for existing and new businesses where feasible; work in partnership with Okeechobee Utility Authority (OUA) to encourage expansion of sewer within the City and new development; aid and support the OUA efforts to securing funding projects. Charter Review: Mr. Spratt noted this could take one to three years. Fund legal services budget for professional services required to facilitate and oversee th e review; establish a committee to review the Charter so that it reflects all City functions and obligations to citizens. JULY 9, 2019 - STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP - PAGE 4 OF 5 AGENDA COUNCIL DISCUSSION III. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED C.2. City goals for the next one, five, and twenty years continued. The following three-year goals and objectives were highlighted as: Comprehensive Land Use Plan Review: Complete a review of the Plan; focus on inconsistencies between the existing use, future land use, and zoning maps. Workforce Availability: Continue building the relationship with public schools, Indian River State College and other regional training facilities to ensure training programs meet needs of community and create an employee pipeline ; work through economic development groups and other partners to identify targeted employee needs. Family Friendly Community: Preserve character and history while providing business and family entertainment opportunities; explore, based on need and capacity, establishing additional recreational areas and opportunities as well as community event locations; continue to be a business/growth friendly community. Annexation: Fund and complete a formal study; identify areas where the City can provide services; identify areas which can provide a benefit to businesses and residents based on services received and tax rates. The following five-year goals and objectives were highlighted as: Housing Availability: Encourage development of affordable housing while ensuring adequate land use for multi-family developments; maintain flexibility for new residents on both ends of the spectr um (i.e. new families and retirees); coordinate efforts with County programs for housing on potential parcels within the City. City Commerce Center: Encourage the recruitment of new businesses as well as retention and expansion of existing businesses; continue partnership with OEDC to identify parcels and potential businesses. Traffic Issues: Improve traffic flow at main intersection and roadway corridors. Mr. Spratt stated the above listed goals and objectives provide a decent snapshot of the expectations, and the focus of budget priorities to assist in meeting the identified goals of the Strategic Plan. He suggested the list of items formulated be reviewed by City Staff, then he would provide a draft for the Council to review. The consensus of the Council was for each Member to provide their suggested changes to the draft Plan as soon as possible for the Administrator to provide it at a future meeting, noting the Council wanted the Plan adopted before the 2019-20 budget was adopted. Additionally, the one-year goals should be included in the proposed budget. The Vision and Mission Statements can be adopted at the August 6, 2019, meeting. JULY 9, 2019 - STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP - PAGE 5 OF 5 AGENDA COUNCIL DISCUSSION III. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED C.2. City goals for the next one, five, and twenty years continued. 3. Governing guidelines 4. Other Council topics IV. ADJOURNMENT - Mayor Please take notice and be advised that when a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. City Clerk media are for the sole purpose of backup for official records of the Clerk. ___________________________________ ATTEST: Dowling R. Watford, Jr., Mayor _______________________________ Lane Gamiotea, CMC, City Clerk Mr. Spratt provided encouragement to the Council in their ability to formulate a good beginning to create the Strategic Plan, reminding them these are all less than five -year goals. The Council will need to meet again to discuss longer-term goals. Governing guidelines was not discussed. No other topics were presented for discussion. There being no further discussion, Mayor Watford adjourned the Workshop at 6:17 P.M.